I am concerned about my cousins daughters speech: Advice?

I wouldn’t worry about it she’s only two and a lot of kids echo. It is not that abnormal for a child that age to do that.


All kids are different. Don’t compare kids that isn’t fair. Don’t over think it.


Sounds like a smart girl!

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Easier to just to mind your own business. Not your kid and each child learns at different rates. She’s doing fine


All kids do learn at different levels. But I think it is wonderful you care enough about her and your cousin to want to help her if something is going on. I would spend more time talking to her and when she says just one word like cookie asked do you want one yes or no and try just helping her it won’t hurt anything all it is going to do is help her… And people stop with the ugly comments she said she wasn’t sure she isn’t around kids her age alot can’t we just be nice answer her question or just move along


My daughter seemed off to everyone in her speech and now she’s ahead of all the kids in her class. Just mind your business.


I think some kids develop at their own age my youngest is 21 months and speaks very well, well enough to say oh my god and mummy arsehole. If u are concerned u sister should talk to her dr to get a referral to a speech pathologist good luck

My son did this, he was in early intervention and they got so excited when he started copying my words because that is a big step. They told me to express excitement everytime he copied a word correctly. Then they had me pick two or three words a day and just focus on those a lot so he could start to associate the words he was saying with actual items. Ie I would say “do you want cheese or crackers?” For his first snack and would hold the items in my hands, when he said “crackers” because that was the last word I said, I would go “hood job Bubba! You want crackers! Here are your crackers!” And then I would hand it to him. His next snack I would offer him the same items but in reverse order “do you want crackers or cheese?” Eventually he started to catch on that cheese was cheese and crackers were crackers so now he tells me which one he actually wants. Hopefully that makes sense and is helpful. Be patient with her and keep in mind that every child develops differently. She doesn’t need to progress like anyone else, as long as she is progressing.


I have 15 1/2 month kids they only talk when they Want 2 and only a handful of words A piece.

Wow there are a lot of rude unnecessary comments on here.
Good on you for caring enough that you want to help, every child learns things and reaches milestones at different stages, so its hard to say if there might be an issue there or not, keep talking to her, and if your still concerned about it in a few month maybe have a chat with mum


My son is now 5, I talked with his pediatrician at 2 1/2 when he wasn’t saying as much as the other children, he was put into speech therapy and at 3 was going to an early learning center. I believe by 2 his Ped said he should be saying atleast 50 words on his own, and be able to say 2 word sentences. I feel if you’re worried you should approach the situation gently because a lot of people get easily offend about their children. Maybe it’s something that she isn’t sure of but can mention it to her kiddos pediatrician and see what they think.

Ok she is 2. TWO. Barely. Not all kids learn at the same pace. Stop comparing kids. She comprehends. That’s good enough for now. She isn’t your child. Every child learns different. Comparing your kid to someone else’s kid, you shouldn’t be babysitting at that point.


The people in the comments are so rude for nothing.


My daughter was premature and I had complications during delivery so her speech was mostly gibberish till she started speech and just recently she makes more sense when she talks now every kid is different and will learn when they are ready sometimes we have to give them a little push to try and get better don’t worry she’ll get to where she needs to be

Every child is different, my daughter did not talk till she was 3 and now she doesn’t stop…I wouldn’t be worried…

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Every child is different. Try not to compare!

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It’s wonderful you care! And good on you for seeking info before bringing up something that could potentially be hurtful! It sounds like totally normal baby speech and she’s doing very well.


Maybe have her hearing tested

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A good way to help develope language in children this age is to be sure to get to eye level looking at childs face repeat what the child said correctly example: you ask “Would you like a cookie?” Child responds “cookie”. You respond “Do you mean I want a cookie.”

Encourage her to use her words and label everything for her. Maybe incorporate sign language

My son was very delayed in talking and he’s now 3 and talks fine. You have to give kids time to go at their own pace.


I would recommend having a speech evaluation done. You can go through your state’s ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) program or a clinic. Schools offer speech evaluations for kids at the age of 3 years. Look for other characteristics such as lack of social skills including eye contact, sensory issues or feeding issues. Hope this is helpful!

Kids aren’t all the same… don’t compare the two, especially if they’re not even raised in the same home. She’s talking and repeating, I’d cal that normal. Be concerned if she doesn’t talk or let’s someone else talk for her


My son also had delayed speech, he would talk all garbled and had evaluated & went to school for delayed speech, by 4 or 5 became a little chatterbox…

My daughter went from almost no speech at 2 to full sentences by 3.

If you aren’t making your child talk to get things etc, they will still learn language and will use it when they feel like using it.

Her needs are clearly met if she doesn’t feel like talking.

And that’s what’s most important.


My daughter was 3 before she started putting multiple words together. I had her evaluated by a speech pathologist and they weren’t concerned. She is 6 now and speaks clearly and you would’ve never known that there was a delay. Every child is different.

My son is 2 and is speech delayed he understand very well but has a hard time expressing himself he mainly uses the words more & ball cause their easy for him to pronounce it’s difficult but just have to work with them & definitely get into speech therapy to help make things easier on them it’s normal many kids around these ages to have some problems with talking I would also express my concerns with the cousin so they can get the help their daughter needs

All children are different, so some develops speech patterns faster than others. My daughter spoke very early and very clear but I know a lot of children who didn’t. Nothing wrong with it and as far as helping her along, no baby talk. Just talk normally to her and when she is ready to speak further she will. Hope this helps!

Speech is a strange thing. It doesn’t seem to mean slow development for some reason. Some kids take a really long time to say even one word but they become the smartest in their class. Don’t worry about it yet. It’ll come.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am concerned about my cousins daughters speech: Advice?

Each child develops differently.

Not all kids develop at the same rate. She is still very young. All kids are different. You shouldn’t compare one to another.


Tread lightly, because some are not open to acknowledging the truth. Your genuine concerns aren’t always “welcome.”


As a grandmother of an autistic child, I’d say listen to your gut instincts and look up echolalia. It could be nothing but early identification of autism is tremendously important. You are wise to be concerned.


Totally normal at that age

My daughter is 26 months and she repeats words back to me that I say. But she also saids words on her own too. Its pretty common you just have to work with her more and communicate with her she will eventually catch on. All kids are different and learn differently.

My boys speech developed at different rates… My oldest was a bit slower than his younger brother who started talking in full out paragraphs by a year and a half… Thier cousin was so quiet that by kindergarten his parent werent sure he could talk nor understand people talking to him… And he is one of the smartest kids in the family.

My daughter is 2 and does the same as your cousin’s daughter. I’m guessing g it’s just normal since kids all learn at a different speed

She can go to her pediatrician with her concerns and the Dr can refer her to a speech pathologist who can help. My son was quiet and didn’t talk much. Dr put him at a few months behind. My ex pushed and the Dr gave him therapy twice a month for 45 min (this was 13 years ago). Not sure if the therapy helped as what she did is what was already being done at my house which is where my son spent most of his time. A month after the therapy started, my son wouldn’t shut up. Not sure if he finally wanted to start talking or what or if the therapy helped but it didn’t hurt.

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She’s TWO! Just say she’s 2!!

Children develop at their own pace…They will often repeat words back that they hear and that is part of the learning process. I think this is pretty typical of a 2 year old and not anything to be overly concerned about.


Speech therapist and a momma here…it never hurts to bring up concerns to pediatrician. If he/she feels like an evaluation is needed then let the professional speech therapist make that determination. The reason being is that there are things we look for and early intervention makes all the difference.

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The fact that she is repeating words back shows she is learning them just fine. No child is the same, any milestone chart or info is just a suggestion. Since she is talking and repeating, work with her when you have her. Keep interacting with her.


Doesn’t sound like a speech issue. It actually sounds developmentally normal, but if there is an issue it sounds more like a processing issue

Echolalia is a possibility . My grandson is autistic nonverbal but I’ve read about Echolalia it would be worth discussing with the pediatrician or could be a hearing problem. Early detection is key so they can get therapies they need. It also could just be the way she learns by repeating herself.


My daughter is 2.5 and does a bit of both. I think it’s more how much they’re spoken to and how much they’ve had a chance to absorb. Keep talking to her

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My son is about the same age, he still doesn’t talk and I heard other children talk later, but my son is still very communicative… My mom also told me I didn’t start talking until I was 3 years old, so maybe it’s a genetic
Children don’t all learn at the same age.
I was also told don’t wait til they talk cause they’ll tell on you :joy::joy:

My sons speech didn’t take off until he was closer to 3. My daughter will be 4 in October and a full blown jabber jaws. I never had any concerns with her. I’ve worked with kids a lot and it’s not really anything to be concerned about until they hit age 3. If by then she hasn’t improved, I’d have her evaluated. Each kid is different when it comes to that type of thing. There’s no set timeline.


Ask a Pediatrician and or look up milestones online of that age group.

Just continue to communicate with the child…some children do repeat words that are said to them because they are processing what is being said to them. Some words they may have never paid attention to or heard before. Just keep communicating to her as if she is the little person she is. Also, every child’s development is different.


Check with your local School district. Mine offers free evaluations and free therapy if they end up needing it.

Put nursery rhymes on for them to sing to and take note how this child reacts over time.

Don’t worry about it unless it doesn’t go away after a year

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am concerned about my cousins daughters speech: Advice?

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My son does the same thing, each child learns different

READ TO HER ! TALK TO HER ! The more you read an talk to her the faster an more she’ll learn

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I had a hard time understanding my son around that age, my ex could understand him though lol :joy:
When he got to school, turns out he needed some speech therapy. He improved a lot from being at school and doing the speech therapy, he’s now 8.5 and hasn’t had speech therapy in 2 years :slightly_smiling_face:


I come from a very large family. Lots of kids and its normal. All kids learn differently and at different paces.


All children learn at their own pace. As long as she is trying to communicate that is good. Just keep having her use her words

Every child is different!

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Sounds completely normal.

Every child is different. I wouldn’t worry. My son is extremely talkative and can walk but he can talk better than he can run around. My nephew can run around like a banshee, climb, and run uphill downhill side to side very active very good on his feet but doesn’t talk as much.

Each child is different and like many others in this thread. You can’t compare them to each other, progress is progress and it sounds like she’s trying :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d be more concerned if she wasn’t talking at all.

When you are caring for them read books. I read to my son since he was small small and honestly I think that’s why he’s such a good speaker today.


That’s echolalia, definitely not much of a worry on its own as it’s a learning step, but if other things are happening as well it could be a concern.


My son was the opposite, he didn’t walk until 17 months but he’s been repeating words since 8 months. Kids all learn different things at different paces and different ways :woman_shrugging:
If it was an issue her doctor would have already brought it up to your cousin.

That was my daughter at 2 and she didnt really like to talk much but a few months later it was like bam she can speak and have conversations. Now she wont be quiet. Speaking to her in sentences and asking her what do you want to do or what do you need or hey whats this? about stuff she knows. Like if she likes to play with a certain toy or object ask what is this what do you like to do with it. Or she sees something pretty and you can go do you find that pretty yes. Kids are pretty smart sometimes they just like to listen to us talk and save the words in their head.

Every child is different. She is repeating, therefore learning, once the connection happens for her she will be more talkative. In the mean time, read to her and let her tell you about the pictures, ask her questions, etc.

Every child is different and they all develop skills at their own paces

Every child is different. My son has yet to be quiet since he was 2. Other’s, may seem quieter, some just like to talk or there may be answers to the concern. Always present things to a pediatrician if her mother is worried.

My son is behind in speech and he’s just now starting to string more than one word together, he’s 2.5. every child is different. My lo is in speech therapy and occupational therapy. He’s been there most of his life since he got a helmet at 5 months. What I’ve been told as far as advice is to keep labeling everything you do and say as much as you can to the child. It’s good that she is repeating words, that means she’s learning. Just keep doing what your doing and keep supporting her, you’ll see improvement within weeks.

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I’d say normal…My son jabbered til 27 months and then started talking in sentences…Give her time, she’s getting there❤

Have her assessed. She might need early intervention. Which is fantastic for any child. My son had delayed speech and had early intervention at 18 months I think they sent a speech and occupational therapist to my house once or 2x a week at no cost. My son turned out to have autisim which was affecting his speech. Now, do to early intervention and his NEST classroom he’s doing beautifully as a 12 year old.


Sounds normal , l wouldn’t worry , if keep talking to her she will pick words up , no 2 children are alike :hugs:

Sounds normal for a child that is around alot of other kids /daycare

If you’re concerned, speak with your cousin and encourage them to speak with their family gp. No harm in seeking a professional opinion from a gp or speechie

My son does the same sometimes but hes autistic and 7, he wasnt even speaking at all at 25 months. is she answering questions or just repeating?

Normal for this child’s development. But if concerned talk to your dr not the internet.

My almost 3 year old is at this level. He has had hearing test (some he passes, some he does not) and evaluation by a speech pathologist. He is a repeater and 2 or 3 word repeated phrases only. We haven’t been told if he will be approved for services yet. I would advise to get an evaluation and a hearing test.

Has she had a hearing test done ?

Do you have Early Intervention where you are?

You can YouTube search speech therapist channels and they offer great free resources for you to use to help encourage speech growth.

Everyone has a life story, I am so happy to have my lover back again after 8 good months of separation. I never thought we will live a happy life together again, but today, I am so glad for what Dr Clinton ) spell caster did for me to bring back my Ex to live together with me again. My testimony to everyone who is in same situation as i was, should contact him :rose::rose::rose::rose: through his page

Normal for the age. I wouldn’t sweat it.


All kids are different. The child’s pediatrician would be the best person to diagnose this child’s speech pattern or they will refer the child to someone who is an expert if they feel she should be looked at. You’ll go crazy listening to everyone’s opinion. Ask an expert.

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She is 1 month and 2 years old.It is a 3 year progress in which a child learns to speak,think and do things. Continue your kind teaching and talking to her.You are part of teaching her the basics.Read her interesting stories with pictures.Teach her crayon colours
Let her play with dolls and dress them.She is still very young.Your concern is a loving way to show you care.

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My daughter did this when she was 2, repetition is part of learning. She also made us repeat what she said so she knew we understood her correctly. My daughter is 3 now and has the vocabulary of a 6 year old. No child is the same. Also it’s not your kid. And she’s only 2 years old.

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My son is 3.5 who is extremely smart, still does this often. Kids learn & develop completely different. She’s barely 2, she’s fine. But if you’re really concerned, ask her pediatrician. Ours referred my son to speech therapy.

My autistic siblings and my autistic son does this. It is very common with autism spectrum disorder, so I’d keep my eye on other signs.

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My son didn’t really start talking well and truly comprehending what we say until around 4. He’s 5 now and his speech is getting so much better. All kids develop differently and I made the mistake of comparing him to other kids way too often. As mentioned above, if it’s really concerning you could check with her pediatrician but I would try not to stress too much about it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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She’s too little to have an opinion on her speech. She says more than my son did at that age. He’s 3 and speaks perfectly

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Every child grows on their own terms
Maybe just keep taking to her with phrases
Or mother could look into speech therapy in the area
I had that for 3 of my kids. Really helps

Well 1st off she is 2!! 25 months is not a thing :woman_facepalming::roll_eyes: all kids are different and learn at different times. If she didn’t talk at all then I would be concerned


Sounds normal to me for a two year old. Some speak more than others. Bring it up to her pediatrician if their are concerns and they’ll set her up with speech therapy if they think it’s needed

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If you work with your own child with words just add her in - kids don’t automatically form words by themselves they have to be taught and she’s learning from what she hears - doesn’t seem abnormal and some kids actually don’t start speaking in 2-5 word sentencing until the age 2/5-4yrs. and some kids get it sooner or later just work with her with different words and see if she picks up on trying to place them in a sentence. She sounds like a typical 2yr. old to me.

Honestly kids are like popcorn they are all together but they all pop at different times. I wouldn’t be concerned. She is still learning and getting the grasp of things. Her coping you is good.


No two kids are alike, come on now. Thus might be her way of learning.

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All kids are different to compare isn’t fair and it’s not your kid so you should butt out. Every kid is different. I have a niece who hardly used works and would pretty much just repeat. She hit 3 and now talks your ear off. Every kid learns different too

Every child’s development is different, they all learn at their on pace, and only a doctor can diagnose. My 13 year old was holding full conversation by that age but my 11 year old didnt talk at all at that age. My 8 year old had half words and grunts at that age, my 1 years old wont shut up :sweat_smile:
Sometimes they just arent talkers :woman_shrugging:

PS: If her mother isn’t worried, then shes probably fine

Its not her speech Its her hearing

Speech evaluations are free through the iu. Therapies are then too. Have her set it up can’t hurt