How was your next pregnancy after a miscarriage?

They say your most fertile after because of hormones and such. My sister has a couple miscarriages when she was youngerish but they were farther apart and now has 2 happy girls

I had 2 miscarriages back to back. First one no heartbeat at second sonogram. Had to have DNC and came back trisomy 16. Second I miscarried the day before first sonogram. I just had my daughter 1 month ago. After more genetic testing I found out I had antithrombin and had to go on baby asprin. I also required prednisone and progesterone throughout the 1st trimester. She is healthy as can be and carried her to full term. I suggest having genetic testing for MTHFR gene and antithrombin. This can change your care during pregnancy

I’m so sorry about your loss. I lost a baby at 8 weeks last July. My doctor advised to wait one cycle to try again, I was pregnant again in December.

I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks in January 2019 and got pregnant in May 2019 and my baby born healthy.
Just Wait until you feel ready.

I have a rainbow baby also i miscarried at 5 months and went on to get pregnant again in my mind i thought the childs spirit just came back in another body but thats just how i coped

I miscarried my 2nd child at 8 weeks and just gave birth too my son. Very healthy

I lost my first at 8 weeks and also needed a D&C. I had my first period and then immediately got pregnant. We weren’t necessarily trying but we weren’t using protection either. I had multiple subchorionic hematomas and bled on and off throughout most of the pregnancy. The doctors told me I was going to have a premature baby at around 30 weeks if I was lucky and most likely barely 6 lbs. I gave birth 5 days late to a 7lb 12oz 20” long healthy baby boy during this pandemic. He’s almost 4 months old. Every pregnancy is different. My only advice is do what you feel is best for you. I’m sorry for your loss and if/when you’re ready, holding your rainbow baby for the first time will be worth all the struggle. That I can promise you

I got prego 4 months after my miscarriage with our rainbow baby. What is meant to be will be ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I miscarried at 6 weeks in August 2016, got prego w my daughter in October 2016 and she was born July 2017! Now a happy healthy 3 year old!

I had a miscarriage at almost 6 months had to have dnc and I have two healthy babies and im currently pregnant I lost our 1st baby in may 2017 I had our son September 6 2018 our daughter October 21 2019 and I’m currently 24 weeks almost 25 weeks with our third another lil boy I was a nervous wreck with our almost two year old the while time I was pregnant but he was prefectly health except for a formula allergy and my breast milk didn’t come in with him but i had csection because he was breech and I didn’t feel comfortable with the risks of trying to turn him

I had my miscarriage around 2-2 1/2 mos and then got pregnant around 3 mos later. It was smooth sailing aside from the morning sickness

I lost a baby 2 mnths in back in august by December I found I was preganant again now I’m 33 wks and she is a health baby so far. The loss is hard to get through but I got through mine and was blessed this little girl and I cant wait to meet her so be strong it will get better…

Sorry hear - I had miscarriage at 9 wks . In the May. Had a period in June . Got pregant again by July - now have my boy. Take care xxx

I went on and had healthy pregnancy with my rainbow baby and shes is the smartest little girl ever so full of life and healthy 16 month old … you will know when its teady momma or maybe it will just hapoen when its time
i was 1 day from 14 weeks when i had my miscarriage :pleading_face:

I had a pregnancy outside the womb. Had an emergency surgery. They had to remove the left Fallopian tube. After a month I got pregnant of my baby boy

I’ve had four miscarriages one twin early miscarriages between 7 and 11 weeks but I’ve had 4 healthy children I’m o rhesus negative blood type I’m sure that’s why i had the miscarriages

I miscarried a few times in just over a year the last being January. I got back on contraception and decided to lose weight etc and try again in a year. Then my nana passed march 4th and I missed my pill without realising for a week or currently 19 weeks pregnant I conceived 1 week after she passed. Had a couple of scares and have a small tear in my placenta but other than that it’s been OK find out what we are having next week. Emotionally it’s been a roller-coaster as I wasn’t ready to try again. Physically a bit of a drain as I didn’t lose the weight I wanted to first. But it’s a blessing nonetheless :two_hearts:

I lost my baby on my honeymoon in September of 2015 and immediately conceived right after. Had a healthy 9 lb baby in July 2016.

I have to have a period first to even track ovulation.
So my track record is this.
Pregnancy, loss, loss, pregnancy, loss, loss. Pregnancy pregnancy loss pregnancy

I had a miscarriage 1 month before I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I miscarried october 10th and got a positive pregnancy test November 11th.

I miscarried at eight weeks and got pregnant two months later with a healthy baby boy.

Miscarried last year and starting trying again after my period and I have a healthy little girl 7monthd old!

I got pregnant 2 months after I lost my 22 weeker and had a super healthy 8lb 6 oz boy @ 38 weeks

Had a miscarriage May 24th 2019 & 11 months later I was pregnant again ( no we were not trying ) & so far I’m measuring about 15 weeks & everything is healthy & so far going great ! It’s possible mama!

I miscarried during my last pregnancy, the day after I found out I was pregnant. BUT it turned out I lost my sons twin. I went to find out what was happening as I’d lost a massive clot. I was convinced I was holding my baby as I sat in the bottom of the shower crying hysterically. My partner at the time knocked it out of my hands and got it out of my side. As I laid on the bed the following day, knowing I had a loss, the sonographer began his search. Almost immediately, I was shocked to see a tiny heartbeat. I relaxed while the sonographer did his work. I was informed there was an empty sack beside my son that would either join with him or it’d come out like a period. Months later, I had triple the amniotic fluid than I was supposed to and ended up with an emergency caesarian. I gave birth to a healthy 8lb 2oz baby boy who is now 17. He told me that he always felt like he’d forgotten something, like something was missing. I told him about my close call and he said that made alot of sense to him. The only way I got through it was that I atleast got my son and I couldn’t possibly imagine life with 2 versions of him. He’s an amazing, smart young man and I couldn’t be prouder or luckier to have this amazing gift in my life

I have 2 angels. Both pregnanies after were pretty normal. And got pregnant again about 5 months 1st and 6 weeks after my second

I miscarried then went 22 weeks but my 22 weeker is now 8 months. They said many miscarry their first pregnancy :heart::heart::heart::heart:

I miscarried and felt so broken then got preggers with healthy baby boy with in 2 weeks to a month of miscarrying .

My rainbow baby was conceived about a month before the due date of my angel lost at slightly over 10 weeks so I had healed almost 6 months. I, too, had a D&C to remove my little one. My rainbow will be 28 years old next month and has been the blessing of my life I never planned. God has plans we dont know about. I’m so sorry for your loss, grief is very real and it doesn’t matter how far along at least not to me. I will always grieve the child I never met yet, amen.

I had no trouble with my second pregnancy after losing my first. I did get pregnant after my first period which was odd because we had tried for 3 years to get pregnant the first time. Emotionally I think it helped me heal. Mot that you can replace one baby with another but if it hadn’t happened I wouldn’t have my Houston.

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I miscarried at 14 weeks, had a D/C and it took well over a year to conceive again. Each person is different.

I’m so sorry for your lost.
I had 2 miscarriages one on 2017 at 3 1/2 months and my second one in 2018 at 7 weeks and I been trying so hard but I just can’t get pregnant again😔

Had 2 miscarriages then my healthy son then 3 more miscarriages for a total of 5

I got pregnant within a couple weeks. Everything was fine with the pregnancy.

My twins were concieved about 3 weeks after a loss

My cousin lost hers at 10 weeks. No heart beat. She had to have a dnc afterwards. She conceived the next month

My mom had a miscarriage in 1992 before she had me

Did they still give you an ultra sound or did they just say no heart beat?

We conceived 3 months after both our losses; we tried after the first period

We had 2 losses in a row, and scared to try again :frowning:

Sorry for your loss :pensive: I had a still born at 30 weeks and was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through. My partner didnt want to try for another baby as it was very heartbreaking to lose a child. But I would cry and cry coz my body had been through the process of birth and I was yearning for my baby that wasnt there I was producing milk and I was so sore I just wanted to feed my baby. After seeing how miserable i was he decided that we should try again (not that it would replace what we lost :sleepy:) 3mnths after our boy was born I became pregnant again but was super worried it would happen again and I use to stress myself out about it. I would be up at the hospital every couple of days just to make them show me the heartbeat. I now have a very healthy just turned 2 year old girl. I think I may have rushed into it because the pregnancy was not a happy 1 it was very stressful and tearful and scary for me. I think everyones diffrent and u will know when your ready to try again but just know that just because u have an angel baby doesnt necessarily mean you wont have a happy healthy baby next time. All the luck in the world to u mama :purple_heart:


I got pregnant 6 months after, very healthy pregnancy and very healthy baby

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I know two people who got pregnant 2 weeks after miscarriages and carried full term healthy babies

I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks. My doctor took some blood and my hormone levels were normal but advised to wait until my next period. We had sex once before that and I got pregnant. I’m currently 29 weeks and healthy pregnancy! I was worried but my dr told me it was a really good sign that it happened quickly.

You can have a service for your child.
There are also lots of support groups you can join.

I had a m/c in the sept. Had one period on Oct then got pregnant in November he’s 1 tomorrow :blush:

I lost a baby at 8 weeks I got pregnant again two month later

It took 5 years for me

My situation was very similar to yours :heart: We got pregnant the very month we tried. I went in for our 10 week appointment, and there was no heartbeat. The baby had stopped growing around 8 weeks they estimated. The following Monday, May 14, 2018 I had a D&C.

In August (after having 3 normal periods), i got another negative pregnancy test. I was getting really worried. I just knew that it wasn’t working since I had gotten pregnant in the 1st month we tried previously (even though that is rare, my brain wouldn’t listen to logic at the time). I was desperate and went to my OB to get a prescription for Clomid. I went to fill it at CVS, and while standing in line speaking to the pharmacist, I decided to take a pregnancy test just to be sure before starting the medication. Long story short, I found out I was pregnant again in the CVS bathroom while filling my prescription for Clomid!

So it took us 3 months after the miscarriage to conceive. I know other women who have taken longer though! The doctor did mention to me that you are likely very fertile following the surgery. We had an extremely healthy pregnancy and a great labor and delivery. The best part was that 1 year to the date of our miscarriage surgery, we checked into the hospital to have our rainbow baby :heart:

I’ve had several miscarriages and 4 babies mingled amongst them. my first rainbow baby was conceived 3 months after my most recent was 8. it’s scary. everything makes you nervous. I went to a high risk clinic for my last baby(I checked off lots of their boxes). having someone that was familiar w/high risks and all of my craziness helped.

My rainbow baby was just perfect. The pregnancy was super hard on my body but it was never confirmed that it being rough on me was from my previous miscariage

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I got pregnant 2 months after my miscarriage. Smooth pregnancy and delivery. He is almost 2 now - perfect, healthy, and amazing! Best of luck to you Mama!


I got pregnant with a few days after my miscarriage. I was 6 weeks. I can honestly say I was on edge my entire pregnancy with my daughter. I was constantly worried it was going to happen again. Once I felt movement, it was alittle better. But every night before bed, I had to feel her kick In order for me to sleep every night. My doctors didn’t help the matter much with their negativity. She’s 8 months old now, and my anxiety has settled. My beautiful rainbow baby. Wouldn’t trade her for the world. Sometimes I wonder what the first baby would of been since the pregnancies were so close. I still mourn the loss of the first one. Everyone says things happen for a reason, but losing a child is never easy regardless how far along I was. She’s perfectly healthy in every way :heart:

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I had a miscarriage a little over year ago which was emotionally devastating. I had my period the next month and the month after I conceived my beautiful rainbow baby who was born healthy and just had her first birthday. It is scary I was paranoid my whole pregnancy but my angle was worth it all. Good luck

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Lost ours @ 11 weeks. This was in a April (I was in denial and waited 1 1/2 weeks to have a D&C). June pregnant with twins! Carried until 36 weeks. Turned 8 this year! I will add I will never forget the loss date and due date…I cry on the loss date and celebrate on the due date.

We had two losses In 2016 the second being December 3rd. We were told we just needed to wait until we had stopped bleeding and felt ready. December 8th we had sex for the first time. And December 29 we found out we were pregnant again and had a healthy baby boy August 2017 :heart: then in 2019 we had two losses, one was our daughter Dylan at 13 almost 14 weeks in August. We had to wait until two weeks after my surgery before we could try again, and On thanksgiving 2019 we found out we were pregnant again and had a healthy little boy on the 6th of this month. My doctor told me there is no reason to wait, unless you don’t feel ready. That as long as you’ve stopped bleeding (or after two weeks if you have a DNC) that you can try again. And so far we have had healthy babies immediately after our losses. We have had a total of 7 losses, and a total of 7 healthy living births. So for me personally, I wouldn’t wait because my doctor said after giving birth and after losses is when you’re most likely to get pregnant again. So far this has been true for us and has blessed us with 7 healthy children. So honestly, I wouldn’t wait unless you don’t feel ready yet.

I had two miscarriages back to back and then had twins. They turned a year old this month

I got pregnant 4 months after my miscarriage! I’m due in 5 days and have had a healthy pregnancy with no complications! Good luck :heart:

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I’ve had multiple early miscarriages (the latest being at 10 weeks) and conceived again within 4-6 weeks.

I now have 4 beautiful children. No complications with them due to being conceived soon after a miscarriage.

Feel free to PM if you need someone unbiased to talk to!

So Sorry for your loss. I had my first miscarriage in June 2015. I was 9 weeks and baby didnt have a heartbeat.Dr’s did a D&C. Emotionally I was crushed. I couldnt walk into clothing stores because if I saw baby clothes I would get a panic attack. It took me 3 months to heal emotionally. We tried to conceive again and I fell pregnant in Nov 2015. Hade my second miscarriage in Dec 2015 but it happened naturally. My husband was crushed with the second miscarriage. We grieved together and decided to put the idea of a baby on hold and just take it one day at a time. In Feb/March 2016 we went on holiday and had the best time of our lives. 26 March I found out I was pregnant again. I was petrified. I didnt want to get excited because I was scared the baby would be taken away from me. On 8 weeks I had a threatened miscarriage and rushed to the gynae. She checked and made sure the fetus was fine and gave me cyclogest which I took throughout most of my pregnancy. I had allday sickness. Was a high risk pregnancy and had my gynae on speed dial. I was in hospital for dehydration and couldnt really eat or drink but my baby girl was a little fighter and was born in Nov 2016. A healthy little girl that weighed 3.92kg and was 54cm long. Beautiful and perfect. She is turning 4 years old this year and she is my world. Unfortunately due to the traumatic experience we wont try for any more kids but I was blessed with my daughter and that is enough for us. Stay strong and pray. That is all that worked for me. My husband was my pillar of strengh and my rock. We helped each other through a traumatic time and it made our bond so much stronger and brought us so much closer together

I’ve been here too. My experience was this: I had to have D&C due to a 12 week loss. I took it very hard. My doctor recommended we wait until after my first period. However, we did not wait. We got pregnant immediately after (I didnt want to wait bc we had a hard time conceiving the child we lost and was told by numerous friends that becoming pregnant immediately after delivery was easier) . That baby was born healthy as can be and is now 11.

I had the same thing happen before my boys. I was pregnant with twin girls whose hearts never developed and had to have the pregnancy terminated surgically. But 2 years later I had my twin boys. They are 4 years old now.
I still grieve for our losses. We had 3 miscarriages before our boys. Sending virtual hugs to you.

I’ve had 4 miscarriages and 3 living had 2 miscarriages before I was finally able to carry to term and she was happy and healthy, then few years later got pregnant and had a miscarriage and then not even 2 months later I ended up pregnant and carried past term and he was healthy, less than a year later got pregnant and had a miscarriage and then less than a month later was pregnant again and carried to term and he came out healthy…my first full term pregnancy was the worst for me, I was always in pain and sometimes the pain was so bad it crippled me sometimes for hours at a time, ended up in the hospital for monitoring multiple times due to bleeding and blood pressure issues. With my other full term babies my pregnancies pretty much was a breeze With very little problems :blush:

I had to have a D&C in oct of 2015.
Around 9 to 10 weeks as well.
I had my first cycle in November and fell pregnant VERY soon after that.
I gave birth in September of 2016.
My pregnancy was healthy. It will happen mama.
Don’t add unnecessary stress into your body. You rest up and relax.
Take care of yourself. :two_hearts:

I had a miscarriage at 16 weeks and conceived my last beautiful baby boy just three weeks later. He is what helped me deal with everything.

I got pregnant after my first cycle from my miscarriage, almost immediately! Almost 7 months now with our rainbow baby :slightly_smiling_face: I wish you and you all the luck momma!!! :heart::heart::heart:

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This is so sad im so sorry❤️

I had a miscarriage in Oct 2010 at 7 weeks. I took it hard as well, and in January 2011 I was pregnant again. I had the typical morning sickness (more like all day sickness) but it was a healthy pregnancy. 10 months later I was pregnant again, again healthy easy pregnancy (no morning sickness at all). Both of my girls are 8 and 7 yrs old, still healthy.

Blessings to you!

I miscarried my 1st but it was early but I was blessed to get pregnant less then 2 weeks later with my oldest daughter she is 13 now but i had a miscarriage in between all of my children I’m pregnant with my 5th child now and I miscarried a month and a half before I got pregnant with her all my kids are very healthy they all came at 38 weeks I am a high risk while carrying but that’s just cuz of other reasons best of luck and yes its mental hard when u lose a child I’m sorry for your loss

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Hi im sorry I know this feeling. My sons heart couldnt be found wen I was 7 months pregnant with him. I was broken for ages and stil am a bit. We didnt actively try for another as we were told after such a risky pregnancy it would be the same again or worse. My 3rd child was a surprise and I was terrified wen I found out I didnt wana lose another. Bear in mind it took 2 years before it hapened. I was strugling with wat felt lime a huge my chest from losing my son still.and I worried constantly about losing this one 2. Its no way to spend a pregnancy as stress affects pregnancy more. It was terrible but I had a beautiful baby girl and am happy with my 2 daughters now. I sugest u work through ur pain first and make sure u can be positive throuhout next pregnancy b4 trying. Goodluck

I miscarried at about 10weeks, got pregnant 8months later, it was a rough pregnancy, we had our scares, was in slow labour for about 5montjs wirh consistent back contractions, hg as well from day 1, lost 5 stone, developed pre-eclampsia at 32 weeks, was induced at 35 weeks, he’s a healthy 5yr old now, my next pregnancy was easier, got pregnant again when he was 1, had milder hg, and developed gestational diabetes at 32 weeks, she was born at 36 weeks due to mild pre-eclampsia, currently 24 weeks pregnant with my 2nd daughter and its been my easiest pregnancy, got diagnosed at 20weeks with gd again and I think it’s mostly down to stress atm but we’re doing just fine

I’ve had 3 miscarriages. 1 November 1st 2012 one in april 2018 and I got pregnant soon after in october 2018. I absolutely believe to do it when you’re emotionally ready because every pregnancy I start to get nervous and worry about every little thing and it take a toll on you. You’re not ever going to forget what happened and in turn every minute I wasnt at the drs I was worried. But no matter how long you wait you’re gonna worry weather you get pregnant in a couple weeks or months.

My situation was a little different but still really difficult and I cry if I think about it too much. I was pregnant with twins but lost one twin at the end of my first trimester. Found out I was still pregnant and it was a really fearful, worrying pregnancy. I had false labour off and on from Feb 1 (due on May 8th), hung on until March 29th. He arrived as a preemie but now is 33 yrs old with his own kids. I let that fear stop e from having any more children and I have regretted that. So all I can say is, try not to worry and try not to stress and good luck…

I had a miscarriage February 2012 and got pregnant with my oldest daughter in June of 2012. Other than having high blood pressure I had no other complications. I also have another daughter who is about to turn 3 and no complications with that pregnancy other than gestational diabetes

Also my sister whise older than me hasnt been so fortunate shes only had 3 miscarriages and says shel neva try again. It hurts too much.

I waited three full cycles before I tried again which Is what my doctor recommended. I had a healthy baby and no complications. Good luck to you :heart::blush:

I miscarried around 12-18 weeks of pregnancy my first time. I dont know for sure how far along I was because I still had a monthly period. I do however know I work up spotting and by 10pm that night was in full blown labor lost something in the toilet at home, was bleeding horribly lost what I’m assuming was the baby in the er because of the cord still being attached, then they did an ultrasound and only the placenta was left. I had to have a dnc and stay overnight. I didn’t really get any answers from doctors I pry didn’t ask the right questions because I was barely 16. I went in early the day i started bleeding to the er but was turned away because it was the day after xmas and they were too full… I’m 33 now and have 6 beautiful healthy children my lj ast of which was just born 3 days ago. It will happen when god is willing. You’ll be ok but do give yourself time to heal.

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I had to say good bye to my twins boy and girl on June 22 2017 . And had to have a emergency hysterectomy. They would have been 4yrs this year I miss them every day. I have 3 beautiful children

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I misscarried in August of last year then conceived again that oct. I’m actually in labor now just waiting on my rainbow baby to arrive.
My first son was a double rainbow baby. I had 2 miscarriages (one in August 2012 and December 2012 ) before I conceived him. He was born perfectly healthy in November 2013. He was overdue and 8 lb 12oz.
None of my pregnancies were high risk and I had no restrictions on either

I had 2 miscarriages. One in August. Much like yours. We found there was no heartbeat at 9 weeks. I then became pregnant again that December. Lost that baby at 4 weeks. Then in February I became pregnant with my now almost 3 year old son. I had bad morning sickness with him. And my blood sugar was high. I had to follow a diet. I also had to take aspirin. My doctor thought it be a good idea since I had 2 miscarriages for a unknown reason even tho I had given birth once before with no major issues. I delivered my rainbow baby with no problems. Labor had a slow start but once he was ready he born after 5 mins of pushing. And now I am pregnant again. Aside from horrible morning sickness all looks to be good. I know loosing a baby is hard. A lot of us have been there. Take your time to emotionally heal. And you are ready try again. You can have a very health baby. Dont give up hope.

It’s hard… try not to worry or stress or think you have to make a drastic change to your life style! Just stay normal and keep calm. And remind yourself how blessed you are and let your self be excited! That’s the muSt!!! LET YOUR SELF ENJOY IT don’t spend it worrying

I had a miscarriage on October 15 2013 i was just about 5 weeks along i really wasnt to sure. N i was on my on the amtrak train in Chicago heading back to Montana cause i was in newyork for my sister wedding n i got on the train and i just had a miscarriage n then didnt get pregnant in till December n had my first son in September2014

Had a miscarriage June 2013 had a healthy son June 2014 believe and prayer when God is ready it will happen🙏🏽

I got pregnant 2 mos after a miscarriage and my daughter was born over 9lbs and healthy she is almost 24 now

I lost my baby between 12 and 14 weeks… right before my bday October… then by summer I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd son… and he came 3.5 weeks early… i was huge… lol then shortly after he was born… my 3rd son is just shy of 18 months apart…

Not me personally but I’ve had quite a few friends conceive shortly after miscarriages. One even had twin shortly after.

I miscarried In between my two sons who are just under three years apart
I miscarried March 1991 and my son was born March 1992

I had a miscarriage in July of 2019 and again in October of 2019. I took them very hard and thought I would never have a healthy pregnancy again. Well I’m currently 17 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby (my third boy and fourth living child)! Everything has been very nerve wrecking and scary but the baby is healthy and everything has been perfectly fine so far. I’m still scared but once I hit twelve weeks I started breathing a bit easier and was able to start being excited about my pregnancy. I still have decided not to buy anything for the baby until I’m about 24 weeks just to be safe. There’s hope after miscarriage, I’m so sorry for your loss and good luck to you! :heart:

I miscarried at 6 weeks in October 2019 and got pregnant with my rainbow baby December of 2019. I’m currently 33w 5d with my rainbow princess and she’s doing amazing.

I lost my baby at 16 weeks June 11 2019. Now i have my week old baby and she’s perfectly fine.

I’m sorry for your loss.
I found out I was miscarrying August 12th of 2018, I was 12 weeks. I had an emergency d&c procedure on August 19th. I can’t remember exactly when I had my period but I found out I was pregnant with my rainbow baby on November 25th 2018 and gave birth to a healthy baby girl on July 24th 2019. I did have some minor complications. I had a tear in my placenta that caused some bleeding, that ended up healing on its own in a few weeks, I had a two vessel umbilical cord, and she was breech.
We are pregnant again, I’m due November 2nd and this pregnancy has been soooo smooth.
The pregnancy after my miscarriage was scary and I was anxious the entire time. My ob and her nurse were extremely supportive and I was able to call the nurse whenever I had a concern. My recommendation is to find someone you trust because you’re going to be nervous and anxious regardless of how long you wait. I wish you luck and hope everything goes well for you!

I had a miscarriage in April 2019, got pregnant again after my first period and had a baby in February 2020. I didn’t feel like it was harder on my body, but emotionally it can be a lot.

I had an ectopic pregnancy, didn’t have to have surgery just the methotrexate shot. Got pregnant 8 months after!

I misscarried before my son and before my daughter

My second pregnancy I miscarried at 5 weeks(when I should have been around 10) 7/16/19 and got pregnant a few months after and now had my healthy rainbow babygirl 7/16/2020 miracles happen and if it’s meant to be it will be it was very hard and still is but I now have my baby girl out of it and blessed to be able to carry again full term💖

I had a miscarriage in 2012. There was a lot of complications mostly due to the doctors malpractice that was supposed to help me in the ER. I was told by three other doctors to wait at least six months even without the complications I had with my miscarriage they recommended it they said. I got pregnant a little over four months later and had a lot of complications during that pregnancy. My baby boy is now 6 and healthy. Yes, I wish I had waited to let me body heal.

Let your body heal! I had 7 miscarriages before I was able to carry. I’m 33 weeks this week.
Give it time accept the loss and try again the hardest thing to do is try a conceive without fully healing from your loss

I miscarried in January and was pregnant again in March, so conceived after my first period after the miscarriage. All went perfectly well no issues whatsoever. But you need to feel ready. It is perfectly fine to take time and just as fine to jump right back in. Just listen to your heart and soul and body - you will know when you are ready. And don’t worry about miscarriage it is so common, nothing that you did it happens to all of us. The best you can do is take time for yourself and your husband and forget about everything else for a little while :kiss:

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Thinking of you :pensive: I had a miscarriage beginning of December & was pregnant by beginning of January, I didn’t have a period in between, you are most fertile immediately after a miscarriage or a birth. I carried my daughter until full term, which felt like a lifetime as I’d been pregnant for 4 months prior to the current pregnancy, I had a natural birth & she was a healthy happy baby. I have a son who also was full term natural birth & there is 14 months between them, they are now 13 & 14 xx

In 2018 i lost my baby at 16 weeks, due to bo heart beat. 2 months later i became pregnant again with my now 19 month son. My pregnancy was healthy and easy. I just recently lost my latest baby at 23 weeks (cause unknown, went into early labour) and i dont think ill be trying again. Im sorry for your loss :purple_heart::purple_heart: