I am worried my step-daughter is eating too much: Advice?

id have alot of healthy snacks for her to fill up in a healthy way, fruit, jello, fruit snacks, veggie sticks

She may have tapeworm. Need to have her seen by dr. Either way if shes hungry all the time there is a reason. Also hubby needs to worry more something is seriously wrong.


He really does need to incourage her to drink more water or better yet low fat milk with her meals since it fills you better and might slow her eating down. Having dad go to the Dr with her and discuss the eating would definitely help him to understand what he’s doing to his daughter and how it’s going to affect her later in life.

She could very well be hitting the early stages of puberty already.
I was 9 when I did.
I’d keep pushing for a doctors visit. Maybe show him a picture from the beginning of summer and a picture from now? Try to get visual proof for him to see.

We cannot judge the child nor your husband. She may have thyroid issues. That’s what was wrong with me and my guardians refused to take me to see a doctor. Her hormone levels could be way off. Take her to see a doctor now! She could also have an eating disorder too.

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I mean of course have her looked at by her doctor. but to say that you’re disgusted by her is a little horrible on your part.


i wonder if u share custody if maybe when shes not with u if she doesnt get much to eat so she over eats with u because she knows at least ull feed her. i would also try switching everything in the house to healthy to help with some of those things. make sure she also drinks enough water and other stuff during the day to stay hydrated. also maybe send her to school with a packed lunch to make sure shes eating at school instead of assuming shes eating school lunches

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Don’t allow junk food in the house. No processed foods, no artificial sugars, just healthy things. Fresh fruit, veggies, cheese sticks, etc that way you’re not filling her up on junk and she can eat all of the healthy stuff she wants.


Sounds like she’s eating her emotions. She can feel your judgement and that doesn’t help. I suggest a therapist.


If the dad isn’t on board and the real mom isn’t. Srry ain’t much you can do.


My daughter does this and gained a lot weight fast she had her blood drawn and is border line diabetic. It’s hard to get her to not eat and eat if she could she would eat all day. So I would try an get her checked

I am absolutely going through the same thing with my foster daughter. I give larger sides of veggies and a glass of milk with her meal. She has to eat everything and drink her milk before she can get seconds. It has also helped if I take care of all leftovers immediately so that they aren’t out on the counter. Out of sight, out of mind.


My kids go through phases like this. Usually means they are getting ready to hit a growth spurt. And none of them are overweight.


She could be compensating for something that’s bugging her emotionally. Make more time for one on one talking, hanging out, girls days etc- it’s not always medical but can lead there if not sorted early.

She sounds like she’s stressed and is stress eating.

My son was the same way and he ate a lot and started gaining weight but as he got older, he started straightening out. Now he’s 16 and 6’8 around 230lbs :woman_shrugging: He still eats all the time. I just don’t keep as much food in the house…


She’s probably an emotional eater & not actually that hungry…have a heart to heart talk w/her

Puberty or not I can be emotional eating

I think everyone needs control… although she’s growing she does need a parent to advise her when it’s enough… if I were to let my children eat what they want all the time they wouldn’t stop, but I also try not to have sugary drinks, high carb snacks/cereals in the house… I cook all our meals with 1 cheat meal a week with portion control…

I’ve had a eating disorder since I was around that age. It was a disorder I didnt even know I had. It was the opposite though. I rarely ate. Not because I wanted to be skinny, but I just didnt eat. I I ghb one there could be the opposite disorder too. Worms can cause people to overeat. So can a funky thyroid. Childhood obesity is not a joke and should not be taken lightly!

Wow, sounds like emotional eating, maybe there’s something going on with her. An adult shouldn’t eat that much, remind your husband that f the size of a stomach, she is binge eating, and will soon be diabetic and obese.

Shes a growing kid…like I hate this kind of stuff. Policing her eating and thinking it’s disgusting WILL give her an eating disorder. As long as she’s eating good foods and isn’t looking or seeming sick than she’s fine. This whole post made me nauseous :roll_eyes:


You’re right - he’s wrong. This could also be a medical problem causing extreme hunger. His ignorance is neglectful

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If she’s eating healthy stuff no biggie but yeah gotta monitor the fatty foods. Ifs she’s athletic vs couch potato. Then maybe try a different approach of getting her into an activity. Every kid is different I don’t think u being concerned about her is a bad thing at all.

Maybe she needs worming.

Just try to keep more healthy options around her. At least that way if she’s snacking on fruit and veggies all day, it’s not as many calories as pizza and tacos


My grandson was like that, and the dr# told us that his brain isn’t telling his stomach hes full, but they are small so there metabolism is the best , so just make sure she active #

I often have to remind my son that a person’s stomach is actually the size of the person’s fist. I’ll ask him to hold his fist up and then look at how much food he plans to eat.

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You’re justified and she needs to see a doctor.


Could be endocrinological.

My kids went through a phase like that. They gained a little weight then grew a ton in height! Now they have stopped eating that way.

It honestly bothers me more your attitude towards it. “It makes me nauseous to be around her eating” really??? That isn’t an adult MOTHERLY thing to say at all and it does make you look like you have deeper issues with the kid than this. You’re even going as far as to counting how many she eats?? Come on step mom. Do better than this. Go about it better than you are this is wrong the way you’re approaching it and your attitude toward her over it. I hope you don’t talk to her or in front of her like you have here. You’ll definitely end up with a teenager who has eating disorders for sure!
How long have you been step mom? It doesn’t sound like long. And do you have children of your own?
Like you have some resentment. You don’t just say things like that.
I’m curious if you or the dad are overweight? And that’s a serious question too. Not a judge mental one.
Kids do have growth spurts. She is probably fixing to have one. She might have a rapid metabolism. There’s a number of reasons. Have you ever been around boys? I’d say not cause mine would eat you out of house and home then begin eating on the home lol
I’d give it some time. Not a few days either. I mean give it some time see if it slows down and in the mean time fix healthier meals and stop being so judgmental towards the kid and have the resentment you seem to have.

  1. Saying your disgusted by her is just downright rude.

  2. How long has it been since her parents split? Is she in therapy? Does she seem more emotional when she’s with you guys? How’s her home life with her mother? There’s a million things that could be in play here.


Kids eat. A lot. I would do a checkup at the year mark for her birthday. They can discuss it if it’s an issue. It could be and may not be. My son ate a LOT and he was actually underweight due to height.

Is it all id the sudden? Is she stressed? Being bullied? Any other changes in her personality? Not to be dramatic but I’ve read when kids are being touched they want to gain weight to not look “pretty” I would try to track her weight gain on paper to show dad.


she needs a doctor… it could be “simple” like she’s bored so she eats but it could very easily be a bigger health issue… the sooner it gets looked into, the better!

Maybe she has a tapeworm I’d suggest she gets checked out unless her metabolism is super high and she just metabolizes food so well . I’d want to know as a parent anyway especially as young as 7.

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Most kids go though a chubby stage then have a growth spurt… You need to be a adult and not judge this young girl help her exercise and eat healthy or keep your mouth shut!


Wow you’re nauseous being around her when she eats? How about be nauseous about the food choices your making available? It would and break my heart to hear my daughter’s step mother saying something like that about her.


Switch the household diet up and offer healthier options — more veggies at dinner and less carbs, more protein in her meals to keep her full longer.
She’s 7 and doesn’t understand what food does what for our bodies, teach her. Teach her that eating a whole pizza to feel full isn’t as good for her as having a whole chicken breast and some beans or vegetables

I personally would have a sit down with my husband and come to some agreement that we’re going to do better for her.
As for kiddo — Don’t shame her and outwardly show how this “makes you nauseous” it’ll plant a complex seed you’re not going to want to harvest later.

#Nutrition #Education #Communication


It truly is a concern. However you may just need to change the food you have in the house to healthier options. Set up meal times and have structure. Serve the food at the table and have everyone eat together and talk.

She maybe having other things going on in her mind. As parents you have to develop healthier habits for them.

Take walks. Do outdoor activities together. Distract her mind from food. Do arts and crafts…write journals together. Hey…She may just be eating out of boredom. :woman_shrugging:t2:


My son eats to fill a void his dad left him with. Get counseling and for goodness sake, love her.

She needs to see a Dr. ASAP. Please Dad, wake up to the health issue.

Definitely go see the doctor drag his ass with and have a talk bout childhood obesity. Not saying your child is… but at this rate of eating soo much… it won’t take more than a year to put on a lot of unhealthy weight.

Tuff situation. I get he thinks she’s hungry but dang those are large portions. Maybe try splitting a sub or a chicken portioned into 3?

Who does the grocery shopping in the house, put some healthy food in front of her and tell her that’s what she have to eat like it or not. She won’t starve herself


My grandkids some were on the heavy side but when they hit puberty the shot up like weeds and are tall and thin now sometimes it from bordom and they need a hobbie to do or you guys can cook together healthy choice foods she may love it becaue she made it

It’s our responsibility to ensure our children eat healthily, it’s good parenting.

My ex’s daughter was like that and they took her to the doctor and found out it’s something to do with not feeling full

Big growth spurt coming. If there hungry, feed em. If weight is an issue, feed healthier foods between meals.

It’s weird to see how many people think this is normal and not a big deal. This poor kid is setting up for major health problems down the road. Let her eat as much as she wants if it’s fruits & veggies, whole grains, unprocessed real food. Stop bringing junk food into the house. It is 100% not normal or healthy for a child to be eating that volume of high calorie food, regardless of how much she weighs.


Offer healthier foods!


We order pizza and taco Bell but my daughter is eating too much :joy::joy::joy:🤦🤦🤦 how bout cook something that is healthy, have her help you cook something. Hopefully you aren’t too nauseated to help her eat healthy foods 🤦🤦


I was like this when I was younger but my metabolism burned food off so quickly that I couldn’t ever keep weight on. You should try and make healthier food available to her. She could be eating because she bored or she could have a health problem. Get her seen by a doctor if you can but you also need to try and do activities to get her to be active and provide healthier meals for her.

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Have her drink water and lots of it before and after her meals… hydration perhaps.

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First keep her active and let her eat. But make sure she isn’t eating crap. As long as she is eating fruits and veggies and all the good stuff just as much I wouldn’t worry, also how does she eat at school? Is she over weight by any means? My son will eat all day long if I let him. I don’t because he wants to eat crap all day and not good stuff. Just make sure she pigging out on a good healthy diet and it won’t matter how much she eats…

She’s 7, my 7 year old is always hungry. Their metabolism’s are so fast. As the parents and the adults it is your job to make sure you are offering her the right choices. Veggies and dip or fruits. Offer her healthy choices. She can eat as many vegetables and fruit as she wants. A fast metabolism and being hungry a lot is normal at that age. I would check your attitude though. Her eating makes you nauseous? Tf is that? Offer her something more than pizza and tacos. The fact those are her options and you’re blaming it on the 7 year old makes me nauseous.


She needs to see a doctor. Don’t make this about weight. Do not let anyone make it about weight. This is about the fact that she’s never satisfied and can eat more than most adults. THAT is the point of interest.
And the people attacking her need to stand down. She’s being honest and that’s the point of this forum. If she didn’t care she wouldn’t be reaching out.


Quite frankly this seems a bit much for a 7 year old so I agree with you there. Maybe her pediatrician can refer you to an endocrinologist.
However your attitude towards it, being nauseous, doesn’t sound like genuine concern as it does sound like you have a problem with weight gain and obesity. If that’s your approach with her father then perhaps that’s why he’s brushing you off. Hopefully if there is genuine cause for concern you can both focus on getting her help sooner rather than later.
Also, perhaps better food choices since you’re worried about her being unhealthy.

I was like that when I was a kid, maybe its some emotional issues too. Be careful what you say though, depending on how sensitive she is. Its one thing to be worried and another to make rude remarks. Just be sensitive when yoh make comments about it.

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You need healthier choices for All of you!!!


My 9 year old step daughter is going through a similar over-eating stage. I make her a plate of food that’s the right size for her then when she asks for seconds I let her have just a little more then if she asks again, I tell her to wait for her food to settle first. She never comes back saying she’s hungry. She’s eating too fast and it hasn’t registered yet that she’s full.


Maybe hyperthyroidism ?


There is definitely a problem


Also does she live with yall full.time? Maybe she isn’t getting what she needs at home if not. Just a thought.

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She’s needs checked for being insulin resistant, (pre type 2 diabetic) My stepdaughter was the same way and i finally convinced her dad to get her checked and sure enough she is. She controlled it without medication for a while but her mother didn’t make her stick with it so she’s now on meds for it!!

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If what she’s indulging in is unhealthy and she doesn’t do the same with healthy food, that’s not hunger. That’s sugar.

If your husband doesn’t care to parent the situation then I would say that the portions get pre-plated appropriately, only healthy food is available and mum and dad need to go to a doctor together to talk solutions until you’re on the same page.

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Wow!- wow !! Wow!! Can’t believe ur comments as a woman??? This is a child we r talking about??? Wow… Mama let her eat… Just b careful on what she eats… Wow… She is a ill girl!!! Not a adult that knows what portions and amounts to eat!!! Lady’s really??

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She might be suffering of some kind of abuse and she tents to eat to block it… just a thought or a metabolism disease

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Take her to a Dr as soon as you can get an appointment. There is something major going on with her. Might possibly be an endocrine disorder or something of even more concern. Please don’t delay. Good luck.


Not everyone blows up like a balloon. A dr is a good idea but it could be a fast metabolism.

I ate a lot. I still eat huge portions of food. Especially for how small I am
But always hungry.

I stand at 5ft tall about 93-106 lbs I’m also almost 30 so I’m definitely past puberty lol. And just eaaaaaaaaaaat.

Maybe try healthier options for her to eat as well.

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I was the same way when I was younger maybe on a less extreme. My mother took me to nutritionalist after nutritionalist class after class doctor after doctor. All it did was give me a eating dissorder, lack of self esteem, self hatred and more. I now benge all the time or make myself sick or not eat at all. Im 5’11 295Lbs and my bmi is like 43%. I did find out that I have PCOS and insolin resistance from the PCOS when I was 14. I’ve been pre diabetic since I was younger. Im addicted to sugar. Still can’t get over it. Its hard to do but dont throw it in her face but also make sure she knows the extent and long term of it.

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Thyroid issue ?? See a doctor!! Thats not normal.


Guys are clueless. She needs her dad to read a book to her and give her a hug. Good luck with that, my dear. You are very sweet to be worried about her, especially the junk food that she is eating. Try cooking in a crock pot full of good food. Can her dad and you take her to a pediatrician? My sons ate all the time at that age, but they were both in sports, and I rarely gave them junk food. Take care dear . . . and hang in there!

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Some people don’t have an off switch! I would make sure it’s not a growth spurt thing. She needs to see a doctor!!


She might have a condition of her body doesn’t recognize when she is full. Best to talk to a Dr


Unfortunately unless your husband gets on the same page you can’t do much . Keep trying to bring it up gently . Do you have any kids together ?

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“my husband says I sound like a jerk” welllll you do 💁💁 maybe she knows you are disgusted by her so she eats to make herself feel better… I can only imagine if you talk about her to a group of strangers how u talk about her to her face… you have some issues that you need to figure out💁


The way you express yourself makes me sick to my stomach. If you truly cared you would only have healthy food and would go for walks as a family. She shouldn’t be singled out


This post makes me sad
My adoptive mother was very restrictive with food even though I was fit, healthy, and physically active she would always nitpick how often I ate or how much
Anytime I would ask for seconds of dinner she would look at me coldly and ask “do you really think you need more”
This resulted in a lot of body and confidence issues that made me start stealing and hiding food, binging and purging, and led to my unhealthy eating habits as an adult once I was able to eat whatever I wanted when I wanted without her evil eyes watching over my shoulder


How can a 7 year old eat ten slices!!! I am 33 and eat 3 at the most!!! And tacos…2!


Insulin and thyroid check before you start feeling like a jerk about it. If her mother is involved, maybe she can take her? If not, as you being step mother, its also you responsibility to make sure she is healthy, not just your husbands. And even taking her to the doctor behind his back would be beneficial to her. And to ease your mind, and maybe shed some light to your husband. Insist on taking her to see someone to rule out the bad things that can hurt her down the road!!

  1. Doctor! 2. Cut her off at regular adult sized portions. Most adults cant eat this much. 3. Make a basket of healthy snacks and keep it full. It’s called a yes basket. If she is worried about not getting to eat again she can always eat out of it and keep it stocked.

Omg she’s seven! I read your post and think “wow I thought I only saw this on tv shows/movies”

But if it’s serious concern then have her doctor perform the tests necessary… of it all comes back normal then let her do her.

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She needs to be tested for type 1 diabetes.


First off. You saying it makes you nauseous to be around her while eating is just beyond rude. She is also most likely picking up how you feel and that could cause her even worse body image issues and more over eating.
She may be going through things at school. Or even things between her mother and father are affecting her.
Yes the father needs to keep an eye on her, but you aren’t handling it any better.
She didn’t buy the tacos, or the pizza. Try giving her some healthy filling options instead. Keep in mind, she is 7. You and her father are the adults here. Get her in the kitchen with you. If you dont know how to cook, watch videos and learn together. Show that girl some love, and try talking to her.


That baby is stress eating. :frowning: :frowning:


You are Definitely Not a Jerk.My Suggestion is maybe as a Family, Everyone can do this Together? Everything in Moderation.Maybe taking Family Walks for Exercise?


The fuck if a seven year old is eating that much? Lol wtf. BULLSHIT

Too much food going to make her diabetic

What is her weight. 7 tacos & 10 slices of pizza as a 7 year old is not normal.

Take her to the doctor. Buy healthy vegetables, she can eat & sign up for sports or cheer.


Nope you are correct…could be emotional eating…or maybe a phase she will grow out of…not my business of course but you need to address…a formerly fat person and diabetic.

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Limit her food intake. My daughter did this around 3rd grade and gained alot of weight. She had kidney stones in 4th grade, kids were making fun of her in 6th and she decided she was going to try anorexia. I nipped that one in bud. She might be eating out of boredom. Encourage activities. Do fun activities that dont center around food. I would take to doctor to make sure it’s not because of a medical reason.

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Try adding salad as a before main course thing. There are lots if fruits and other veggies you can put in to make it more appetizing. Make sure she is active and not sitting around.

Emotional eating, tapeworm, thyroid condition, etc?


I watch a little girl, kinda has same thing… “I’m hungry, I’m hungry” not EVEN a hour after mealtime. she just turned 3 this month. I do things like pickles and salad when she does this and that’s all I’ll offer her if she’s already eaten. She cries for chocolate milk, I say I only have water. This little best friend of mine, she’s 3 and in a size 6/7 but all I can do is point her in the right direction :heart:

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Tacos and pizza should be limited. Feed whole non processed food and talk about hunger cues


Not normal at all. Somehow you have to make your husband understand how this can be a real medical problem . She needs to see a doctor and yes it has to be controlled now. You’re not a jerk , your concerns are warranted. She’s lucky to have someone like you who will get her help while she’s young.


Watching your 7 year old step daughter eat makes you nauseous? Wtf. I’m guessing you won’t be winning any mother of the year awards. I just can’t get over that statement.
My daughter is also 7 and she is constantly eating. It’s up to you as the parent to make sure she eats in moderation. My daughter isn’t deprived of anything. If she wants a cookie she can have a cookie but she’s not going to have 10 of them.
Maybe try working on your parenting skills before you give her a complex.
I’ve taught my daughter that all people come in all shapes and sizes. Teach her to love her body and herself for who/what it is. Instead of worrying about her growing up to be the fat kid.


Is she emotionally eating? Why! When did this start?

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