I am afraid to take maternity leave due to what happened last time I did: Advice?

In the UK it’s absolutely illegal for him to not keep your job open after maternity in the first place on the same hours/salary you went off. Not sure how this works in the US but I’d advise getting a solicitor

you can not have both… have kids and stay home or work and dont have kids…


If he did that to you the first time why would you go back why in the hell would you go back evidently the job opened up and he couldn’t find anybody else to do it skews me he couldn’t find another sucker to do it so he called you back knowing you had another job now you don’t have that job now you’re pregnant again you’re going to lose this one why would you go back that’s just stupid I never go back to any place that I’ve left never especially if if I left for a personal reason never never never

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am afraid to take maternity leave due to what happened last time I did: Advice?

Your happiness means more than money in my opinion


Sounds like you don’t want to work there anyway, so why not quit once the paid leave is up?


When you go on leave, look for a new job instead.


So why are you letting one man in the entire universe control you ? There are many other jobs. Move on and leave him behind. You seem emotionally invested in him for some reason….


File a case!! That’s totally illegal then collect and spend time with the baby. He will get in so much trouble besides the fact he treats you like shit anyway. Remember, he needs you more than you need him!!!

Umm quit that job when you go on leave. He doesn’t deserve you as an employer


The law is very clear on this after a year of employment you can take Fmla and the have to bring u back to an original position or one like it.As long as he didn’t reduce your pay And hours I would not say he has malice


If he was abusing you even before all this why did you come back to him when you already had a new job?? You said you are miserable working for them now so … why did you come back to them??

I wouldn’t be surprised if he does it again… and I’m sorry but you kind of deserve it, don’t let a “boss” use you or take advantage of you if you do they will keep doing it.


My advice is take the paid leave but look for a job meanwhile… as soon as you get a better job ,just tell him you can’t come back… don’t let anyone treat you like a doormat.


Look for a new job :heart:

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Take maternity leave and use that time to network online, and look for a new job. I’m not saying actively outside of the house, given you’re going to have a newborn, but browse around online, see what’s out there. Worst case scenario is you go back to that job until something better comes along. I don’t know about your area, but where I live, everyone is hiring. I’d honestly start looking now, just to see what’s out there.


Hun take your full leave and use the opportunity to look for new work. Your already upset over the way your being treated … how long do you really think your gonna put up with it with an infant at home and sleepless nights. Your gonna be tired and he’s gonna cross that line on the wrong day. Obviously you deserve the leave so take it


I would just be looking for a new job. Every place is hiring right now, shouldnt be too hard to find some place that will work with you.


Go on leave and then find a new job. Stop undervaluing yourself for a business that would post your job in two seconds flat

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What would you tell your daughter to do if this was her? Sounds like you have unresolved issues that hinder you from standing your ground, low self esteem! :pray::pray:

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Do you have a lawyer???

You’re allowing him to treat you this badly. Take your maternity leave as if you will be coming back, and use that time to also find a new job and dump him on his butt.

Take maternity leave…and find a new job…there are so many work from home positions right now. Leave him having to take the first thing that walks through the door after your maternity leave. Go get paid what you are worth…you owe him nothing…don’t give your loyalty to someone who takes advantage of you.

Quit, file a case about last time if you can.

I would look for a new job, i finally got day hours at work because after being there for 4 years I told my boss I wouldn’t be back if he doesn’t work with me. I’m due the middle of October and I told him I don’t want to come back til after the new year and already worked it out with corporate and hr. I lost 2 babies last year to stress because of work. It took me over a year to even get 1 raise because of covid put a halt on hiring even though we were essential from the beginning.

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Tell him you we’re looking for a job when you found this one :woman_shrugging:t3:

Go on leave with the intent on never going back.

Take him to court. They are not supposed to give your job away when you are on maternity leave.


Take your leave like last time but use this time while you’re still preggers to try to line something else up. Maybe let them know you’re looking for a different job to go back to after your leave. If you’re actually valued it’ll show.

You are entitled to a job when returning from leave; not necessarily the same job you had prior to leaving.

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Take every last bit of paid time off, maternity leave, and find a new place. I personally wouldn’t have went back if knowing cutting different perks and you’re making less than neebies

Consult a lawyer before you do anything. Then follow their advice. Keep a “work journal” . it is admissable in court. You Can back date situations in it and say, “on or about this date, at or about this time…” And it counts. U have to include date and time on every entry, but you can say “about” and start one now, going back and documenting past situations.

You’d have to REALLY prove how you feel things went down and are, are actually what you say they are. Nobody will take your case unless you have proof. Take maternity leave n just hope for the best

Also if he communicates with you through text or email save every single message.

Pregnancy disability discrimination is a BIG BIG NO NO, he may owe you back pay! And BOTH jobs back. You should look into a labor attorney or contact eeoc.gov.


I have not used FMLA for a while but when I took leave I was told they have to hold your place in the company but not your position after so many weeks. So you going back to a different position is normal if you were off 12 weeks or longer. There are so many Work from home jobs out there that pay very well. I work from home with 6 kids. Move on if you are unhappy.


Take the leave and look for new job while on leave. I wasn’t 100% sure what my plan was when I took leave at my last job. I knew whatever I did I would not be going back there as it was a very horrible experience. I was worked 6-7 days a week 12 or more hours a day. There is so much more i could say but basically I took my paid leave after the worst 9 months and decided while on leave I would stay home with the baby. However if we couldn’t make that work I would find a new job

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Find a new job after maternity leave.

Quit. Plenty of work from home jobs these days. Stop allowing yourself to be used and abused by your employer. What he did before, I’m pretty certain is illegal.


Your first mistake was going back. Take your leave, but look for a new job. You deserve to be happy.

Take the mat leave and find a new job to go back to when that’s over

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I would just not show up to work tomorrow. Or the next day. Or ever again. F him. Find something better.

Take your Mat leave, but during your mat, file a case against him. Go after him in court, your job was supposed to be protected.
But I wouldn’t go back after, find another job.


Yes like most people here I would say take leave and look for a job while off, BUT make sure to read by detail your handbook. As example, my last job if u take leave and don’t come back you would need to pay back ( my last company stipulated that in order to leave after maternity leave you would need to go back and give your proper notice so you would not be responsible paying back) CEAZY I KNOW BUT :eyes::male_detective:t2:

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Definitely pregnancy discrimination and you can sue for A LOT.


I need a friend to improve my English language skills

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Take leave find new job I’d check on law in your state in state I’m in employee only has to give you a job/position doesn’t have to be same job as you had before leave


I would look for a new job where you will hopefully get treated better. I would wait till you after you have the baby. Then hopefully you won’t have to go back. Hope everything works out for you!


Girl!! Quit! You don’t deserve that .

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Take your husband to work and let him catch him in the restroom and check that dude in his place


What you allow will continue. What continues will escalate. You deserve better!


What are these work from home jobs?

Take maternity leave, enjoy being paid while off and start looking for another job


Go on maternity leave and then just never go back.


I would call unemployment get a woman on the phone and explain the whole situation that has occurred to her you be surprised how if you just tell people what you’re going through she may want to help you and offer you different solutions


Don’t worry. Keep working until you have you baby. Any issues coming back to work file a complaint with the Dept of Labor. Or do it now.

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You’ve given him a chance in good faith, and he has taken advantage and used you. There are a number of things he has done that you should file a grievance for. You know he is not a good person to work for. Go on maternity leave and look for another job. You deserve better


Take FMLA and while you’re off, look for another job!


Find a better job and quit that job.


I’m pretty sure that him giving your job away back in 2019 was illegal. They have to let you come back to your job after having a child. They can’t fire you for taking maternity leave and your job is supposed to be waiting for you when you come back.


Go on maternity leave and your paid leave
Then never go back… you should’ve never gone back
Anyway …Get a job with a union


Look for another job. If this job works for you due to having your little ones and you can’t find something similar, there’s no shame in staying until your younger ones are older. I work nights specifically because I won’t need a babysitter. Continue to actively look for work that will suit your needs and treat you fair and pay what you deserve. Your boss on the other hand, his time will come soon enough for mistreating you.

Let me make this easy because you just had a slam dunk lawsuit to where you would of been able to sit at home and got a check…Hunny!! I am an administrave officer for a hospital and my main job is POLICY, REGULATIONS… THE WHOLE NINE!! And let me tell you that you were discriminated against because of being pregnant and that is against the pregnancy discrimination Act (PDA). Plus, you went on paid FMLA for your last maternity and that is illegal to give your job away while an employee is on FMLA !! THAT IS LAW!! I WOULD SUE!!! You could be getting a fat check because the Family Medical Leave Act is a federal mandated law for all 50 states that you have to give the employee their job back without discriminations !!! IF, I WERE YOU I WOULD BEEN ON THE PHONE WITH A LAWYER ASAP !! Speaking from someone who works in the hospital and deals with this stuff all the time. If, you do not stand up for your rights then managers, HR and hell anyone in the damn healthcare industry will run all over you because they are the ones who are DUMB AS HELL and will not read policy or regulation. And those are the people will have you doing tons of things your are not supposed to be doing or will mistreat you just because they say IM THE BOSS. Hunny PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get a lawyer now. Contact Dept of Labor as well !!

You should never have returned he knows you are a push over. Having babies can’t be controlled by someone else. Talk to your husband about u needing to find another job one u are done with your leave. You need to be paid your monies worth. He can’t offer u a benefit and then come back snd use it as a weapon to make u a salve. I also suggest you make a plan for your kids care so that such a situation doesn’t happen again

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Regardless of how the employer feels it’s illegal to give your job away what you had when you left is what you have when you come back


Part of the leave act is that you are reinstated to your full previous position and same rate of pay. What he did was illegal but like you said mostly in the past. The rest sounds like all the reasons I like working with a union. Rate of pay is based on experience and nothing else, no one gets special privileges and new people do not come in making more than you. However, outside of that take your leave time and look for a new position that pays more.

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He’s breaching the terms of your contract . You need to sort it before you take your leave . Speak to a Union Rep .

Take the leave and while at home take that time to look for something better.

What he did was super illegal. They can’t give your position away while you’re on leave

Sounds like a terrible job with a terrible boss, are you sure you want to go back? I don’t know about N.Y.,but where I am,jobs are plentiful,but employees arent!

Sounds to me you take your leave and while your out put in new apps

work until you deliver,then after maternity leave,go back to work! Who knows you may still have your job! If not make a complaint with department of labor

He can’t legally do that but it sounds like you should just look for another job! Screw him!

Get to a labor attorney…FAST.

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Now I have a question also, I was also on maternity leave last year and was supposed to go back to work June 2020, but received a severance packet May 1st 2020 saying my position was terminated due to the pandemic. I worked for the Irvine Company. Was that right of them to do?

It’s a shame that employers get away with that and can sleep at night to boot. There are, however, awesome employers out there. Look for something better

Go to your HR first & foremost. While you’re on leave look around for another job. Good luck !

You should have some sort of FMLA. ???
Idk how it works in NY but in Indiana you get up to 12 weeks (unpaid mostly :sob:) leave with job security.
I had to use my vacation days for my maternity leave, then beg my dr to let me back after 2 weeks (I had a c section)
With all the pandemic going on there’s gotta be some sort of welfare you can get. Or ask your dr to put you on bed rest at the end. Idk, but you have rights if you want your job.
But honestly I’d just leave and find something else.

File for your leave and tell them what happened. Then leave your employer after.


I would use your time left before the baby and during maternity leave to find a job that you will be more happy in.

Idk what the las are in NY but where I’m from your job HAS to keep a position open for you with your original pay and amount of hours when you return. Its a huge lawsuit for reducing hours or not having the position available after medical or paid family leave.


Umm… thats illegal! He can temporarily hire someone in your place but they need to be aware it’s just until you get back! You need to find somewhere better!

That’s not legal. Document everything this time, and get an attorney if it happens again…although if you hate it that much there, I’d consider finding something else. There are so many jobs out there!! Enjoy your maternity leave and find something else while you’re home.

First if it’s a small company they have to “replace” you which is understandable. As far as all the other stuff… Work until you deliver take your maternity and start looking for another job If you’re miserable anyway what are you gonna lose

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am afraid to take maternity leave due to what happened last time I did: Advice?

Ur family planning has got nothing to do with him. Ur baby your right u have a human rite to apply for ur leave and what’s due to u. Should he give u any stress then u go to the. Social office and file a case as u are a woman and then have baby and still get paid. There are other jobs out there why be so desperate to go back to be iltreated by this boss. Sorry stand up for ur self and decide how many months u want to take for ur merternaty leave then you can plan ur life accordingly some of us have four months leave and six months. Unemployment fun last for four months only while u at home u need to heal and rest and then decide what u want


Take your leave ans file a case against him as you mentioned. When its time for work again absolutely do not go back there. <3 hoping for you. Deserve better. So go gdt it when you go back to working after taking your leave thst you need need need and deserve


Find a lawyer & sue his ass off- this guy has broken numerous laws, he should be in jail. I would also find another job, why would you want to work for anyone that is so dishonest & disrespectful to you.


Take the leave relax and enjoy your bsby for the time alloted when you have about a month to go start sending out resumas that will give you a chance to do some interviews see whats out there maybe something good is waiting for you good luck with your new job and prayers for a healthy baby


What’s to be nervous about since you hate your job anyways. Just Take your leave and than see what happens.

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Take your maternity leave, and when you ever get a free minute, send our resume’s. Your boss is breaking so many laws it is ridiculous. Enjoy your time with your kiddos and infant. If you cannot afford a lawyer, go to local university to see if a law student will take your case. This is a very rotten situation and i truly wish you all the best. HUGS


Never be a doormat for anyone.
Love yourself enough to never go back after your maternity
leave is over. File a lawsuit against him and his company. Check to see the length of statute of
Limitation where you are located. No money to file a suit- most lawyers will take your case w/o pay if it looks like they can win- just ask.


First, you are letting him treat you like garbage. You need to look for an on line job, I have a friend that does well working completely from home, she is a single mom.


With 2 children at home, how much work time actually spent and how many interruptions? Think about it!


He is required to hold your position or one that is equivalent. If he doesn’t, contact the Dept of Labor. These laws are in place for a reason.


He may not be breaking any laws, but it definitely sounds like his character is questionable. Take your leave? And then begin to look for another job.


Take your paid leave and look for a new job. Many companies offering work from home positions. Without know what field you are in hard to say how many opportunities out there. Maybe time for a change


Please, please, please call the New York State Department of Labor and file a complaint and they will do an investigation. It’s completely anonymous. This should not be how it is and not what we have these programs in place for. You literally pay for NYSPFL out of your paycheck. You didn’t violate anything so your full job or equivalent should be there for you upon your return.

Go to EEOC and file suite. When I had my daughter 33 years ago. I had to take a long maternity leave due to being on bed rest at 6 mo. While I was out they hired a temp. They liked her so much they gave her my job. When I went to go back to work I didn’t have a job anymore. Its against the law. The case will be against your sex. As crazy as that sounds it is put in this category because you are female and you gave birth. So in the eyes of the law its discrimination against your sex. I filed a case and I won.


Take that paid maternity leave. Extend it as long as possible. Enjoy your baby. Find a new job and tell that douchebag you’re not coming back to work once your benefits run out. It’s the least they can do for underpaying and overworking you.


If I were you; I’d take my maternity leave and search for other jobs once you’ve recovered from giving birth. Hopefully you’ll be able to land one right before you’re due to return to work - and never go back to your current employer.

Life is too damn short to spend it slaving away at a job you don’t enjoy and makes you miserable. The majority of adults spend most of their time in the workplace - ain’t nobody got time for shitty jobs with shitty pay! I’m sure you’d be able to find a similar position at a different company willing to work with you on your hours; value you as both a person and an employee; pay you what you deserve; AND that you enjoy. Good luck to you!


From what I’ve learned, as long as they let you return, they can give you any position they want, doesn’t have to be the same as before.
Sad, but true on this end.