Ideas of what to feed my baby?

Can you make a post for meal ideas for a 10 month old please?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Ideas of what to feed my baby? - Mamas Uncut

Anything u guys eat will be fine just make sure there’s no spices or anything for the baby. So mashed up potatoes cut up chicken very small pieces cooked carrots cut into tiny pieces etc is fine. My son loved potatoes and chicken at that age. He never ate baby food whatsoever it was whatever we eat but his had no spices

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Ideas of what to feed my baby? - Mamas Uncut

Eggs (mine scrambled and hard boiled). Avacado, toast, yogurt(watch for sugar content) bananas, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, raspberries and blueberries (broken or cut up very tiny), soft beans, cottage cheese(add peaches), cooked soft veggies.,