I have a wedding question!

Changed days …bride chose and paid when I got married …talk to her. Maybe there’s a compromise

Her wedding her choice


You can buy whatever dress YOU want…you just can’t wear it to HER wedding :woman_shrugging:


When I got married I went shopping with my bridesmaid and we all agreed on the style ect I had a colour theme in mind. I paid for there dresses. Personally I wudnt want pay for a dress I hated so I’d prob tell her that. But wud wear it but I wudnt pay.

It’s her wedding you agreed to be in it so you get what she wants

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Your entire job is to make her life easier. It’s one night wearing something that makes her happy. I think you’ll be OK. You can resell the dress after.


Join or don’t, simple.

That’s how it works. It’s her wedding, she picks out everything. Including the bridesmaids dresses. It’s only been in the last several years where some brides have at times done the same colors but allowed different styles - traditionally it was never done. You can’t even believe some of the most hideous shit people have had to wear. It doesn’t matter if you’re paying for it, it’s not your day.

It’s her day…wear the damn dress she wants .

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If you are this fixated on the dress withdraw yourself. I’m not sure you’re invested in your beloved friend marrying her love.


It’s up to the bride it’s her wedding it’s only been 2 weeks she can change her mind

Just say no thank you being the maid of honor. I did this and didn’t regret it. 2 purchased dresses and the bride requested a third.


It’s her day, her choice. It’s about her and her significant other, not the bridesmaids

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I gotta agree that if you’re more wrapped up in the dress than her actual wedding and HER, maybe you shouldnt be the maid of honor…


You smile Politely and agree to what the bride wants
Or you gracefully tell her you’re stepping down from the role of maid of honour.


Be happy u didn’t buy one yet and have to turn around to buy a second one. It’s her wedding if you can’t do it then tell her so someone else can.


It’s her day , do what she wants .

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This is one of the reasons I won’t be having bridesmaids other than my two sisters. I have been a bridesmaid in various weddings and some of the bridesmaids make it about themselves instead of helping the bride create her wedding vision.
I always assumed it was the bride’s choice on everything because it’s her wedding.
Nevertheless, if you really don’t feel comfortable with what the bride is asking, you may want to kindly let her know you’re backing out of being a bridesmaid but can help out in other ways. It’s not worth loosing a friendship over a dress style.


You don’t get to decide. It’s her wedding!

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What is the big deal with weddings, getting married?!! :unamused::joy:

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I have always gone with, and I’ve been in many many weddings, that its the brides day I will wear any dress she wants the wedding party to wear.


Gurl you don’t get a say. It’s her wedding…. You do what she wants if you are “truly” the maid of honor


Its HER wedding. Not yours. If you dont feel comfortable participating, then opt out of the role.


Its the brides day. Not yours.


It’s her wedding, do what she asks, buy the dress she wants then sell it on ebay. If you can’t embrace doing what she wants for her day, drop out and get her a nice gift. :woman_shrugging:t5:

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I mean your paying I get that, that’s kind of your responsibility when you agree to be a bridesmaid or maid of honor, that’s why usually they ask “will you” I have heard of someone turning down the offer bc they were just too broke, going through a divorce and with a lot going on, the bride respectfully accepted her offer and they mutually stayed friends and she attended the wedding as a friend. So it’s your position when you say yes, to pay for your dress, shoes, anything that the bridesmaids and bride agree on and decided how that will work. I know sometimes (I did) as the bride gifted the jewelry to the bridesmaid at the rehearsal dinner. But yes you pay, she picks…. That’s how it goes. Lol I’ve seen some crazy dresses that I know people didn’t want to wear, but they did it for the bride, it’s her day ya know. Hopefully you won’t get that uncomfortable in it and the spotlight won’t really be on you if you don’t feel like it flatters your. Maybe ask her about adding a shawl or something that helps you feel more comfortable. Open communication is key between a bride and her tribe bc no one wants feelings to get hurt or to lose friends over it. The bride will be so nervous and can be so stressed out at wedding time, that it’s best if everyone and everything else is chill, and easy going. It will be fine, the bride will be happy and that should make you happy :slightly_smiling_face: be a good friend, just do it lol

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What a stupid question ur a bride’s maid not the bride get over yourself it’s not what u want


Her choice=your wallet. :woman_shrugging:

You can always re-sell it afterwards, some one will buy it off you.


Just go with the flow,
It’s her day don’t lose your friendship over a dress it’s not worth it.


Doesn’t matter if you are paying it’s HER wedding

Her wedding, her day, her way

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Is this a for real question? It is her wedding. If you don’t want to wear what she wants in HER wedding, then I guess you had better tell her you don’t want the honor of being her maid of honor :woman_shrugging:


It’s her wedding. Suck it up sell it later.

Her wedding her choice if you don’t wanna pay for the dress that she wants you to wear the politely decline to be a bridesmaid and let her pick someone who will wear what the bride wants on her day … at the end of it all it’s just a dress for 1 day and it is her day not yours .


It’s her wedding. Which are not easy to plan btw and therefore plans change sometimes. Mauve you can sell your dress after…

Yes I know you’re paying for the dress::: but ‘it’s the Brides Wedding ‘

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Is this YOUR wedding? No? Didn’t think so. Pay for the damn dress &be there for ur friend.

If you don’t like it step down now as the maid of honour

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You should do what she wishes but she shouldn’t have changed her mind. What if you’d already bought your dress.

That’s the reason some people have a lot of ugly dresses because they wear the style and color the bride wanted. You could drop out but would that ruin your friendship.

Is there an option to rent the dress?

It’s frustrating to have her change her mind, buuuuuuut it is her day.


When I got married… I told my best maid and bridesmaid to agree on a colour and choose a dress, they could be different styles of dress but as long as they were same colour and I paid for the dresses. A bride to be cannot ask a person to be best maid and bridesmaid and then expect them to pay for the privilege. Get a grip! That’s like inviting people to the wedding reception and then telling them that they need to pay for the meal! If a bride to be wants a specific theme for her wedding, certain style of bridesmaid dresses, certain shoes for bridesmaids, PAY FOR THEM! Kerri Watt and Colleen Ferguson xx


Why are you paying??


So glad I was only a bridesmaid once and as a bride it was wear what you want. So much heartache over the small stuff and so much money.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I have a wedding question! - Mamas Uncut

As a maid of honor I would assume you guys are close enough for you to care about this being HER big day and just go along with it. If not step down. But honestly stepping down from my maid of honor because you won’t wear a certain dress for me to have the pictures of my dreams ? You’d lose a friendship too.


My BFF knows I hate green. She Loves green. She chose green for the bridesmaids dresses…asked if I’d be ok with it…I told her I’d wear green just for her and because ITS HER DAY!! Why not???


It’s her wedding…just buy the dress and get on with it. I know you’re buying the dress, but nobody ever wears their bridesmaid dress ever again. Make her happy.


I get it, but she’s the BRIDE! She wants it perfect!! It’s not about you, it’s about them.


If you don’t want to dress how she wants, no one is forcing you to be in the wedding party. It’s her wedding, not yours. Either do your part and get what she wants, or be argumentative and have her pay for the dress you don’t want, or be stubborn and bow out.

Either way you don’t look very good right now, no matter the dress :expressionless:


It’s her wedding and if your maid of honor I assume your friendship is worth more than a dress.


It’s her wedding. She gets what she wants. If u cant or don’t want to make that happen, remove urself from the wedding party.


Her wedding, her choice. If you don’t like it, than bow out of your position.


If the bride wants you to wear a purple Barney costume, you wear a purple Barney costume. It’s her day, get on board or be a guest. The exception would be if you cannot afford her choices, then hopefully she’s understanding.


Brides wedding. Not yours. Do what she wants. Especially since you didn’t buy the other dress yet.


It’s their wedding. A part of you being in it is doing what they want. :woman_shrugging:


If she wants her bridesmaids in certain dresses then maybe she should be paying for the dresses!


She’s the one getting married and she has this vision of what she wants it to look like. If you’re really her friend you’ll do this for her


It is her wedding. Not what makes you comfortable. You get to choose yours. Don’t be maid of honor if you’re not “ok” with her theme choice.

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It’s your friends and I will assume a good friend as your a maid of honor. It’s her day. I let my maid of honor choose the dress and she found one that was perfect for each of them but same color.

I could see being upset if a dress was picked and you paid for it already and then it got changed up to something else but sounds like that’s not the case so not sure why this is an issue. Buy the dress of what she is asking or don’t be in the wedding

My maid of honor hates pink, she wore pink. It’s ultimately what the bride wants or you bow out of the wedding.

It her day. If you love her this shouldn’t even be a question?
Make this day hers, celebrate it with her… don’t you dare be am obstacle or reason for heart ache

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Her wedding, her choice of what you want to wear. This is the one thing we have no say in. You just have to follow her vision…

Her day…I know you have to pay for it but you agree to be apart of it meaning paying for it is part of that decision. You became a bride maids to celebrate her and future husband. So I would just go along with it unless is something extreme that you can’t afford or do

The wedding is about her. Her Big Day. You come in as an honour…“Maid of Honour”. Play your part in support of your friend. It is voluntary, isn’t it?

U have to follow dress code set by bride. Opt out if u dont like the dress so she can get someone else

You may be paying for it but it’s her wedding so it’s what she wants not you.

Her wedding. It’s what she wants not you.

You have to do what the bride asks or choose to back outcome of the wedding unless you two can agree.

Her wedding her choice… no conversation required im afraid .

You can always trying renting a dress just like they do suits. You don’t like it don’t keep it afterwards always could resell it online.

It’s her day it’s not up to u what u wear. I’m sorry I had one of my bridesmaid fight with me about shoes I wanted her to wear and coz one of my bridemaids couldn’t wear heels cos of a fucked ankle I said they wear to wear flats my other brides maid had a fit at me and said it was bullshit and to me she was going to wear heels.so told her not to come to my wedding as it my day u can’t tell me what I’m doing. Needless to say I’m no longer friends with her.

If she is doing that, just opt out. It will be something else next.

It’s her big day, go with the flow.

Its her day… Get over it

I just got married in august… i had an idea in mind and my wife and i started a group chat with our bridesmaids… we initially told them we didnt care what the dress looked like as long as it was their colour (we had a big gay white and rainbow wedding so each girl was the colour of the rainbow ROYGBP) The girls ended up settling on THE SAME dress (though they were all different height and sizes) and it was within our style… if i or my wife didnt like it…it wouldnt have happened as its our wedding BUT blessed are us who had girls that wanted everything perfect for US and didnt care what they had to do to make it our vision… be mad about it but this isnt your wedding.

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Weddings are not about what you want.

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Its not at all about you

Yeah when you sign up for real planned out, organized wedding crap, you gotta just do it how the bride wants it. Seems awful. :joy:
But that’s just me.

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You do what the bride wants. Everyone pays for their own dress.
That’s her day💁🏻‍♀️

it’s not about you though :woman_shrugging:t3: it’s about the bride and her special day. suck it up or don’t do it. no need to be selfish

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I have a wedding question! - Mamas Uncut

It’s her wedding what she says goes


I seem to be the minority here, but I consider that to be very rude especially since you are paying for the dress. I personally asked my bridesmaids to pick dresses that were a similar color, but other than that, they could choose whatever. They all looked lovely and were happy. Just because you are the bride doesn’t give you the right to be rude. The question is: do you care enough to say I’m not doing that and possibly get reassigned? To me, I’d say let’s work this out, so I’ll pass on being the maid of honor

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It’s her wedding. Your opinion on the anything to do with it is moot. That would be like her saying “since I’m buying my dress and since I don’t like the theme you’ve chosen, I’m just going to get something that correlates.”


It’s her wedding so you need to get the style she wants. A small sacrifice for a good friend😉

It’s her wedding, get what she wants. Bridesmaids usually pay for their own wedding dress whether the bride chooses a specific dress for them to wear or let’s them choose their dress.

Honestly it’s not your day no one is really going to care what you look like. All eyes are on her amd then him. You are there because she wa ts you there by HER side. Just go with the flow and get I er it or step down she doesn’t need the hassle. What would you expect if rolls were reversed??

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I have a wedding question! - Mamas Uncut

Her wedding, her choice for bridesmaids/maid of honor. It is an honor to be asked to be in a friend’s wedding. If you feel you cant respect her choice or afford the dress, decline participation - that is the choice you get.


You don’t get to pick. If you don’t like it don’t be in it. It’s her wedding


Her wedding her rules. You really think you’re entitled to an opinion? If you’re “uncomfortable” with her decision, get out of the wedding. Don’t give her another headache.


It is her wedding but if she wants a specific style in my opinion, she should pay for the bridesmaids dresses.


It might suck that she changed her mind but it’s her wedding, so her terms. You’re the maid of honor, so it’s your responsibility to do your best to keep her happy. Plain and simple.


This isn’t your wedding for one, don’t mean to sound rude but things change!
She changed her mind- I would take the time to think about the fact that your maid of honor, she chose you to be her right hand lady, and you said you were up for it basically. Make her dreams come true!


Ummmmmmmmmm it’s HER wedding and when you agreed to be the maid of honor you kinda agreed to do as much as you can to make HER day as perfect as it can be. Soooo…… she can choose to change the style of the dress or whatever she wants


It’s her wedding not yours. You shouldn’t have agreed to be in it. If you’ve ever been married you’d know brides change their minds.