How to teach an 8-month-old sign language?

What are some fun ways I can start teaching my 8 month old sign language?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to teach an 8-month-old sign language?p

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More, eat, please, mom, dad, milk

baby signing time on youtube

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Baby Einstein videos. My daughter learned so much from those.

Honestly, just learn key words or phrases and then do them everytime you say those words. Try to get your baby’s eye contact when you do, and I’m sure your baby will pick it up quickly

Don’t you have a support agency

All you have to do is make sure to get eye contact, sign and say the word a few times. Do that several times a day.

If you’re on TikTok, look up pages of deaf parents. A lot of them will show you how they do it.

We did this with our now 4 yr old. There are tons of videos on YouTube. The trick is to be consistent and stick with it.

Songs for littles! (Ms. Rachel) my 1 yo loves her! She goes through all this and more


I taught all of ours from the time they could see me clearly…2 months…certain words…more-thank you- mom and dad- milk…and all done….every time i said the word i would sign it…it doesn’t take long

There is an ASL class on fb

You just sign to them all the time

Use signs with important words every time you’re using that word. Examples: milk, more, all done, please, water, blanket, diaper etc.

Signing Time with Alex and Leah. I believe videos are available online.

Repetition, use signs every time you actually saw the words. They catch on quick.

l Get paid over $112 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19744 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Start with words that they would use daily like play, hungry, please, thank you. Mom, dad.