I just found out the father of my kids has been lying to me: Advice?

Can I have an anonymous post, please? So yesterday I found out that my baby daddy been lying to me me and him has been trying to work stuff out, and I found out he been talking to other girls and even a women who married and I feel horrible now bc I got mad when I saw the message where my baby told one of the girls that I was b**** and lier and abusive, and I was a wh***, and I didn’t think when I did it, but I messaged the woman husband bc I know the women husband but I told him his wife been sexting my baby daddy he told me not to feel bad or sorry for telling him but did I do the right thing or did I do the wrong thing by telling bc I was mad at my baby daddy for playing with my feelings and lying to me and telling those women lies about me


I would want someone to tell me if my s.o was messaging someone else sexually.


I would want to be told as well.


I would just cut ties and be done. Not worth it.


Good for you!
Why are you stressing? You didn’t cheat or lie…your man and the other female did!


You should have took a screenshot and sent that as well. Fuck them both.

Why are you with this lying, cheating SOB?


I would tell him too.


Leave him. Tf. How disrespectful of him.


I would just leave him alone. Better off without him obviously! He will always be that way. Nothing you say or do will change his ways, so just wipe your hands clean of it and do you momma!!


I would Definitly want 2 b told.


You did the right thing. I was cheated on and many knew and NOONE told me until I did my own work and found out. Many of these relationships are for ever destroyed including my in laws due to this bc I no longer trust them. So good for you for telling that lady’s husband he deserved to know.


I would want to be told. & as for you & baby dad, tell his ass to kick rocks.

You did the right thing. Now move on without him in your life.


You should ALWAYS tell. Always. Can’t stand a “if she only knew” ass girl. I will 100% of the time tell. Even if they don’t believe me.

Nope throw em all under the buss👋🏼


I think u did the right thing no one deserves to be cheated on!


He deserves to know the truth. If someone was doing that to me I would want to know


You did the right thing. No question about it.


I think you did the right thing


Coming from the girl who was cheated on for months, had no knowledge what so ever of it bevayse everything seemed fine. But, everyone around me knew, you did the right thing!


Leave him and all thoughts of him alone and spend that energy taking a dang English comprehension course. Smh
And yes, you did the right thing


You should have just left. Don’t play into their childish ass games. Her husband would have figured it out sooner or later. All you’re doing is causing more drama.

My husband was cheating on me years ago. I knew he was but couldn’t find any solid proof. I received a phone call from her husband one day telling me about the affair. Once I confronted him, he admitted to and had the nerve to ask me if she and her 3 kids could move in because she had nowhere to go. I told him absolutely not! I took me leaving for him to stop the affair. I knew he had stopped seeing her because things changed with him and I.

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You did the right thing because mostly everyone would want to know but you did it for the wrong reason you did it out of revenge

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Sometimes I seriously hope some
of these posts are just jokes


First your still calling him your baby… if that’s the kind of behavior you want to put up with that’s what your going to get. If you called the husband to hold on to your man… Your better of with out him.


She didn’t feel bad sexting your man so fk her and all their feelings…


My red flag was “baby dsddy” if you do not see your spouse or partner as anything more than your child’s father, leave. My second red flag was the rest. He is cheating, good on you for telling the husband. You need to move on and walk away


I would’ve done the same thing girl!! Don’t feel bad!!

U did the right thing

But are you going to leave him??? That’s the only right thing to be worrying about here.


You did the right thing.

I would have done the same thing!!!

He deserved to know, don’t feel bad. Now you go find you a husband instead of just a baby daddy. A cheater is nobody to raise your kids with. :speaking_head::speaking_head:


Listen your not the one texting another married man don’t feel bad about giving the man a heads up you need to get away from this guy and move on . Good luck and God bless.

Well he’s just a baby daddy so what did you expect?


You saved him from being lied to & gave him the option to leave a hœ. If I was getting cheated on I HOPE someone would be a decent enough human to tell me, whether I knew them or not. I wouldn’t feel bad🤷🏽‍♀️


:woman_shrugging:t2: girl I woulda screenshotted it and posted it on her wall and tagged him. The way you did it was tasteful and discrete even when you were hurt.


You did right by letting the husband know. But you are doing yourself wrong by trying to stay with him.

He’s going to continue to cheat. Why stay with someone who talks shit about you to get into someone else’s bed? People like that don’t change. Save yourself the misery and cut him loose now.

That was a really long sentence…


Honestly, it sounds like you both need to grow up. He’s not your dude. If he’s doing something you don’t like, stop talking to him. It’s not cheating. As far as the other girl goes, i feel you over stepped boundaries. Unless you and the husband were close friends I don’t think it’s any of your business. Truth be told it’s not hers either…idk why you messaged her. He’s the one screwing around


You did the right thing

you did the right thing because I would want to know

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Would have done the same thing

I would do the same. Also I’d leave. Don’t deserve to be treated that way. You deserve to be happy.

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The ones my husband was with were single and thought my husband single. Found 6 letters, contacted to come get him, I would help pack. after my letters went out to them I told him when he got home. Left all letters on kitchen desk. And yes his friends knew. Never discussed with my parents or his, just divorced.

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Hopefully you learned something by reading these other women’s messages, like how to use punctuation.


I’ve done that before. Then the husband tried to hit on me! Nice marriage they had lol

Messaged the lady to ruin her marriage but guaranteed you’ll be back in bed with your baby daddy by tomorrow :roll_eyes:


You aren’t the cheater!


This happened to my hubby with his ex. The one she hooked up with was also married with (at the time) 3 kids and one on the way and my hubby decided to tell the dudes wife. His ex had a fit but oh well. They shouldn’t have been cheating. They deserve to know they’re being lied to and cheated on. Don’t beat yourself up. You might’ve done it out of anger in the heat of the moment but you did do the right thing.


You did the right thing cause he needed to know the truth about his wife and her lies to him.


I would do the same, id wanna know if it were the other way around. You need to drop that boy like a sack of potatoes tho cause you deserve better honey


Go your separate ways. Become great parents to that child.

First of all , he’s your ex, or baby daddy, not your partner.

You did the right thing. They are both cheaters and deserve to deal with their consequences.


Don’t feel bad. You shouldn’t take responsibility for others actions which is what you’re doing by feeling guilty.

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Kick him to the curb. Off to court you go.


You did the right thing

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You go girl you saved a man living a lie I pray someone would do the same thing for me if it came down to that :disappointed:


You aren’t cheating…

So you aren’t wrong.

I’d want to know if my partner was sneaking around.

Fuck It, she deserves the bullshit. And so does your man.

First, Your a grown woman, talk like it.
Your ‘child’s father’ is playing games, it’s about the child/children.
Get your sh#t together for the kid/kids & Move On. He obviously :roll_eyes: has Nothing to offer to you.
Oh & Yes, you did the right thing. Kuddos to you for having the Morals & Values and standing your ground!
Truth hurts But it’s Best!
Best of luck on your new chapter in life!

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Look a blessing comes when you , yourself value you yourself!! Only you can decide what you will allow and not allow someone else to do, no one can help you , until you realize your own value!

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This is NOT the place to air your dirty laundry. It’s NOT Dear Abbey.
I always thought this was a place of love and admiration. Not a place for the likes of that post.
I’m sorry you are having issues with your baby’s daddy…but please find some where else to unload your troubles.
Good luck to you nonetheless


I haven’t NEVER seen such a horrible page of women tearing other women down! Damn, like all of y’all lives are perfect. Women need to build other women up. Especially someone going through a hard time.


Question is what are you trying to get out of telling the husband? Are you going to take baby daddy back? Truth be told the couple owes you nothing. Baby daddy don’t owe you either really. Child yes, you nope. Clearly there is no commitment between you two. Hurt people hurt people. Question is… what’s your next move??

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Well, I used to like this page. The nice memes and such about HUSBANDS and what not were good. What the hell? Maybe you should change the name to “I can’t manage my own personal life without the opinions of a thousand people I don’t know”.


Relavent past behavior is the BEST
predictor of future behavior!

I’ve become completely lost on what any of these things have to do with this page? Every question is about how shitty someone’s husband is and what should I do.


You was right to tell him .more people need to call people out in these situations. He coulda went yrs without knowing his wife’s a cheater .you told what ya know now it’s time for him to handle it from there but uh I’d get rid of the babydaddy as a bf cuz he sounds like a shitty one


Should of just confronted your bf of course… then if anything maybe said something to her… but what has she done maybe she doesn’t know about u even?? What was the point of going to her husband?? Not your business. Not your place to contact him in my opinion

I think this question is probably geared more towards the Jerry Springer Show or Maury Povich. :neutral_face:


Couldn’t get past the grammar in the first 20 words. Poor gal.


I mean if my husband was cheating on me and someone I know knew and didn’t tell me I’d be upset. I’d rather know I’m being cheated on than live a life in ignorance and be disrespected. Some of y’all are being real nasty in the comments :disappointed:


At least it’s all out there now. Leave him alone and find a real man who will love you, correctly.

You were hurt, you lashed out!!!

Learn to speak correct English!


Bames Nond’s having a stronk, call a Bondulance

You hear “baby daddy” all the time from the women who had babies with every Tom, Dick and Harry without being married to any of them. In other words, act like a “w…” you’ll be treated like a “w…”
Only one I feel sorry for are the innocent children because, chances are, they’ll not have a good chance in life.

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So this post is not what this page is about but all of these people attacking this woman, degrading her for posting it? Pretty sure that behavior isn’t what this page is about. If you don’t want to see what this say then unfollow the post. Goodness SMH :rage:

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Probably shouldnt keep having kids without the benefit of marriage! He was a dog before and a dog now and you knew all of that! Dont feel bad for you!


Really?? If you don’t know, then no one else can help you. You need to dump his ass!

Yall need to GROW UP. The behavior is disgusting. Why are you concerned with what the father of your child is doing if you arent in a monogamous relationship? He owes the children to be a good father. If hes not, no reason for him to be in the picture.
You told out of your own revenge, not because you felt it was right for anyone else.
You wouldnt have bothered that man or his woman if you werent playing games with the father of your children.
Grow up and set a better example for your kids.


Baby daddy? Then who cares. Boyfriend or husband, then he’s innappropriate. I don’t get calling your man, baby daddy? Sounds stupid as hell. I have 4 kids and I never call my husband baby daddy


Anger gets the best of us all… Also, the womans husband had a right to know. Just like you do. Neither of you deserve to be played with at all. Leave him


Just leave and honestly my opinion if you guys are trying to work things out and you really respected him you wouldn’t be calling him your baby daddy obviously it sounds like you need some growing up to do


Yes you did the right thing. Now walk away and leave him

Just leave …he is not worth it. If he loved you and wanted to make a life with you he wouldn’t be messaging other women


Just leave simple, You did right by letting the husband know tho

There are no words :roll_eyes:

He isn’t looking to work it out with you. He is trying to make it work with anyone who will have his dumbass.
Nah keep it moving. He is willing to lie on your name now… it will only get worse.