I fear my husband will leave me if I don't give him a child of his own: Advice?

My husband and I have been together for eight years and unsuccessfully had a baby. I have a ten-year-old previously. He has sworn up and down that he is enough and that if it happens, it happens if it doesn’t, he is fine with that. We have tried IVF and have sex regularly. He says he will get it fixed in the next year it doesn’t happen. Part of me is in fear that I he doesn’t have his own ten years from now, it’ll be the problem. Happy relationship; he’s given no reason to doubt him. 100% treats my son like his own. He was just looking for advice 5 - 10 - 20 years from now.


I think you are thinking too much about it. He loves you mama <3

I mean, what makes you think he would feel differently than what he is telling you?? If he is giving you no indication that what he is telling you is inaccurate then believe him.


You cannot predict the future. It may happen, it may never happen. He may be fine with it, he may not. Just be happy with now.


Screw the hell out of him if you need him that bad


You’ve got to trust and believe what he says, without trust what do you have?


No one can see 5, 10, or 20 years into the future…including your husband


If he loves u he will not leave consider adoption ?


If he’s thinking about getting a vasectomy then be is okay with the fact that y’all may not be able to have a child of your own and he truly is okay with your son. Don’t pressure him. Don’t stress about. If he isn’t worried about it, then don’t you be.


Has he had his count checked? Also, stress is a BIG factor when it comes to a lot of things, including pregnancy. Take a break, relax, chill out, if it’s meant to be, it will be. Stressing and worrying isn’t helping.


Children aren’t ‘relationship glue’…


:thinking: but what makes you think otherwise?! Has he said as much ?! And if he hasn’t… then this is a you issue, these are YOUR insecurities.

I 2 have 1 bio son and been with my hubs for 25 yrs… my son is 27.
We tried for yrs and in the last 7 yrs have adopted 3 beautiful littles.

Talk with him and see where the mind space is . You can’t know how HE’S feeling without talking to him.

I know exactly what ur feeling!
I know people can tell u what they think but if they have never been in this situation then they don’t really understand it!!!
Its def hard and I felt the exact same way as u!!! We did numerous fertility treatments with no luck! We tried for 8 years and spent thousands of dollars! I have 3 boys from a previous marriage and he has none of his own. He has always said he is fine with the boys…but deep down I know of course he wants one of his own. We looked into adoption along with our fertility treatments.
We separated (not related to this) and during that separation we got pregnant :upside_down_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth::laughing:
Honestly the stress of will or wont we was killing our relationship.
Talk to him! Tell him how u feel! Best of luck momma! :heart:

It’s more likely to happen if you stop worrying about it, but I really don’t think he’ll leave you over that or there would have already been red flags. If he’s talking about getting fixed then it’s not something he can really blame you for later either. Probably just anxiety, which is normal. I hope you can find some peace of mind on the matter.

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If he says your son is enough for him, trust him. He loves YOU, not your baby making abilities. I would suggest stop “trying” and just let it happen naturally. Remove all the pressure and just enjoy being with your husband. You never know, you could get pregnant as soon as yall stop stressing about it. I know many couples who ended up conceiving once they removed that stress of really trying to make a baby. There’s all kinds of options out there. Maybe talk to your doctor or go find a specialist. Sounds like you’ve got a wonderful husband who loves you.

Men will do what they do. You can not worry about things you don’t know. Nor, can you prevent anything. Enjoy your life today :heart: he’s seen the effort you’ve given to birth a child for him. If that’s not enough, then there’s nothing you can do anyway .


I have 4 stepchildren and love them as if they were mine biologically. They now range in age from 35 to 54.

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Only God knows…stop worrying yourself about uncertainties


Stop worrying about what might be. Enjoy each day as it happens do not worry about tomorrow. It will look after its self no one knows what will happen in the future.


Why does it have to be you maybe it’s him women never think about that I don’t know why has he been checked


Check the sperm doctor… maybe the issue is him


Christ woman, it only takes common sense to figure this one out… Either believe him or leave. Don’t ask Facebook what YOU should do with YOUR MARRIAGE. If you’re really that worried about it then go see a FUCKING therapist 🤦🤦🤦


When I married my husband I had 3 children from my first marriage,they were all under 7 yrs old.I told him I would gladly get pregnant so he could have a "biological " child but he said 3 is enough…we have been married 49 years and he said he never regreted having another child.

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If you are capable of carrying befor

I recommend getting your husband checked if he can reproduce

It may not be you

Maybe he is 100000 ok with just the one you already have

But I’d recommend getting your husband checked if he can reproduce

If you haven’t already

You’re making a problem out of nothing

Don’t go looking for a problem that doesn’t exist.

We can’t predict the future. Live in the present with your happy family