How would you feel if your mom had an abortion when you were younger?

She did what she had to to for her and her family Noone should judge this


My feelings would remain unchanged besides she probably dodged a huge bullet with the abusive ex.


I think you should hug your mother and tell her that you love her and her choices she makes/made as a mother are hers and you are thankful for all she’s done for you. She owes you nothing! Especially answer to why she did or didn’t do something with her body. :roll_eyes: judging your mother is the last thing you need to do!


Regardless you can’t change the past. She did what she had too. I’d respect that she told you. The past can haunt you and that’s not something she would be ashamed of she’s still the and mother she always had been


I wouldn’t care cuz it’s my mom’s business and not mine. Your mom obviously feels bad for it. It wouldn’t make me feel any type of way cuz again, not really my business TO feel any type of way about :woman_shrugging:t2:


Unpopular opinion here…
I would feel sad for her. And I’d wonder who my sibling would have been. And I’d be offended that she didn’t put her children first - before an abusive man.
If it were my mom, I would probably look at her in a different light. I just don’t understand abortions.
So so so sad.
Side note: I seriously don’t get how people call it “brave” to have an abortion. It’s literally taking the life of your own flesh and blood. Crazy world we live in.


It would probably make me feel sad a little, but it’s in the past. I wouldn’t be upset or anything if that’s what your asking.

She did what she felt was best for her.

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I wouldn’t feel any type of way because that is a personal choice. I would be thankful that mama was in a good enough place to have me though. Also, the OP was not the least bit judgemental. Not sure why some decided to respond rudely.


You need to look thru it with her mindset and truly think how she felt at that moment when she found out and how she felt while getting an abortion done. Your mom was in abusive relationship and she knew in her heart that if she brought another child into this world with that type of man then it would be harder for her to leave plus abusive men get worst when the victim is pregnant or trying to leave. She obviously still feels horrible about it because in her subconscious she still thinks about the what ifs and it’s obvious she wanted the child but knew she couldn’t with him as the father as you said. You should be proud of your mother for getting out alive and that’s the most important thing.

I think what she is questioning here is why her mom is saying she got an abortion bc this man was abusive to them but still subjected her to him until she was 16 and it only stopped bc he left her. That I believe is what she really needs answers for.


If you are not concerned with the possibility of not having been an only child, then you should be proud of your mom for making the tough choices. Life would have been more difficult for her, you and the baby


She did what she felt was best at the time. I say… don’t judge until you walk in my shoes


She did what she felt was the right thing.


She did what was best for you. A sibling with your step father would have kept him attached to your family and she didn’t want that. It’s sad to think of a life unlived but sometimes hard decisions have to be made for the good of the already living breathing child in a bad situation. It’s ok to mourn that unborn sibling, and your mom needs you to be understanding bc imagine how hard it was for her. The fact that she did it was brave. Work thru the emotions together.


I am sure that your mother made her decision on what was best for you and herself. Mother’s do the best that they can do. Hug your mom💕


I would support my moms decision.


I dont think it would aeme feel anything. It has nothing do with me. Support her.


She did what she thought was best. I don’t think I’d feel anything about it, kind of indifferent.


It’s honestly none of your business. I don’t believe in abortion unless it’s because of rpe or incst, so I don’t think she should’ve🤷🏻‍♀️ But again it’s none of your business and your feelings really mean nothing. She shouldn’t have even told you since you wanna sit here and judge her

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Have you taken a DNA Ancestry test to see if you’re really an only child? Your Mom did the right thing at the time. Love your Mom unconditionally like she’s hopefully loved you. Blessings to you both.

I would be proud of my mom for making the right choice for her at the time. No shame. No judgement. Pro choice.


I would look at it from my mother’s point of view at that time. Empathize rather than point fingers (not saying you are). Not sure why she even told you but maybe it’s because she is still struggling with it and feels comfortable enough with you over anyone else to share it with. I don’t know the context of how she told you; she may be reaching out for help. From your post it seems like she thought was best not bringing another child in that situation she may have felt stuck in (said for those who are bashing mom for staying so long. Clearly never have been in an abusive relationship and shame on you for pointing fingers on something you know absolutely nothing about. Makes you look like a*holes but if the shoe fits wear it girl!). She may still be hurting from that loss and I say talk to her and let her know regardless you still love her and support her.


I mean if I was close to my mom I would feel sad for her. It had to be a hard choice. But other than that, nothing. It wasn’t my body, or my choice and I wouldnt have known everything that happened in their relationship to understand her point of view fully. So yeah, other that feeling empathy, everything else is no judgment


My mom had an abortion before I was born when she told me I was hurt and upset I always longed for a sibling as I’m an only child

I just feel sad for her. Imagine what she went through at that time to come to that decision, especially if her awful husband was the reason. She must’ve been through some really tough times.
Give her lots of hugs and tell her you love her.


I don’t really understand the question. What’s there for you to feel about it? It was someone else’s choice to make, she made it, she dealt with the consequences, then trusted you enough to share with you a very vulnerable piece of information. You don’t really need to feel anything about it, but support her & offer her love & encouragement. This goes for literally anyone who shares that information with you - but man, it’s YOUR MAMA. Just hug her & tell her you love her & let that be that.


She put your best interest first.


Abortion is a personal decision between a woman, her doctor, and whatever higher power she believes in (if any).

I wouldn’t have any feelings personally. I would just give mum a hug and Say love you mum.


She made a choice for her life at that time. She spoke about it which is not easy, now you just continue to love her as normal. You don’t get to judge her for her past nor is there going back to change the past. Love her and move forward with life


as i told my ex-son-in-law when he and my daughter were splitting up-it’s none of my business why it didn’t work. that is between them. he’s still the father of my grandchildren. that woman is still your mother.

She did the right thing imo. Possibly saved both you and she, even the baby, from a lifetime, at least 18 years of misery having to deal with your step dad and his bs.

I would feel like she made a good choice for her situation and support her decision.

Your feelings are invalid towards this situation, your mother made a decision about her body.


It wouldn’t make me see her any different, I would actually respect her decision. If my sons dad got me pregnant for a second time I would have done the same for the exact same reason. And I would never have even thought about having a abortion before in my life and haven’t ever since.

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It wouldn’t really affect me… that was several years ago and she did what she felt was best. Who am I to judge or feel any way. Didn’t matter before I didn’t know, doesn’t matter now. I can’t change anything neither can she. I’d still love her and move on with my life.


You hug her and tell her to forgive herself I can see her point she already had 1 child in a situation she couldn’t control then to bring another child into it idk. You just keep loving your mom no matter what


Personally I’d ask her why not me :sweat_smile: but I would judge her or feel a way or anything

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I’d be proud to have a mom that could make hard decisions like that and decide what the best option for her was. Some people don’t want a bunch of kids and it’s incredibly hard to have a kid with an abusive partner. Plus even if you have feels about it it’s not your place to judge her.


I wouldn’t feel any type of way because it’s her business. I’m sure she would’ve had her reasons and that’s enough for me.:woman_shrugging:t4:


I did the same thing. I was in a very abusive relationship I got pregnant a year after my first I found out after me and my son were in protective custody the day I got that positive test I had an officer take me to planned parenthood this was in 2017 I understand her choice more then anyone because I couldn’t bring a baby into the nightmare me and my son were living in


I will feel absolutely nothing

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I wouldn’t care? Not my body to give a shit about.

That it was her choice to make.
You can’t punish her or judge her for that.


Respectfully, it’s none of your business whether she has 1 or 5 abortions. Be grateful she feels comfortable enough confiding in you. It’s not an easy topic. She had her reasons and all you can do is respect them.


Grateful that she made the right choice for you and her. She made the right choice not to bring a child into that environment.


Feels like a mum making safe decisions for her family. You should feel loved. You have a strong, sensible, loving mother. (More than some people have). :heart:


I mean feel any way you want about it, it was her choice. My mother, who passed in 2009, once told me she almost had an abortion while she was pregnant with me. I was a very big surprise. My mother had broken her leg and was on blood thinners which canceled out her birth control, eight years between me and my sister- said she went as far to go to the clinic to get a consultation, went to a follow up appointment, even had the procedure scheduled, but obviously changed her mind. It hurt my feelings for the longest time and I still think about it on occasion but whatever her reasons were she did what she wanted, end of story.

I think she made a wise decition and i am very proud of her

I’m happy for her :heart: hope she heals well :two_hearts:

Maybe you should just feel glad to be alive🤷🏼‍♀️

I’d respect and understand her decision…
I think it’s completely understandable why she chose to make that choice… You should try and understand why she did it… Your step-father doesn’t sound like a nice guy, it would have been selfish of her to keep it…

Thankful I was alive and my mother had no lasting connection to someone like that. If you’re cool being an only child why is this an issue? Be respectful in her decision and live the life she gave you.


it wouldn’t effect me. i said to myself that if i would’ve gotten pregnant again by my sons dad… baring in mind at the time he was constantly ejaculating inside me after i said no… then i would 100% get an abortion because in no way was i ever going to have another child with him.

Id take it as a story of her life journey and give her a hug and move on. Im not seeing exactly how youre getting an issue with this. I would have done the same as her, but I would have left earlier


I think shes a brave and strong lady who put the wellbeing of her children infront of her own wants.

umm that’s her business and it wouldn’t mean anything to me.


It’s not your life. It’s Her life you support your mom every step on the way. Most do better that’s all you can do


I would respect that it was her decision to make, and was probably a difficult one that she has thought about many times in the ensuing years.

I would provide support where required, and if I needed to process it within myself, I’d seek counselling.

The last thing she needs is guilt.


Is be upset that she felt unsafe to bring another child into the relationship yet stayed with him until I was 16.


I feel like the real question you’re asking is, “how would you feel if you found out your mom refused to bring another child into the environment she kept you in, but still kept you in it until the abuser chose to leave?”
So many focused on the abortion part, but I was a child of abuse and watched my mom casually dismiss it. My parents finally divorced when I was 15, after my father went to jail for literally chaining me to a table. My mother had to choose, and she chose me for the first time in my life.
If I found out what you just did…I think at first, I’d be angry. I’d feel resentment. I would wonder why she couldn’t have done better for me, when she obviously knew how bad it was.
But then I’d process those feelings and try to understand how hard it is to leave an abusive situation. I’d try to give her as much grace as I could, and try to forgive her because parents are still human.


It’s not your business. It’s hers. Your feeling don’t count in this one.

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It’s not my body or life so not my business. I have a siblings. Not that great, tbh.


It makes me sad your mom had to even go th9 with this an couldnt speak about it. Support her . Her opening up to you was a big step of trust and love and to be able to release that pain


I would feel sad that she was in that position, but accept that she made the best decision she could.


I’d feel lucky my mom felt close enough to tell me something so personal, and wouldn’t dare judge her one way or the other for it. She’s not asking for an opinion, and the times long passed.


This isn’t about you. It’s about her. Her abortion was about her. I don’t think it’s fair to make an abortion no matter the reason about you.


abortion is something between a woman and her doctor and no one else not even the father


I’m not an expert but sounds like your mom wants your support.

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Nuh I wouldn’t be mad at all. That was what she felt was best at the time :woman_shrugging:t4: I’ve been in her situation myself and I had to do the same.

Don’t be mad or upset over something you never had control over. Not worth it. It was her decision to make.

Just be supportive and remember this has nothing to do with you or your feelings at all.


Oh hun, your mom must’ve fought this battle every single day of her life since doing it. She might have chosen to do it but it’s still a big loss. Respect your mom for opening up to you about it❤️

For all those that’s upset with the mom for staying with the guy - you weren’t there & you sure as hell do not know what she had to endure.

Love your mamma, you only get one❤️


Wouldn’t upset me it was a very brave thing she did must of been so difficult for her today, I’m sure she didn’t realy want to but she felt she had no other choice

I would be happy my mom felt comfortable with me to share that bc I know that it’s a trauma… it was for my mother at least. But if she wouldn’t have had an abortion as a teenager I wouldn’t be here. So I’m kinda thankful bc I’m awesome :sunglasses::rofl:

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It’s not your business. I recently found out my mum who is passed now also had one a bit after I was born because she had cancer. I was sad and a bit shocked when i found out as ive always wanted a sister or brother.
But that’s her business and I respect her for that she had to do what she had to do.
If she was alive now i will still say the same thing and support her It’s not an easy choice to make I’ve been there twice. Just support her you only have one mum and she’s very brave. Bless


I’d feel bad for my mom that she had carried this guilt with her all these years. Poor thing has to deal with the loss of a baby. The pain of making the decision.


It shouldn’t make you feel anything other than love for your mother because it has absolutely nothing to do with you, and until you’ve been in the position of having to choose…you have no right to feel any way at all.


I would be glad my mom lived in the age that she was able to make this choice for her family, as sad as it is. You’re sad you didn’t get a sibling? Think how rough it was on her to lose a child. But she did what she thought was best for the entire family, that child included. Don’t make this about you. Be thankful she felt close enough to you to tell you. She probably wants to feel forgiven with all this stuff going on right now. Don’t hurt her by being judgemental. It was HER rightful decision to make.


It was her choice. Wasn’t nobody gunna be raising that baby but her


It’s her live…
Butt out !

Its her business and had nothing to do w you so your feelings aren’t relevant to the situation one bit


Sad… for ur mum, that must of been an extremely hard decision… and the situation she was in was horrible for her… I would feel heartbroken for her


Her body her choice…

Realeaved that that child didn’t have to go through whatever the step dad dished out


Your mom feels guilty for what she has done. She needs support.

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My mum had one when I was between 9/12 can not for certain say when, I hated her for it for years and still hate that she did it. My reason though is that her and my stepdad (dad) were trying for a baby and she cheated so didn’t know who the dad was and that’s why she did it.

Terribly sad your mum was in such an awful position. I wouldn’t be upset. Just deeply sad for my mum.


I wouldn’t feel anything coz it’s none of your business :joy:


Not my body not my choice. My mom had one, and as bad as it hurts, it’s not my business.


Your mother did what any mother would do, she put her baby first.
She knew that the baby wouldn’t off had the best life, she knew she would be stuck with such a toxic person regardless of the relationship. He would still have a hold on her.
I say well done mum. Such a painful act and a choice that will haunt her for the rest of her life…
But a choice she made at the time knowing it was for the best… hug her. Love her. Don’t judge her… let her know its ok… shes ok… bless her heart xxx


I feel she did what she needed to do. She probably saved you a lot of crap by doing it too

I would give my mom a hug and tell her “Thank you for telling me this. I’m sorry that you’ve had to carry this burden with you for so many years.”


I’d feel proud of my mom, that must have been really hard for her. Even harder for her to share. I’d be nothing but proud and in awe of the amazing woman she is.


Nothing to with you. Mind ya business

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I wouldn’t feel anything cause it’s none of my business. She must feel some kind of guilt for doing it but at the end of the day it’s her choice. Maybe some counselling would be of some benefit to her.

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It should make you feel sad that she had to make such a decision as this and thought at the right time it was the right choice.Stand by her choice.


Please don’t judge or shame her for this. I can tell you from personal experience it haunts you forever but the choice was made because she felt it would protect the child and you. Give her a hug, send her flowers or something kind and tell her you love her despite the decision.

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I’d get over it
it may be YOUR mom but it isn’t your body. Grow up.


No point asking how it makes anyone else feel because it’s a unique situation your child hood isn’t the same as anyone else’s just support her in her decision and move on with life

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I bet that was the hardest decision your mum ever had to make .give her a hug .your mum didn’t have to tell you but it’s probably bothered her all this time bout it.she just needs to no that you forgive her and still love her .can you imagine how she feels .give her that hug and say thanks mum that must of been hard you telling me .tell her it’s ok .