How to work through parenting with an alcoholic ex?

Protect ur kids fight for them ask for supervision when he has them, they could die in his care, don’t let the court stand in ur way, u need emergency assistance


You answered your own question.
I don’t want to drag them through court.
Obviously that’s probably the only way you’ll be able to resolve this issue. Unless you let the older secretly have a phone and he calls or texts 911 while locked outside again all day and tells them that’s what she always does to them. CYS will get involved then.

That’s a very difficult situation. Honestly, if that were me I’d rather take facing contempt than to put my children in danger, but the consequences in doing so should also be understood. If you face contempt and possibly go to jail for any amount of time, where will your children be? With family members you trust or with the father full time. My suggestion would be to keep a record of everything. Dates/times, recorded conversations, email, texts, and recordings of everything your children have said that they are going through or have witnessed while in the father’s care. If you don’t have the evidence, it is all he says/she says and that will get you nowhere. Get a phone for your babies so that you can keep in contact with them when they are with him, or if they are being neglected or witnessing them drinking and driving, they can dial 911. Have you hired your own attorney?

Omg request emergency sole custody right now!!! Your kids are being abused. Time for “talks between adults” is long since over. These ppl are not adults, they’re psychopaths.

Go to court he’s an immature boy and his girlfriend could possibly harm your children like who treats children like that what a loser !! Protect your kids this is emotionally abusive :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Alanon. Please go to alanon

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to work through parenting with an alcoholic ex? - Mamas Uncut

Protect your babies. Period. Get an attorney and seek counseling for them, as others have mentioned.


Send them on the visit, document everything, call everyday and speak with them, have their local police do a welfare check on the kids at different times throughout the day and express to the police all of your concerns. Unfortunately, you will have to gather evidence to stop visits without facing contempt.


Do not back down!! Get a good lawyer and fight with all ur might for ur kids !!
U need to keep ur kids safe at all cost !! Best of Luck…

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Take this back to court and get ot where it is supervised visitation or none

You need to get a lawyer and see if you can get anyone to talk with your kids and get their story.


Join this group! The lawyer in the group is full of info
Child Custody Matters: Everything Custody, Visitation, Support & Court


Fight it in court. Get your kids a Guardian Ad Litem (their own attorney). They do wonders for kiddos, and speak in court on behalf of the kids. My daughter had one when we were going through court. While my ex didn’t have the dui, he did have a lot of what you’re going through with the dv, not exercising visitations, emotional/mental abuse, and not paying child support. It ended in supervised visits, and a lot tighter line my ex had to walk. The lawyer dug into his background, driving record, even did an unannounced visit to his house. He did the same to me, but I had nothing to hide. This was Missouri btw, check your state, and get ready for court. You got this!

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Call child protective services. Start documenting and get a lawyer


Lawyer up, even have the kids speak to a pediatric therapist to build up not only proof but help your children through the trauma. Your kids do not deserve to be abused and put in danger


Please don’t send your kids while you already knew that they were abused… May god make it easy for you to handle this situation


I’d fight tooth and nail so my babies don’t have to ever go back unsupervised. Regardless how I look. It’s hard but thier wellbeing is the most important thing. And thier not safe.

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Before your kids end up dead take this to court


Hire a good lawyer. You don’t have to send them back if you think they are in danger. I would never let them go with him. Not ever.

I would not send my kids. Get an atty. Call CPS on your ex.


You call CPS on his ass. Have other people do it as well. CPS will talk to the kids and they will make sure that court order gets changed. F*** that self centered drunken asshole. Those kids deserve better, I was raised by a raging drunk and it had scared me very badly. I have flashbacks often.

Journal journal journal! They will not put you in jail. That is his threat! You ask hot a guardian ad-litem to be assigned to your kids! That person will solely represent your kids!


I would have let him pick them up and called the police with concerns of a drunk driver and or I would have driven by their house picked up my children from outside and called for a wellness check.


Write everything down. You won’t go to jail for trying to protect your children. The first thing they told me when I was in court, was if it’s a safety issue, you have every right to keep them home. Keep all of your texts He has sent you. Stay strong amd do what you know is right. Such a sad situation for you and your children. But stay strong.


do your kids have a cell phone that can take photos or videos? if not, get them one. this way you have proof of their so-called lies. also, document EVERYTHING. once they have been picked up, get your kids to call the police about him drinking and driving in the car and they are worried. ask to do a random wellfare check when they are at his house. you will need to wait a few weeks before doing this as they will be hiding it for a bit before relaxing and starting again

Document EVERYTHING. I’ve had a similar experience and the system in my state is not helpful. Document and retain an attorney. I think that would have helped me more if I had someone that could tell me what to do every time some thing was happening. Even after admitting to child services that he was driving with the kids in the car after drinking there was nothing anyone would do because he was never actually caught while doing it🤷🏻‍♀️

I don’t understand why you haven’t contacted an Attorney already


Document everything.Print text messages out,take pictures if you have to.Get a good lawyer and talk to him about getting all of his records of dui,DV,and other things.He clearly isnt father of the year and has shown hes willing to put his children in danger.


This is a sticky situation. I’m sorry you and your kids are going thru this. Altho I didn’t go thru this exact thing, I do have some experience with dealing with a negligent parent. My nephew’s dad was awful. My sister was in and out of court, dealing with police, DHS, etc… her biggest asset ended up being her exes neighbors. Talk to your exes neighbors. Find a safe house for them to go to whenever they are forced to stay outside or in a situation where they don’t feel safe. They can call you (kids or neighbor), you can call the police and meet them there. File reports, charges, etc. Document EVERYTHING and get a lawyer.
My sister won full custody, her ex got MINIMAL visitation thanks to his neighbors.

My nephew would show up at their house dirty, and starving. He wouldn’t eat for sometimes a couple of days, dad never ever watched him… the list goes on.

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Document, document, document.

If you have an extra phone or can afford a Walmart cell phone, give it to the oldest so that he can call 911 the next time they are locked outside and he can text you if they are driving drunk. Make sure you have the fathers license plate number. Encourage your kids to speak with their school counselor - they are mandated reporters. Look into the laws for recording phone conversations, if legal use a recording app that records both sides of the phone convos with your kids and your ex to show you are trying to co-parent.

Sell off any extra appliances, vehicles, whatever you need to sell to afford a family law attorney.


You need to talk to a family law attorney and get a new parenting plan w supervised visitation for dad until he gets it together. No child should be subjected to that. There are orders they can put into place immediately just based of the info you posted here.

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Firstly If that was me i would not let my kids with him he is clearly putting them at risk drink driving along with the other things I woild talk to a fmaily lawyer and social services as they shouldn’t be going with him and even more so they don’t want to and their is an obv reason for that its their best interest to not be around him and his toxic behavour this is all doing ur kids more harm then good and thats wen u have to step in and get acsessed stopped inmidiatly and u have great reason to have it all stopped social services would also see it that way and support you through it social services will also take into consideration that they do not want to see him imagion if he had a crash and harmed ur kids also keep a diary of everything and a phone for your children to contact you or the police on and chat with them and tell them to call the police any time they feel unsafe ect he’s no parent that is for sure

You have to go thru court. Get a good attorney.

Go to the courts and get a gaurdian at liem or whatever it’s called. She or he will talk to the kids seperately and then the judge will take into consideration what the GAL has said.


Document everything, no phone calls so it’s all on text between u 2, and u need an actual lawyer this is a must

Get a guardian adlitem for your children. It’s basically like their own personal lawyer who can speak on their behalf in court. Also get them into counseling for this matter. Find a counselor who specifically works with kids who’s parents have addiction issues. Between the two they will make sure your children’s voices are heard and a judge is more likely to listen to them as they are specifically interested in the best interests of the children not the parents.


Get a lawyer. I’d start calling in well child visits through PD & family services but don’t tell the kids or the dad & GF.


Id say fight for those kids…I expirenced something simular. My kids were placed with there father n his mother and she abused them first physically and emotionally. Then when they start telling me what was happening. She stopped hitting them and started withholding food…they were told they couldn’t even attend breakfast n lunch programs at school…they told me, I reported n did everything I could…my oldest even showed up with a black eye swollen shut to one of our weekend visits…I kept him after that…phoned police…had back up from his child therapist…the police never came out to see my son. That was a Friday night…not till Monday morning did I hear from them n child services…to say the least, they system failed my kids n let her get away with abusing them…today they are 15, 17, 20…the 2 oldest suffer from anxiety, severly. My daughter is only 17 and has ptsd like she went through a war…my oldest son is so traumatized…he dont really trust anyone…fight for those babies…I wish I had done more…right to the point of leaving the country with them…cause the system n their own fam on dads side almost ruined them…


On top of documenting everything, get your kids a cell phones for their safety. If the girlfriend kicks them out for the day, you will know & can pick them up or call the police (that’s neglect if they can’t use the bathroom)


I agree with Kathy Cinto up there. Why you haven’t contacted an attorney by now? I was a single mom with 3 kids (different dads) for close to 20 years. I’ve had the same issues with my daughter’s dad and his family. My kids had a Guardian Alitem and I had an attorney in place. You always need to stay ahead of the other parent in case things go bad. You need to be a voice for your kids and you need to have the state step in and help you. Like everyone is saying, you also need to document everything. Yes, you NEED to do these things. Good luck.


I would call a lawyer asap. That is your best bet. A family court lawyer would be able to handle this and I would strongly advise against not calling one. I wouldn’t walk into this alone and collect all evidence that you possibly can. The more you have. The better off you and your kids will be. I also think it would be a good idea for the court to hear what your children have to say. I can’t see any reasonable and decent adult really letting this fly and let those babies go back there with everything going on. But that’s why you got to get all of your evidence together.

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Attorney, suprivised visitation. You have enough to get it.


Been here before and daughter hasn’t seen dad sense she was about between 3and 5 and almost 26 now

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I would straight up pack up my kids and move to The UAE that has no extradition laws with the US before I’d send my kids to that monster.

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You need to do what’s best for the safety and well being of the children. Document everything and go to court with a lawyer and make your case. Show that you’ve never denied visitation and tried to work with him for the children. Show his behaviors and how inconsistent he is. Get the state to garnish for child support and ask for full custody and even supervised visitations. Showing you are not bitter but have been collaborative and he has not returned the effort. His lawyer has to try to make you look bad. That’s his job. Get your own lawyer to show the truth.


Call a free lawyer program… Here it’s 1800clear

Either request with a lawyer or through DCF, or even when you get to court, an independent child psychologist to speak with the kids when neither of you are presents everything will come out unbiased. They know how best handle it and that’s your best shot at getting all the information out without a judge thinking you coached them or that they are exaggerating and that they are afraid, and they can recommend only supervised visitations. If it’s ordered by DCF or court you are not charged so don’t worry about costs.

Go back to court and demand supervised visits till he can get sober and the babies are all comfortable being alone with him again. Till then fight tooth and nail


Call the domestic violence collision and get help with this it works they are awesome pm me with questions delt with this same thing


My nephews dad was ( is) a drug addict. My nephew at 11 wrote a letter to a judge telling him all the reasons he didn’t want to go to his dads. His dad actually took him to buy drugs. Lawyer up n the one who said get the 9 yo a phone is correct. At least he can call or text you if they are put in danger. But first lawyer!

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Oh my gosh. This is a very similar case to mine and you need to bring it back up in court and get full custody ASAP that is a horrible living environment please try to file and appeal and try for full custody of them or this stuff with start causing them to develop anxiety and depression my ex was a abusive drug addict and they hated going with him but everytime they told me something I wrote it down and told my lawyer


File emergency custody hearing and file for no visits


I’m probably no help but I would think if you get the kids a therapist…tell them it’s a safe place to talk freely without you or dad in the middle, have the therapist show up to court and give a professional opinion on the psychological damage it may be causing your children. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Get them into counseling and they can tell a counselor all that!

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Ok so if he is drinking and driving with your kids in vehicle… get your oldest a cell phone. Make sure other parent doesn’t see, so they can’t take it. When your kids get in vehicle and he is drinking and driving, have them let you know. Call police tell them your child just called you scared cause dad and girlfriend are drinking and Driving with them in car…
I have good friends that are cops. If you go to police dept. Tell them your kids are afraid and tell them why. Explain you want someone there when he picks kids up to make sure he isn’t drinking and driving…


Lawyer up! if the kids are forced to visit with him ask for welfare checks on the children. You can also pull all the charges even though they have been dropped, the DUI arrest and the kids can talk to a court guardian and share their story. You can ask for a alcohol ankle monitor for your ex. If he’s that big of a drinker he won’t pass and then the courts will know. Ultimately the goal would be this is a wake up call for him and he can get his meds straightened out and become the father his children need.


Protect your babies by all means necessary. Do your kids have cell phones? Maybe they can call 911 next time he is drink and driving with them. Or next time girlfriend kicks them out all day, they can call and tell 911 they are thirsty, hot/cold and can’t go inside because girlfriend locked them out. Keep a journal.


Lawyer up, give all of ur evidence where he denies them. Have your kids talk to the judge. Have them talk to a counselor and then use the counselor as evidence as well.


Keep record of all attempts and communication. Get a lawyer and go to court. Your kid asked you to do what needed to be done before he goes back. Your doing right mom!


I had to stop reading once I got to the kids saying he drinks and drives with them with specific information about each time…
I am a single mother with 2 special needs kids and if it was their father… no way in hell would i be letting them go… I’d call and get his ass into court for sole custody or termination of rights…
they need their mother to protect them so they can stay alive long enough to grow into an adult.

Your kids are more important than worring about their sorry asses. They wont change things for your kids so you gotta keep them safe. That bitch needs tied outside to a tree with no shade to it. Dont let them get away with that treatment. Call a lawyer. He doesnt seem to care enough to keep your kids safe. To hell with him. He dont deserve those precious babes.

Don’t go to court without a lawyer!!! Write down everything that they have said and get them to counseling!! It would be great if they had a cell phone to record everything that is happening and get them to talk to a judge and make sure that they get a child’s advocate to talk to before you go! If you go to court without a lawyer he will win and get whatever he wants!! And ask for supervise visitation with someone other than the girlfriend! And ask the he has a breathalyzer test to be able to start the car ! If both of them are drunk it will not start the car! And make sure that you tell the kids not to blow in it for them!

Do whatever you have to do to Get a lawyer .do not allow he and his gf to abuse your children anymore. And it is child abuse.breaks my heart.

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Get. A. Lawyer. Yesterday!

I don’t know how they do it here, but where I’m at, the kids are interviewed by someone to get a full picture of the family situation. Perhaps that’s something you can request so the kids can tell them what’s happening. You’re doing the right thing. You have to protect your kids. Just document everything.

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I stopped reading when I read “he has a dui, with our youngest child in the car and has to have supervised visits. No human being would ever drive while intoxicated with my children in the car. Not even their bio dad. You have a responsibility to keep your children safe and allowing them to be unsupervised with someone that clearly can’t make proper decisions isn’t keeping them safe.


Get a child advocate. And get a lawyer for yourself as well.

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Keep all text and document where you have tried to get him to talk to the kids with you present


All of the above is good advice! Please do these things

There is small tape recorders you can send them with send a tape recorder have them record him

I’d go for full custody!

You need a good lawyer and your family needs court mandated mediation. That will give your kids the chance to talk about the way they feel to the mediator on their own and also for you and the ex to seat down and talk with a mediator too. The mediator will make a recommendation for the judge.

Get the kids their own attorney. You’re doing the right thing. What if he wrecks and killed them or somebody else? You’re a great mom for doing this.

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Call CPS and report all of this

Get a damn good lawyer for you and one for the kids. Yes, it’s going to be a little expensive, but they will work with you on payments and in the long run IT WILL BE WORTH EVERY PENNY. Document the shit out of everything.

Counter for full/sole custody. Get a calendar for the year and write when he’s supposed to get them and that he didn’t. You can have the kids do a forensic interview and push back for child endagerment charges for him and his gf for leaving your kids outside unattended and drinking and driving with them. The interview will be the kidd alone with a trained with kids interviewer and it will be recorded and used for the police and the judge. You NEED to protect your children regardless of how upset he is with his own actions and wants to turn it all on you. It’s EXTREMELY rare for you to go to jail for contempt of family court and you filed a dhs report and you can say they advised you not to send the children until they finish their investigation. That isn’t contempt and 100% legal. You go after them both for criminal charges and see how fast they drop everything against you and try to be your bff and then you continue with the criminal charges because YOU need to protect your children. You can’t force him to get sober so forget all of that. You need to keep your kids safe. You got this. Don’t ever give up on your kids.


Well child checks when they are at their dads. I dont like kids having cell phones… but maybe in this case they can call the cops of take pictures.

Lawyer. Documentation of everything. Counseling. Seriously, dragging your kids through the legalese maze for a safer future is better than getting the call that one or both are seriously injured or dead because of bad parenting from your ex or his girlfriend. It is tough, I know, but there are lawyers who will work pro bono to get your kids safe. They are looking for you for help, and kids are more resilient than you may think.

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Keep everything. Get a lawyer, and get a counselor and a child advocate for the kids. Get all his past dui with the children in the car printed off and give your child a phone to have with if they go back to visitation and have him record it. Make sure he doesn’t know about the phone though. An if he’s drinking and driving have your son call 911 and report it. An if they get made to stay outside do the same call 911 and have him report it. The cops show up at his house and find the kids outside both him and his girlfriend will be in trouble for child abuse and child neglect.

Thank you for sharing

It’s insane that a mother has to go through this at all… this is exactly why i don’t let my sons father see him because i won’t even give him the chance to mess up or put my child in a bad situation . Go for full custody !that’s literally child abuse I’m glad your son felt comfortable enough to tell you what was happening this can really affect him and his dad obviously doesn’t care

Go for full custody… tell your attorney that you would like a child advocate and him / her ask the courts for supervised visitation again where he needs to piss clean in order to see them every time ( if he can’t they won’t let him see the kids at that time ) this way it’s recorded through the courts of when he shows up and if he is clean and the same with the girlfriend if she will be around the children … yes it’s hear say right now but if the advocate can provide proof then the judge will know what you have said is the truth

Must be awful for you to go through…
I would do everything in my power to keep my kids away from someone like that.
Hope you find a way to stop him having any rights.
They would grow up a lot better off without that in their lives xx

get cps involved tell them what your children said was going on. Or get your kids into therapy and tell the therapist what your children told you that you need to get down to the bottom of it so that you can handle things appropriately. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN!!! Also no more communication with him via phone call only text only email that way you have a record of everything that he says and it’s not hearsay


I don’t mean to mention the worst. But our community just lost a young boy at the hands of his father last Friday night. The mother was the one who found them both deceased after a wellness check. Follow your gut. Fight this. Make noise. Protect them. Scream! Whatever it takes. She is so riddled with regret that she made him go and now she is left to pick up the pieces of what a broken legal system created. Drive by, take pictures. Do whatever you can. Please. Reform is needed. File an emergency hearing. Ask for mandatory therapy, alcohol testing random. Our community is devastated over the tragic loss of this beautiful 10 year old boy to a mentality unstable man. I will lift you and your children in prayers and I pray you find the strength snd a path forward :heart:


I feel like you know what to do. I was in a very similar situation. You have to look out for your children first and foremost. He’s not gonna be reasonable so quit trying. Let the courts handle it. And my lawyer told me to document everything. And I did that so when we went to court I had two years worth of late drop offs early pick ups dirty clothes wouldn’t return clothes etc. etc. So he didn’t have a leg to stand on when we ended up in court for the ninth time. Let your lawyer handle it, Who cares how his lawyer tries to make you look that’s irrelevant. Just do what’s best for your kids and protect them


Your kids safety outweighs everything! Call dhhr and request they do a home visit while dad is at work. That will help in proving they were locked out of the house. Use someone else’s vehicle and drive by a few times undetected and take pics of them outside. Get the kids into therapy. They have real worries and talking to a therapist will also help in court! Whatever u do don’t give up! These are your kids and if u don’t fight for them who will?!?


Do not make them go! I went through similar situation without the drinking. My ex married a woman who doesnt have custody of her own children. I dont know why, so it bothers me. I dont know where you are but in TX the worse that happens is he calls police to back up his court order. They will come, then you, and the children can express concerns to police. More than likely he will have been drinking before he picks kids up. Cops will probably call child protective services, REMEMBER YOUR CHILDREN HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO SPEAK. THEY CAN CALL POLICE WHILE THEY ARE AT VISITATION BEING NEGLECTED BY GIRLFRIEND. If you get those people back involved. More documentation of the neglect. The drinking etc. Then you can have his visitation supervised and you have full custody.


It’s unfortunate that everyone is so suspicious when parents are separated & kids are involved, the parents don’t behave in the kids best interest far to often. Also, unfortunately nastiness is a great form of revenge. I think the cell phone is a great idea, I’d go a few steps farther tho, one button dialing to you & face time for the drinking & lock outs. If what you’re saying is true, you’re not doing your job as a mom very well, you protect & take care of them kiddos anyway you can. Drinking & driving don’t let them go. Better a court order against you than a loss of your kids. Be honest & be wise.


I believe in most.places if the kids come home with stories like that you can call the police and get a temp order that suspends visitation so the kids can get counseling and hopefully a guardian ad litem for court because you need to go back to court asap. Call a lawyer.

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U do realize that the domestic violence with their spouses eventually turn on their kids plus if they are already witnessing this is already abuse


Definitely go back to court in the mean time if he shows up to pick them up again with an open container don’t allow the children to go and call the law. State that you want immediate intervention to prevent the kids from going with him until you can get to see the judge. Even if he leaves without the kids still call the law make a report and they will pull him over to check if he’s DUI if so he doesn’t need to see those kids right then anyways. Best luck but I for sure would keep your babies home. I know they need their dad but they need a sober one not one putting them in life threatening danger.

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Talk to your lawyer and go in front of a judge with the information. The children should talk to the judge themselves. I had to do that with my daughter years ago. He never got visitation of any kind after that and had a restraining order renewed until she turned 18. He tried to contact her as an adult and she told him if she ever saw him again she’d shoot him in the face. So don’t post on social media. Take real action.


Call the courts and explain that the children have told you that he drinks and drives with them and that you are in fear of their safety. My friend just went through this with his baby momma, and she now has an ignition interlock device on her car. The judge will not put you in contempt if you explain that you are trying to keep your kids safe and at your children’s request not forcing them to see an adult they are uncomfortable going with.


The system is so messed up! I would fight like heck to prevent my kids from going back. My friends ex-husband murdered their son last Friday! She tried her hardest to get the court to take from his dad but they didn’t listen and now her life is ruined. There should be better laws in place for stuff like this! Praying for you and you kids :heart:

We have the same ongoing issue with my step sons mother, always something scary going on when she pokes up. The boys are older now and don’t want anything to do with her. They said she chose the alcohol over loving us-she chose the bottle over being our mom. Gosh these boys went through so much it’s heart breaking. Do what you can to keep the kids with you and safe. They are always priority.

You are their mother, it’s your job to protect them, DO NOT feel bad! You are your children’s advocate, NO ONE ELSE’S feelings matter, it doesn’t matter how you look or who thinks what about what you’re doing or not doing, FIGHT for your babies if you have to, you are ALLOWED by law to keep your children SAFE. Document EVERYTHING, get a notebook and write something like “8-12-21 messaged “so and so” at 3pm offering to let him meet up to have dinner with his children, he declined and said he’d only take them if he could have them alone.” Or “8-13-21 son had a doctor’s appointment, I offered so and so to come along, gave several days notice, he didn’t show up.” Or “8-17-21 daughter came home from dad’s saying he spanked her.” Also, if maybe one of his family members that you somewhat trust or a mutual friend could possibly go on supervised visits with your ex and the kids that may work until court? I assure you that that judge is going to look at his past, look at his arrests, look at his visitation history and almost definitely test him for alcohol and will be able to see right through his lawyer’s claims! Don’t be scared, judges are used to seeing this kind of thing and are usually good judges of character. I can definitely tell you with about 95% certainty that you will NOT go to jail, especially for the first contempt filing, I’ve seen mom’s that had good baby daddies and kept the kids away for little to no reason many times that never went to jail. If he does get unsupervised visitation, go to his house after a day or so and see if your children are outside, if they are take pictures and call the police/CPS, if they’re drinking with your kids there, call the police/CPS, it may not be a “crime” but it’s definitely a police report that can be used at court! Good luck to you and your babies, keep your head up and fight! You got this!


Praying for you and your situation. I have been in your shoes. Two of my kids are adults now and I wish I had someone to help me when they were little. The abuse verbal and emotional resonates w kids into adulthood. Get these kids into therapy ASAP and away from him. Be strong and fight! You can do this. They’ll thank you when they are older.