How to move across country with toddlers?

Has anyone moved cross country AWAY from family with toddlers? We’re thinking of moving, as the state we’re in is dead last economically, has a soaring opioid epidemic, and very limited opportunities for our daughters. At the moment, we live close to my MIL, SIL and kids, and my mother, and my girls ADORE them all, but as is, we only see them a couple a times a month. We’ve stayed here so far because of the proximity to family, but there always seems to be a reason lately (actually the past 2 years) as to why my girls come second to everyone and everything else. My husband and I are getting really frustrated and have contemplated moving, but the thought of going somewhere where we don’t know ANYBODY is pretty scary and then I have this overwhelming dread that my girls will grow up to hate me for moving them away from their family.

Any similar experiences out there? How did you cope? How did your children handle it?


Your children are young. They’ll handle it better than you will probably. I would move if it was better for them


Don’t wait until they are in school and have made peers. Do it now, but hate to burst your bubble there’s opioid addiction everywhere.


Everyone I’ve known that has done this has struggled initially with getting childcare/sitters and spent a large chunk on childcare but eventually made friends and it got easier. Finding a job and house first was key. Getting out/ making friends was second.

We just moved almost 2 months to a new state. We had to, financially. Had daughter 5 months ago, have a 13 yr old boy and we needed a 3 bdrm. We were paying 1300 for a 2bdrm so moved somewhere way affordable. It’s different. Hasn’t been easy at all and I cry a lot (PPD). My 13 yr old loves his new school. My fiance works and I’m eager to go to work but nervous about sitters for the baby. I feel alone with not knowing anyone and I’m trying to get used to driving in the area. If it’s for financial reasons, I say do it, it’ll ease some stress. I won’t lie, it’ll be hard at 1st but just keep in mind it’ll pay off. Good luck

I’ve had to move away from my family because my husbands in the military. Yeah, it sucks and I miss my mom like crazy, but you have to do what’s best for your family and yourself. Sometimes moving and getting a fresh start is the best thing for you.

They’ll be ok.
We moved when my son was a Sophmore. I hated to but we had no choice. Guess what, he’s actually upset we didn’t do it sooner. Lol. The schools are SO much better and it’s a slower paced area. Loys of bon fires and hiking for the older kids. Parks and all for younger ones.
If you can move, go. Make sure you research first.
Other than that, have this adventure. :green_heart:

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It sounds like the best for your kids. I would take that leap…new people places and opportunity…life is too short…take that chance!!

Hi, we are Military and have to do this four times in the last 5 years. The hardest part is childcare. Making friends, meeting people and making a house a home is all easy, but finding someone to care for your kids is a struggle. We’re used to being far from family, but it never gets easier. Just more “normal”. Best of luck in your decision.

I moved from IL to FL when my daughter just turned 4. We video call and visit once a year. Its hard sometimes, like when I was pregnant with my now 4 month old son, cause I had no one to share with it on my side. But my parents visited when he was 2 months. And other occasions. Finding a babysitter kinda came easy my fiances family watches them when needed.

We moved to try and keep her bio dad away from drugs. His mom thought it would he best cause he didn’t know any addicts here :roll_eyes: lasted 2 months and he was back in IL. And im still in FL and she’ll be 7 in Sept.

Obviously I’m with someone else now. It may be hard at first but just reassure the kids they can still call and send pictures/drawings and other things through mail even. Try and visit once a year. Meet people who have kids your age, join mom groups in the area.

Do it I have and my kids have a much better life do it while they are young as my elder 2 found it harder to deal with

First thing is to connect eith a church if choice. This we help make transition welcoming and they can advise of resources in the area…

What state are you in, just curious? Sounds like mine… :roll_eyes: