I am concerned that my boyfriend stayed the night in a hotel with his cousin: Advice?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for over two years now. We used to work together and were with each other all the time. Fast forward to today, we are in a long-distance relationship for the time being. He is in Nevada, and I stay in California. We see each other maybe once a month, sometimes twice. His cousin, who also lives here is in Cali, is visiting Vegas. She has an eight-month-old baby, and her baby daddy is out of town rn. They hung out yesterday went to the pool with my boyfriend’s sister and her two children. My boyfriend doesn’t have a car and didn’t wanna bother his cousin again in the morning to go pick him up, especially since she has a child. My boyfriend’s sister is going to go to the hotel room later again today as well because they are gonna go to the pool today. So yesterday night my boyfriend tells me that he is going to spend the night in the hotel room with his cousin and her baby. Because he has to come back again tomorrow and he didn’t wanna cause trouble. They have two separate beds, and I do trust him, but I don’t know. I am just tripping, maybe because we live so far? I am upset that he stayed there overnight, and I found it weird. Do you guys think I’m extra?


I don’t think you have anything to worry about, that’s his family

Umm what is wrong with him staying with his family in a room if u r that Insecure you need to rethink this relationship


You really think he’s screwing his cousin? Wow.


Seriously…it’s his cousin.


Whoa. Your definitely being extra :woman_facepalming:


So you think he’s cheating on you with his family… come on… you have some major trust issues


What the heck did I just read?


Because lots of people have sex with relatives …


You’re worried about him sleeping with his cousin?


I hope you aren’t serious…


Okay, gross that you would even think this. Yikes.


Extra? If you think for a second he’s gonna sleep with his COUSIN, than why are you with him? That’s his COUSIN…what’s wrong with you?


Wow! You got some major trust issues.


Wait. What state are they in? This may be normal for them?


Does this page just make up retarded ass questions to get people to comment? I really hope real people aren’t this stupid.

Maybe she is worried he is just telling her it’s his cousin but it’s not actually… but… she could have just said that…so idk


I think the long distance is getting to you. It’s bringing up more than likely irrational fears. I’d be more concerned if he stayed at a hotel “alone”.


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: Girl you need help!!! Therapy and more therapy. The fact your head is going there means you have some major issues.


He needs to leave you now. You scream nothing but red flags. Your man needs to run far away from you


:sob::sob::joy::joy: lmao people have sexual relations with their family members … Dont act surprised in these comments


Its his cousin come on


Does he have a past for fucking his cousins? :rofl:

Just ask. Keep asking until he tells you the truth.

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Good lord. You think he cheated on you with his COUSIN!!!


Incest is best :woman_facepalming::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::rofl: Girl, grow up. That’s his cousin, you’re just sick in the mind. If you don’t trust him, then leave. SIMPLE. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


are you stupid or just stupid? you’re worried about HIS COUSIN?


You are a :triangular_flag_on_post: …He needs to run away​:sweat_smile:


obviously you have feelings you aren’t meeting his needs, if you’re concerned of his fucking his cousin. I’d ask him if he needs more of you, or discuss long term plans and consider moving closer together if so. what an awful feeling you expressed to be feeling, communicate girl! it’s clear you miss him and wish it was you he’d been staying with that night, but honestly dont mention his cousin when you bring it up. that’ll probably be a deal breaker for him. ask him the right questions, dont assume or accuse during the discussion, ask him if he’s lonely for you? dont makes this about that night, there’s clearly alot more feelings and that night is the example you presented in this post.

If her boyfriend is reading this…run!


But that’s his cousin :thinking::thinking::thinking:


Woman get your head outta the gutter good grief. That’s his damn cousin! They have two separate rooms! Either grow up n stop being so insecure or get outta this relationship cause if u thinking that something is weird about two cousins being at the same hotel in two separate rooms one with a baby then no u don’t need to be in this relationship imo. Also you say you trust him but you basically saying that something is weird about what’s going on which in turns means u don’t trust him :woman_shrugging:t3:

If you can’t trust your boyfriend with his Cousin you’ve got definitely got some serious trust issues going on.


It’s his cousin… Why worry if it’s a family member??


His cousin. . . Really


Dude you sound like my brother’s girlfriend. She got jealous, because he was spending time with our cousin. He’s 24 and she is 16. They were visiting my grandmother before her heart surgery. You effing sick. And you need to find a therapist to find out why you are concerned about his FAMILY!!! I wouldn’t come back if I were him.


You’re fuqin weird dude…

does he have a history of sleeping with his family? or like what? i’m not trying to be rude at all, just curious.


Wow. Just wow. I’m sorry but if you don’t trust him with family, you may need to seek help.


so your husbands a cousin-fucker?:thinking::thinking::joy::joy::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: well at least he keeps it in the family

What the actual fuck… LOL that’s his cousin! You must have some serious issues if you’re tripping out over that. :grimacing:

Have you ever met his cousin in person? Can other family members verify she is a cousin?

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This is his cousin right? His blood cousin? I mean normally you shouldn’t have any worries but you never know these days LOL


I see you need help. That is his family like what is wrong with you. What even makes you go that far to not trust him with a female family member

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He can’t afford an Uber? Being long distance but in town he should stayed with you. Grown men come home at night.

ewe um unless this guys a backwoods imbread redneck.why would you even question something like that gross!!!

If you can’t trust a man to be alone with family maybe you need another man


It’s his cousin… what the actual heck…


He needs to run away from this relationship :exploding_head: it’s his cousin sheesh!!! I slept in a room with my cousins male and females growing up and as adults!


I’m weak yall stop attacking her . You never know what she could have been thru … maybe she’s saying like do you think they’ll invite someone over or something.

Stop the hate people. She’s going through her own issues and all your negativity makes it worse. If you don’t have anything nice to say then keep quiet.

Probably not his cousin and thats probably his baby… Lmfao jk just stirring the pot.


Wow some of you are hateful and extremely horrible. If you think she is being extra simply say that.
In my opinion maybe she is being extra. But honestly I would need more information than this provided. Like has he given you a reason prior to make you think he would cheat period? Then has he ever made comments about this cousin or any other relative prior?
To those saying eww it’s family blah blah. Obviously you don’t know the male population that much. I know several men who would 100% sleep with their cousin. I know several women also who would do the same.
Is it weird and gross? Yeah a bit.
But regardless if it’s a mental issue with this girl or she is legit concerned he would do this for reasons she didn’t provide be less hateful. And instead provide actual helpful answers. Offer real advice and be nicer. Seriously.
To the girl with this issue I hate that whatever is going on has made you feel and think this way. My honest advice is if you are thinking this may be happening then asking us if you are being extra tells me that you are in fact being extra. But don’t let us cause you more stress than your situation already is. If he has never cheated nor given you doubt about that type of thing then he is probably telling the truth and was just doing what made more sense instead of being a burden needing someone to take him home and whatnot then go right back and get him again. I mean I am sorry that your mind is even trapped in this scenario. But maybe talk to someone professional or a trusted friend or relative. I hope you find the answers you need .

What the actual fuck

What else has happened for u to be concerned?? He was honest. Did u talk to him afterwards?

I don’t think it’s his cousin.
Lotta men use that excuse


Did incest happen in your family for you to not be comfortable with this?? Just a serious question coz ur tripping out over nothing.


I mean, this is an attention seeking joke, right ?

Go get yourself some help. And hopefully he leaves you for someone that deserves him :woman_facepalming:t4: then maybe you can actually have a decent relationship with someone in the future.


WTH is wrong with you? That is his cousin. If you are jealous of a cousin, that man needs to run far away from you. And if you think it’s normal for cousins to sleep together, you need to get some mental help


If it’s his actual cousin no worries but if he’s juSt saying that to be alone with her than you have a big problem

LADIES . Imagine seeing your man once a month, that already sounds hard poor girl. But she’s alone and in her head and looked to this page for reassurance from other women and yall are saying hateful things. Shame on you guys… Im sure he’s being loyal unless there is more we don’t know


Is he from Kentucky? If not then you have nothing to worry about dear :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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What in the sweet home Alabama shit is thi-

Well are you sure that it was his cousin that he stayed with?

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Maybe let yourself calm down first, so you can think clearly, that is his cousin, how would you react if he was saying the same about you and your cousin? I would have stayed with my cousin to make it easier for all, id also stay with male friends if it was the easiest option too, I think you need to work on your insecurities and trust, you can’t say you trust him while posting the opposite of trusting him, if you did trust him, this wouldn’t have even crossed your mind.


If he has no history with this cousin or he has not committed incest in the past, yes you are being extra. Otherwise, you gotta break up because he cannot be trusted.


Oh shit that’s how people from Arkansas get Cuzbands (cousin husband)

If you trust each other then I don’t see the problem. The situation seems understandable, and he is being honest with you about it. I think you’re probably over thinking.

He from West Virginia? If not, that’s his cousin, your absolutely being too much


I don’t think anything is going on that’s his cousin… you’re fine, you’re just worrying too much. All you ladies that are being rude and hateful… hope when you ask a question, people wont be rude to you. You guys need to grow up if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all!!!


He needs to reassure you this is his cousin but he still should be trying to get to you ASAP delay delay delay makes you wonder what he’s up to I would but you’re not crazy follow your heart


Ew it’s his cousin. If you have the type of man you can’t trust to not sleep with his own relatives you should probably dump him lol

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Are you being extra? Probably. If the situation was reversed, would he trip if you stayed at a hotel with your cousin and their baby?? If you can’t trust him why try to build a future with him? If you dont trust him let that MF go Sis.

Arielle Owens trollin :joy::rofl::rofl::rofl:

There cousins! What
Do you do with your own male cousins jk


For everyone attacking her I know someone who actually cheated with their cousin :nauseated_face::face_vomiting: I also get its normal to stay with family and would not question the situation but there might be an underlying reasons why she is :woman_shrugging:


Its his cousin!!! Yes you are being extra. I see nothing wrong with him staying with family. No different if they would have stayed at her house together.

If he’s not from the Appalachian mountains or Florida I think the odds of him committing incest are low. I also think you need to ask yourself why you think this even a possibility.

TF?! Unless you think he’s lying about him not being with his cousin? Not sure where the concern is if you know he’s with his cousin…

Wait where do you live… you worried about a blood cousin or play cousin… I’m hella confused

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Honey you need to seek counseling. It’s not healthy to have insecurities like this.

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If you even think that he’s the type of person to sleep with his own cousin, leave him. That’s nasty.


:joy::joy::joy::joy: u think ur fella is going with his own cousin!? The fucks wrong with ur head??

What in the Alabama is this


Omf its his freaking cousin! You should leave him if you cant even trust him around his own family. He deserves better.


Ooooooh yeah - you are definitely extra. You are accusing/assuming him of incest… messing around… WITH HIS COUSIN! Like, seriously? In my humble and honest opinion, if you are this bad thinking of him committing incest - then you don’t need to be with anybody and need to focus on them Insecurities.


To me it sounds as if you know of something between the cousins that you haven’t told? That would be my first thoughts, but if there was no known history that honestly would have never crossed my mind. I do know this type of stuff happens all the time, BUT I would’ve never thought of anything of the sort unless there were a reason to of lead me to think this unless you guys have insecurities about the relationship and don’t fully trust him? I’m not meaning that as an insult by any means at all. :heartbeat:


Shes a single female with a child alone in a hotel room out of town from her own surroundings. It’s his cousin. Maybe he felt like keeping her company and looking out in addition to not wanting to beg for rides back and forth. And she’s from where your from and you actually know her and her baby dad…I think your just jealous you aren’t there too not that anything sexual is happening…I get it but that’s craziness…if someone accused me of sleeping with my cousin…id never mention this to him or his family…feel better…


Seriously? Ew it’s just cousin.

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I think if you’re feeling any kind of way about anything at all, hes not the one for you. Your instinct is trying to protect you one way or another. Listen to yourself

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What if it’s not even his cousin? :thinking: seen it happen before but idk


i feel like i want to puke did i read that right

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He told you about the sleeping in the motel and his cousin. If that’s really his cousin I wouldn’t worry. But did you meet her yet. That’s one way to find out. But if it’s his cousin them you really need help.

I’d never be concerned over my husband staying with his cousin…lol that’s just weird tbh

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I’m laughing so hard right now at the comments :joy::joy::joy::sob:

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Damn!!! If you think your man is cheating with his cousin without proof, something is wrong with you. You are toxic. Do some soul searching.

Ohhhhh… His “cousin”.


You are being way too extra

:woman_facepalming:t2: Girl, you need Jesus to fix those useless thoughts. If that’s the type of man you think he is…you do not belong together.


Wow …if you HONESTLY think he would sleep with his cousin …and you aren’t just causing drama or insecure…then you need to leave him now.