I am not longer in love: thoughts?

You are very unfair as you knew well before bringing a child into your mess! It’s ok to not be in love with someone but it’s not ok to bring an innocent child into this. I hope you get your heart broken 20 times over as you clearly with all intentions do this!!


I’ve had friends married a long time who have said they’ve fallen in and out of love many times and it’s more respect that keeps relationships going.
That being said no one should stay where they aren’t happy, life is way too short and he deserves love from his partner.
Be kind, be honest and remember he will feel a loss you just don’t… so be patient.


Sorry to say this but its both of your daughter. She isnt just yours and it sounds selfish you saying it like that.


If you only stay in a relationship if you feel “in love” you’ll never make it long with anyone.


I’m not going to be like every other person here and tell you to fix things, or to try harder, or to stay in the relationship. I’m also not going to bash on you for how you feel. You obviously feel the way you do and have for awhile. While I think you should’ve told him when you first started having these feelings, it’s normal for relationships to not always work out. Life isn’t a movie. Yeah relationships are hard, and need a lot of work. But at the end of the day, sometimes it can’t fix everything and sometimes two people are not meant to be. I’ve seen couples go to therapy half their relationship and at the end of the day it wasn’t enough. Bring up the conversation to him soon, because it’s only fair to him. Obviously your child needs both of her parents, so you’re going to have to sit down and figure that out, see if you can do it alone or reach out for help if you both need. Remember to keep love for each other as parents, give your child the opportunity to have an amazing bond with both of her parents whether youre together or not. It should be just like any other seperation. Best of luck.


Man I feel so sorry for the guy :disappointed:


You don’t owe shit to anyone to “make it work” you can co-parent if it doesn’t work. I’ve seen it done very well. Get over yourselves thinking you’re all high and mighty. She fucked up, she knows it. But she doesn’t need to suffer and the child doesn’t need to as long as they can be adults and co-parent that baby will be absolutely fine

How selfish only thinking of yourself and not your daughter now she is going to suffer poor dad also y even get pregnant In the first place


At the end of the day love isn’t a feeling… It’s a choice! I’m not being negative about this, honestly coming from someone that’s divorced. My mistake I was young and thought all of the things I like to do then made us perfect together! As we had kids and I matured a little faster than he did… Lol although I don’t regret it because I have my beautiful kids out of it. If I could go back I would definitely taken the time to invest my time in someone that I knew would be a good dad/partner but at the time I was young and we have fun together. Let me tell you the dating world isn’t fun these days and it seems like every sweet talker you get into a relationship with (you fall in love) but honestly it’s just a feeling. Because those guys are quick to leave when they think the other side is sunny… so my advice is try counciling. If you do decide to leave just take your time and don’t look too fall in love to fast.

You do what you can to fall in love again. Talk to him about it


First off she’s not just “YOUR” daughter. She’s both of yours. How do you think her life will be affected by your selfish choices? Has this man hit you or emotionally abused you over the years? If he hasn’t and you just dont have feelings for him anymore than yes, it is a selfish decision. You had this baby knowing you felt that way already, you had your chance to leave but you didn’t. You created a life with this man and now you think it’s ok for you to destroy it? What has this man done to deserve this? He moved away from his family just to be with you. You admit that. How heartless can you be. What is he loving you too much? Showing you too much affection and attention? Was he being too good of a father to your your child? I honestly dont know what is wrong with women today. Especially when they have a good man at home. Just wait. What if you leave him and end up with some scumbag that treats you and your kid like shit.

True love isn’t those gitty feelings that leads to sex. True love is ups and downs, hard work, every day stuff. Sick it out, you will end up alone and miserable if you don’t. I’ve been married for 60+ years to the same guy. It hasn’t all been candy and roses . But after awhile you realize what matters and what doesn’t.


To throw shame on her because she Fell out of love with the man is wrong. Some people grow apart from each other and there’s nothing you can do it happen. No one knows their relationship and how the relationship and how the relationship was establish.

She went on this website to ask for some advice and what she should do not to being torn down to her decision.

She’s a human being just like all of us and just because she brought life into the world that was his child doesn’t mean she’s selfish she’s at a different place now in her life now that she her daughters older.

It’s sad to see how mother can just bring out another mother because of decisions she feels truly in her heart but she’s not longer in love with the man she’s been with but she wants to move on.

I say to my sister, it’s going to be one hard decision but it’s what your heart feels to make you be happy that’s what matters. He will understand and you guys will find a way to raise your child together. There’s gonna be a lot of healing And forgive me but what time heals everything and he will forgive you for your decision because he knows that it’s for the best both of you would not want you to be in a relationship where you are miserable and unhappy and I know you don’t want to be in a relationship where you’re miserable and unhappy. That is not a good combination to raise a child and you’re leaving the relationship where you know later down the road you’re not gonna be fighting the front of your child because you guys are so miserable and unhappy. Leaving while you guys are at peace it’s the best choice for your child. Listening to these other people they have no idea what they’re talking about because they’re all probably in a relationship where they feel they’re forced to be because they have children with someone. Don’t ever feel like you’re forced to stay in a relationship just because you have a child that is but we need to unhealthy relationship and toxic relationship. I wish you good luck and don’t beat yourself up in your decision of all let anyone else put you down or decision that you feel in your heart.


Tell him. You’ve already wasted too much of his time.


This is a very selfish act on you. And your daughter. What makes you think he will move away from his daughter? He probably won’t and he will be in your life forever. This “I’m not in love with him anymore” is childish. It’s a shame. Marriage takes work it’s not 50/50. It’s a 100% on both ends. He obviously loved you enough to move away from his family to be with you and you both brought this child into this world only for you to say meh I don’t love him anymore. This isn’t High school. Rethink this throughly. And actually try to be in a relationship with him. Marriage isn’t a game.


My advice is that many times our emotions can be eclipsed like pain. The stronger the emotion the more it eclipses. My guess is there are other things going on… perhaps like not feeling loved, appreciated, etc. It is important to remember when our needs go unmet we tend to exhibit the same behaviour. I would take a few days to only focus on the positives and reflect. Then talk to your spouse.


You are an idiot! Sounds like he loves you very much! Your daughter deserves a stable home. True love, like he has for you, does not come along every day!

I agree with most comments here. Very selfish on your part. You knew before you got pregnant? But yet still had sex with him without protection and brought an innocent child into this. So, not only do you break his heart but your daughters as well all because “you fell out of love”. For your selfish thoughts he gets separated from his daughter. And no, visitation is not the same as being there physically every day.


Why is everyone being so hateful towards this poor girl? If you have a nasty opinion about the post just keep scrolling. Don’t make someone feel worse than how they probably already feel. Im sure she knows it’s THEIR daughter. I’m sure she didn’t MAKE him move across state to be with her. It was just as much his choice as hers. If you don’t know the whole story, keep your mouth shut about the rest and answer the question the best and nicest way you can. You never know what other battles this girl is going through.
However, try to talk to him about what isn’t making you happy anymore and maybe even consider counseling to try to get through everything since he would more than likely move back to where his family is. There’s got to be something y’all can do to get that spark back that once was there. I hope everything works out for the best!!


What’s the reason you’re not inlove anymore

Sounds like there’s somebody else


There are a lot of days where I don’t feel like I’m in love. But marriage isn’t about that lol.


It’s very common at the 6-7 year mark to feel this way…with a little TLC your marriage can still flourish. The feelings of being distant and not loving are also compounded by having a little one.


I don’t think this is selfish…
I admire your honesty.

In my opinion, people fall out of love because they stop appreciating the small things.

Remember why you fell for him in the first place… Is he still your partner in crime? Does still make you laugh? Do his eyes light up when he sees you after a long day?

Sit down and talk with each other and try some counseling :heart:

Follow your heart.
Co-parenting can be done as long as everyone is on the same page.


Lifes too short and your baby needs a happy mom. You do what you gotta do… I really don’t believe that you can fall in love with someone again. I believe that once that bridge is burned there’s no going back.

You are selfish if you knew before getting pregnant then should have left him and now you want to let him go wow what is wrong with you get some counceling because not only are you going to hurt him but your kid as well


Love isn’t a feeling it’s a commitment


Marriage is for eternity.

Or did you not know that going into it?

Pick your mate carefully


Sounds like she met someone else. Gut feeling.


Alexa, Dim the lights. OP Is about to get fucked.

If you have any love and respect for him I suggest being totally honest. You can’t help how you feel.

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I mean. Is there more you could add? Like if hes a great guy? If so, I do think you’ll regret giving up.
I have been with my husband 12 years and there have been many times I wasn’t “in love” with him. I do not care what ANYONE tells you all of the strongest and best relationships have certainly lacked love at some point. Period.

I think if he treats you well, cares for you and children, isn’t abusive in any way then if there is even a glimmer of a chance you could learn to love him again you need to try.
By try I do not mean just decide you haveny loved him for 14 plis 9 months so you are done. I mean look for reasons to be im love woth him rather than focusing on how long you haven’t been in love. Marriage is literally DECIDING to love someone forever but it’s over and over again, not just a one time decioson lol. It is not always just going to be a natural easy feeling. You gotta work at it. Also alot of people get caught up in the excitememt of new relationships…maybe that is you.


Some of you are absolutely nuts :joy: “why would you have a baby if you weren’t in love?” “You’re selfish for falling out of love?” “His love for you is true!”

Y’all don’t know anything about her or her situation other than a few short sentences. Get over yourselves! She’s asking for advice from anyone who’s been in the same situation, not to be dragged down by a few hateful and rude women.


It’s hard being a new single mom. Maybe take a break for a month without seeing or speaking. It will help you to remember why you fell in love and you’ll connect with yourself again. After the month is over if you feel it’s the best decision to leave then leave. Sometimes it is best for everyone. Sometimes it’s not. Only you and no one else knows what you and your family need. Have you tried counseling? I got married young, had two kids fast and we were divorced after 5 years. I was single for a long time and remarried. Best decision I made for my family. It’s not easy being a single mom, but sometimes you have to give your self time, listen and question. Is this what you want? Is this what is right? You’ll know.

If you didnt love him you shouldn’t have strung him along and started s family with him. He moved and gave up his life because he loves you. Her stated a future and family with you while you didnt want him. Yeah you need to tell him over a year ago so he can move on and find someone that deserves him and his time. Bvb also so he can recover from not being able to see his daughter every day. Do you know how hard it’ll be on her? Yeah she’ll get overt or but she’ll be extremely sad for a while. You should’ve left when you were pregnant ot when she was a baby.

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There’s gotta be a reason you fell out of love with him… If not then you don’t belong with anyone sorry.


I was once told the secret to marriages is not to fall out of love at the same time. I have been in a relationship with my husband for 28 years now. And I can say with certainty that there have been many times I felt how you are feeling now but it will pass so my advice is don’t make any decisions


So why or how did you get pregnant? Was it planned or by accident?

Yeah why would you not have said something earlier to him. Wrong & totally selfish. Sorry but I have no advice.

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Marriage isnt ALL ABOUT FEELINGS. Marriage is a contract betwren people that says I am commited to another person and relationship. Its about mutual trust, mutual respect, working together for a solid foundation and sticking together in the good and rough times. I dont see anything from you about him being abusive, cheating, or not doing his best to provide. The Bible says the heart is fickle and do not go on feelings. You need to take the I out and replace it with we.


People fall out of love🤷‍♀️ it happens. Sorry your going through this


First off) I’ve been through that. Second) my husband and I have worked through it and now we are expecting baby 3 in a month. Third) do what you feel is right but bring this up with him. Ask him how he feels. Maybe have someone watch the kids so you guys can sit down, spend quality time together and talk about this before making a permanent decision.


Every relationship goes through times when they aren’t as in “love” with their SO, but they work through it build up that spark again. I think it’s due mostly to their relationship getting too routine. However sometimes it’s just over and only you will know which of the 2 you are going through. If it’s truly just over and you have tried getting that spark back then you should just rip the bandage off before your life with him gets further complicated.

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Leave, or start over if possible.

Wow. So you went and had a baby with a man you weren’t interested in staying with then…and want to split up the home now? I feel like you should have been smarted about this before so you wouldn’t be in this spot. But since you are…be honest you at least owe him that much.

A relationship is work hard work. You will not love hell you might not even like them some days but its a CHOICE you make everyday. Honestly you should of told him how you feel/felt way before you ever got prego. But you didn’t so As of now just be honest with him if you want to try and make it work try counseling.

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Why have a baby when you know you’re not in love?! Poor guy deserves better and so does the innocent baby you allowed to be brought into this situation :woman_facepalming:

Try rekindling the flame. Try exploring different things together.

Slow your jets! Look at it as a person who does for you that you may never find again. Talk to him, be friends, have fun. Let your hormones recover. Don’t no out. You will regret it. I know …

Don’t make any decisions yet
Could be stress and number of things causing you to feel this way and the feeling isn’t even real.

One question I have is, have you asked yourself why you no longer love him? Is there something specific that caused you start having these feelings? Is this something that could perhaps be worked out in marriage counseling to identify the issues? As far as parenting goes, your child will now have to be subjected to a long distance parenting arrangement and will never have the benefit of having both parents in her life on an everyday basis. I suggest you contact an attorney to assist with a long distance parenting plan and the appropriate amount of child support once you’ve made the final decision to divorce.