How would you feel about this?

Why would you stop your son making memories and going on a holiday you probably need the money
You deserve the money you are owed
But think of how much fun your son will have away

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It’s not about the money; it’s about the memories. Grow up, it’s not about u; it’s about ur son!!!


It is about the child isn’t it? If he is paying for the vacation there is no problem. Let your child not miss important childhood milestones with his father. You need to deal with child support from another level.


I would yes if the father has the child regularly and overnights :slightly_smiling_face:. Not enough in this statement to say that the dad doesn’t provide at all only that he doesn’t pay maintenance :slightly_smiling_face:

He has the money to pay for a vacation but not for child support? thats a no for me (if you even have control over that) it’s a slap in the face to your child. I wouldn’t however stop visitations themself.

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Umm yea you should allow the child to go… just cause u ain’t been receiving your child support doesn’t mean you should punish your child. Don’t be selfish and don’t be pity

Child support has nothing to do with visitation and vacation.


As long as there is no safeguarding issue’s around the child being with his dad and the child wants to go then yeah let him go.
It sucks dad’s not paying child support but the child’s contact with the father is far more important than money…
My ex isn’t consistent and very rarely pays anything towards his children but I have never and wouldn’t ever stop him seeing them unless they where at risk with him

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Don’t block your child’s experiences with the other parent over money! If you’re so mad about the money then go to court and leave your kid directly out of it. Kids shouldn’t be punished for parents mistakes!


Take the father back to court. But let him take your son on vacation while you file the paperwork! So when dad gets home the papers will be in his mailbox!


Child support should be the absolute last thing you consider in this situation.


There’s some missing info

Why is child support unit not enforcing it ? If you have not gone through the system and done all you can to make sure its paid as well, thats on you honestly
Meaning you should never be mad or not want him to take kid(s) on vacation
Its called being responsible paying for your child(ren) but not going broke doing it either so they can afford to take vacations too
But father or mother should always help support a child whom lives elsewhere
It took “2” not 1 too make a child so both are equally resposible !!!
Let child go and make sure you are also enfocing support (not sorry for laying it out that both parties are responsible)

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How is the child with their other parent? If there are no issues other than him not paying child support I’d let him be a dad…idk why him not paying support would stop him from being a dad even if you don’t let the child go because he hasn’t paid support it’s not going to make him pay that’s a weird reason to keep a child from their parent in my opinion

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I feel as some others that there needs to be more to the story… do they pay bits here and there… or has its been like 2 years or a year of nothing at all… like there really needs to be alittle more .if they have lots and lots of money and just trying to be a dick well that’s one thing, But a parent shouldn’t have to pay to see their child… there is so many variables to a custody arrangement. But I think alot these woman need a reality check. 2 years in of leaving my husband and yes while it be nice I didnt pursue shit cause I had enough on my plate to have a court battle was more then I could handle… he’s pretty petty so it wouldn’t be simple. I wake up every day work my butt off , kids see dad… now when I left that were 11&15 so not young. And they see how & what ur doin and they know who makes it all happy. just let kids be kids and make memories… ur not God… and it will all work out in the end .

Honestly the way I have always felt is the relationship and bond between my daughter and her father are my first concern and priority. It’s just way more important to me for him to be in her life and be a good father, money is at the very bottom of my list. Let your child go on vacation with the father. When they grow up that’s what they will remember, please don’t take away those kind of good times and chances to bond together. Your child will grow to resent you when they are older when they realize they missed out on things bc of money of all things…

He can take him for vacation aslong as he stays in touch and looks after his son food hygiene etc

I would be fine with it.

He’s probably going to go regardless… so why steal the experience from your child?

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Stop being petty and let ur child go. Child support has no bearing on visitation or what your child and their other parent do together. Smh.


So you’re hinging the decision of your child’s vacation on child support from the father?

That’s beyond fucked.

I have two stepsons (different dads) and her mother and I only receive support from one father. Yet we don’t deny the children the right to see or speak to their fathers. And in the event their fathers ask for extended time or vacations, we do not deny the request and make every attempt to give them the chance to spend time together.

You’re being selfish and stealing memories from your child because you have beef with the father. Instead of being happy the father wants his kid with him on vacation.

So many people need to understand that children are not weapons to be used to get what they want. If he wants to include his son, let him be part of his life.

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I don’t understand this at all. I didn’t receive child support for 10 years yet always allowed any visiting or vacations with their dad and aunts/uncles/cousins/grandparents.
I mean it took a minute for the anger to stop getting in my way but now I am so thankful for the relationship the kids have with their father and his family.
Yes the money sure would have helped but here we are. The children are 13, 12 and 11 and I got my first support payment 5 weeks ago.


My mom stopped us from going on vacation with our dad, mind you he did pay child support but she wanted more money and was greedy! We resented her for a very long time cause that was memories she stole from us


Is the father present in his life? Do you allow the father his weekends or weekdays or whatever? Or are you mad he can go on vacation but not pay you

It would depend on thier relationship & how responsible the father is

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I’d be happy as hell lol memories are so important with both parents.


You dont with hold visits over money, that is wrong. He is his son as well. You should never let money be a deciding factor.


Let the kid make memories. Is your only issue the child support? Thats adult business. Not child business. Don’t let your kid miss out bc you feel some kind of way over child support. “Don’t let your storm get your child wet”


Let him go.
At least he will feed him for a few days!
But seriously, it shouldn’t even be a question. I had four sons and their dad never helped with them financially after our divorce but if you do anything to impede their relationship you will regret it later.

2 separate issues. Childhood is supposed to be filled with happy memories and if you’re the lucky one it’s filled with happy memories with both parents, don’t be the one to rob your son of this, it’s not his fault dad hasn’t paid his child support by not letting him go you’re punishing him, dads going regardless. Don’t mix visitation and child support especially if dad provides a safe environment that when your son is with him you don’t have to worry about his safety. Kids are denied to much when it comes to the bitterness of child support by both parents. Let the dad know he can go but needs to furnish all the things your son needs for the trip, deal with the child support separately.


Child support and custody are 2 very different things. Money does not equal visitation. You need to grow up and put what’s in your child best interest at heart.


Child support and visitation are separate. If your child wants to go and it’s a safe environment let him go. That’s only punishing your child for dads bad actions. Take him to court to get payment.


Soooo you want to deny your child memories with their father over something petty like child support? It’s questions like this that makes men think women with kids are gold diggers.


Cs has nothing to do with visitation unfortunately when my x would fly home id also feel a bit bitter since he owed 17 grand in cs id say oh u feel like flying on my dime :laughing:


Just make sure you have legal custody and will be able to know where he is. How old is he? Has he ever been away from you?

One has nothing to do with the other. Be very appreciative that your child’s father is still involved and wants to take him. It every child is as fortunate. Mine weren’t. He paid his child support because he was garnished but he would go years in between contact and it did irreparable harm to them emotionally. They are no adults and the affect is very evident.

Child support and visitation are two sep things.

Smfh what kind of question is this!!! Hmm would the child be SAFE& HAPPY?? would the child be having FUN& BEING LOVED??? Those are the damn questions that should be asked& what should matter!!

If you want your child to hate, don’t let him go. Money should have nothing to do with this decision, and that’s ALL you wrote about in the post…not that he is a bad father, not that he don’t take good care of the kid, not that he drinks, not that, and so on. You sound selfish. You better turn this around and get over yourself real quick like or you will lose your kids love.

Don’t deprive your son of that time and experience, he might resent you, allow him the time with his father.

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one has nothing to do with the other legally. Me I’d be pissed but had many judges tell me one has nothing to do with the other.

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Big no no. I can’t trust my child’s safety to a man who doesn’t even care if my child survives into the next week :nauseated_face:


🤦🤦🤦 sad making choices over child support💔

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Soo…. You’re going to be a bitter baby mama because he hasn’t given you any money?

Do not deny that child time with their father unless their safety is at risk. Be happy the father still wants to be present in his child’s life.


I’d let them go . Hasn’t seen them in 12 years or even came to visit not once . And moved 2 provinces away . They would absolutely love to see their dad and that’s an understatement.

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WTF?? You need to ask?? Tell him when he’s paid his child support he can go on vacation!!

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Who cares about the money

Hmm money or father son bonding time? Can’t really put a price on that.

Cs should never determine if a child can see a parent !!! So wrong


It’s all about money isn’t it so sad. Be upset but don’t let your son know it and let him spend time with his father.


wow seriously?.so many bitter baby mi5ms including OP :joy::joy::woman_facepalming:t2:. cs and visitation are 2 completely different things. shame on you for not wanting the dad to have anytime with his kid cause he dont pay cs :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::unamused:

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Does he see his father regularly? Is his father still a caring/safe person?
I wouldn’t be worried as much about the payment as I would how he treats your son


Let the child go this is about the child not who pays for what don’t let the child loose out on memories because of bitterness between yie

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Really. Time is more important than money


🤦just let the poor kid go on vacation

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You’re lucky he’s being a father! Lighten up! Don’t take that away from your child over money, that’s selfish!


You can’t without a child just because he’s not paying child support. I wouldn’t be happy but you can’t do anything about it. Just be happy he’s spending time with his kid. Child support is a separate issue do a show cause hearing for him of you want.


Well I mean it’s kinda shitty not getting child support but support is also quality time so I’d let my kids go…

Time… Time is the only thing ppl want more of that can never be replaced… money will always be around… but time & memories are not


As long as he cares about his child and makes sure your child is safe when they are with him that is all that matters. My daughter is 12 and my ex has never paid a dime and rarely sees her, but when he gets a wild hair up his ass to want to see her I never tell him no. It’s his child even if he doesn’t put in all the work to be her parent. A little bit of a relationship is better then none at all.

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My first childrens father never paid child support, but guess who took them to visit every other weekend, every holiday, and would even meet him after work or before at a strip mall so they could eat lunch and maybe get something with him? Me, because it’s about time. He’s passed away now and that’s all they have! Let the child go!!


Are you providing his needs why on vacation with dad? Or when ever dad takes him to his house?

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Does he see his son regularly ?
Is he a good father ?
Do you feel your child is safe with him ?
Will he make sure your son is fed, clean etc ?
Do you have full legal custody of your child so he cant refuse to return him and you will know where he is ?
Dont use your child as a pawn against his father. Use the courts to enforce child support and allow your son to spend time with his Dad.


Is this father a bad person? Should he not be trusted alone with his son? If not then screw that money, let your child enjoy the time with their father cause not everyone is so lucky.


I’d be happy for my child


Yes! Why would you keep this experience from your child?

Child support does not dictate visitation. Let your child make memories with his dad


Visitation and support are 2 different things. He should be paying support, but don’t be the one to keep the child from his father over money…… deal with the family court system for that.

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Let ur kid spend time with his dad…kids turned bitter against their parents for childhood upbringing…
Happening right now…


Experience and quality time will always trump money.

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Child support isn’t everything :roll_eyes: as long as he’s a good dad, why would you stop this?

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You’d take a great memory away from your child over money?


Another baby momma going to keep her child from seeing their father or spending a nice time with their father cause she didn’t get a few dollars. Child support yeah I get it. But don’t let money be the reason you don’t allow your child to have an actual relationship with their bio father.


My kids dad don’t see them nor pay child support and deep down I know it hurts my child she will be 12 tomorrow and doesn’t even know her dad be lucky he wants to spend time with the kid you can always take him back to court for child support but time is a precious thing you never know what tomorrow holds

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Child support has nothing to do with that. Sucks he hasn’t paid especially if you’re primary but don’t make your kid miss out because you’re bitter about child support.


I can see why you wouldn’t… but if the father is consistently there and is safe with dad you should allow him to go

If only agree if it’s during the dad’s scheduled time. If a parent can’t help pay to help take care of a child, then they shouldn’t be allowed to buy the child’s love with a trip.

How about changing to equal time and no child support? Then this would not be an issue and you wouldn’t be asking this question.


Why take that away from your child? Things like that make a child question the other parent….why didn’t you……what made you….etc.


Child support and spending time with your child are 2 COMPLETELY different things. Don’t make your child miss out on an awesome experience with their father because your mad over some money.


Why does it matter. 2 separate things

It depends. Is he actively in his life or is this just a way to buy your sons love?

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In the end, it’s going to hurt your child to be left out.

I guess I feel like I want to know is he a good father in financial hardship? Or is he a father who doesn’t really care and has decided he wants to take your kid for the other family? Sometimes they do that ya know, if grandma wants the lo there then they act like they care.
It shouldn’t only be about child support considering financial issues can happen to anyone at any time. It shouldn’t keep parents from having a relationship, I think the more important factors are how is he as a dad.

My personal experience

It’s not our child’s fault his dad hasn’t provided financially. Why make him miss out on an experience with dad? Now I’m going to 100% say something in private to dad about it and how crappy I think it is that he’s gone x amount of time not helping financially but I’m not going to withhold because of it, I’ll contact my lawyer and we’ll go from for financials there if need be. At the end of the day, withholding isn’t going to keep dad from going and our child isn’t going to understand the “adult” details, he’ll just know mommy wouldn’t let him go have fun with daddy.

It’s a terrible thing to struggle for support but, let the child make memories. In the end money doesn’t matter but memories sure do


Why punish your child? As parents we want our kids to have time with their parents equally right? And to experience life? Have fun/travel? Maybe change the parenting time to equal and abolish child support :exploding_head: especially since it sounds like he’s involved.


is he a good father ? Even without paying child support If the answer is yes, I would let him go, as long as you have court custody of your son, if not, nope, because if you don’t, he can take him & never bring
him back

Child should be spending time with Father . If it is court ordered it should come out of check if it isn’t I would notify the courts and if it’s not court ordered I would make it court ordered .

I don’t even care about child support. The state cares more about it than I do. But depriving your child time with their father over money is petty af. You need to re-evaluate.


Child support =/= visitation


Time spent is way more important than money. However, if he cant afford to pay his support HOW can he afford to go on vacation? I would let the child go either way, not letting your child go would be punishing the child for dads failure of payment. For me, it wouldn’t even be up for debate “have fun guys!”


Oh man, that’s difficult. I understand, and somewhat agree, with people saying to not let your child miss out on an awesome time with his father because you’re upset about the child support. BUT…if you can’t afford to go on vacation with your child because all your money goes towards necessities, that’s totally not right.


Let your child go on vacation, meanwhile file a contempt of court if he hasn’t paid the child support.


Yes I would if the parent will take care of the child properly. Child support and visitation are separate issues.


He is still the father and he has rights my ex gave up her rights to both of my daughters and I’m still having to pay child support every week

UN FUKN BELIEVABLE! I know you’re not serious right now. I hate people like you!!


If he is a good, dad/role model then sure. Maybe that’s his way of contributing for now :heart:

Is this a serious question using that kid for money go find a corner and sit down and think what your doing to your child… selfish just selfish