If am wrong please correct me

I have blocked my hubby on all social media platforms.his monitoring spirit pisses me off...

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. If am wrong please correct me - Mamas Uncut

Huh? So you feel the need to block him and he stalks you on social media? Some big red flags there.


Sure you’re not trying to hide something?


I won’t have my boyfriend on Facebook. I have nothing to hide.


I would block him too. As if being husband and wife and living in the same house wasn’t enough interaction, he still stalks your social media. That’s just too much!!!


Monitoring? Are you hiding things that he feels the need to “monitor” your social media? lol


What exactly are you posting? Does he not like what you are posting or is it, that he doesn’t like whose commenting on them?


My ex husband use to block me like that so I couldn’t see when a girl commented or posted to hi. Or whatever… he said I was too nosey. And you know what I was…but I found out he ended up getting my best friend pregnant during our marriage…soooo big flags


I don’t see no reason to block my significant other. I don’t have shit to hide im keep posting :woman_shrugging: let him be miserable :joy:

I dont have mine on Facebook…


Sounds like you have something to hide.


Why would you block them? That literally makes no sense unless you’re trying to hide something then you’re in the wrong anyways ? :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:


They both sounds toxic. She’s toxic because she feels the need to block him on social media. He sounds toxic for monitoring her shït. Clearly there’s trust issues and or secrets sitting here

not gonn lie did it a few times it’s the petty in me but he is safe for now till i feel like being petty again :joy::joy:


That’s why kids should not marry. Marriage is for adults, 2 people that loves each other and building a life together. This here sounds like playing games and usely that’s why relationship end.


My ex did this. He would passively bring up things in groups I was in, scold me for commenting or posting something. I couldn’t do anything without a remarkable from him. Restricting him isn’t going to help. Hell join a group with a different name or have someone else stalk you. If he’s doing this online he’s doing it in person too. Get rid of him. He’s not going to stop.


My ex was like and we broke up. Controlling freak!

Ahh remember wat we did before social media???


Your husband lmaooo you decide.

Nope. You are not wrong! I got so sick of my husband “Why would you post that” messages that I ended up deactivating my page.


I didn’t know you could get married at 12 years old :woman_shrugging:


This is how social media kills relationships


If my Husband was acting the same I would block him too. I like to keep my social media annoyance free since everyone else in the world seems to pluck my nerves.


You should care more about your partner than social media


What… why is the paranoid and what are you hiding?


Why are u being sneaky


I wish my husband cares enough to look at my stuff


You are an adult. You decide what to post and what not to post.


Lol I know someone that did this many years ago, they’re still married so it seemed to work for them :woman_shrugging:t3:


My wife will share so many of those “share this and you’ll have good luck” posts. I think they’re so pointless and cheesy, but I don’t send her messages or ask in a condescending way why she posts them. The woman just wants some extra cash or good fortune :joy::joy: Some spouses need to just chill out and pick battles wisely lol I would honestly just tell your husband to leave it alone because you’re gonna post what ya want :joy: as long as it’s not inappropriate or pushing boundaries, and if he can’t chill, then he has a bigger problem.


Wait I just thought about it… why is he monitoring though? Are you giving him reasons to not trust you? Have you broken trust in the past?

While he shouldn’t monitor you like a child, he does have the right to ask you to stop doing things that make him uncomfortable. Make sure you aren’t at fault too before getting mad at him. The fact you were so vague makes me think you might be hiding the whole story because it paints you poorly. Don’t use us to gas light.


But youre still living with him? All the freaking red flags…


You wouldn’t have done it if there wasn’t something for him to monitor that you don’t want him to see . Very immature of you and only further validates mistrust in your use of SM


What are you hiding ?


Mmmm what are you hiding??? Lol idc if my HUSBAND CHECKS MY PAGE EVERY 5 MINUTES, he is my husband and I have nothing to hide.:no_good_woman: blocking him is not the right thing because that just shows that you are being sneaky or he was right and you are hiding something… if you don’t like him checking on you, divorce him , give him and yourself freedom to do what yall want.


Not enough info. But I am disappointed in responses on here NEWS FLASH women and me can have opposite sex friends. Post things to make themselves feel better etc …

He shouldn’t be ‘monitoring’ you but also if you’re not doing anything shady then why block him? I wouldn’t care if my partner was checking mine i have nothing to hide and if for some reason he’s insecure id prefer that he could see im not doing anything than block him and fuel to his worries and anxieties (if thats the reason for him checking up on you) habe you sat down and asked him why he does it? Hear his reasoning and also tell him it makes you uncomfortable that he’s checking up on you


She is saying he is monitoring and being controlling, gives her a good reason to Block him actually, if nobody has been with a controlling narcissistic then they clearly don’t get it


And I can’t even get a :+1: when I tag mine in a post :sob::rofl:


My ex husband did that to me the day I found out about the other woman. We were still very much married.


Everyone jumps to “what are you hiding?” When he could just be super controlling, insecure and/or paranoid. A simple meme or selfie to her could be a whole diff thing to him. I had an ex like that unfortunately. Posting for fun could turn into huge fights. It can either be don’t post anything at all or block him :woman_shrugging:. She didn’t give any details though so we can only speculate at this point.


If my SO was on my page there would be no peace… im a smartass & there’s no way he could handle it. Just because I post something doesn’t mean anything, I just find stuff & want to share it… I have 1 ex on my fb page & hes restricted on content


Hmm why? Cause you’re doing shit you’re not supposed to be doing? Sounds like you’re a shady p0s. Lots of them around. :unamused:

My fiance and I see what each of us posts doesn’t bother us. I have noithing to hide


so your hiding something and dont wanna get caught​:thinking::thinking:


Y’all need to just delete social media.


Red flag if my companion does it I know why but then he can’t see mine I can’t see his but you hiding something or you wouldn’t care


Why is he monitoring you like a child?


Mine passes me off too but I’d never block him from my accounts :joy: your obviously trying to hide something :woman_shrugging:


Lol yes b*tch not because he is controlling but because he is a serial unfriender so he’s permanently in the block list. Plus I have a mouth that shocks him :joy:


Mine used to mesg every guy on there even family he did not know and ask if they slept with me and how they knew me. It was regrating I found out it was due to his infidelity and being on dating sites…


Sounds like y’all may have bigger issues than social media….


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. If am wrong please correct me - Mamas Uncut

well, is he monitoring you cause you’re frisky and can’t be trusted?

Or is he monitoring cause he’s abusive. Need more information to give you accurate advice.


He isn’t my husband… we’ve been together for about 5 years. I intentionally do not have him on any social media myself. You aren’t alone.

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We need more context. Why does he monitor you? Have you don’t something to create trust issues? Has he done anything to create trust issues with you so his behavior of needing to monitor you is to see if you’re doing the same thing?

If you have absolutely nothing to hide why block him? It just gives him even more of a reason to suspect things and having it create issues between you two.


I don’t see a reason to block a significant other. Even if they snoop around on your page if theres noting to hide who cares :woman_shrugging:


The issue isn’t social media. It’s a lack of trust. Maybe sit down and have a serious talk about why he feels the need to monitor your accounts.


I would say both of you should just put the phone down for a while and spend time together :ok_hand:t2::raised_hands:t2:


Either you gave him a reason, or he is controlling and abusive. Either way, probably best to just go your separate ways… a relationship like that isnt worth it… ever. Blocking him will only cause more problems in person. Neither side is healthy.


If you have to block him send him packing.

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I don’t have mine blocked but we aren’t connected on social media.

Mine guy unmarried me unfriend me was on dating sites treats me like shit so i have him blocked now fuck him and i will find me friends just as he has had our entire joke of a relationship we have three babies i always stay loyal n two marriages later 22 years i am s t ill losing 12 babies how do we learn to be cold and heartless n sneaky like them

I blocked my ex when we were married because he would hit on my friends as well as my kid’s friends.


My other half isn’t on my Facebook and we are totally ok with that.


Wrong is NOT the word… but if you are blocking your hubby, when does it become the non toxic, adult thought process of WTF you doing? Now an ex, different story, but if you have to block your partner, you’re in the wrong relationship, but many of y’all are not grown enough for that conversation. And, in some cases if you are blocking your partner, they are in the wrong relationship. Childish a$$ sh!t.


We live together. We don’t need to be connected on social media. And it’s nobody’s business what you do to begin with.


A. Monitoring spirt?? Seriously it isn’t a “spirit”. He needs to get some therapy if he has trust issues that you didn’t cause. And even if you did cause him to have trust issues he needs therapy for it.

B. What are you doing that you care that he sees? I give absolutely zero fucks if my husband sees anything and everything I do on any and all social media platforms, he can even unlock my phone and has the passwords for all 5 of my email accounts. However, he can say the exact same thing. We have nothing to hide from each other.


If you’re to this point is the relationship worth spending more time on?


Whatever gives you peace, do that.


We both have facebook but hubby doesn’t have any friends on his haha he chooses it that just likes to read sports pages comedy pages etc.

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My bf and I have been together for almost 3 months now. We live in a small town where everyone knows everyone’s business. We have chosen not to be the “typical” social media couple. Most in our town know that we are together, however, it is not our priority to post it all over Facebook. We both feel that we don’t need social media to convey our relationship, we can do that our own way.


My boyfriend and I aren’t. We have tried a few times an it leads to more silly arguments. Not watching each other or cheating but other stuff so we decided best not to be friends with each otbee

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My husband and I have been married almost 4 years and we’re friends on Facebook. BUT we’re a military couple so he’s been gone a lot and Facebook and email are the only way to stay connected. Now we just message each other memes from the other side of the couch so we don’t have to get uncomfortable to show each other lol


This post suuuuucks. So much wanted validation on how to conduct relationships. Nobody truly knows, just hush. Find your person, and if you feel you haven’t, then just leave. It’s always better that way.


Wow these comments… I’m glad my husband and I have no secrets we follow each other on social media i post what i want and he doesn’t care unless it would be a nude photo which i don’t post! But for the most part he let’s me do what I want


Must be hiding something.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. If am wrong please correct me - Mamas Uncut

I feel like more context is needed here.

But I get the vibe that either his actions or yours are a red flag and it’s time to revaluate the relationship as a whole if you’re feeling the need to block him on social media.


Blocking won’t help that. It will only tell him you have something to hide. If you’re open and honest and he still attempts to monitor you, then it becomes more or a him problem.


So either he is just too jealous or nosey or possibly controlling…OR you are too flirty or friendly with folks and he dont like it…or too secretive and not open about things that could be perceived as secretive.
Neither of you should have anything to hide or block the other one from seeing.
But honestly you really dont say what’s wrong you just want us to know that you blocked your husband. Do really want advice or is this a way to let someone know they’re ok to reach out now since your husband is blocked?


You and your husband have more issues than him controlling your social media. Maybe you should seek couples therapy


You shouldnt have anything to block your husband from seeing …i take it you can still see what he is doing


Girl you are not wrong i did the same thing for that exact same reason


What is the question?


What exactly is he monitoring. Need more information.


Imo he will assume you’re trying to hide something.
But I’m with you if you tried to talk to him and he still does it adios lol

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Since you didn’t really give any info as to why I’d say you’re wrong


so… either
#1 you done something
#2 hes done something
either way, yall are acting childish


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. If am wrong please correct me - Mamas Uncut

I did that to my Dad once because he was just trolling me all the time. You have to learn to trust each other. That takes time unfortunately. Marriage should be sacred and not just thrown away. There’s always Karma that comes back to bite us in the ass every negative action results in more negative things coming back.

His monitoring spirit? What??

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Not wrong at all. I do it to mine if he gets ahead of himself too :wink:

You’re not wrong… i would do the same thing.

Nope, not wrong at all. I’m thankful mine isn’t on any platforms, but my teenage children are. I have nothing to hide, but being monitored and questioned isn’t right.


Both of y’all sound wrong.
If you gotta block him your probably doing something wrong.
And if he feels he’s gotta monitor you he obviously doesn’t trust you.
So neither of you need to be in that relationship.


Nope. Not wrong. I blocked my ex due to the fact that he would constantly accuse me of sleeping with everyone that like even a random picture (not of me) literally if I posted a pretty moon… yes, family and regardless of if it were male or female. Also, come to find out he would pick these “times” to accuse me of something we BOTH knew better than… he was the one actually hiding stuff, but I had gotten sick of him add/block/deleting me for false accusations, so I left him blocked and yeah, MAJOR :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:. In MY case the one doing the “monitoring” and all that WAS the ONE doing stuff and hiding it.

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Shoot if my hubby started doing that I delete the whole.man from my life :woman_shrugging: like I don’t have time to not have inner or mental peace like buh bye


Idk why i read this and my brain instantly though ex husband and i was like yeah that is good. Then, I saw people’s responses and reread your post. Not ex. Just husband? Yeah, that is weird.