How to teach children proper hygiene?

Yeast. Clotrimozole 1% (over the counter in the athlete’s foot section, Lotrimin), apply liberally every few hours for a week. Should clear it right up. Tell him to make sure to rinse under the foreskin with warm water (no soap) at every shower or bath and always return the foreskin to the forward position (if he’s retractable… If not, never force it back… It should be naturally retractable by puberty in most boys).


Try treating for yeast with lotrimin. Shouldn’t be an issue! Super simple and circumcision is definitely not necessary.
Thank you for leaving your son whole! :heartpulse:


teach him to clean it with water.


Why are so many moms here recommending circumcision?? When you or your daughter has an odor do you immediately think “ope better go get our labes cut off, that’ll fix it!” Surgery should NEVER be recommended for something as simple as yeast or body odor. Seriously?! What is wrong with y’all?!

Mama, skip the appointment and treat for yeast. Reinforce the importance hygiene and of pulling back his foreskin in the shower to wash. He’s at the age of masturbation as well, remind him he needs to rinse after ejaculation as well. Good luck to you and don’t listen to any nut jobs who recommend circumcision, including the doctor.


Overwashing can cause bad smells and infection. Soap affects the body’s ph.

I know as Americans we’re conditioned to clean everything, but I bet if he uses just warm water on his genitals, he’ll be fine.

In the possibility of a yeast infection, those are pretty easy to treat. Yeast Infection & Irritation — Intact (Uncircumcised) Penis Care — Your Whole Baby Anti fungal cream, probiotics - he’ll be right as rain in no time.

Raising Your Whole Baby would be a terrific group to get help. PM me if you want to ask an anonymous question there.


If it’s yeast all he needs is an antifungal from a local drug store. UTI, antibiotics from his Dr. Just normal smelly teenage boy, take a shower.


Wow, amazed at all the “you should have cut him, better do it now” bullshit in here :grimacing::flushed: downright scary and WRONG.

It could be yeast that’s easy to treat for, it could be funk from not taking care of business. It’s our job to teach our kids these things. I’d put it bluntly and tell him that he’s going to lose out with the girls if he can’t keep it clean. No one likes a dirty penis. I’d tell him he could also cause some infection issues and it needs to be taken care of correctly. Wash with warm gentle water only, no soaps as they can cause some ph issues that can cause a funk.

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I mean, to be blunt - my genitals smell sometimes too :woman_shrugging: if you think theres something wrong you could try a baking soda bath but please don’t shame your son for having a normal body. People smell around puberty, its ok. Just have those uncomfortable conversations about hygiene :yellow_heart: p.s. NO SOAP on the genitalia!


Remind him, if hes retractable, to pull the skin back, rinse with warm water, and put the skin back.
If its yeast you can so an apple cider vinegar bath or a baking soda bath, or OTC fungal cream.


I would treat for yeast. Also, is he using soap to wash his privates? Just tell him to rinse with warm water, no need for soap.


Please note that him being intact has NOTHING to do with getting some sort of infection. Females have a far greater chance of infection and no one suggests cutting their parts. Cut and intact males can get infections. Males and females can get infections. It is not caused by having a foreskin


So many baby cutters jumped on this post… he is a young boy who is most likely being lazy… teach him by telling him to retract unless it hurts and wash well … if he has games or something he likes to do limit that until she showers and make sure he washes more than once a day if he stinks :woman_shrugging:t3:


If he’s not retractable, he should not be told to pull back his foreskin. This could be diet related, or dehydration. If he’s not having discomfort, it’s probably not an infection. Just remember, like the female genitals, soap does not belong near male genitals. It throws off the bodies natural ph. Just because one person tolerates it, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.


I would join Raising Your Whole Baby and ask this question there. You will get more helpful comments there.


Treat for yeast.
Circumcision won’t help this. It’ll only introduce him to being open to more infections.


Is he using soap? It could be throwing off his PH balance.


What in the fuckng clam shack are you on lady – wash your boy, even if he’s old as hell your his momma! Don’t let him be the stinky kid.


All people, regardless of their genitals or the state of their genitals, get infections. Soap could be throwing off his PH. If he isn’t retractable, don’t retract.


If you notice an odor coming from his jeans, it could just as easily be his scrotum as his penis. Balls smell. I don’t recommend cutting them off to reduce odor, either. Most of us go through life with foreskin and a ballsack and no odor problems.

Kids going through puberty and teen years can smell pretty funky from their armpits, too, but no one contemplates surgery for that.

Foreskins don’t have to be retracted before puberty; intact penises are self-maintaining, by and large. With hormonal changes at puberty it’s important to start rinsing with fresh water daily if a boy can retract comfortably.

Can I be blunt about something else? Smegma on its own doesn’t usually smell. It’s just sloughed skin cells, transudated moisture and healthy bacteria and proteins, which don’t smell. What smells is trapped urine and — more importantly — leftover semen. If your son has recently discovered masturbation, it could be that his odor is coming from some semen/sperm left after a wank that it didn’t occur to him to rinse off thoroughly. Within hours that can start smelling pretty bad.

To be fair, some circumcised boys also don’t wash their penis after masturbating and they can smell, too, as some parents can attest. But the mix of semen, urine and smegma should never be left to ripen. Fortunately, it’s super easy to avoid or address. Take it from a guy: Intact penis care is dead simple and takes next to no time.


My first thought like many comments here is yeast infection. That can be quite smelly. Washing won’t get rid of it, you need to get a cream. If it’s not his private part that has the smell and its just his urine that smells, its more than likely dehydration and he needs to drink more water.


Have him shower and make sure he washes his balls with soap, his penis with warm water. I smell when I don’t shower, thanks to having 3 small children.

For everyone giving improper intact care advice, please visit:

Ask him if he is using soap. That can throw off his pH balance. Also, if he is retractable (can happen between ages 2-18 so don’t be concerned if he isn’t quite yet!) ask if he is retracting, rinsing and replacing. No soap needed!!

It could very well be a UTI as well, in which case, antibiotics would help. :heart:


How is it obvious that it’s coming from his penis/foreskin?

Did you look?

Ignore the baby cutter comments. People who willingly cut their children’s genitals are sickos.


I’m sorry I’m just here for the girls shouldn’t wash with soap comments… nobody washes their vag flaps with soap ?

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He’s 11 years old do you know how uncomfortable that would make him? And like it was previously stated maybe he is washing just fine and the soap is throwing off his PH. Some of you moms are so shitty to someone who is just trying to ask for some advice without being crucified.

Bacterial Vaginosis is a thing. Washing with soap using fabric conditioner on underwear etc, all not recommended as like many people have said of the PH balance downstairs. I’ve had it once and trust me its not a pleasant smell. Even having a bath in water that’s too hot can cause it


He might have a swamp crotch thing going with his taint region, possibly yeast. Get that under control and get him some manly ball powder, they have a lot of choices now.

As for the peen, sounds like its been covered. Treat all human urethral openings with their protective delicate skin the same.

Probably yeast and can be treated with over the counter lotrimin

Yeast maybe. My son wipes himself off after using the bathroom and he never has a smell. Anti fungal cream will do the trick. Circumcision is NOT the answer.


Can we stop saying ‘down there’ snd ‘privates’? This isn’t the Victorian era. Let’s be grown ups and use anatomical names of body parts for our kids’ sakes!


This is basic hygiene. You DO NOT need surgery to wash your pee pee.


Actually smell ist normal at puberty.For girls and boys.
Just say your sons and daughters they should wash it everyday with water.
Soao can make it worse and lead to infection and bad smell. Especially with girls.

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I have a girl- so I have to experience in this area, but I feel really strongly about keeping kiddos intact!:smiling_face:
Anywho- I suggest you talk to a male doctor. It’s possible they can help them and go into a little bit of depth about how to clean it etc.

wrong diet will also cause body odours.