I feel like my daughter doesn't like me

You are likely a consistent caregiver and she’s very comfortable with you. This is a good thing! Supporting your child socializing and making connections is important for this stage in her development :slightly_smiling_face: don’t worry :slightly_smiling_face:


Honestly this says how wonderful and safe she feels at daycare. This is rare…I’m sorry you feel this way…she loves you. She just feels safe in her environment.


My son would cry when I’d pick him up from my mom’s house when she used to babysit him. He loved being there, he got to do whatever he wanted but with me there were rules. At home, it was just me and him so he would get bored if I was cleaning, doing homework, or cooking. She probably just enjoys playing with kids, dont take it pesrsonal. Its a sucky feeling but the routine will kick in.


I don’t think your doing anything wrong

Maybe she thinks you leave her at daycare because you dont want to be with her. Try to talk about it with her

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Why take it to heart its a phase :joy:

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try talking to her, but remember not all children act and think like you, this does not mean she does not love but that she does not show her feeling the same way as you.


This is completely normal tho…


Maybe consider her home environment and others that may live with you. It may be something separate from you altogether.


Maybe she’s just open with kids now, not adults so much.

It may not be you. Who else lives at your house? Who has access to your child?pay attention, watch closely. Something is going on around your child. Someone you least expect may be doing something to your child. There is a reason she doesn’t want to go home!!

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Young one, don’t worry it’s just a stage. Your a good Momma- she fella she can express her self at daycare - which is great - more than likely- when you pick her up she’s processing the day. :sunflower::v:t4:


When my daughter was young same thing. She finally told me I don’t want to come home because I’m having to much fun. It’s a new adventure and they are kept busy all day. Nothing to take to heart and I’m sure nothing bad is happening at home


Do activities that she likes with her . Have a girls day and ask her what she wants to do. Learn more about the kinda stuff she likes.

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She probably just like playing with the other kids! My godchild cry’s not to leave my house it’s only because she is an only child and has people to play with at my house.

It’s Normal…lol…she doesn’t want to leave all the new toys and her friends…it will be ok…chin up Mama !!

I would make sure I am spending quality time with her, doing some fun things together at home like making cookies, playing hide and seek, having a special book she likes to read or you can read to her, take her to the park sometimes and let her know you love her very much.

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My daughter is the same nothing is wrong she can just express herself more with kids her age

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It’s okay, my daughter would cry when I got her from my mom’s house and she still does sometimes, she loves her grandma so much. Don’t take it personal, she loves you

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My kids went thru that phase too. Just make sure your time at home is quality time. It will pass.

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Just Play with her,:relaxed:
She must need your extra time​:relaxed::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

No they love it there she doesn’t hate u just doesn’t want to leave her friends. My daughter was same way she loved it there didn’t want to leave lol would get upset if I came early :joy:

Is it you or who your with?