You got this, don’t forget you are loved, beautiful and strong❤️
Trust in God something better is coming
Going through the same right now.
Maybe God has answered you. This whole thing came out in the open. Maybe God’s answer was to rid you of this man? Of course it hurts now, but better thing’s are coming. A toxic relationship isn’t healthy for you or your child.
I hope that you remember that this is not your fault. This is on him. You will get through this and I’m so sorry for your pain. Be strong for your child. Also remember that not only is this a huge trial for you, but that you will be teaching your child how to treat themselves when someone has betrayed them.
god is listening, this happened for a reason. to save you & your daughter from that! keep your head up mamas
One day at a time. You’ll survive. And you’ll be happier.
Keep moving fwd.
U do deserve better u. Are loved and strong forgetting out u have a3 year old daughter
That’s on your hubby! Peace out lil bitch! That’s what I told mine years ago now if he would be fair and sign the D papers but no of course not he has to make my life harder when he is the cheat and freak! Haha
I’ve been through this as well we were together for 16 years. I’m so sorry you’re hurting the way you are. Remember when you feel like things could be better and different, that your daughter is watching and is learning how to be treated by a man also. Honestly, faith saved my life. I didn’t want to live anymore and I was at work thinking about how much better life would be without pain. Out of nowhere, I found a bible in a bunch of other trash. I opened it and read one verse. I immediately found a church and not long after I got baptized. In the mean time, I wrote in a journal everyday. I found things I wanted to do but never had the time for and I did them. I finally started to feel like there was a new me that I never knew existed and I loved this version. More than I missed him. I’m now remarried. I’ve moved on but it still hurts to even read what I used to write about my feelings. The hurt gets easier to cope with but you will never forget. Grief is a strange thing and it comes at the most inconvenient times. Take time off work if you feel you need to. You are grieving a loss. Give yourself grace and most importantly, remember it’s not you or your fault
I was so heartbroken I thought I would never recover but I did and on his deathbed he called me to say goodbye and ask my forgiveness
GOD is listening to you and doing what he knows what’s best for you. He will make you hate someone so much that it will make it easier for you to go.
Remember that you are worth so much better. Take care of you and your daughter. You will be ok even when you feel like you won’t. Best advice I can give is to ask God for help. Keep God first, if he isn’t already then make that change in your life. You will overcome this. Keep your head up. Best wishes to you.
Sorry for what you are going thru. And yes you deserve better mama. Don’t beat yourself up. It’s good you have a job to keep your mind off things, and your daughter too. Take one day at a time, it will slowly get better. The anger will reduce with time. If it’s any consolation, I had a divorce after 15 yrs of ‘happy’ marriage. Shock on me! Took me quite some time to come to terms. You will do just fine. Be encouraged. Sending you hugs from Africa
Have an affair of your own or 3!
For starters… You definitely deserve better. Are you involved in a Church? My Church family ( a few) were wonderful. I am here if you would like to talk. I did get remarried. The Lord has something better. Trust in Him. You are a strong woman.
Prayers for u and ur daughter,there’s better things ahead ,just have faith.
You do deserve better. Soooo much better. And so does your daughter. Just breathe and take it one day at a time.
You survive because he isn’t worth it and your daughter needs you
Lots of prayers your way
Yes you deserve better than what you have doing the right thing by separating.and don’t look back.just keep moving forward.i wish you all the best in the future
You say God isn’t listening to you. Maybe He has given you the answer but you just don’t want to hear it. When my husband left after 14 years, it hurt for a bit, but then turned into the best thing for me. I had 2 children who were 4 & 6. He wanted to get back together after a couple years and I was able to say no.
Praying for you it takes time and intentional healing work but you will survive and most likely be a much happier and stronger version of yourself when it’s all said and done.
I’m really sad for you. I was married 33years when I found out my husband was having an affair. His mother moved in with us 7 years. And I took great care of her. Loved her very much. After her funeral I found out about the affair. He just told me he was unhappy. Tried to hang on for three more years. I’m so thankful that my kids were grown and we have 4 grandkids. I’m not saying it’s easy. But I’m doing ok. Starting a new chapter in my life.
God is listening you you and he is telling you what you need to do. That nudge you are fighting is the Holy Spirit trying to guide you through this mess.
You can’t ask Him for what you wish it to
be. I know it’s difficult, my fiancé was having multiple affairs. I was devastated as well but I had to realize this man was not who I thought he was. Even though he said he loved me, he didn’t and I was in love with someone I thought he was and there was no way I wanted to try and love who he really was.
It’s devastating but you will make it through.
Reach out to your friends, your church to others who have been through similar situations…
Keep praying and I will pray for you too
That sucks , but all I can tell you is once you have lost trust your relationship is done. Don’t waste your time or energy on him. Put your energy into your children they are the ones deserving
Pray and just know at the end of this u will feel much better the questions in ur mind will stop I had a cheat too but now I have my family with no doubts to wonder about keep the course babe and I’m praying for you
Get your half and. Move on. Be happy without him. One day kids learn that daddy did bad stuff or daddy is not around if he is not a good dad once seperated… she will know who is there. And when her for bf cheats say i kmow how it hurts my your dad hurt me and i felt… but i did my own thing, raised you to be independent so a man cant trully define you. You will find someine who truly loves you.
Use it as a lesson one day she can relate to you because we all know young boys suck sometomes.
I waked ran … and it saved my life…time heals.
Sometimes you have to let your tower fall down so you can rebuild it back up again
Yours has fallen down take each day at a time for now
Take time to rest , take time to build yourself back up you will get there
You say God hasn’t listened to you may be he has and thinks you deserve so much more
I know it may not seem this way right now but I always say as one door closes another will open
Stay strong and confident
You will get through this xx
My aunt sent me this the other day due to my situation. God’s got you even if it doesn’t feel like it. Look up the song Dear God by Cory Asbury
Most of us get our hearts broken, but you need to leave, settle the finances and move on. You will in the future be happy, it’s hard right now, but time heals
Honestly what worked for me one time was I got angry mad took all my hubby stuff threw it away got myself some help and boom felt better I also bought a punching bag
When I left, a quote came to me, God doesn’t take from you things, people that are good, but removes things, people from you that are harmful. You are aware because you can live your life to what your purpose is here, not for him. Everyday you need to say I trust the process of life.
I gave 10 years and 3 kids to my ex which he left us for his employee who’s 10 years younger than him it hurts it really does but as time goes by those wounds start to heal I’m really heartbroken for you im currently going through mine keep ur head up high don’t feed into his negative energy
You will hurt and then you will get mad keep praying it will take time but it will get better and I would get everything I could alimony child support etc
You will make it and trust me that single moms make it even without having properties or anything to help. You will see that time will help to make you stronger and it will be for the best .
You can only face one day at a time more than that will be too much .Maybe concentrate on you and your daughter
What are you saving?
Love it…Live it or Leave it…Stop grinding this out…Make a choice and move on…
Love I feel your pain. I’m walking away from a almost 10 year marriage and with so much in common as well as other things and tried to make it work. Nothing changed but if you need a fellow momma to talk to that going through the same thing right now message me. I could use a friend as well that understands.
It takes time especially if you’re a highly sensitive soul. Cheating cuts like a knife . I went to counseling and hung with friends and family and met more friends . You are worthy he was the weak one. You are strong because you put yourself first and you child .
You tried. He wasn’t willing. All he could muster was to blame it on u. X him . Take what’s yours. Find peace. He ate away…even if u try again u won’t feel the same.
You do deserve better. Every feeling you feel is justified and part of the healing process, let yourself grieve. When a marriage ends it’s no different from loosing a loved one. Let yourself be angry, sad, lost. Allow yourself to ask questions, even those pertaining to God, but never lose faith. This is a new beginning where you will survive and you will find a light at the end of a dark path. Don’t be hard on yourself, except how a feel in each moment and deal with it in that moment. Take baby steps and if you need to cry excuse yourselves and cry. And always remember, you don’t have to apologize to anyone for how you feel. Your the one that was betrayed against, just give that little angel a big hug and be thankful you both created her. It takes time to heal so don’t rush anything, baby steps for now and before you know it you’ll be running.
How about advice from a man , firstly it isn’t your fault you fell for a weak man, love is complicated and you cannot help who you fall in love with . Naturally you are hurt and feel betrayed, That’s because you have been hurt and betrayed .You are stronger than you think and you will get through it and find someone who deserves your love and devotion.Be brave fight for what’s yours and remember it’s not all waste you have a daughter out of that failed relationship. Your ex is a loser and he won’t realise it until it’s to late.You will get through it , Don’t let him ruin your future because he ruined your past.stay strong .
We never heal if we try to avoid pain, try to go around it. We have to make peace with moving THROUGH the pain to heal. Accept that it’s okay to be in pain, you will heal. One day, one minute at a time. If you can’t live for yourself right now, live for your daughter. Sending hugs and a shoulder to cry on. There will come a day when you are at peace again. <3