How to potty train girls?

I’ve used sticker chart for “great job done”. A ND big girl panties

My sons 3 won’t poop on it

my daughter turned 3 in dec and literally decided 2 months ago she was gonna use the potty and has been fully trained since

she will do it when shes ready

My husband told our daughter “you’re not going to see nanny until you learn to use the toilet!” She was trained in an hour. She loves her nanny

my son wasn’t until four months after he turned 3. i waited until he was ready then one day he said “i gotta pee” & been peeing in the potty ever since

She’ll want to eventually. Don’t rush it. My daughter was almost 4 when she finally did it. I thought she never would. But one day she just decided to go on the potty. She never had accidents or anything. She’ll let you know when she’s ready

She’s not ready. All mine started between 3-4 and within days they were fully trained, no issues. So easy. It really does help when you wait until they’re ready.


Nothing you can do if she’s not ready.


Let her do it on her time. My daughter just turned 4 and we are just now potty training.

You said it, she has no interest. Don’t push it

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Have her start watching potty videos and songs on youtube
Introduce it to her, teach her stuffies how to potty, sing the songs with her.
I’m doing it right now and it’s going well

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She’ll do it when’s she’s ready. I tried starting my oldest just after she turned 3 and we tried and tried and she didn’t fully train till she was 4.5. I even sent her to prekindergarten not being fully trained and seeing others fully trained seemed to help. She started school in October and by November she was fully trained. She’s 5 now and we still put her in pull-ups at night but most nights she stays dry.

Panties. Restroom every 20min. Rewards(from $1 tree😉)


I got my daughter a pretty pair of panties. She didn’t want to mess them up or clean up her mess… she learned quickly after she had to clean herself up .

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I took my daughter picked out underwear and took pull ups away had a potty in my living room and a potty in my car it took maybe a week for her to fully get it but after that she was trained except for night that’s a different store I let my kids night train at thier own pace

Save yourself a lot of trouble and wait till she’s ready. Once her nappy is dry for long periods is the time to start . Theres no golden age to try …every child is different


Wait until she is ready.


They do it on their own time. I tried but my daughter didn’t do it till she was ready. I bought her some big girl undies with padding in it (Amazon) so if she peed it wasnt too bad. I feel that taking her out of diapers/pull ups was a lot less confusing for her and made her understand underwear weren’t to pee in. It took a few times of her going in her undies to try the toilet and now she tells me every single time. Same with poop. Wouldn’t go and then one day she told me she had to and went and now she does all the time. You can’t force it, gotta just be patient :woman_shrugging:t3: she’s 3 as well.

That’s normal. Sometimes they aren’t ready until closer to four years old or four years and a couple of months. You’ll see the signs when she’s ready.

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We got our daughter to go with bribing her with a dumdum or a piece of chocolate… she does good now for the most part and we slowly took the candy away

It’s hard. Reward/punishment. Candy, stickers, etc. Vs. whatever mild Punishment ( I mean mild !) Much praise when using the potty. It takes buckets of patience. My answer halfway through training was lacy ruffleybutt panties. She didn’t like to get them dirty

First son was 2 and fully trained, second son was 4 fully trained, third son is currently 3 and still wears a diaper for sleeping and outings. my youngest is my daughter, she’s 2 and has zero interest in the potty.

If she’s not ready. You’ll be fighting a losing battle. Make potty time fun and interesting. If she’s still refusing. Don’t worry…it’ll happen.

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Wow!! I had my son and daughter on the potty by 12 months and by 18 months they were trained… 3 years old seems like she maybe 5 before she’s fully trained… Try having her go in the morning when you go. And play the potty song… Good Luck!


The easiest way I found for my 2 girls, now 8 and 5, was to skip the potty chairs and just get one of those small seats to put on the toilet and a step stool. I assume she already does because what child doesn’t lmao but have her in the bathroom with you when you go and explain/show her how to go, how to wipe, all that good jaz lol she’ll catch on!!


Take her to the store and let her pick out her own underwear and potty chair

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Or a seat that goes on the toilet maybe one that plays music

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Consistency is KEY…buy her a potty keep asking her if she has q go& thru out the day just take her over & sit on it be relentless till she gets it…plus they won’t let her in ne type of school setting unless she’s potty trained


I struggled so much with toilet training my daughter, I ended up just letting it go till she was ready. Then one day it just clicked for her, because other kids at day care were using the toilet and she wanted to, too.

I bought my daughter training pants with little animals on them and told her the animals would be upset if they got wet . She was potty trained within a week at 2 yrs old .


Hun my youngest turned 3 June 25th and she literally has no interest. I have to bribe her lol . She wants something " you need to use your potty first " :rofl: literally only way I can get her to go

I’m about to use the gummy reward system . My kids 3,5,7,8 don’t get alot of sugar . So I’m hoping gummy life savers will work :woman_shrugging:t3:

Best of luck momma

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Show her what happens to the kids that wet their pants. Embarass her. YOU know your child best, and if she’s anything like you. She’s probably SUPER self aware, packed with petty attitude like all of us females. :roll_eyes: she don’t care, make her care lol. You’re in walmart or small dollar general? FREAK OUT act like the world is ending over her wetting her diaper, make it a point to go ahead and stop by the panty section in process!!! Let the new princess panties be the HERO!!! “Oh look just in time there are underwear here!! Quick pick some out before it’s too late”"’
Keep her questioning what could POSSIBLY happen next time she wets on purpose and doesn’t say anything. If you can turn the undies into the hero, you might just win!!!


We gave her a sticker on a notecard every time she peed on the potty. We also just put her in dresses so she wasn’t constantly peeing through shorts thinking there was a diaper on. Also prizes

My son was near 4 before he even wanted too try and it was the easiest transition ever.

They are ready in their own time, forcing it just makes it so much worse

I had potty chairs in all the rooms the girls were in and let them be naked and now both my girls are fully potty trained. They are 6 and 4

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Give her time, take her potty every hour

Literally same. My daughter will be 3 this month

Buy her, her own potty

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Do a sticker chart, every pee 1 star and every poo she gets 2 stars to put on her chart and when she finishes the chart she gets a special reward worth a try good luck

My kids were closer to 4, I didn’t push them. They started on their own. My grandson is 3.5 and just now starting. He wanted nothing to do with it at first either(he was afraid of the toilet)

Mine spent the summer in sundresses with nothing on the bottom (when at home of course) I put a potty chair in my car when we went out and one in their play yard when outside

Put her in panties & let her know she can’t pee/poop in those. That it will not hold & will make her sticky. There will be some accidents, just put her in the tub, wash her up, & try again. Offer to take her to the bathroom at least once an hour. You’ll get there! Embarrassing your child like some of these comments say is honestly so terrible & why would you hurt your child like that? Just keep treating her like a human being.

My daughter was the same way. To get her potty trained we let her sit on the lid like a regular seat to get her used to sitting on it. And sometimes we would play with her while she sat on it or we would give her something to play with while she sat on it. Eventually we got her to sit on the part where you go potty and would again just get her to sit there in general without expecting her to potty. And if she went potty while on it we would tell her good job. And let her get a reward when she got off the potty. And we did this in the living room in front of the TV to distract her with the TV. Eventually she just started going pee in the potty on her own. And after a while we move it to the bathroom for her to recognize that it’s best to go potty in the bathroom than the living room. Now she’s completely potty trained. But still have to work on wiping properly.

At our schools, children must be potty trained to register for JK. Does she have any interest in starting school? If so, use that as an incentive.

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My daughter was the same. One day she just started using the toilet by herself. She may not be ready yet, don’t force it. It will happen when she’s ready

Pick up a copy of Toilet Training in Less Than a Day by Fox-Azrin and adapt it to her needs

I take my kids out of diapers when I’m able to attentively potty train. What’s the incentive to not pee in the same diaper that has always absorbed and taken care of the waste issue? None. It’s been my experience, they will understand the pee sensation and consequence of not going to the potty if they feel the wetness. Also, I potty trained 2 classrooms of toddlers before and the results were pretty quick. Also consistency and schedule.

Get rid of the diapers
Put her in underwear
Or try nothing on
My son was potty trained including pooping trained in two days
I just put him underwear day and night
Had 2 accidents and rewards were gummies for using the potty

Put in underwear I had to do that with my daughter

Don’t force your child to do something when he’s not ready or her…

My two boys were absolute nightmares. My daughter basically trained herself. I think about 16 to 18 months. Very few accidents. Just wasn’t anything. Especially compared to the boys.

My daughter was potty trained at 1 ,only Had to put dippers on at bed time.

Just put her on the toilet every 20 mins I know I know very time consuming

11 months is way too early. But again every child is different. Most Toddlers don’t even think about trying to go potty at a potty until they are 2 to 3 years old. Around 2 they can be partially trained sometimes

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11 month old…
Thats ambitious… good luck


YOU do when you want to do it , it might work and not , I have 3 sons all different , 9 grandkids , ALL DIFFERENT

As a mom of 4 I’m just going to say its when your child decides they are ready. I would just start introducing it to them but let’s be honest 11 months is a bit to soon for a lot of children

11 months is way too early

First off, things are not going to be smooth, and second girls are definitely easier to train in my options. I have 1 of each and my daughter was by far easier and faster to train. Just put her on it often, and what I did was let her run around ass naked for about a week and I put regular undies on her

Where should you start? Somewhere around 2024


Start by making sure she’s ready and showing an interest in the potty. A good clue is if she is taking her diapers off when she’s wet. 11 months seems a bit young, but all kids are different. When she is ready, you take her often (every 30 minutes or so)and accept that accidents happen.

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Go at her pace don’t force it


Stop bribing her. If she wets herself get her gloves and tell her to wash her underwear. You know she knows how to use the bathroom and you knew how to potty train her before so it’s basically the same stuff you just need to be consistent with taking her to the bathroom just like before. But stop bribing her with candy toys sweets etc.

I had a troublesome toddler once. I made him clean up his.own mess… once. Never happened again

Extreme potty training. Don’t do anything other than just potty training for 3 days straight. So basically sit her on a potty ever 10-15 mins. If accidents happen, don’t get mad just clean it up & keep doing it. It’s hard but it works. Don’t use diapers or pull ups. Get a waterproof mattress cover for her bed. Good luck!!

3 is still early. I’d take a break. It doesn’t sound like she’s ready. Being physically able doesn’t mean ready. The more you push, the more she could resist it.

I used a kiddie potty and would get her to sit on it while I put a temporary tattoo on her! I would take my time doing the tattoo and then if she peed or pooped while I was doing the tattoo she got another one lol it took 3 days and she was covered in tattoos but potty trained!


Don’t push it. She is still young. Just leave door open and her potty where she can see it and let her see you use the big potty. Take her shopping for big girl panties, lots of panties. Keep the panties where she can get to them because accidents will happen and let her take it from there.

They have a toilet seat made for kids…also put a little step stool in front of her for her feet…and turn on the water. Let it trickle…Im a toddler teacher and this is what we do…and give her Big praises when she goes…let her flush the toilet and then wash her hands…you might have to go every hr…but she will get it

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Get a small potty that looks like a real one. Stick it in the bathroom and take her when you go. So she has someone to show her its okay to sit on it. My little girl does the same thing. This helped her and now she’ll sit on the big potty too.

Don’t get the little Seats they make for the kids. Just get a toilet seat thing that sits on the toilet & teach that way.

All kids love a sticker when they’ve done well, we used to shout ‘knickers mean stickers’ when we were potty training our daughter - must have worked coz she’s 7 now and if we randomly shout “knickers mean” she’ll still answer “stickers” might not be useful for you but it’s gona be great being brought up on her wedding day xxx


I used to watch that show “Super Nanny” and she advised that parents should wait until a child wakes up from naps dry. So when I had kids I waited until the woke up dry from naps to start potty training. It took less than a week for them to be fully potty trained during the day. I followed this advise for all 3 of my kiddos. Worked like a charm.


It may be the size of the toilet that’s scary for her. Some kids are afraid of Falling into the toilet. I used this for all 3 of my kids (2 boys, 1 girl) and then rewarded them with stickers.

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We had a mini potty in the living room, ours was 2 1/2 though…we used a sticker chart. We went to the dollar store, bought loads od toys, wrapped them…Every time she peed she got a sticker, 5= picking a toy. Once she got a hang of that, i let her pick her own big toy from Walmart, said when she pooped on the potty she would get it. As soon as we got home she did. Totally worked for her

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Mine was so stubborn!! Is there a slightly older sibling in the house. My oldest daughter changing my youngest to pull ups. She wouldn’t potty train until my oldest was in Kindergarten. They are 20 months apart. Once oldest was in kindergarten she was potty trained both day and night in 2 weeks. Before that I was fight a losing battle.

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For my girl I put the potty near the toilet. Put her in trainer underwear and told her to use the potty when needed. I gave her the responsibility. It was hit and miss for a couple of days, but it worked. She was in charge, and that made the difference. Throughout her whole life I gave her the opportunity to decide, with my guidance of course, in matters concerning her. It does work

I bought a small princess toilet for mines and bought the changing color stickers once they pee on it. It got mines to finally pee in the seat.

Start with the toilet rather than a potty. Get a toddler seat for it. One with steps works best

I just put all my kids in panties/underware and took them every 30 minutes.

Buy a book called “ Toilet Training in Less Than a Day” by Fox-Azrin

Get 3 mason jars. Take her to the store to pick out 3 types of candies. Let her Fill the jars, put them in the bathroom and everytime you have to go, take her with you. Give yourself a candy everytime you go and tell her she can pick her own once she goes.

i had to bribe one of my girls and kept telling them you are a big girl now big girls dont pee in pants she did it.i bribed with buying her a toy wich i owed alot of years later .but got her youngest was the bribe but she did it quicker compared to her older youngest also would sit on the kid potty chair and id tell her you go potty in it not sit.she had idea and she was kinda my stubborn baby

I would ask her why she is scared.
Start there.


Sit her backwards on the toilet with d=y erase markers

We put my daughter in panties and took her potty every half hour to an hour. Cut off liquids an hour before bed and make sure she goes before bed. Then about 2 hours of being in bed I wake her up and take her potty again. She was stubborn too. Take that diaper or pull up off and take away that comfort zone. Your girl will use the potty after that

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If she’s scared of it don’t force it. Take her to the toilet with you, and maybe get her a little step and a toilet seat to go over. Make a big song and dance Everytime you go, and she will eventually want to try herself xx

I took mine to get big girl panties when she went a whole day and that worked like a charm.
I also made a paper chart and hung it in the bathroom and got little star stickers so that every time she went she got to put a sticker on the chart. She loved that.
Good luck!

What did you do for your boys? My son is 2 and he’s started to show signs like pulling his diaper off. He will go with me when I go and watch me and get the toilet paper for me. He tells us sometimes when he poops or if we say did you go pee pee? He will point there and say pee pee. I don’t think he’s 100% there though. We have a potty chair but he just pulls it up to his toys and uses it as a chair :sweat_smile:
I need ideas for him. His pee wee doesn’t go down when he sits on the toilet so if he were to pee, it wouldn’t go in the toilet.

My kids are only a year apart in age, my daughter learned from my son. I’ve never had accidents in bed or anything, straight to undies they went.

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I took my granddaughter every time I went. I also fixed a book bag of some of her favorites.
We would set till she was done. Then she got a small treat. Only took about 2 weeks and she could go by herself.

We didn’t do pull ups. Instead when they showed interest we gave them several pairs ( like a dozen) thick cloth training pants. I got them a size big so they were easy to pull up and down. I put the extra in a basket by the potty chair and put a little basin on the other side. If the potty trainer had an accident they just left the underpants in the basin and got another pair. Once they went an entire week without an accident we ditched the training pants and went shopping for pretty panties. The girls did really well with this. It was their idea and it took the pressure off everyone.

My girls were way easier than my son! I just had them go pick out there favorite big girl panties at the store. They absolutely loved them and didn’t want to pee in them. Ha ha. But I also put the potty in the living room at about 18 months so they enjoyed sitting on it and getting used to it.


sounds like she is doing fine with it right now, give it time .

She’s almost 2. She may not be ready for a long while. She needs all signs of readiness. Most kids aren’t potty-trained until 3-5 years old. Average age is 3.5.

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Girls are easier than boys…

:heart: my girls were a breeze! My sons were hard. I just sat my little girls on the potty in the morning, after meals, after nap for a few minutes everyday to get use to it. Then we celebrated like crazy when she went. All of my girls potty trained when they were 2. They didn’t show signs of being ready either. I just started preparing them and they went with it.

Same as boys, pretty much. If she hasnt gone on the potty though, then it doesnt sound like she is ready. Interest doesnt mean her bladder has the control yet. I wouldnt push it. My son was completely potty trained at 2 years old and my daughter didnt completely train until almost 3 and a half. It is so individual. We did the same for both but she just wasnt ready yet. Good luck though :slight_smile: