I feel like my boyfriend is being secretive over his phone...advice?

You shouldn’t be looking in his phone or reading private conversations between his mother and him. Don’t you say things to your mom that you wouldn’t want him to know?

But the relationship is dysfunctional. Why look for reasons to stay? It’s been over for a long time. You aren’t the one, will never be the one. You’re a placeholder and once he better deals you he’s out the door.

Don’t get pregnant.

If there were nothing to hide he would let you go through his phone right there before he had a chance to erase something. Pretty sure he’s messing around on you. If his not honest with you in this relationship then you surely don’t have a relationship

He is social media is the cause of most relationship break ups !!! Yeah I said it!!! True that!!!

Sorry hun but I would leave that relationship. He has pictures of other women because they are nice to look at?? Absolutely not! He obviously doesn’t respect you at all.

Trust your gut . If you can’t trust him move on and if his mom is trash talking u move on

Found this on a different page…
Your partner’s phone.

This picture may not look like much, but the people that have unfortunately experienced an unfaithful partner know what a big deal this picture actually is.

I know its hard to believe, but there is someone out there who will hand you their phone while they are driving down the road and say “Can you check that text babe?”, or even leave it beside you ( facing up ) when they go to the bathroom at a restaurant.

They will give you the passcode without hesitation because they have nothing to hide from you and you are the only person in their life, and they are proud to prove that to you because they genuinely mean it when they say “I love you”.

And when that day comes … I guarantee you won’t even feel the urge to go through it because you will know that you will be able to trust this person with all your heart and soul.

Take my advice and remember … a person that truly values you … would never put themselves in a position to lose you.

~ Cody Bret

It isn’t going to get better.

Run my ex had discord…he’s cheating…save your time n effort.


Then bounce. It’s always gonna be something. Men are men period. If they are gonna cheat …They are gonna cheat…If you don’t like it or trust him leave him period. Nothing is gonna change on his end.

So he’s a manipulative narcissistic A-hole and you’re staying why? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: You clearly deserve better. Don’t settle for someone who can’t respect you.

He is a cheater run…

Nah he says you’ll blow up for no reason bc he knows he’s got stuff that would break your boundaries to be in the relationship.

I’d blow up for no reason is a.manipulating response to a.question itself


He should be respectful of your insecurities, sure. You saw the pictures so you know they are there, he sees women walking down the street too. Perhaps he was venting to his mother, in what he thought was a private forum. Your desire to control his thoughts and create untrust and drama should be a red flag for him. Let him go find someone who won’t read his diary, doesn’t feel threatened by his relationship with his mom, and won’t go around imagining infidelity. You’re breaking your own heart. Best you both move on.


That sounds super suspicious. My boyfriend was talking to another woman because he needed attention according to him. We talked about it and I heard his side he heard mine and we worked through it. And now he has his phone locked because of our kids but I have the password and he has mine

I didn’t mind my now ex having photos of women, they weren’t women he knew, however he accidentally sent me a pic one day and I asked about it because it looked like a selfie and he said it was a random Internet woman, it took me all but 5 minutes to find her on his Facebook along with comments. He had been having an emotional affair with her, sending her money, etc, and he started to get secretive after I left him, forgave him and took him back, he did it twice more with others and I only knew because they threatened to tell me and he told me first

Wake up & break up. He’s cheating

That’s your sign and you already know it! Doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with someone your gut will never let you down

If he can’t let you in his phone and you know he has these pictures and is been like this for 4 years then he isn’t to be trusted. My partner and I don’t have locks on phones and know what the other is doing out of respect for each other and it keeps the stress away. He doesn’t respect you so you need to respect yourself and get out and leave him to his apps. Unfortunately you’ll see he doesn’t miss you for long.

Personally I feel everyone should be entitled to some level privacy
Looking at women doesn’t always mean they will cheat
Nothing wrong with discord, even me and my children are on it
Yes he should’ve stuck up for you with his mom but at some point it gets tiresome, especially when you know they won’t change their mind so yes ignoring those comments is a logical response
Usually the general consensus on these posts with the roles reversed when a poster (you) is complaining their partner wants access to their (your) phone is that the insecure person (you) is probably cheating and has a guilty conscience

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I agree with the majority. The right man for you would stick up for you to ANYONE. And wouldn’t be defensive over their phone.


You set the price for yourself, and you are worth so much more.

He’s prolly doing something he isn’t supposed to.

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He is being shady. You deserve so much better. Don’t be that girl questioning your self worth :two_hearts::dizzy:

I been with my man for 30+ yrs and he has been doing this for the last 5+ yrs( TMI moment) we haven’t been intimate for this time either. I’ve left but I hurt so bad that I went back and now he hides his phone, deletes all messages and logs out of everything( that’s how I caught him the 1st time). He says he’s not cheating but for me I think it’s to late. He has destroyed my heart so much that my soul feels destroyed.

I’ve been with my partner for 3 years and never had the desire to. But, he would not stop me if i wanted to. You both are obviously not meant to be together. When you find the right partner, none of that toxic behavior matters.

You literally have your answer, leave!

I am convinced that they have other problems that make you doubt and make you want to check the phone, where there is no trust there is nothing, also he does not take into account how you feel and does not set limits to his mother when she speaks ill of you, you have to question yourself if that is the relationship you want to have.

My main issue is him not defending you and that other girls are nice to look at. That’s gross and disrespectful. I personally dont believe anyone should go through anyone else’s phones. We’re adults and adults are allowed privacy. But that other stuff would be a big no for me.

The fact that you had to ask advice on this let’s me know multiple things- A) he’s doing it because you’ve allowed it. B ) you’re likely not going to leave him immediately because you’re passive. C) he is taking full advantage of you. And I mean all of this with complete respect. Women have to start standing up to manipulation with men. You’re a queen. He’s trash. Heal the co dependency and move on. He does not love you.

He knows you will blow up? I’m sure he is hiding a valid reason for your “blow up”