How to start potty training?

How can I start potty trainign my 20 month old daughter so it is an easy transition?


When baby is ready. Knows when then need to go. Asked to be changed… take all bottoms away. They clean up there own mess.
And always explain every step you take as well as new expectations.

I used to take them with me to the restroom and have them sit down in their potty too. Also i would hyper them up with underwear of their favorite cartoons and started exchanging them for a diaper.

Potty time with Elmo!! This helped my twins 10 years ago! We played it on repeat for a good month when they were 2.5 and they were just about fully trained after that month.

Get some stickers. For a wee she gets one for a poo she gets two don’t give in if she dont go she don’t get one let her stick them in a book

Bribing and being casual about it lol

Let her play with the toilet handle, put some paper in there let her flush it away, then teach her to go potty then flush…some kids think it’s fun.