I caught my teen looking at half naked women on tiktok: Advice?

He’s 13. He’s horny. Educate him on safe practices online and let him be horny🙄

He’s probably got a box of tussues and a bottle of lotion hidden in his room too. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


He is doing normal teenage boy stuff. And if that is all you caught was half naked girls on tiktok, then there is nothing really wrong with what he is doing. Children are going to explore sexuality which you should not make them ashamed of. Its completely normal. What you can do is have a serious talk about sex and respecting females. But he is at the age of being curious about it and always going thru his phone will make him hide a lot worse from you. Children do need privacy to a point as well.

Why do women feel like posting themselves almost naked on tiktok ugh

Back in my day they looked at playboy…what’s the difference…lol


It’s normal for teens to be curious. Tik Tok is not something I would want my young teen having.

Child? He’s a teenager! Get used to it


This is sooo weird to me, like I understand. But, it’s like your watching his every move. Will you do this when he’s 16/17? If I was him I would give the phone back and just wait til I’m 16 and can buy my own.


Uh, he’s 13, what do you expect?


Your son is 13. Relax.


I am dealing with this same exact issue with my son that is 15.

Obviously he’s at that age where he is curious. Your approach is everything when it comes to kids.if you make a big deal out of everything then they will start being sneaky. I have 3 kids oldest a girl now 22 and 2 boys 18,16. They talk to me about EVERYTHING! When I mean everything I mean EVERYTHING! Sex,girls and don’t hesitate to come to me if they have a tick on their private area. We have a very open relationship. As I was a kid I hid everything from my mom and growing up I told myself I wanted my kids to be able to talk to me. I did crazy stuff when I was younger and I would be a hypocrite if I told my kids no don’t do that or what not. The best thing for you to do is be honest with your child and allow them to come to you with out flipping out or getting angry or the tone in your voice being crazy. It’s time he needs to have a sit down talk about sex and puberty and be forward. Show on a computer STIs on what happens when you have sex and don’t protect yourself. Never lie to your child for anything just like you wouldn’t want your child to lie to you. Not one time have my kids EVER SNUCK OUT OR GOT INTO ANY BAD TROUBLE. Just sit down and talk. Best wishes to you❤️

Unfortunately thats what most of tik tok is. Hes also a teenager and sex and sexual exploration is normal.

Have you had the sex talk or just about sending pictures.

You have two options either you restrict access to the app - which he will likely be exposed from friends phones anyways or you use it as an opportunity to have a discussion.

Well that seems normal :woman_shrugging:t3:
Maybe play off of the content and talk about protection, consent, and respect? How to treat women and protect himself in the same process.


He’s a teenager he’s at the age where he’s going to start looking at this kind of stuff and being curious. Talk to him about protection, consent, and respecting girls/women. Time to have the talk with him


Normal at 13. Kids I grew up with weren’t even virgins at that age anymore. Protection is one of the most important things for him to be educated about at that age.


He’s 13… relax. I hope you’ve had sex talks and everything with him. Because at 13 he is “discovering” his own self also and you should make sure he knows how to be clean and safe while doing so… just make sure you really stress the importance of consent, protection, and never sending or asking for pics of his friends or gfs or whatever because that is child pornography and he needs to understand the seriousness of that…

Be glad it’s just videos. I was having sex when I was his age.

You gave him the internet you lost control the second you did that and if you think that’s the worst he’s doing :rofl: you want control don’t give him the freedoms and then act surprised when he explores lol

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That’s normal for a teen…I would just have a talk and let him know about respecting women…and how some girls do that for attention and


He’s going to see women like that in real life. It’s best to council about what safe interactions are, consent both enthusiastic and revoked, and how to respect women. Don’t make it taboo an let the reigns a little loose.


My son is 13. There are half naked people walking around all over. Talk to him and keep open lines of communication.

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Let th kid beat his meat in private and talk to his dad


Normal. Maybe use this as an opportunity to instill in him that the women he’s watching, while sexually stimulating, are not objects and should be respected whether they’re making videos dancing in a bikini the same as a woman covered in dirt gardening. Idk. I don’t personally have kids but it’s what I think I’d do

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Hes a normal boy. Leave him be unless you find him doing bad things.

Let him alone his hormones are kicking in have a grown up talk with him and let him know u trust him and know that he is aware of all the dangers with the internet he will soon be on his own .I was interested in girls when I was 12…

Normal for that age group. Punish him and he will only do it behind your back.


Lmaooooo I don’t even know how to respond to this🤣 like get off your high horse there you aren’t even a square your the square root of square. What you think the boys just got the ability to nut and ain’t gonna be curious? And btw half naked this day in age is tits out not just “revealing” clothing

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Unpopular opinion here…while you may not be able to stop him from looking at other friends phones or elsewhere, I would talk to him about Inappropriate content and discuss adults vs. kids content. I would let him know that you weren’t aware of the, for lack of better words, “pornography” on TikTok and delete it from his phone. Snapchat is soooo bad for kids because the pics are deleted after so many seconds. Just because this inappropriate content is everywhere we turn doesn’t mean as a parent that we must accept this for our children. Sexual content is supposed to be kept for adults because the brain of a child is not yet ready to be exposed to it. Keep it that way as long as you can. You also may want to get an app that sends his texts, searches, pics (sent and received), etc to your email. Good luck momma, the fact that this is bothersome to you tells alot about how good of a mom you are. Prayers

Have you forgotten what you and your boyfriend were like? Girls at that age are just as curious. You should at least be happy he’s not lookat at males. I’m not against gays, just not my thing and never has been. Let him look, ask if he has any questions, infom him about birth control and sexual diseases. Use this as an opportunity to teach him about responsibility of his actions if he chooses to be sexually active. After all apparently, assuming you were married when you conceived him, you also have and probably still enjoy sex!

Your son is 13, this is totally normal, lord :woman_facepalming:t2:


I walked in on my stepson watching p0rn, that image is BURNED INTO MY BRAIN…mentioned it to husband and got boys will be boys, he was 14-15…he became a dad at 17. His daughter’s mom and him met when he was 16, he’d moved back with his mom then emancipated himself 3 months after his 16th birthday and met his soon to be wife (the Saturday after next) when she was 23. So yea I became Mawmaw Kandi at 30, 8 days before my 31st birthday. We absolutely love our granddaughter! Husband will be 41 next month.

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Sounds like a normal 13 year old boy to me. Is this your first child ?


Normal. He’s a teen boy…don’t make him feel ashamed. As long as he knows to respect women, then it’s all natural!


He’s a 13 year old boy… It’s not like he is sending inappropriate pictures of posting inappropriate videos. Let the boy look at some b00bies on his phone, less likely to try and see them in person.


Tiktoc is not a childrens app period. Snapchat erases messages after so long. Neither of these apps are for kids. I have a 13 and 12 year old and friends with kids. If you gave him access to those you opened that door for him. Kids are curious and are going to look. Best thing is just take away those apps.


Although it may be “normal” you need to stop it now. He’s to young. Take his phone for a few days.


Normal stuff. I wouldn’t say anything about this particular instance


Be grateful the girls weren’t fully naked??


That’s pretty tame, I wouldn’t say anything. He’s a teenager with raging hormones and curiosity. Of course he’s going to look at pretty girls online. As long as you’re open with him about having respect for everyone (in real life) and that things on social media are not real life, he’ll be fine.


Sounds like a normal healthy boy. I personally don’t allow my kids on tic tok under the age of 15 and even then I monitor everything. Not because of trust issues but because of so many perverse and sick twisted people who target children. I’d sit your son down and remind them that women can be just as bad as guys. He needs to be careful and protect himself from predators


I’m sorry. Most of tic toc is very nasty…dies it have a parental guide?

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This is an idea im just gonna toss out there…Get some of the older national geographic magazines and accidently leave them where they can be found and see if that might redirect his attention and maybe try to secretly interrupt his tictok connection on that particular link…(the naked girly link) at least youll have comfort knowing that those girls are not contacting and talking or requesting things from him…the magazines are much safer than the internet…

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Almost naked. What, a bathing suit. Shorts and crop top? Get tf over it :rofl:


As if Snapchat and TikTok have kid proof settings :joy: if he has access to the internet he can access p0rn. :woman_shrugging:t2:

He’s 13 that’s gonna happen.


Normal age for being interested & curious … My generation didn’t have the internet but we certainly found magazines like Playboy, Playgirl, Penthouse etc … If there’s a source available the youngsters will find it … That being said with all the pervs & pedos these days tic toc would definitely be a no for a 13 yr old in my house …


half naked women on TikTok vs completely nude in sexual acts on porn sites… pick your battles :person_shrugging:

Time to teach him about safe s*x and buy him some condoms. Simple.


That’s normal leave it alone.


He’s a teenage boy. He’s going to get curious, he’s going to masturbate, he’s going to watch porn, he’s going to heart videos of half naked women. ITS NORMAL. Don’t shame him for it. Just teach him how to be respectful to women and understand that women’s existence isn’t solely for sexual purposes.
We are human beings. We have hormones and sex drives. It’s NATURAL.


Parents have tried since the begining of time to slow down the onset of biological attraction, the statistical biggest worry with the internet involved is not predators but the permanent problem the pictures and videos cause you when their out there in the web, they just simply never go away, so “protection” doesnt just mean condemns anymore, it means think twice before pushing “send”

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Yeah I agreed to snap chat and tick tock and my daughter got distribution charges, she is 13 as well…so she now can have social media and a phone when she turns 18 and can buy her own :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

At least it’s he’s not looking at naked men. I was 13 myself and got caught looking at magazines my mom went wild. Also needs to be taught respectful women don’t do that. 13 the age of discovery.


Teach about consent, and to look at the girls’ faces not just their parts.
Teach that any photography-readt body is going to be different from that real deal, no matter if they’re not using filters and editing. (Had this problem with my ex, he was disappointed the first time he saw me…I’ll never forget how he froze…)


Soooo he’s not gay and that’s pretty normal, so what’s the problem?

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That’s reasonable, and id leave it if I was you. Sounds like normal boy stuff, and like you’re doing a good job Mama Xx


It’s natural to be interested at that age

Sounds normal, and now you know where his preferences lie.

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It’s normal. I’m glad he’s not looking at naked men.


It’s perfectly normal to look at his age. Leave him be for now. Teach consent to him cause 3 yrs fly by quickly.


His a curious boy, bound to happen… Id be explaining to him that this is normal behaviour for a boy his age to be curious and there is nothing to be embarrassed about… Everyone gets curious, it’s just much easier to research these days…
Have that chat about respecting his body and other people’s and also about the law, it’s restrictions on under-age content and what minors can and can not send, for his own safety…
Had to have this chat when one of my boys when he was 12, school got involved, police got involved (with the girl being 11, for sending inappropriate content and being minors, it’s an offence and the school had a duty of care to report what was going on)
It’s a challenge with it all being at a touch of a button but I just monitored his phone more regularly without making him feel he was in the wrong…
Kids are getting curious earlier thanks to the societies live in but there’s nothing wrong with being curious, it just means as adults, we need to educate earlier…

Keep being an amazing Mumma…


He’s 13… He’s gonna be curious and interested… I’d just be glad they are girls he’s looking at and not guys?! :+1:t2:


It’s normal but it’s also time for the talk about how to be safe and what’s all out there just don’t get over barring with it cuz it will cause a rift in y’all’s trust and bond and he will start hiding stuff more and not trust you anymore

It’s normal. Relax. Teach him about safe, consenting sex and don’t be surprised when he takes hour long showers. Again…normal.

You let him have snapchat but you worry about him watching porn? He is a kid it’s normal.

If he’s going to look at that stuff you can’t really stop him, you can add restricted mode to tiktok and it cannot be taken off with a code. That’s for nudity, violence, language etc. That’s up to you though.
It’s time for the talk. Talk to him about boys and girls. Talk to him about what’s appropriate and what’s not. I’ve seen parents not tell their kids what is and isn’t okay and then they go to school and talk to girls or “handle” girls the way they see it done in the internet without knowing that it’s not okay. Just teach him it’s okay to look at women on the phone, but not stare at girls in real life. That it’s not okay to talk to girls the way the “videos” show. It can be tricky. Show him the right and wrong of it all. He’s at the age where he’s curious and will want to look at stuff. Teach him to be private with it, the right and wrongs of it all, and when it’s appropriate and when it’s not. Maybe tell him certain things to stray away from such as the “violent” section of that stuff as it can be graphic and not appropriate at all even if he is exploring the body.

Tbh my kids aren’t allowed on TikTok because there’s no way to really make it safe. Too many problems with kids being invited into chats with adults ect u can filter live videos and there no secure way to monitor its use. There’s 100 other apps they don’t need all of them


That’s all TikTok is lol 85 percent is just half naked chicks shaking ass

He is at that age were he has an urge to look at attractive photos and videos it’s all part of growing up and seeing where he fits in the world sexually. If you make him feel ashamed of it he will hide it more


Holy crap at the homophobia on this thread! :astonished::rage:


ild say hitting puberty tym for a male to male chat

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Welcome to having a teenage boy, sounds like you’ve had the right talks with him… He’s going to be curious, just leave him be.

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It’s very normal. One part curiosity, one part hormones… we’ve all been there.


Man I was reading the comments because I have a boy and want to be prepared, but people are so cruel. What does it matter if he was to look at men (not saying he is but what if), if my son ever came to me and said he was interested in men I would accept and love him just the same I just want him to be happy and comfortable


What’s he’s doing is normal. If we worried about half dressed women our kids wouldn’t be able to play video games, read comic books, watch tv or commercials, no more cartoons, no more book or magazines. This is what our society has become. No boundaries


He’s 13, it’s normal. Just let him know about consent. And if you haven’t already done so you probably should talk about safe sex and what he should do when he’s ready.

Well this brought out the homophobes & for no pfucking reason


Admins need to filter out the homophobes after this post


He will be sexual just prepare him. I was very open and honest with my son and he was with me on most things until he started sneaking a girl in the house having sex🙄

Average age is 11 and totally normal. Leave it alone


He’s 13 and wants to see some titties. Tiktok is better than porn since they can’t be completely naked. You let him have tiktok in the first place, you can’t be that naive

Have his dad speak with him about the birds and the bees. What he’s doing is natural and shouldn’t be prevented. That age is ideal for his body forming into a young man’s. His thoughts also. If anything, the talk you should have is about safe sex and what that entails.

Do not make him feel weird or guilty about that. He’s curious, like everyone was at one time

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Just ignore it. It’s apart of being a growing boy.

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The internet is not for children.

He’s a 13 year old boy… it’s normal…
I’m sure you were curious too at that age.

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It’s normal. Leave him be.

It use to be Playboy and hustler, then it was Cinemax After Dark now it’s the WWW. No matter the way it has always been age appropriate but let’s make it a learning experience. Continue to educate him and enforce respect of a woman’s body.

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