I need help with baby sleep regression, please?

Any tips on sleep regression with a 19 month old? Babe had been an amazing sleeper until the past few nights. Waking up between 3 and 4 and screaming uncontrollably. I’m at a loss…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I need help with baby sleep regression, please?

My girl did this and it lasted months , it wasn’t a sleep regression though it was night terrors and we worked out we had to leave her where she was and just pat her or belly and reassure her she was okay and we loved , after 10 to 20 mins she’d go back to sleep like nothing ever happened


Growing pains? My 15 month old used to sleep wonderfully but then a few months ago she would wake up screaming and nothing I could do would stop it until she fell asleep in my arms. I’ve noticed she’s grown significantly since and she’s sleeping better already. Some nights are worse than others tho.


My son had a problem with gas and would be fine until he wasnt. Hes also an amazing sleeper so when he doesnt sleep something is wrong.


Maybe have the ears checked. With my kids at that age that was the first sign there was an issue because when they laid down the pressure built up in their ears. Hope you get it sorted out soon!


Sounds like night terrors. My oldest had them when she was about a year and half to two years old. I would just hold her and talk calmly to her. Eventually she would calm down but there wasn’t really anything I could do for her. It would break my heart. Thankfully by the time she was three she didn’t have them any more.

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Go to the doctor to make sure there’s not an ear infection or something.

If it’s nothing medical…Monster spray before bed. I mixed my own in a special spray bottle. It was some vinegar, alcohol, water and some of those scented laundry beads. We would go through my son’s room together and spray the monster spray to keep the monsters and bad dreams away. It worked like a charm and he used it through kindergarten. He also loved his nightlight that I covered the outside in tissue paper with modgepodge to dim the brightness.

18 month old here and I’m pretty sure hers is teeth …

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We are at that age and night terrors are legit. All you can do is use that soothing voice and cuddle. They wake up from it then you can put them back down


Get ears checked…possible ear infection. Possible nightmares but doubtful. Has he recently acquired a new skill? When they learn something new they want to keep at it 24/7. Is he possibly constipated…has his diet changed. Is he hungry, how long after his dinner does he go down for the night?

Most likely teething at that age. Molars might be coming in all at once.


I heard If you give them a Batman before bed some how it makes them
Sleep through the nigh. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Could be night terrors or growing pains . Takes patience and understanding it will pass.

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a lot of people don’t want to consider this factor, but look into EMFs. Dr. Devra Davis (one of the PHD experts that made smoking illegal on air planes) is a great provider of information regarding radiation from EMFs and how they affect us, and especially children being that they are much smaller and have much more water in their bodies. If EMFs harm animals, how are we to assume they don’t hurt us? believe it or not, there’s lots of research and studies that prove that it does.

I have some book recommendations that help explain how to lessen your exposure and change your habits. part of one of the books is dedicated to children. if you have baby monitors, get rid of them! if you have wifi or a gaming console, anything bluetooth, or any ungrounded cords (dirty electricity), unplug it overnight for restful, regenerative sleep. that’s just the tip of the iceberg of things that should be common practice! for us to live happier and healthier lives.

I know people will choose to laugh at me for even bringing this up. but to those with that attitude, ask yourselves, would you rather remain ignorant at the cost of your child’s health? I’d hope not.

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Try to not give long nap it helped me.

Put some very very low music in the room maybe a soft nite light its the age where they realize dark is a realizing and it’s scary with no sound

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Night terrors are a thing. My toddler would look awake and be screaming and crying but they were stuck in dreams. We couldn’t wake her… Dr. said we just had to ride it out.


Cutting some molars perhaps?

Hunger due to a growth spurt

I am no use… welcome to the vampire club. my kiddo is going on 4 and still doesn’t sleep :woman_shrugging:t2:

My son did this. It was night terrors.

Put a dream catcher above the baby…it works.

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Could be teething which can effect their ears

Sounds like night terrors. They are actually still asleep.