How to potty train a girl?

Get rid of the pull-ups, she will start to use the potty as she won’t like peeing herself

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When at home let her walk around with no panties after a few pee accidents they normally don’t like it and go to potty! Did it with my daughter two pees in the floor which made her dirty as she hates being dirty it made her go to potty

I always just put my little girls potty in the bathroom and would have her go when I went and she liked being like mommy and done great besides putting me on the potty chair and her getting on the big potty. :sweat_smile::rofl:

Put her in underwear! Every time she goes give her a little reward like an M&M. My daughter was potty training in 2 weeks and she’s only 2. She’s even dry for nap and bedtime. It also really helps when you acknowledge all the time how she’s such a big girl and how great of a job she’s doing. Take her out by special underwear. If she has an accident, don’t freak out either. Otherwise you’ll upset her and she won’t want to go.

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She’ll learn let her go on her time


She will do it when she’s ready and you stop pressuring her to do it ( trust me I got 3 girls)

Get rid of the pull-ups and put panties on her. Do this at home first of course because there may be accidents. Take her shopping and let her pick out her own pretty panties and let her know if she pees in them they won’t be pretty anymore. She can pee in pull-ups over and over and it can go unnoticed but panties will be obvious. Remind her though out the day how pretty her panties are and remind her to not pee on her pretty panties and let her pick out what pair she wants to wear after her bath. I did this with my daughter and it worked from day one. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Take her out of pullups. My 8 yr old when getting potty trained would still pee in her pullups. I put her in real panties and she started using the potty.


Fancy underpants, she wont want to mess them!

Get rid of the pull ups altogether. She is ready


No snacks til she is a big girl.


l get paid over $ 140 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes $ 11966 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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I had just the opposite problem my son would pee in the toilet but not go poop. He still has problems sometimes

Pull ups gotta go. They encourage her to go that way. It’s a similar feeling to diapers. You take some time at home and put her in undies or just dresses and commando. That’s it. No more options for in the pants.


Stop making a big deal of it and just let her be she will eventually get it. It sounds like she’s in the right track! Or you could always try just underwear and no pull ups. Praise her for using the potty and ignore the accidents. She may just be doing it for atention

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I took a potty chair when I was at home and just put it in the living room in front of the TV and she would just sit on and go pee.

My son didn’t decide to be completely pull up free to almost 3 1/2 then one day he wanted underwear I let him pick them out and I hid all the pull-ups. He never he ask for one again and here 6 1/2 years later he never had an accident and I don’t even limit liquids close to bedtime. She is almost there Momma it might just take a tiny bit longer for her to give them up. But maybe let her shop for her own underwear and let her start wearing them at home. After she wets them a few times maybe she will be ready to stop.

Put her in training pants where she will be wet and feel it . Pull ups are BS kids do not learn with them . Only put them on at bedtime because accidents can happen at night . I cut off the water and fluids before bedtime .


Get rid of the pull ups, put her in panties.


We had cloth diapers when my son was little. His daughter who lived with us had Pampers (disposable). Both were potty trained before they were a year old. My thought is the longer you allow them to wet themselves, the more normal it becomes. Toss the pull-up and buy panties.


Give her a break for a while and try again. Reward the potty so she is actually wanting to go. My son did this from 3 on, so i gave him a break and tried again. He’s 3 1/2 now and as long as I put undies on him, he uses the potty every time now.

Pull ups are like diapers…throw them out …put big girl panties on… that’s how all of mine learned…QUICK


l get paid over $ 140 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes $ 13437 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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No pull ups and take her to store and a toy she really is interested in tell her if she goes potty and no peeing in her pants for a month go buy toy if she does well I had to do that cost us a battery operated Barbie jeep but it worked I was at my wits end had to go big but worth it

She’s potty trained, take the pull ups she knows she can “be lazy” and pee on herself.

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I took away pull-ups and kept a basket of dry underoos and clean shorts by the toilet. If my kid had an accident, we just said “uuh ooh.” And didn’t make it a big deal. They just had to go finish on the pottie, and change their pants, and bring their soiled pants to the washer. It took about 2 weeks.

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We went the bottomless route when nothing else worked

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Take away those pointless expensive pull-ups… ain’t no difference than a diaper. Put her in panties… most kids will catch on rather quickly because they don’t like being wet and yucky!! Yeah you may have a little bit extra laundry for a bit but trust me…it’s way cheaper and your child will catch on!!


I always put the training potty in the bathroom right across or near the toilet and i would go in every hour or so with the kids and we would both “go potty” or sit there and flip through a magazine or book until they went potty. It worked for us every time. It got to the point where my youngest son would just ask me if i had to go because he needed to.

I agree get rid of the pull ups. Only use them if you are going on a day trip in the car and bathrooms are unpredictable.

Do a reward system. Chart on the wall on a dry erase board. Let her draw her own stars every time she goes on the potty. Encourage independence, they seem to like that at that age.

Take away the pull up. She will get tired of having to change her clothes every time she pees her pants.

Wait until she’s ready :woman_shrugging:t4:

Until she decides she’s going to do it on her own, nothing will work. You’re just going to have to wait this out.

I’m having the opposite issue with my son! Will pee on the potty no problem but won’t poop :sob:

I got tired of my son not wanting to use the potty so one day I just got him regular kid’s underwear and he didn’t like going in those and he just starting using the potty. I don’t know if that was right or wrong, but it worked. :joy:

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Get rid of the pull-ups and go straight to underwear

We just stuck my daughter in panties during the day and were doing pull ups at night she had quite a few accidents but she finally is going poop and pee on the toilet like a big girl and we just started her on wearing panties to bed and its going well only one accident so far so we think she is pretty much fully potty trained now she’s 4 so you could maybe try what I did with your daughter

Maybe take her to the doctors make sure she isant diabetic

Didn’t raise any girls so I’m just throwing this out there. What about doing away with the pullups? You know she can hold it so if she is just being lazy then maybe peeing in panties would feel really unpleasant and put a stop to it. Pullups are absorbant so may be enabling her to just potty in them.

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She is not ready. Try a reward system

Put her in underwear. Stop with the pull ups.

Get her some pretty little panties and promise her something she likes if they are still dry at night.

My two girls in Summer time at home … dresses all day

Just take away the pull ups and be ready for some accidents. Sounds like kiddo knows well enough and just isn’t letting themselves show theyre ready.
Encourage how they’re becoming “a big kid” by being able to do these things themself
Above all though, every kid grows at a different pace. Nothing is wrong because they’re not fully ready to do everything on their own