I just found out my dad is not my real dad: What do I do?

Talk to your mom. Maybe there is something you don’t know. Like fertility issues where a sperm donor was used :woman_shrugging:t2:.

I’d tell your mom and ask he what’s the deal

Going through the same thing right now. You definitely need to talk to your mom about it. Yes your dad raised you but you deserve to know who your biological father is no matter the situation.

Handy information if you ever need a kidney or some bone marrow otherwise ask yourself who loved you and was there for you


Talk to mom alone and find out what she has to say then you will have a better understanding of the situation.


Talk to your mom first​:heart::heart::heart: happens to a lot of us

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DNA doesn’t make someone your father, the dad that raised you and loves you will always be your dad.

I would start by talking to your mom, hopefully she can answer any questions you have and you guys can have an honest, open conversation about it all. Then based off of that conversation I’d either talk to dad or not. Sometimes things are better left alone, maybe this secret was a secret to protect you and your sister. I’m not sure but good luck and I’m sorry you had to find out like this.


That had to be shocking, I think your going to have to talk to your mother in private because you don’t want to hurt your father if he has no idea he’s not your biological father. What you said is right though he’s your father blood or not and I can imagine you wanting to know the truth.


Talk to your mom but you “real dad” is the one who was there everyday.


Tell your mother what you know. But I feel like your Dad deserves to know also.


I wouldn’t say anything and enjoy your dad and your life


Keep in mind that the DNA tests do not take into account people who are born with Chimerism, find out if twins or multiples run in either sets of your family. Speak to your mother first and bring her your evidence.

If you come to her in anger, she’ll likely shut down and resent you for asking. It’s SO IMPORTANT that you get the answers you and your sister are deserving of and she has those answers and sadly, the best way to get those answers is to take on the responsibility of maintaining your mothers emotional state in this moment.

In my opinion, that should never be your responsibility, but you need information from her.

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Maybe they struggled with infertility n used a SPERM donor, so ur dad is ur dad just not the same DNA!!!

The man who raised you is your real dad. He’s the one who cared for you and loved you all your life. A bit of sperm doesn’t make a man a dad(or father). It’s the love and care he gave you. Do nothing.

I wouldn’t tell your dad. That’s not on you to do.
I’d have a sit down with mom; just the 2 of you. She needs to tell him.


Talk calmly with your mom. Yes the man that raised you is your dad and you do have the right to know who your “biological “ dad is. Did you and your sisters come out the same? Maybe physically your dad couldn’t have kids so they used a donor. I’m sure there is a perfect explanation especially because they knew you where being tested.

You should talk to your mom first. She would know, or have an idea who your dad is.

Your not alone. But her story is a little different.
She did DNA to find out, if her mom&dad was lying. She had asked if that was her real dad. Being the other two siblings have really blonde hair, blue eyes, both mom and dad also have blonde hair blue eyes. Along with super pale skin. But she came out with dark brown hair, brown eyes.
And her children were mistaken many times as Mexican babies.

Ended up doing her daughter’s DNA. Ended up having Spanish and her from Mexico side. Not sure of the actual name cannot remember. But it shows her to be Mexican.
And the daughter did not pop up as kin to her grandfather, but it did for her grandmother. Which is this lady’s mother and Dad.
She even asked them about it. Being it would be impossible for them to be related at that point DNA prove that.
They did not tell her until after she did DNA on herself.
At 30 something years old she found out that her dad isn’t her biological dad

So many questions. How old are you and how good is your relationship with your mother? Do you have any living grandma’s or aunt’s on your mother side that you can talk to?

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Honestly I would go to your Mother, in a mature, non confrontational way, & ask for the whole truth.
Be mentally prepared that whatever she says may bring pain, & many more questions.

Let her know that you love your dad & that will never change, but you so deserve to know the truth if why he is not your bio dad.

Then speak with your dad alone, and assure him that nothing will make you love him less, & shoe him how grateful you are to him for stepping up for you, whatever the truth brings.

Dealing Ng with the emotional side effects f the truth is for you to handle privately, as an adult. You do not need their permission to persue any answers you may have.


We found out that my grandmother wasn’t really my moms mom through ancestry DNA. And that her brother was actually her father. We have no clue who her actual mother is as both parties are now deceased.


If it doesn’t matter to you let it go. In your eyes he is your dad and in his eyes you are his daughter. You have nothing to gain from telling him. Leave the worms in the can !

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I’d speak to your Mother first she may have the answers

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the longer you hold onto this information & the feelings/ thoughts attached the more it will disrupt your life… curious as to why your mom tried to deceive yall…

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Confront it so you can get some answers… but be aware it could hurt your dad.

Find your real dad if you want but keep it to yourself

DNA doesn’t make a dad. Love your father as you know him.


Talk to mom. Leave dad out


Present your information to your Mom and ask her to be honest. If she chooses not to be honest, let her know that you are going to be involving your Dad. You deserve the truth. Good luck.



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Ask yourself first if you are ready to hear the truth….And be prepared that you may never really know.

Go talk to your Mom privately first, And go from there.


I wouldn’t say anything to either one of them. Maybe it was something they’ve already dealt with and overcame. Maybe her karma is a lifetime of guilt. They both love you and raised you. Let them figure that piece out.


Talk to your mom.
Don’t bring it up to your dad.


Talk to Mom privately.


Before taking to your “dad” talk to your mom.


I’d start with mom and then go tell dad. Either way, he deserves to know too.

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So did all of you take the test or was his info already with ancestry?


Biological is not what makes someone a Dad! Does your need to know supercede the relationship that you have with the only Dad you have ever known?


Talk with your mother and let her know of your finding.


This comment section just shows that men aren’t as important as women even if they cheated on the man. He deserves the truth.


You never know, your father could have not been able to have children and they had a sperm donor. Nothing wrong there and he’s still your dad❤️

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There’s a likely chance that your father already knows this. Clearly you need to ask your mother 1st.


i would talk to your mom first


Talk to your Mom. After all the man who raised and loved you is your DAD - -.

If your mom said nothing, I wonder if it’s a case of around the time you were conceived is she had sex with two people and wasn’t sure which one was a father

Your Dad is who raised you not who helped create you. Speak to your Mom before devastating your Dad who may not know.


it could even be a mix up with the company , talk to your mom


Were you born before your parents got married? Maybe your “real” dad didn’t want you. DNA does NOT make a dad. The man who raised me is my dad NOT that POS who had my DNA.


If both your parents knew you were doing it, maybe they thought it would be a way for you to know the truth without them having to tell you. Here’s my story! My son is adopted and I’ve had him since he was 8 days old. He’s always known he was adopted, we never hid anything from him. He also knew the name of his birth mother. The birth mother kept in touch through the years, and eventually told me the birth fathers name, which I told my son. He’s never met either one. So one day he got on one of those DNA things to find out his heritage, like, was he Irish, German, etc. That was the only reason he did it, he already knew what he needed to know. But at the end of his paper, it actually came right out and listed his biological father by name. And it was NOT who the mother said! So I actually had to tell her who the father of her baby was because she didn’t know. It was very embarrassing and painful for me to do, but my son asked me to do it, so I did. It turned out to be a good thing! His biological father is thrilled to death to know he has another son! His kids are happy too! It was a wonderful outcome for everyone! So you won’t know the story until you ask honey, but I’m sure they love you dearly! :heart:


I’d definitely talk to your mom about it first. Then figure out a way to tell dad together. He deserves to know the truth, but all the pressure of you telling him shouldn’t fall on only you. You’re mother did this she needs to come clean as well. I’m sorry you’re going thru this :disappointed: lots of love strength, and prayers for you :pray:t3::heart::pray:t3:


could be IVF, donor sperm, any number of factors. Ask mom , first. If that’s the case, I wouldn’t even bring it up to dad

Dna/Blood doesn’t make anyone a father now days. I would definitely speak to ur mother first Get the Facts of it all then I would Probably have to Bring it up to ur step dad.

Talk to your Mom privately.Then decide!Remember how much your Dad loves you.Try not to hurt him.


Cats out of the bag now time to deal with it


Talk to her over dinner. And find out what happened

I wondered the same thing when my sister and I had ours done so I checked it out. You get 50% of your DNA from your mum and 50% from your dad. Just not the same 50 %.

I’d approach your mom privately. You deserve answers.


At the end of the day, he’s still your dad. He raised you. I also found out my dad wasn’t my bio dad about 14 years ago. If anything, it made me love him more. I did eventually get in contact with my bio dad and it wasn’t the best choice (for us), as he had a lot of issues.

I would, however, talk to your mom to find out the back story and see if he knows. That can help make the decision for you.

How do you know he’s not your dad? Is he on ancestry too? You said you wanted to find your real dad… so you must not have had a match but I’m confused.

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you dad is your dad no matter what a piece of paper says maybe your parents used a sperm donor who knows but i would ask your mom in private

Talk to your mom first see what she says then you’ll know if you need to tell your dad


I would definitely talk to your mom first before talking to him. But weather or not she wants him to know is beside the whole point. He DESERVES to know this it’s just not fair to him. As for your feelings toward him I mean hey just because he’s not your bio dad doesn’t mean he didn’t do his best for you and was still a figure for you regardless of if he knows or not. In my opinion I’d still consider him my dad dad but also I would want him to know this information no matter if my mom got mad at me or not.


Talk to your mom about it

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Just stay quiet and enjoy the man that was always your Dad and treated you so well as his daughter Otherwise it will cause you all a lot of upset and change things completely Hope it all goes well for you all

Sounds like mom definitely was hiding something for sure and dad has no idea :woman_shrugging:t3::sweat::woman_facepalming:t3: you have every right to confront you mother now your dad you also have every right to tell and show him as well but that could cause some serious life changes but ultimately your mom needs to be confronted immediately I would exapect my kids to do this if this was the case for my children !!

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Why would you say anything to him? It only serves to hurt him.

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Blood does not make family
He raised you by choice
Talk to him

Honestly, I feel it would be wrong to not tell dad. But definitely talk to mom first. Hes always going to be your dad, as he raised you, but that does not mean keep quiet. He has the right to know. Maybe y’all can get a paternity test. Somethin more legit ya know? Idk. Hope everything gets situated for yall

Is it just me or does anyone else wanna hear how this goes?


Talk to mom alone. See if she even knows.

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You love him like he is. I had this same situation and my dad was so scared I’d just drop him. Met with my biological father twice and don’t talk to him anymore and still talk to my dad and see him were still as close as we were before I found out by him. Your world will be turned upside down for a little bit but eventually you’ll come to terms with it and it won’t bother you anymore.


Talk to mom. She’s the one that’s got some explaining to do to you guys.


How long have they been married and how old are you and your sister? Have you looked up to see y’all’s baby announcements in the newspaper or library or anything like that?

How do you know, exactly??

I’d call her ass out. You have a right to know who your biological father is.

Talk to mom alone first


Just talk to your mom first.


How long have they been married and how old are you and your sister? Have you looked up to see y’all’s baby announcements in the newspaper or library or anything like that? Even if it turns out that he’s not your biological dad, he’ll always be your real dad, no matter what. :heart:

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Talk to your mam first

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This is such a difficult situation to go through. When I was 22 I learned that the man, whom I thought was dad, was not. It hurt. I was so angry with my mother for years.

I researched and found my biological dad and met him. We look alike and have similar likes/personalities. We stayed connected for a few years but that faded.

I eventually forgave my mom. Have an amazing stepdad and the man I thought was my dad (my brother’s dad) calls to chat with me every couple weeks.

Once the shock wears off and the reasons why things happened the way they did was accepted, healing was and is present.

I pray for you to gain strength, understanding and to have forgiveness.


Maybe they needed Ivf


Talk to your mom. She 100% knows the whole story and is prob keeping secrets. Your dad prob doesnt.


I would talk to mom, go from there. I think your dad will always be your dad.

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I’d start by talking to your mom privately about what you found. Give her a chance to explain and then go from there. I wouldn’t go right to your dad just in case he doesn’t know. You wouldn’t want to blow things up until you knew the truth. Start with your mom and go from there. Best of luck to you. It must be so hard to find out that way.


Maybe a donor? However, approach your mother first. See what she says. Don’t bombshell your father without hearing what she says.


I feel you need to have another DNA test done, a credible one. I’ve heard of many mistakes made by ancestry. Definitely do so before you approach either one of your parents.


Oh this is going to get messy if dad doesn’t know :smiling_face_with_tear: not 1 but both not his smh

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I would talk to your Mom privately. Have a calm and real conversation with her :heart:


Shouldn’t change much, he raised you. Would bring it up to your mom, you have a right to know who your bio dad is. But shouldn’t change your view of your father who raised you.


Any man can be a sperm doner , but the one that’s loved and been there that’s the REAL Daddy. Choose wisely.

Id have the tests repeated before I said anything to either parent.


This happened to my mom. We found out on ancestry DNA and she was 53. When we finally did find out who her biological dad was, he ended up passing away in 1993 so she was never able to meet him. The sad thing was my grandma and my aunt had an idea but never confirmed it. My mom still struggles to this day not meeting her biological dad

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Talk to your mom first.

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I would go ask your mom

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I would ask your mom so you dont hurt your father as he may not know anything about the situation but you should for sure ask her outright what happend


Are your parents still together? Personally I would talk with your mom first. Maybe your dad is already aware, like maybe they got together after she already had you and your sister. Some families are like that, but I would make sure with your mom first before broaching the subject with your dad because if he doesn’t already know it might be an unnecessary hurt since you said that he’s still your dad, doesn’t matter the biology.


I would suggest bringing your results, meeting up with your mom. I wouldn’t accuse her of anything I would just ask her about it. It’s possible there is a logical explanation. But if not give her a chance to explain first.


I would talk to your mom first


I would say you need to have a conversation with your Mom first. You may uncover that your Dad knew all along.


I’d ask mom in private but your dad will always be your dad and I’d make he was shown love and respect no matter what.