I think my boyfriend cheated and has a baby with another woman. Been in a relationship for six years. I have four kids. My youngest is from my boyfriend. A year ago, a girl started hearting all his photos. He said she was just a friend he spoke to, but that’s it. We broke up for four months, and now that we are back together, they are still talking when I went to her Facebook; she has a baby, and it has the same last name as my boyfriend. He told me that it’s not his and it’s from her first son’s dad, but he’s a very big support system for me. My 3 other kids look at him as their father. I don’t know what to think…
But the baby has his last name? Why else would that be lol
Ask her🤷♀️ why would the baby have his last name other wise?
Dang so he cheated on you for a year and a couple months…
Personally if I was you ask the female if he can’t be honest but for the baby to have his last name it clearly means something
I’d asked him “if it’s not ur baby why does it have ur last name?
Umm. It has his last name. She wouldn’t do that just for the hell of it. I’d be asking more questions. Confronting the woman.
Is it a common last name? A relative of his maybe? Maybe ask her.
That’s kinda suspicious that the baby has his last name, I would confront the woman and ask her.
God is your support system. This man is playing you and you are allowing it. Step up and put him out of your life.
Does he have a common last name?
That kid having his lastname is child support status.
I agree with the others, if it’s not his baby why does it have his last name?
Wtf definitely his baby otherwise the baby wouldn’t have his lastname. I would confront them both! X
Is his last name common? Why would she give the baby his last name if it’s not his? Message her on fb. Ask her. It’s possible that he’s leading a double life & neither of you know of the other. This happened to a friend of mine. They became friends, raised their children knowing they were siblings. SD pretty much abandoned both of the kids.
Id be making him get a DNA on her baby since it has his last name!
Where I live you can literally give a baby any last name, it doesn’t even have to be associated with your family as long as it’s not a last name that has a copyright© but I’d still say it’s his baby or she (the other woman) assumes he’s the father
Could it have happened why yall was broke up for 4 months. If so he didnt cheat but why else lie and say it isn’t his
He has to sign the birth certificate for the baby 2 have his last name that his baby darling kick his lieing as out !!!
Your being played. Plain and simple!!
If it is his child that means they were at it for more then the 4months you guys were apart …
Is his last name common? How old is the child?
Everything else aside…WHYare you still with him?
Write her a msg and ask
Give youre kids a better example. You know in your heart that his kid it sounds like. Why get back together with him? If you got girls show them not to settle for that. If you got boys show them that ain’t the man to be. Think of your kids and the future, not the present
If you have to ask you already know the answer.
She’s asking for child supports??
Ask her but if it was when y’all was broke up then you can’t be mad.
Whats the last name,asin,is it a common name? And if you are broke up it isnt cheating.
Forget about what you’re thinking, what do you feel? Did a knot form in your stomach when he was telling you that stuff? Every time you think about the situation, what feelings come up?
Welcome to stepmamahood
The baby has your boyfriends last name obviously its his baby and they are probably both sat laughing at you. Pack his bags an get rid !!!
Ask her or do a DNA test. Only way to get to the truth. But either way, you can’t be mad because y’all were broke up so it wasn’t cheating.
If you have to ask that means your instinct is telling you something! I say go with your instinct! Its always % right
Honestly I would message her and ask and try to find the so-called father of the baby call him to give you the baby’s father’s first name and prove that it’s not him to see that he has the same last name
He’s that baby daddy
Dude he’s the dad. But u can’t be mad c u guys weren’t together when it happened. Either accept the child or move on.
If it has his last name ask her, but it sounds like it’s his.
Girl you already know the answer.
If the baby has the same last name odds are its his. He wants to live a secret second life
Sounds like he’s probably the dad to that baby is what I’m thinking.
She’s a woman so she’s probably petty. We all are to some degree:rofl: if he was her baby daddy I doubt that she wouldn’t have said something to you already. I know I would have. I mean is his last name uncommon?
If the baby was just born and y’all was only broken up for 4 months then he cheated and had a baby which means you should probably just leave
I wanna know what comes out of this. To me it sounds like he a bonus baby momma
Ohhh lawddd. Keep us posted!!
Paternity test. They sell
Them over the counter now
Move on love. I promise you will find happiness and one day you’ll look back and it won’t hurt anymore. I went through something similar and the girl knew about me and they both went behind my back. We had a child together as well.
I am now happily married and with my husband for 13 years and he’s my best friend and love of my life.
That’s definitely his baby.
Well how common is his last name? Lol
- I would tell him he needs to be sure, you have the right to be hurt…and upset but honestly the only deal breaker for me is if it was his kid and he just dipped.
I would simply unalive:sparkles: him
He didn’t cheat if it happened while y’all were broke up. And how common is his last name?
First of all what a pos if he just lets her raise that baby all by herself and doesn’t have the balls to claim it. That poor baby deserves so much better from both mom and dad. Just leave. Get full custody of your kid and tell him to go live with the side chick.
I would tell him that our relationship needs to change from being in a romantic relationship to coparenting. Then it sounds like there’s definitely some therapy in order for you to find out why you keep choosing men that aren’t worth anything, and then probably some counseling and therapy for your children to help them get over this loss.
I will ask her for you if you want? I don’t know any of ya’ll, but I’d want to know the truth
If the baby has the same last name as ur boyfriend that’s his baby! Don’t let him lie to u
Ask her, if you think hes lying! Sounds to me if they have the same last name then, it isnt just a coincidence!!
If y’all broke up and he was with her in those 4 months it’s not cheating
You in your heart already know the truth. I am sorry for your hurt.if you cant accept it and be at peace with it you should just leave for your own peace.it isnt going to change.
You know it’s his baby. Don’t let him lie to you and make you out to be a fool. You can either accept what he’s done and discuss what the future will hold as far as this other child goes, or cut him off. Personally I couldn’t handle that so boy bye.
Do you know the definition of cheating? In order to be cheated on or cheat on someone you have to be in a relationship with the person. Just because y’all used to date doesn’t mean he or you cannot date once you break up. He was single therefore he was free to fuck whoever he wanted.
What does your intuition tell you
How old is the baby? And yeah I think he’s lying as well
If the baby was conceived during your breakup it wasnt cheating…however I would never be with a man that was ok with not addressing his children. So he doesnt want to hurt you so hes neglecting his father duties… Sounds like a real winner…
Follow your gut. It is usually right. If you believe that this child may be his then make him have a paternity test. There’s no reason that child should have his last name if it is not his. My brother and his wife went through the same thing as the both of you and 15 years later his twin children showed up on his doorstep And the 2 families get along just fine. It is all how you both handle it as adults. Best of luck!
Go ask her directly and go from there
I’m concerned that he’s lying and might still be seeing and/or talking to the other woman. I would definitely step back from the romantic aspects of the relationship for now and take the time to regroup. I would reach out to her, either myself or have somebody else do it for me. Do not start drama. Find out from her directly what happened or is happening between them. If he’s pulling some shady shit, confront him. Regardless of whether he’s honest or not, I would not get back into a romantic relationship with him. If he’s honest, I’d coparent. If he’s not, I’d cut him off.
No trust=no relationship
Not cheating if you were broke up. If he has the same last name then you know.
Umm hes not the only person with that last name I’d do some research like find out who her first baby dad is and ho from yhrtr
I think he should if been honest with you from the start. Ask her.
I’m going to need to see her Facebook and your bf to do my detective work.
Yeah ask her directly and go fr there. She should have no reason to lie
Kick him to the curb.
The Steve Wilkos Show
Tell that you need him to prove it, and if he can’t it’s over. It’s extremely fishy. If it’s truly not his kid, he will go to great lengths to prove it. Birth certificates are of public record, so get the child’s legal name and DOB and go to your county’s public records department. Even if that child was conceived on your break, he hasn’t been truthful. If was conceived outside of your break, well…
Yup ask her. She will tell u
I’m thinking if the child really does have his last name she isn’t much for trying to hide it. Ask her. The last name alone would be of cause for you to ask her.
If it was her last boyfriends, how likely is it that he has the same last name as your boyfriend? You already know the truth in your heart, I would message her and ask her to be honest with you if he can’t be. If he’s lying which sounds very likely then he doesn’t have a whole lot of respect for you and I would end the relationship otherwise it’s going to be a very hard pill to swallow and tough to move on as a couple.
If it’s the same last name as her other son, then you just need to go further back & confirm by finding out the other kids name. Or go to her friends list and type in your boyfriend’s last name and see how many people come up on her friends list would that last name and then click on their profiles and see if they have a picture of the baby
I’d literally confront her. I wouldn’t care if my partner got mad about it either. Why would he care if he had nothing to hide? Ya know, cause people do that dumb shit. Get mad at YOU and blame YOU for reaching out because your gut is telling you; THEY LYIN’! For real though I’d just message her my damn self and get my answer. And if I were correct about my feelings on it and got conformation, his ass would be out with yesterday’s trash. Shiiiiit.
So your are allowing your children to look up to a man that treats you like crap…hmmmmm
Ask HIM why the baby has his last name? Did she get pregnant in the 4 months y’all were broken up?
Girl! Don’t be naive
The kid has the last name as him? There’s your answer. I mean jeez she isn’t even trying to hide it. Might as well just reach out to her and ask her what’s up. She probably doesn’t even know about you and he’s playing both of you.
It’s not cheating since you guys were broken up. If he has a baby stay out of the way and let him raise his kid
Mhhh that’s a hard one, but I mean do you really want to be with someone who f around and had a baby on you? Get a job, save up and move out so you can stop being dependent on him. PLENTLY of men out there that would never put that fear in your heart.
Does the first child’s dad have the same name as her boyfriend…whats the surname of the older child. It may be his baby, if so hes lying to you and depriving the child of its half sibling. He may be supporting the baby, which he should, but if so he is lying to you. He may be spending time with them, but if so, he is lying to you. That could amount to a lot of lies. Can you live with a lying partner… you didnt say if baby was conceived during yer seperation. Visit her and ask her. Check the birth cert… if she says yes he is, and he says no hes not, insist on a DNA. If he is dad, he should also be supporting the baby. Either way, you need the truth. What you do with the truth is your own business. Good luck.
If he is cheating, he’s not someone your children should be looking up to as a father figure. As parents you are supposed to be an example to your children. That example includes showing them how to be in a healthy relationship. If he’s cheating, and you’re looking the other way, it teaches your children it’s ok to cheat, or to accept being with someone who cheats on them.
Talk to him. Talk to the woman. Don’t attack her as she may not know the real status of his relationship with you. But you both deserve to know who you’re with
I need to know if he has a common last name before I can really give you advice…
because this girl keeps reposting versions of this hoping for a different outcome besides the obvious truth that it’s his and deep down she knows it but wants a reason to stay…
Get a dna test done. Only way you’ll know for sure.
How did he cheat when you broke up?
Do you mean you think he cheated on you before you broke up and then she had the baby when you guys were broken up? Is the last name a common last name? I wouldn’t jump to conclusions I would talk to the mother of the baby but do not let your boyfriend know you are going to talk to her otherwise if the baby really is his he will probably tell her to deny it to you.
There is missing details from this. When were you guys broken up for the four months? Was it during the time she actually got pregnant or was it way before or after she was already pregnant? If she got pregnant during the 4 months that you guys were broken up, regardless of if they baby is his or not, then he technically didn’t cheat on you. Unless youre meaning that him still talking to her as cheating? It would make sense for him to still talk to her if the baby is his and they agreed for him to be present js. Just ask the woman if its his. Theres ways to do it tactfully.
I’m assuming his last name isn’t a popular one that there may be another family with the same last name near you guys. I mean if anyone where I live had the last name , Miller or Smith everyone would be accused of cheating and having babies to someone else. But certain last names are none in the area.
I think the biggest problem here is that you never knew about the child.
I’m married and if my husband was to get someone else pregnant, I know for a fact he would tell me. And even if he didn’t I would be pissed the fuck off at him mainly because I am a MOTHER and there is a whole other child out there with a father who fails to recognize him.
He didn’t cheat, he just so happened to get someone else pregnant, please talk to him and get all the cards on the table. Only then can you actually decide whether or not you will leave him.
Sounds to me like the problem with the other girl started a year ago. She found out . During this year, they broke up for 4 months . But the other girl also got pregnant and had the baby during all this time. Which makes sense. Whether or not it’s an issue of him cheating, if he was seeing her while you were broken up then I agree he was not cheating. However, if he cheated. You broke up because of it then got back together, he now has a baby … hes lying to you and knows, if he is interactive with her , even if about the baby, hes now cheating because he is lying and keeping another child from you. He needs to man up and tell you the truth about what is going on. If the child has his last name, well you can’t just give a child any last name. It has to be mother or fathers name . And he would have to be aware. So it’s emotional cheating at this point. But girl, you need to find out the truth. I know you have a child with him too and your other children look up to him. But he’s no role model and you and your kids don’t need a lying loser in your life who will only hurt you. Do what needs to be done and find out facts.
Same last name means its his kid. Either confront him and make him get a DNA test or leave him.
Girl. Thats his baby.