I am LIVID that my mom put whiskey on my daughters gums: Advice?

I am flabbergasted at how many think this is okay. FFS, it’s not 1920.


I’d be livid too.
Nope nope nope


l Get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16944 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This. https://DollarWorth392.pages.dev/

Just think of all the young moms that learned from this that rubbing whiskey in a babies guns will soothe their pain. Yes you overreacted in my opinion but this probably helped alot of new moms with an old remedy that works!


I personally would be mad…


50 to 60 something years ago I did that to four of my six children .Old fashion remedy that soothed the gums for a while .


Believe it or not. THAT WORKS


Yea, you’re wrong. It’s not like she was trying to make your baby sick. The whiskey thing does work and I’m sure your baby was glad to have some relief. I’d say you owe your mom an apology and ask if you can try putting the whiskey on the gums.


You overreacted big time. As a retired dental hygienist, using a tiny bit of alcohol is much safer than using products like Oragel. Those products are being investigated by the FDA because they are known to cause a condition called methemoglobinemia. Just saying before you all freak out too much.


It doesn’t matter if “it worked back then”, “my mom did it to me”, etc. IT IS NOT OKAY. That is something she should have asked you, THE MOTHER, in this situation. She is not the mom. Times change and so does our knowledge of things. It has been PROVEN it’s not safe. Ffs it’s alcohol and a baby. Are you a dunce? No it’s not fcking okay. Personally I would not let her see my kid again until she’s apologized. And even after, nothing unsupervised for a LONG TIME.


They used to do that back then, she would have done the same to you , and I assume you turned out ok . Not like she added it in her bottle, chill .


I used Brandy on my kids gums worked better than teething gels and didn’t do the kids any harm


I would not be upset at all I have my wisdom teeth moving and I do it and I’ll tell you what it takes the pain away like crazy like I’m not even joking I’ve tried bon Jella I’ve tried SM 33 and I tell you what the whiskey every time hands down please try not to be to upset with her I get why you are upset but she is not giving your baby a bottle Full of whiskey good luck with the teething time in your life it will get better for sure 

My mom did it and so did I. It works amazingly! I mean have you seen the ingredients in some of the crap out there for teething children? Whiskey every time!

That’s an old school remedy and works like a charm


Yes, you’re definitely WRONG!!! OMG calm down Karen!!! It’s not like she gave your baby a shot!!! Rubbing alcohol on a teething baby’s gums has been something that has worked for YEARS UPON YEARS!!! Get over yourself, please.


Should she have ask you 1st,Yes. Would you have said no, yes. Did she help out your baby from the suffering, yes. Did she raise you and you survived, yes. I would say just talk to her about it and let her know to ask 1st.


My mom used brandy on me and my brother :roll_eyes::woman_shrugging:

Can someone direct me how to use whiskey to sooth teething gums?


Listen, whiskey on the gums is an age old remedy that truly does work. You don’t have to like it, it’s your child, but in all honesty it’s not a chemical solution. You may not know or understand all the ways that worked for the moms before you, but they are tried and true methods. Just say “thanks” and move on. If it bothers you that much don’t ask her to watch your child anymore.


Ultimately it’s your child so your choice on what happens. I can say as for me, I wouldn’t be. It helps all my grandparents and parents did it. My two older kids had it done to them which helped way more then any numbing gel did.


You overreacted… she should have asked you , yes. But the fact that’s something people used to do , and my grandma would give me brandy with hot milk when I had a bad cough, and I am not an alcoholic or have any health issue for that . Apologize with your mother . That wasn’t the proper way to react. She was trying to help your baby that was in pain.


No, that’s overstepping your boundaries as a parent! You have every right to be upset!!

Calm down. Momma Knows what she is doing

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Yeah little overacting


It’s natural and safe your kid isn’t going to get drunk from it. It’s most likely the most pure relief. Do you realize how many chemicals are in teeth gel not only for kids but adults. You need to calm down and apologize


It’s only enough on their finger. Baby isn’t drinking it.



Nope! Not in the wrong for being upset. I never had to use anything with my girls. Never cranky and they had zero issues.

The amount of vicious, holier-than-thou “women” telling you putting alcohol in a baby’s mouth is STAGGERING. We KNOW BETTER, so DO BETTER people.


Yes you are wrong. It didn’t hurt the baby, in fact it helped. That remedy was used for many many decades for good reason.


Imagine your teeth were breaking through your gums and you could have relief that won’t hurt you would u deny it. It won’t hurt baby not drinking it it’s a drop not even baby’s not drunk it has been done longer then your mom was alive


Just don’t let her babysit anymore if you don’t feel comfortable.

Hire a baby sitter and don’t forget to leave step by step instructions for her/ him.

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Wow you are definitely wrong, one have respect for your momma, how did you turn out any siblings, are you a good person, your mother knows what she is doing it’s not going to harm your child, now go to your mum and apologise, and girl don’t disrespect your mother


I can’t believe how many people are saying you’re wrong. I would be pissed. It can numb their throat and they can forget to swallow or breathe. Just because it’s “an old remedy that truly works” doesn’t mean that we should do it knowing what we do now about doing that. You’re the mother, what you say goes, and I would not be letting her babysit again.


Sometimes Old ways work a lot better than the one’s out now, Please don’t be to upset with your Mum, She was only trying to help, anyway she did it to you, and you are still here, so no harm came to you, Just tell your Mum you are sorry, than forget about it, and take some teething Gel with you next time, so your Mum can used on your Baby Gums, OK, and lets hope your Mum understands x.


Amber stones work for teething babies

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That’s what our grandparents used back in the day. I bet everyone is just fine now :joy::joy: There was not oral gel.


My parents did it with us, theirs with them and I did it with all my children. You have a right to be upset though, she should have talked with you about it. However, just know your baby got relief and really needed it.


This is also something they used for teething “back in the day” but grandma always knows better than us huh?


My advice… get over it!! Good grief :rofl::rofl:


if your child is ok…no harm done…a whole generation was raised like that…also your child got soe relief from teething pain… I would thank her


If it worked or not isn’t the point. Your child your decision. She should have asked and then respected your wishes. Your the mom in this scenario and she is only the grandma. She has no say in it. But you also have to make sure you tell her exactly how you want things prior to leaving or pick someone else to watch the baby

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I don’t think if it’s a little finger rub it will hurt the baby but it’s her baby her choice if she doesn’t want Her Mom to do it then she needs to tell her mom her mom it’s her baby and that she’s not comfortable with it a lot of things have changed last 20 years that I had kids so anything is possible ??? I know with my kids and myself if their teeth are coming in or I have to think I use teething tablets to “Highland” brand they are the best thing I ever found

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Your mom did t know the latest data and didn’t do it to hurt either of you. Her intentions were good. Instead of going off on her, I would have made it a teaching and bonding moment. She loves both of you and I’m sure you love her too.


You could try asking her not to do it again and get some numbing drops and teething rings. Us Moms tend to do what comes natural to us. You never had a discussion, so you should not be LIVID.


Did you have anything in her bag to use for the baby? Or tell her what to do? You stated she was grumpy from teething so you knew what the problem was. I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t babysit again

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You’re not wrong at all!!! I understand people use to do that back in the day but we now have resources other than what other tell us, we have tylonal, teething toys, oral jell, and so many other option’s. I don’t care what anyone else says, you shouldn’t feel bad for going off, if it was my mom I’d be upset too! I’m on my third child and no one has ever went behind my back like that, and everyone down playing it, it isn’t right, it’s her child and her choice as a parent, you or your mom, or your grandma might do it or did it but she’s the mom in the situation and she has every right to be upset. If you do forgive or when you do, I’d set strict boundaries and start telling her before she does anything to your baby maybe she should call or text first because god forbid that baby was allergic to what she gave it then the out come could have been way worse!

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That’s an age old remedy but age old remedies do not hold up well today because of research & better options. mom should respect your wishes.


Do you guys not realize how selfish you sound?!
“Oh my baby is crying and I can’t stand it let’s give them something than can be toxic and dangerous so I can get a break from the crying”


My father in law did this at a moose lodge function and I was so mad about it. But it didn’t hurt him. He also gave him solid foods before it was time and I freaked out thinking he would choke to death on me but there again he was fine.


it’s bad for the baby it can numb their throat * WHEN used in excess. God forbid she she eased her granddaughters pain the way they’ve been doing it for oh I don’t know the history of mankind. She didn’t get her wasted she wasn’t doing a capful. Should she have asked yeeea but honestly in that situation if that was my grand baby crying in pain and you didn’t leave me a darn thing I would’ve done it too. Especially since you were probably like she’s teething and didn’t bother to leave anything


Some of you young women wouldn’t be happy REGARDLESS what your Momma does because you’re spoiled little brats that needed your butts busted more. Get over yourselves :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
If she let your baby cry, she’d be allllll over Facebook because she didn’t know how to stop her from crying. You just can’t win with some of you that just sit around and look for something to bitch at your parents about but you yourselves are sooo perfect in your little Facebook lives. Who the hell raised all of you???

Guess what…find a new babysitter since you believe she is so wrong. It’s an old remedy that actually does work but you felt the need to be disrespectful in the way you handled it. You could have simply asked that she not do it again.


My mom put it on mine when I was a baby and I won’t lie, we had to put it on our twins gums awhile back because literally nothing else would help them. Teething babies are in so much pain, and imagine having two going through it at the same time. Sorry, but I’m with mom on this one. It’s not like she made her take shots with her, she probably just dipper her finger in the glass and then rubbed it on her gums. It really works and while we have only done it twice in the year they’ve been born both times it worked immediately and we were all able to get some much needed sleep. I think you should apologize to your mom, she was trying to be helpful and sure she should have talked it over with you first, but you would have never known if she hadn’t told you. :woman_shrugging:


Saw my grandma do this to my cousin a couple of years ago. Not for the same reason though my cousin had a bad stomach and my grandma just took some whiskey on her finger and let her lick it (repeated this about 3 times) Cousin was like 1.5 years old at the time and I was like whaaaat :hushed:
Then she explained she used to do it to us too when we had tummy aches as kids and it would fix it :woman_shrugging:t3:
Once explained I thought it was okay, but I mean it’s your baby and your choice. But since she’s your mom just don’t go off at her because she seems like a good mom/grandma willing to take care of your baby. It’s a remedy they’re used to so she may not have given much thought as to whether she needs your permission for it. If you don’t want it to repeat just talk to her and set your boundaries.

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Uhm, it works… and you just rub it on their gums, it’s not like she was letting your baby drink it :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I would have said thank you for making my baby comfortable


l Get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16944 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This. https://DollarWorth420.pages.dev/

Chill out! Do you have issues with the way she raised you? If so, why would you have her babysit? If not, you turned out okay- except for being too uptight. Your child got relief and your mother loves you and your child enough to be your babysitter. She is not obligated to help you. It’s not like she replaced her formula with whiskey- she rubbed a little on her gums. :woman_shrugging: Making an issue out of a non-issue.


Just because it works doesn’t mean you have to use it. I mean my ex’s dik still works and you don’t see me using that :person_shrugging:
Something I used in the past that I’m not now because IT WAS TOXIC!


It does work tho and has for centuries :person_shrugging:


It’s not like she got your daughter drunk if that’s what you are thinking :roll_eyes:


I wouldn’t like it but it does work and she’s watching her so I wouldn’t be too mad.

Wow relax how do you think they did it back in the old days


She could’ve used pure vanilla extract… That’s also an old remedy that’s a bit less shocking

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I bet cps wouldn’t think it’s fine because it works. Y’all wonder why their are so many Alcoholics


It’s an old remedy my mom used on both my sister and I. We are perfectly fine. I’d say yes to over reacting. I didn’t agree with a lot of what my mom did when she watched my kids but it never hurt them. But if it made you so mad either talk to her about it or find another sitter! Good luck


Honestly, the 2 people I always had and still have full trust when it comes to my son are my parents. There were many times they stayed with him as a baby and I never got mad for what they had to do. I trust them fully.
They raised my brother and I and they are amazing parents. Also I know they love my son soo much and would never do anything to hurt him. I know it’s not something you agree with but you shouldn’t have went off, you could of simply told your mom you didn’t appreciate that and don’t agree with it.


It’s ok. Your mom did what she always did.

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Did you take teething medicine to her? Or jus left your screaming, teething child to suffer and you’re mom to deal with it?


You knew your child was teething when you had mom babysit. Did you provide teething gel for her? If not, then you overreacted. Your mom did what she knew worked :woman_shrugging:t2:


Grow up ! A little whiskey on her gums to ease her suffering is not the end of the world ! I used brandy on my kids turned out fine your mom did it for you You are fine. It’s an old remedy that works and you trust your mom she would never hurt her grand daughter Go back and apologize and if you still feel that way pack some oral gel next time and ask her to use that


Seriously. Your mom is right. And it won’t harm the child. Actually 28 yrs ago we were given parogoric and that was basically the same thing. Don’t be upset she helped your child not suffer. :heart:


Did you die though…?


Relax, it’s not like she gave the child a shot full. I done what my elders done and my adult children are fine lol.

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You’re wrong for going off, but I understand! For centuries, women has used that method to numb the gums. She only did what she knew. It does work. She didn’t let your child drink it, she just soothed her gums.

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Well no your not wrong for being upset but she didn’t do anything that wasn’t a common practice way back in the day. I think you should have a conversation with her and educate her on why this is no longer recommended and how you feel about it.

I am amazed at how many of you women are ok with giving your baby something that has proven to kill adults if they have too much of it. Something that can affect your heart and blood pressure something that has been proven to be TOXIC. You’re not ok with women drinking while pregnant but ok with them giving their baby alcohol?


this was very common back in the early 70’s & earlier. I remember when my MIL did this to my daughter (she was born in 1971) I really didn’t like it, but it was barely a drop & it did help & it was only that one time, Since she really didn’t like me & rarely came around :slight_smile:


I think you over reacted. That’s what was done back in the day. It is harmless. You could have asked her to explain and then let her know you were not comfortable with it and to not do it again. If you’re leaving your child with her then you probably have a decent relationship so she deserves a bit more respect as your mom.


They had cocaine in their pop “back in the day” and you’re trusting the logic?

Grandparents do what they know works.
Did you leave medicine for the baby? If you did was it working?
I’m 53 and have 6 grands… 2 im helping raise because my son is military… I did it to my kids and I have had my kids ask me what I did that works…
You need to apologize for going off BUT ask your mom not to do it in the future. Go ahead and sit down with her NOW and talk about how you want other things handled in the future (and I suggest notes in the bag) to help prevent future issues… We don’t know unless you tell us!!!


There’s more alcohol in children’s OTC medicine than what was placed on your child’s gums. (Some contain up to 25% alcohol)
State a boundary for the future, and let it go. Your baby is fine.


It’s the medicine that parents know and is better than the shit the doctor give you today

Why would you blast your mom on FB instead of just communicate with her.
You may not agree with her actions but it does work. It’s not enough to harm your child… It numbs the gums and helps with the pain. The medicine’s for teething makes the gums tuff on top of all the recalls. At least whiskey is all natural and no recalls. Just talk with your mom I’m sure she would resecpt your your feelings on the matter


You arent wrong to be upset but you were wrong to go off, she did what she knew worked she’s successfully raised her own children. You just need to tell her what you would like her to do in the future.

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I did it with my 5 kiddos and it helps, no I didn’t do it all the time. But it does work. Just talk to your mom and express how it made you feel. Back in the older days this was normal.

They’ve been doing that longer than you realize, try not thinking so much like a millennial and remember moms have been mommin many generations before you. It obviously calmed her down right? Teething is horrible and sometimes they get the runs from it , poor babies. I think you going off is a little much, she did raise you, right?


Gripe water had brandy in it complete over reacting and do it on social media talk mom lucky u have her to babysit in first place :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Do your babies also ride in the car like this?


She probably dipped her finger in it and rubbed on the spot…big deal…that is what our parents did to us and their parents did to them. You act as if she gave the kid a shot in his formula…lol
Do you trust your mom and dad? Do you really believe they would do anything to harm their grandchildren? If so you shouldn’t have left then there in the first place. For thrush my mom used to dip a washcloth in proxide, ring out good and wipe off tongue. Works amazing, doesn’t mean she dumped teaspoon in our mouth and made us swallow it…I’d say relax.


I did it with my children and my granny did it with me. You do know that most of the old remedies work better than most of the crap they have today


Is this her first grand child? Did she know it would upset you this much? What’s done is done and you’re not able to go back and fix it. Next time just let her know before giving your child any medicine to just run it by you or leave some infants Tylenol with the line marked on the outside of the cup for the dose your child gets. If your child’s fine I would try and just use this as a learning experience. Grand parents would never purposely harm their grand baby. She prob thought what she was doing was genuinely going to help.

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I do it to my kids :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: when nothing else works, and you’ve tried everything possible, you have your last resorts wether you want to or not. At the end of the day,you want a better feeling baby, and a solid mind set and to be able to breathe. Dipping your finger or a q-tip into some whiskey and just rubbing it in their gums, is not going to make them drunk or kill them. The only issue you might come across is if the baby was allergic to it,but that’s a risk we take with literally everything.


Yoi definitely are not wrong.

Whisky is a better alternative to Orajel and all the added additives in there. Whisky is natural and I believe u might be more upset then necessary


Yes. You overreacted.