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What is best to prevent stretch marks?
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What is best to prevent stretch marks?
Nothing prevents them really. Bio oil, coconut oil or cocoa butter will help reduce them though.
Nothing that I know of? You could try coconut oil?!
I used the Palmer’s stretch marks lotion.
I heard coconut oil and I tried it for the longest time after I had my son and it didnt do anything so I said screw it.
Prayer, girlfriend. Prayer.
I think it all depends oh how much weight you gain if you get them or not. I dont think genetics entirely, bc my sister has zero after 3 kids. She only gained like 12-15 pounds. Now I have them but always gained 20-25.
Coffee oil take a cup of coffee bean put them in a crock pot soak in olive oil tell it covers the top and slow cook over the day stir every hour on the hour also helps with wrinkles and cellulite
I used Palmer’s brand stretch mark lotion and sometimes Johnson’s & Johnson’s baby lotion (mostly because it smelt good, I don’t know if it actually helped at all)
Nothing can stop them really you either get them or you don’t. I used everything under the sun and still looked like I was mauled by a tiger😂 I’m not ashamed of them though because they are a reminder of my beautiful babies❤
I think it depends on your skin type and that there is nothing gonna stop them either you get them or you dont.
Good genes, managing weight gain, moisturizing.
Nothing. Stretch marks are dependent on both genetics and weight gain. Unfortunately if your genetics didn’t give you good skin elasticity than no amount of lotions are gonna prevent them. Unfortunately that is just one of the many sacrifices of becoming a mother.
Palmers cocoa butter.
hope for good genetics that’s about it!
Umm not ever grow? Are you kidding me I have them on my knees
Don’t get pregnant, sorry couldn’t resist
Cocoa butter. The waxy kind though. Palmers.
Cocoa butter!!! 3 times a day
Never gain weight for any reason at all.
I used a product that was a blend of coconut oil and cocoa butter from bath and body works and just made sure to apply it every evening before bed and got not even one single stretch mark.