I am looking for advice regarding pacifier use and toddlers

My grandaughter just gave hers up and she is almost 5.

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I seen a thing years ago, that parents got their child to put their pacy in a box or something and left it outside in a tree for the “fairy” to come get it and left a surprise. Not sure if that would work but it seemed neat lol

Slice the nipples on all of them and don’t give in. She’s definitely playing you.


I had to just throw them all away. I tried cutting the tip, but my son would stick his finger in the thing to close the hole and I didn’t want to risk him cutting off circulation (we used the blue ones like from the hospital) so I had to throw em all away. He cried for 2 to 3 nights about it then eventually quit crying over it

Throw them all away. It will be hard for the first couple of days but she will forget about it

We had the paci fairy cone with a new baby with bottle. Note said she graduated and that it’s her turn to be a big girl and take care of a baby

She’ll give it up on her own, she doesn’t even have her adult teeth yet. Besides teeth can be fixed, childhood trauma cannot.

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At her age I would just take it away and redirect her. Keep her busy

I had the same problem with daughter and grandson, so how I managed and it’s best time of year is to tell them to leave it out for Santa as when they get a certain age Santa takes them to all the babies who are born on Christmas night as Santa has no presents left for them, worked with both, but my grandson asked his elf on the shelf to take it for him, hope this helps, the birthday fairy also has many uses :joy: :heart:


My oldest was almost 4 iwanna say before we got rid of hers. I recieved judgment for parents so not looking for more of that, but sharing my advice. When she went to the dentist they said she had an open bite, from having it. After that, we started not letting her have it during the day. She had it at night and for car rides. It was her comfort thing. We slowly started taking it more. One night we couldnt find it and sent her to bed without it. She cried for maybe 15 minutes or no and bed. After that she never asked about it again. That night we also took my youngest pacifier away too. She was maybe 2. It was alot easier than we thought, and my oldest had absolutely obsessed with and attached to hers. Wishing you the best!

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Ask her to leave it for father Christmas

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I threw my daughters away and that was the end of that pacifier


They need to just be gone one day. Distract her or let her have a meltdown…cpl days and it’s over.


Also…at that age…that pacifier is for you :wink:


Cut them so they can’t suck anymore. Tell her that that’s how they sell them now. She won’t like it and move on eventually. Like make a slit in it.

I wasn’t a huge binky person but my nephew and niece loved theirs a lot and we cut the nipples on theirs and it ruins the good suck they are getting. So while they were still getting the binky it wasn’t working right and they got over it pretty quick.

Throw them all away while she sleeps


Just a hint! Let Santa take all the pacis from the stocking and replace with toys!!! Then remind her every time she asks that Santa has them and giving them up gave her presents. It took us about a week of hard nights and my daughter still talks about Santa taking them!!! Exact same age exact same time last year. Good luck mama!

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I sucked my thumb at night until I was 6 yrs old & didn’t need braces. If you know someone who just had a baby, tell her the baby needs her pacifier & see if she will give it up. Or that there are new babies that need them & if she is willingly to donate to a place so other babies can have them. (and let her bring them to the place, so she does feel that she is doing the right thing.) If not, let it be

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My daughter was the same exact way and it started effecting her teeth. Took her to the dentist and all (at 2.5) and they said it needs to go. We gave her 2 weeks of constant warnings we were taking it away soon. She said she understood but ultimately we all knew what was coming. It was a meltdown at bedtime & there was no way around it. We let her take her sippy cup with water to bed instead and that helped some. But for 2 weeks it was beyond tough. Getting her to sleep took hours some nights. But she got past it.

Long story short, just get rid of them.


We bought a trampoline for her to give it up. She did it right before she turned 3…make sure you get rid of every single one cause if she finds one 5 months from now you’ll have an issue lol

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She could leave it for Santa along with cookies and milk. Just name sure Santa makes note of it in a letter to her that he leaves. We always left Santa a note and he would leave us one in response

I tried to get our dentist to tell my granddaughter that the passy would ruin her teeth. Well he wouldn’t! He said it was hurting her teeth. However she only liked a certain kind of passy and they quit making them. Thats what got her to quit. She was over 3.

If she’s anything like my daughter was she loses them often and they need replaced. Tell her the next time she loses it that this will be the last one and when she loses it no more. My oldest held on to that last one for about a month and then when it was gone, it was gone. No more. Whatever you do, FOLLOW THROUGH WITH WHAT YOU TELL HER.

I took my kids to build a bear, told them that they could pick whatever they wanted but we were going to give the pacifier to the bear so that they could still sleep with the paci but their teeth would be so much happier if it wasn’t in their mouth. They stuffed it inside and sewed it up. My daughter is 16 and still has her bear! It was a little hard for a few nights but we got through it.


A family members little girl had hers in her bookbag in 1st grade, only took it out if her grandmother was her bus driver on way home, didnt do anything to her teeth, she’s now in middle school and entering beauty contests, homecoming court, but its up to the parent, my niece was 4 1/2 before my sister finally took it, 3 days of pure hell, but gotta do it sooner or later

Tie it to a door knob. She will get tired of standing there to use it. Worked for me 35 yrs ago.


I tried everything with my oldest. I tired the pacifier fairy, I tried Santa, I tried just making him go cold turkey. The only thing that worked was one day we were in the mall walking around and he decided to throw his pacifier down over the bannister to the lower floor. I was like “oops, it’s gone forever now” and he was like “ok mom”. That night he started to get into tantrum mode, and I reminded him that he threw the pacifier away. He said “oh yeah”. Then whimpered a little before falling asleep. Never asked for it again. He was 3, and my only child out of three that liked the pacifier.

My daughter was 2.5 and slept holding multiple ones and one in her mouth and I took them all while she was asleep, screamed her whole nap time that day and 2 hours before going to bed that night, the next night she didn’t even ask for it, when she did ask the following day I just told her we don’t have binkys anymore she’s a big girl now. She got over it after a couple of days.

My toddlers sent theirs off on a balloon to the fairies. (Our dog accidentally chewed them up whilst they was in the bath :wink:) In return they got money under their pillow for a new toy, some sparkle and a note saying “thankyou for your dummies. Our fairies have extra power to help them fly, to keep flowers alive and take children’s teeth to give them money” they were absolutely fine. Keep their minds busy and entertained.
:warning:stay away from the dummy aisle​:warning:

My daughter was the same way, had it on a ribbon around her neck. She did nothing without it. She would chew it and break the nipple so right before her 3rd bday, I told her if she breaks the one she has that she herself had to throw it away and we didn’t have another one. 3days before her 3rd bday she was walking through the living room n all of a sudden she froze looked at me terrified n said ‘I broked it mommy!’ So I told her U know what u gotta do…that was the longest saddest walk to a garbage can I’ve ever seen. She told me she needs a new one n told me ‘ballmart has some please go get it.’ I told her no ma’am we don’t have any more nuknuks. She whined at bedtime that one night n didn’t mention it again. She’s almost 13 now and no dental problems at all.

Following because I’m going through the same thing with my almost 3 yr old.

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I worked in daycare, had 1 kid stuck in it bad. Parents started cutting the tip off a little each week until there was nothing left. It actually worked for them!


This was my 2 year old 4 months ago. But she would go without a pacifier at daycare but as soon as we got in the car or home she just had to have it. Refused naps and bedtime is she didn’t have it. She was chewing holes in her and we were scared that she would choke in her sleep. So we quit cold turkey. I never let her cry it out but I also stood my ground. I found a stuffed bear that she absolutely loves and always carries around and I would lay her down and when she started screaming I would go in. Would not pick her up but would bend down and par her back and talk to her about how she is a big girl now and that she was going to be okay and we where going to do it together. First 3 nights it took about 8-10 tries before she passes out but once she did she slept so much better. After the 5th day I only had to go back into her room twice and after 9 days I could just lay her down, do our bed time prayers, kisses, and I do bad dreams thing for my girls. Now we are 4 months with no paci! Hang in there momma it’s so rough!!

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My daughter is 2 and she was addicted to her pacifier since she was born. Always had to have it all day and night. It took me and my fiance forever to actually try getting her off of it. But we started just hiding it and only gave it to her at bedtime. My fiance wouldn’t even give it to her at bedtime but I did for like the first 2 nights then stopped. She’s officially off of the pacifier now though! We thought it would be way harder and take longer but she was off of it in like a week of us actually trying

Following have the same issue with my almost 3 year old

My son gave it up at 2 but he was addicted. Always walking around with 2 in his mouth and one in his pocket. So I kept saying he’s a big boy now and they’re yucky and for babies. He slowly stopped sucking them and then one day threw it off the bed and never touched it again. I left it where he threw it for a week just in case but when he was done, he was done. On the other hand I took my 3yr old daughter off of hers and she just started sucking her thumb which is no better.

“No child has ever died from crying”*quote from smartest Peds RN I know.

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My opinion is to just take the dummy and throw it out. When they ask for it u tell them the truth that u r getting a big girl and u don’t need it. They r only for little babies

My kids, I just threw them in the garbage and didn’t buy anymore. Then dealt with it. My oldest didn’t care. My youngest was attached. But throwing them out helped.

She’s having a full blown tantrum. I have no ideas, cause my two are teens, but my son 'posted ’ his to Santa. My daughter ‘gave’ hers to the babies in childcare.

They were upset, but I just reminded them gently what they did and how awesome it was when they cried, and they got over it.

If your child needs the dummy let her have it. There is nothing wrong with her needing it. We as adults should not force a child to give up something they are needing to soothe them. It’s just cruel.

She will give it up when she is ready and at some point socially she will see that she is the only one with one


Well of course she’s playing you lol (not meaning this in a bad way) at this point she has learned she can cry until she gets it back. Unfortunately your going to have to pick a method and stick with it. If your going to go cold turkey than go cold turkey- it will take a few days of crying herself to sleep but just remember she’s crying because she wants something and not because she needs something and that does not make you a bad parent. Would you give her a piece of candy if she constantly cried for it? There are quite a few good recommendations I’ve seen here though I always just chucked mine in the garbage can and went cold turkey- but whatever you choose just be sure to be consistent with it and don’t back down. Honestly the first 2/3 nights are the worst but it won’t last forever- after a few days/maybe a week or two at the longest she will forget it even existed.

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No advice but I’ve a thumb sucker and I don’t think there’s any way out of that lol

Let her throw it away when the trash comes. Say bye bye!

My son just turned 2 and the cutting it option doesn’t work he cuts his own binkies biting them and we throw in trash and he will scream and cry wake up out of his sleep we bought 6 of them and we are now down to 2

Limit use to only in the bed and if she wants it she goes back into the bed. And gradually trim EVERY single one you have. And DONT GIVE IN! You got this. You’re an adult she’s a child. May be a few restless nights but it’s worth it in the long run

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Wean off of it. Keep one for at night. Give only at night for one week…then throw it away completely . Same thing for bottles…except replace with a sippy.

Each child is different; let her decide when she is done …


Let her have it…she will not go to school with it…eventually she will loose interest…most kids these days have to have braces anyway…not worth the aggravation…


IDK, I don’t personally see the big deal. She will give it up when she’s good and ready. I understand what you’re trying to do, but for your sanity and her comfort I would just let it go. Eventually she will give it up. My Granddaughter is 4 years old and she started jr. kindergarten Sept. past. She just gave the pacifier up just a couple of weeks before she started school. Not a big deal. My daughter didn’t want to take away her comfort pacifier, nor did she want to fight about it. My daughter started with you can’t take it out of the house, it’s only for at home…As i said she gave it up when she was ready. As for braces my son used it until he was 4 and he has the most beautiful set of teeth ever.


Let her have it my daughter had one until she was 2 she lost it I told her the kitty took it and that was that


This is my son, too! :smiling_face_with_tear: I feel awful taking it from him

We had the same problem. The dentist had her throw it away in his office. He was very nice about it and she listened to him

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Both my kids gave up their pacifier on their third birthday. We made it a big deal. I built up to it for weeks saying, “Oh boy when you turn three you’re going to be a big kid and you get to throw away your pacifier!” We kept telling everyone so that everyone was on board with encouraging it. So when they would see someone in the family or a friend, we would say, “Oh, Joey is turning three next week!!” And they would know to say, “Wow does this mean you get to throw away your Binky!? You’re so lucky!” By the time their birthdays came they were so excited for the ritual. They couldn’t wait to dump them in the trash and be big kids!

My daughter was the same way. I let her have it until she started an early head start program. She was 3.5 maybe a little older, I told her she was going to be going to school and big girls couldn’t have it. She threw it in the trash, it was so hard on her but she did it. And I cried bc it signified her going from my baby to little girl.

Go get her some pacifier candys

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You have to grow a pair throw them away and refuse to buy any more.

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A few things. Every child is different. My 14 year old never used a pacifier and his teeth were really bad. He currently has braces. I didn’t use a pacifier and my teeth were just as bad and I had braces as a kid. My sister used a pacifier until she was 5 and she never had braces. So the pacifier alone doesn’t mean she will have to get braces.

If you are trying to just take it away for other reasons, I had some friends do different things. One cut a hole at the tip and the child was so mad they wanted nothing to do with it anymore because they could longer suck. Another friend put unsweetened cocoa powder on it. The child thought the taste was so gross they got rid of it themselves. That was also suggested to me by my pediatrician.

Pacifier is way better than a finger or thumb. I tried so hard to get my daughter to take a pacifier instead of sucking her finger. Now she needs braces.

My granddaughter was almost 5 when she gave hers up but since she was 3 she was only using it for bed — not allowed during the day -BTW her teeth are fine

My daughter went straight from her paci to her thumb. Her teeth were beginning to buck when she finally stopped w the thumb at around age five. She’s 43 now and has beautiful teeth. I also sucked my thumb so long that I remember my mom trying to break me. I don’t remember why or when I finally stopped, but I’m the only one of my siblings who had straight teeth! I’m convinced it’s because of the thumb sucking.

This happened to us. She’s old enough to understand you are taking it away. Give her a weeks notice (daily) and then take it away. It will suck for a while but then she’ll get over it.

You have to take it from her and endure the screaming. She will stop screaming when she realizes it’s not working.I promise but it is going to be nerve wracking!

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My daughters were almost 4 when they gave theirs up. Had no problems then. Talked to the dr. and he said not to worry about it

I had to take them away with each of my kids when they were 2. They scream and cry for a day or two and then it’s pretty great without it. No having to worry about where one is, trying to find it, clean it, etc. and yes, it does affect their teeth if they have it too long. The longer they have it, the worse it will be when taking it away.

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Throw it away. And deal with the tantrums. They will eventually end.


You the momma …… whenever you decide …. Your move ….

Here’s my two cents: every kid is different. Three? They’re still on the line between monsters under the bed and oh, right, like I believe that. Some kids never use the things, others I’ve seen are still using them (or their thumbs) as old as five. I would be concerned if she was still wanting it when she’s old enough for pre-school. And there, yep, cruel kids.

My child was the same…one day I took scissors and sliced the tip of it off…a couple days later I took another slice off…and kept going until one day she got mad and threw it. She never wanted it again.


Don’t laugh but I’ve seen episodes of Super Nanny where she utilizes a “binky fairy” (either a full fledged stuffed doll dressed as a fairy or just a decorated bag/box) and tells the child the binky fairy is collecting all the pinkies and giving them to children who don’t have any. She tells them if they give up all their pinkies, the fairy will bring them a present. They make a game out of finding all of the pinkies and putting them in the bag and putting the bag some place where the child can see it but not reach it. In the morning the bag is gone and the child finds a present from the pinky fairy. I know it’s tv, but I thought it was such a cute idea and worked in the episodes I saw.


I used a pin to prick my daughters dummy’s and after afew days I’d chop a little bit off at a time until all the nipple was gone

Pacifiers don’t mean you’re going to need braces, genetics does…


Tell her to let Santa have them!! Leave it with milk and cookies, I did that with one of my boys and sippy cups ( refused to give it up) worked great! Just a suggestion

What my mom found when I was a baby was to snip the end off so it doesn’t create a suction and she said I got mad and threw it away myself.

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Tyler Levi remember on your 2nd birthday party mum put your dummy in dog shit cause she didn’t know how else to stop you from having it :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Our daughter LOVED her bink…til almost 4!! We took her to pick out a stuffy she could have a bedtime n it worked…she still fussed the first few nights just said she missed her bink n I told her when you become a big girl you have to give your binks back to the babies🤷

My son is now 4 and still has 1. He’s currently in therapy for self harming whether intentional or not. His father and I split about a year ago and he’s getting 2 siblings mommy and daddy both got married to different people so his life been unstable to say the least. I allowed him to keep his pacifier it gave him safety and reassurance. He put it down for a few months and then daddy stopped visiting and he picked it up again sometimes children are overwhelmed and it’s their for if safety.

Cut the tip off! My daughter bit a hole in hers and threw it out herself at 8 months, never wanted it again

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My daughter was 4. My sister got a pillow case and told her the pacifier fairy needed to collect them all for the new babies. She found all she had hid and never asked for one again

I told my son when he was 3 that it was for home use only, and he had to leave it home when we went out. After a few weeks he started to forget about it.
Good luck.

Cold turkey throw in the trash

I got my kids at the age of 2 to take it to Santa so he could give it to a baby in need in return he gave them a gift and certificate worked wonders didn’t even get tears

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Following. My 4 year old will not give it up

My 3 year old girl was so obsessed with hers we literally thought she was going to be 7 walking around with one in her mouth… we tried everything and nothing worked until my MIL dipped it in a little vinegar one day and she put it in her mouth threw it and said gross and never again did she use a pacifier.

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A pacifier will cause a slight over bite if used long as a toddler. Genetics play a factor as well. But try and wean her off the pacifier if you can. IMO

Could you leave it out for Santa, so he can use his Christmas magic it make new for another baby

Lucky she don’t suck her thumb people be saying cut it off yet the thumb suckers can go into teen years doing it but longest baby on pacifier I know was 4 so is it really an issue I wouldn’t give a shit as long as it shut the kid up and puts them to sleep what’s the problem

Take her somewhere fun and memorable. Make sure she has it going there and “lose it” there… on the way home when she asks for it remind her she left it there and do not give in or let one resurface at home.

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We just stopped giving it to her, she was around 1.5 but we also gave her more access to her sippy so whenever she wanted the passy we gave her the sippy

What’s going to happen when she wants a new car when she’s a teenager and you say no is she going to stamp her feet and puke when you say no it’s no for the future let me tell you how to disapline little kids follow this to t if they are 3 put them in time out for the 3 mins tell them what they did wroung make sure there little face is looking at you sit right behind them so they can’t run after 3 min turn them around and say are you going to spit at daddy again you want to do time out again let them go and as soon as that spit or what ever right back in the time out must do this at least 10 times to get results finally they do something and all you have to say is you want to do time out they will stop in there tracks please I don’t want to here cute little baby she’s going to embarrass you in public if you don’t try this if your in a restaurant do time out outside let your food get cold