I am concerned about my cousins daughters speech: Advice?

Totally normal. Every kid develops at different rates.

She’s two. This is normal

My son doesnt speak to much and he just turned two wtf like chill

U cant compare childrenc

My eldest didn’t start really talking at all until she was 3-3.5 years old. Her little sister has been putting 4 word sentences together correctly since she was 14 months old. :woman_shrugging:t3: every kid is different and most children start speaking closer to 3, especially if they’re an only child.


I don’t see anything wrong with that,as big as I am I do that most of the time

As a mother of 3 and a teacher for infants and toddlers ( with 20 years of experience) this is TOTALLY NORMAL! Some kids are not really verbal at that age yet but it will come… I would not worry about it. Just talk to her a lot, read stories, play games using flash cards, sing songs… This will all help stimulating her language acquisition if it is something you feel inclined to do.

Sounds normal to me but good on you for caring enough to question if it is normal. :+1:

It sounds like she’s associating names with what you’re saying by repeating it. “Shoes off” or “color”. She’s picking out the words she’s learning go with what you’re saying. I’d give it time before you get concerned. Some kids talk a lot more and more clear than others the same age. :woman_shrugging:

Totally normal. My child had a lot of adult interaction from 5 adults living in the household, she spoke pretty fluently from early age and would hold a conversation vs my sister’s kid, who didn’t have alot of different adult interaction. Comparing them you would think her speech was delayed but it’s normal.


Perhaps a visit to a specialist…many disorders can be sorted well…at an early age

Every child learns at a different level. My 2 year old is amazing with his talking, however he has 3 older siblings and I talk to him all the time. It helps to point to what you are talking about to associate the words and sentence. Just give her time. She’ll get there.

Totally normal. As long as it progresses slowly or not just keep talking and reading to her. Try asking questions that require a response and let her develop at her on speed without judgement . Speech pathologists won’t even assess until three or four. That’s why it’s done at school. Read, read, read to her

Some kids develop their speech on a different scale. My sons is 2 1/2 and barely says words :confused: he is however in speech therapy.

No need to worry, she is doing alright for her age

This is very normal!

My daughter was the exact same, I was worried and managed to get her signed up to speach therapy through her nursery when she started to help her but honestly her language took off very quickly after starting nursery and school from being around so many other children

All children develop in their own timeline. My son never talked much at that age…. He is still quiet for the most part & he is in his 40’s

She’s really to young to worry about her vocabulary. By the time she’s 5 is when the Dr. told me to have concern.

I agree that children develop at different paces but disagree with people suggesting you ignore your concerns. Depending on the situation the child’s mother may not realize it is unusual. If you are caring for the child two days a week, gently bring up your observations and ask if she’s talked to her pediatrician and if she’s been screened for speech concerns? Perhaps through a pediatrician’s office, public libraries alao have developmental literacy screeners, as well as public schools for preschool services. Let’s work as a village for early intervention. Better to have it checked out and be nothing.

Everyone learns at different speeds. My son’s a little over 2 and says somethings even though we’ve tried to get him to talk

She’s only 2 I wouldn’t worry my son didnt speak till 3 now he never stops