How would you respond?

If you were at a big convention, with hundreds of people, with your children and you turn around and one of them is just gone. You look all around the area, check the near by bathrooms etc and after more than 5 minutes of not being able to find them, you start yelling their name. AND THEN another Mom who is there, tells you to “quiet down”… how do you respond to this women?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How would you respond?p

I would ignore and keep screaming for my child

I can’t fully dictate my exact words because the fb bots would get me BUT I’d clearly and concisely explain where she can shove her privilege when it comes to the safety of my child in a public space. Period. I’d also address them by their given name of Karan

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Was the child found ? Ignore the lady and continue yelling and looking .

You don’t even have to ask ! However by answering you may teach some church mouse how real Christian people know how to express themselves firmly and it’s ok. I wouldn’t hardly waste any time on that. Out of the way bitch if you won’t help. Nobody is going to tell me to pipe down in any serious situation. We HELP one another with out a second thought, we decent people do.

I don’t think I’d even hear her. In that moment she means nothing.

Something along the lines of shut the f%@& up

As a been there done that dad, you don’t respond to that distraction. Being distracted is what got you where you are. This is a time for laser focus.


So, I would look that lady dead in the eyes and scream my child’s name. If she wants to hush me again then I will make sure the entire convention can hear my child’s name as I scream at this lady that my child is gone and how ignorant she must be to try and hush someone at a convention in the first place. Then I’m going on about my business to find security to find my child. That lady would be first on my list, too, if my child is not found.


Tell her to shut the fuck up and mind her own fucking business.

I’d be grateful that my husband is a criminal defense attorney because I’d knock her teeth out of her face then continue yelling for my child.


I’d tell her my child is missing and if she doesn’t help yell out my child is missing and get all the other mothers looking for your child

Ignore her and keep looking for your child.

Tell her my child is missing and ask her for help!

Women are so mean to each other. I’d just ignore her & continue yelling for your kids. Bring attention to the fact that your child is missing. More people will look & be suspicious if they see a child matching the description is with someone else.