How do you find the courage to walk away from a friendship? my friend and i have been friends for 15 years but i am tired of taking crap from her…she always has some negative remark about what i am doing o rwhat i am wearing…it doesnt matter what i do lately i dont feel i am good enough for her…how should i handle this?
You simply tell her either in person or in a message that you think it’s best you guys are no longer friends. Explain why and that you know your self worth and can’t let toxic people into your life anymore. Then you remove and block her on everything and go about your life. It will hurt for a while and feel empty. But the outcome is so rewarding. I had to cut my best friend off of four years a little over a year ago and it was the hardest yet best thing I could have done. I miss her sometimes but I remind myself why I had to do it and that helps me get through the difficult times without her.
Stop texting. If she texts, don’t respond. But im also quick to cut people out, i will literally ghost someone in a hot second. Delete number and everything
Simply ghost her. Just stop talking to her.
Cut her off. If she was a true friend she wouldn’t be judging or making comments. She should be happy for you.
That does not sound like a healthy “friendship”
Talk about it-& or start to move away from daily -calls, text, visits !!!
It’s ok, to outgrow friendships -
Everyone who starts the journey with us -does not finish w/us !!!
Tell her how you feel.
Write it out and tell her to her face
Then when you’re done, DON’T apoligise, just get up and leave and DONT LOOK BACK
I am built different. I don’t care who you are. I’ll cut you off quicker than I can blink my eyes! I don’t have time to put up with people’s BS. If you aren’t built like this, I recommend telling her that you are done being friends. Either in person or through message. I would also be selecting her contact and social media info and deleting and blocking ALL forms of communication! If you want to be done, BE DONE completely!! And if you have mutual friends, let them know so you’re not showing up to events if you don’t want to see your ex friend!
If she’s your true friend you can just talk to her. I’ve had a bff for 38 years now and we ain’t scared to tell the other one if something is wrong. We get thru it cause that’s what we do. We’re family. And 15 years is a long time to throw away without talking to her first imo.
Ghost her! Doesn’t sound like a healthy friendship.
Sounds likexshe is jealous of what you have feel sorry for her but speak up.
Just stop. Stop responding, answering. Don’t need toxic people. Always be busy. The answer is always no.
What is your friend going through at the moment? Maybe something has happened which has been difficult for them and they’re taking it out on you? Talk to them. If there is no reason for their change in how they are treating you then maybe just slowly withdraw from them.
just did this… friends for 20 years, but god she’s toxic.
one day, i just blocked her on everything. i miss her sometimes but the bad outweighed the good especially when we became adults
I just cut people out. No explanation needed
Obviously you don’t in your heart want to dump your friendship otherwise you wouldn’t have to ask anyone how to do it you would just be done and do it. Friendships get shaky sometimes, it’s natural. It’s kinda like having a sister you are sick of…you take it and take it until you finally have enough and you put her in her place and go on…you don’t hate her or kick her to the curb forever. Sit her down. Tell her how you feel. Get mad if you have to but put her in her place and let her know things have got to change before your friendship has to end. 15 years is a long time and there must have been something good about her to stay her friend for so long. Maybe she’s use to pushing you around because you don’t stand up for yourself and doesn’t even realize how it’s making you feel. Tell her…tell her how you feel and tell her you’re considering ending your sisterhood with her if things don’t change. My BFF and I have been friends for 50 years and trust me I’ve wanted to shake her a zillion times but I would never stop being her friend because our friendship is a sisterhood and if it ever came down to it i have no doubt she would be there and that kind of friendship is hard to find and impossible to replace
Bring it up with her… communicate how her words/actions are making you feel. Do it in the way you would like someone to bring it up to you, if you were the one making your friend feel that way. If she gets defensive, and doesn’t take a minute to check herself, cut her out of your life. No one needs that kind of negativity… ESPECIALLY from a long term friend.
I would confront her and give her the opportunity to respond. If she doesn’t respond well drop her
Just walk away … I did from an over 20 year friendship once I discovered not a friend at all… manipulator, toxic and evil
Just walked away from a 15 year friendship and it feels great!
Match her energy! When she sees your change in behavior it will do one of two things. Show her how she’s acting so she can change for herself and others or let her ghost you first because she can’t handle her own mirror and then you won’t necessarily have to make that choice alone. Simple as that. Long term friendships seem to do that at times and not everyone is meant to stay forever especially if they do nothing but bring you down
that would be a hard thing for me to do
Tell her… it’s that simple… no drama
Stop talking to her …… you arnt her friend you are hers
I just stopped communicating which wasn’t hard because I was mainly the only one.
When she gives you the next put down, ask her why she has to say things like that. Tell her you don’t want to hear stuff like that all the time. If she snaps off on you again, walk away, block her on your phone, and call it quits.
You don’t need her.walk won’t feel so down then, trust me
Stop answering her calls. Avoid her
Stop the communication , she will get the message
Let her know that what she says is very hurtful coming from someone who is supposed to a friend. Let her know that if it continues that you will not be friends any longer. Perhaps she is jealous for some reason and this is why she acts the way she does. Never the less there is no excuse to make someone feel bad.
Easy… she’s not even ur friend in first place.
State facts if u want to give closure.
But overall just don’t be available and stop talking to her
Sounds like she’s jealous. I would just stop talking to her. Block her. If she contacts you tell her you don’t wish to be friends anymore OR explain to her she’s upset you and that you want to hopefully fix the issues. If she isn’t willing then that’s on her
Stop abswering her calls and take longer to repky to her texts…
Akways say you are busy or have other plans
Eventually she will stop calling
But if she ever sks you why you dont want to talj simply tell her the truth and say to her how you feel
Tell her how she makes u feel then see what she says it may be something that’s going on with her and she’s projecting on you ! If she’s nasty or defensive to u after that
Ask if she is ok ? If u don’t feel better after her explanation block delete and move on . I’ve just been though the same friends for 33 years . She had been going though a lot and tried so hard to keep over friendship but it was one way . Told her staight then blocked her . Haven’t seen or heard from her in 3 years x but I honestly say she was an awful friend and I’m happier now .
It is tough and u will miss it for abit but u soon will be fine
Just keep it simple; “this friendship has meant the world to me but I think it’s time to go our separate ways, it’s hurting me too much”… wish them well, don’t go into anything specific.
i would start by not answering txts and calls as much as possible. when she organises things tell her your busy
she will find someone else to pile her shit on
Wait till she hurts you again, then go home and send her a message saying, we have obviously gone in different directions in life, that i wish you well, and thankyou for your past friendship, but you no longer feel it is a positive contribution to your life …
I’am making over $145 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 19722 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless
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I’am making over $145 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 19722 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless
Chk This—>>
Just tell her how you feel and if she can’t see how she’s making you feel and doesn’t want to change or makes fun of you or something like that that then definitely walk away it’s hard but your mental health matters
You don’t let another person determine your value, you were born with that it’s not Maybelline. Drop friends like that, they live in a negative cycle.
I Get Paid 0ver $ 107 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13958 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The p0ssibility with this is limitles
As much as it sucks… tell her the truth. That it is EXHAUSTING hearing all your negative speech.
Drop her,just did that to ex-friend of 20 years,peace of mind,sounds like she’s jealous
Jus say goodby you need a break n block her/him
I’am making over $150 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 19631 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless
Chk This—>>
Gotta just end it. I’ve been there. Always told I wasn’t a “good friend” when it was actually the opposite. Took her blowing off important life events for me to finally have enough.
You teach people how to treat you. If you’ve always allowed this shit, it will continue. I have got to the point where I say, did you intend to hurt my feelings? Don’t be rude. If your friend’s not making you feel happy and supported, it may be time to see them less often and find some more supportive ones
I realized a very dear friendship of mine was over and I swear walking away from her was harder than divorce. You just have to know that you deserve to be filled the same way you pour. You deserve the love you keep trying to give. Take peace in the fact that closing that door just opens the door for the friendships you deserve. I still think about her and miss her but I also deeply wish her well and send her love and light often.
More then likely she is a Narcissist, either put her in her place and tell her you have had enough or walk away.
Assert yourself and let her know how what she says affects you. 15 years is a long time to put up with demeaning and derogatory statements.
I just ended my relationship with my best friend of 6 years and it was really hard but absolutely the right move. Treat it like any kind of loss. You will grieve. Be gentle with yourself.
Just quit being available. Don’t do calls or texts, have other plans. And if she confronts you simply say things between you and her have become very negative and you find it depressing.
If she was a true friend she wouldn’t say anything negative to you
Realize you haven’t been friends for 15 years. It’s been one sided. So you lose nothing. She loses it all
Sounds like jealousy to me. She hasn’t been your friend for 15 years, you’ve only been her friend for 15 years. Stop speaking to her. Her loss, not yours. I refuse to deal with females like that.
Don’t take no s**t from nobody. Friends don’t do that. She’s not your friend.
Just stop being available.
Establish boundaries. They’ll see themselves out the door.