Mommas with the Birth control patch, do you find it has started to fall off more with this heat? I’m in Canada if that helps we’ve had +30°c weather for 3 weeks and this is the 2nd one to lift up and peel with all the sweat. I use a clear cover to help keep it down (like a bandaid but different) that my dr recommends so the edges don’t peel, and I don’t get those squares from the dust I know I’m not the only one with that problem lol. Anyways I am looking to possibly get an IUD but have heard so many crazy things it kind of worries me. Hubs are SLOWLY starting to warm up to the idea of the Snip, but he’s still a little nervous about being awake for the process and having people with sharp objects near his jewels lol. What do I do? I want to work out and such but don’t want to worry about this darn thing falling off. I am set on not having more babies just a one and done gal kinda. Delivery recovery was torture for me; I blacked out the first time using the washroom. All honesty pregnancy scares me.
Didn’t notice that but I did notice when I got pregnant on the patch:roll_eyes:
I have used the nexplanon, and loved it. But some people have hated it. It all depends on your body chemistry. You can always try for a few.months, and if it doesnt work for you, you can change
Nexplanon was the best BC I used. I hated the IUD (Paragard). I’m in Alabama so keeping the patch on isn’t even an option lol.
I have had mirena for going on 10 years (replaced 1once every 5 yrs)… I have had 0 issues and LOVE IT!! It just depends on your body but I couldnt be happier. Good luck
I’m on my second Mirena and in the beginnings I love it, but around the four and a half year mark I started getting horrendous PMS symptoms and my period becomes super irregular.
I had the Mirena for about a year and a half and I absolutely hated it, very irregular periods, horrible cramps, bad depression, losing my hair, AND I gained like 60 lbs in a very short amount of time. On another note I know people who love it, everybody’s body is different.
I love the IUD. I have paragard. highly recommend
I would seek different birth control
Do they have the depo shot there. They have been great
Tell him just get his stuff handled. Because none of these birthcontrols, do I recommend. Js.
I’m on my second paragard and I love it when I got it out the first time it took me 6 months to come out pregnant now I’m back on it after my daughter and I couldn’t be more happier
I had the Mirena, it worked, developed terrible acne from it, cramping, moodiness… but NO BABIES! Lol so it was worth it
I used the patch for awhile and never had an issue with it. Chances are the batch you got had faulty glue making them come off easier.
I have it I’ve used it in my teens them just started using it again after having my daughter a year ago and I have actually found it to be falling off more now with the heat I have had to put another one on because it has fallen off an wouldn’t stick back on.
I use morphine patches and they fall of when it got to bloody awful
I’ve been using the patch for a few years now with absolutely no issues. In fact after the week when I’m suppose to put a new on on its so hard to come off. I too live in Canada but I put mine on my butt . I switch sides each Sunday and it has never peeled off ever. I have a 14 and soon to be 4 yr old I want to get my tubes tied but the dr won’t do it. I’ve considered the iud but I’m still not 100% sold on it yet.
So my hubs is going in for a snip in October. Yes he is awake, but there a no scalpel procedures now(I had no idea), it takes a few minutes, and a good provider will provide medication for any nervousness/anxiety. I had an IUD and had THE WORST time.
Depo sent hormones in over drive and the patch didn’t stick well for me either . My hubs got snippedvwe have no regrets the key thing to remember can’t be intimate right after the recovery time is way less for a man
I don’t recommend the IUD, It was quite uncomfortable for me even months later, I was beginning to grow really fine top lip hair like a pubescent boy, and I swear it made my depression and anxiety A LOT worse I just had it removed last week so I have to go threw a full cycle to know if it was IUD but over all it was not a good choice for me.
I loved my iud, my daughter loves her implant, youngest daughter just started depo so jury is still out
I love my iud. I’ve had them for a total of 6 years and it’s awesome! I had learned though if it doesn’t hurt to insert the iud then it shouldn’t give you any problems at all!
IUD and depo were not good to me, the ring may be an option for you, check with your dr.
I literally applied my patch everywhere and it always came off a day or 2 later. No I didn’t use lotion, yes I tried to use alcohol pads (worked for the OBGYN) It was so frustrating. And it less effective over 150 pounds.
I watched my ex husband get the snip (I could totally do that for a living) he felt nothing once he got the aesthetic, until he accidentally hit him self in the nuts (he got instant karma as he was trying to line my son up to wallop his butt and my son moved ) other than the needles and the hit to the nuts, he felt no pain, was still able to ejaculate ect (once the recovery time lapsed)
Where are you putting your patch? You can do the back of the shoulder or the upper arm I believe , it should be less sweaty. I only ever got the fuzz lines when I would wear it on my hip
If your so set on never having kids again get your tubes tied maybe he doesnt wana get his balls snipped? Just like you dont wana get your tubes tied? I’m assuming since you havent done it yet. You need to come to a mutual agreement. And compromise. Because if were being honest sometimes relationships dont always work out and forcing him into something like this if hes hesitant already might just push him away.
I’ve got the arm implant. It works for 3 years and it was a breeze to put in my arm.
Love my IUD the patch was always peeling off
Tell your husband from one man to another. Manup and get it done not a big deal. A little discomfort for a couple days and done. Never regretted mine.
I love my IUD! I have the mirena and have had no issues!
If you stick to the patch use liquid bandaid around the edges so it doesn’t peel.
I was on the patch, got pregnant and had a miscarriage.
Yes.i hated the made skin itch too
I’ve heard they migrate
Why don’t you get your tubes tied?
I HAD the iud and kets just say THEY AREN’T FUN! IT HURT GOING IN AND HURT WORSE COMING OUT! The first time having intercourse a few weeks after it was inserted it hurt my fiance and myself. They suck!
I got pregnant for my second child with an IUD. Thankfully there were no complications and she was born happy and healthy. Had my tubes done after her and developed pmdd which has only gotten worse over time. If I could go back I would have had my husband at the time get the procedure.
implant and iud was hell on me
So cut hubby off…that should Speed him along to get the op
If you don’t want kids don’t get it. Almost every friend of mine got pregnant on one. They’re so easy to knock out of place or fall out from sex. They migrate, and hurts like a bitch going in and out. Get the shot or have your dr tie and burn your tubes. Vasectomies don’t always take
Get your tubes tied and burned. No more worrying about birth control.
Tell that hubby to man up! Labor was more painful than that.
The Depo shot is only every 3 months.
Every birth control has its pros and cons and every one is different. A lot of times it’s a trial and error to see what works best for you. Like 8 years ago I was on the pill and had no problems with it except for migraines so they switched me to the depo shot. I was on that for about 3 years I did experience some bone density and I also gained about 70 pounds from it. Also I never stopped getting the migraines.I dropped about 30 pounds when I got off of it and I got pregnant maybe 6 months after I stopped getting it. After I had my son they asked about birth control and since I was anemic my dr suggest lo loestra fe because it has iron in it. My periods are very irregular but I manage. I’ll go 2-3 months without getting it then have it for 3 weeks. They’re running some tests now to figure out why. I have to go for a saline study. So who knows. But I don’t get that many migraines anymore. And usually only during the summer. But it’s really just trial and error to see what works best for you. Good luck!
He gets numb. A few bee sting pinches. It takes the doctor less than 10 minutes. He will be fine. Nothing compared to what women go thru.
No my patch stays on pretty well. Only comes off when in the bathtub and it’s like the end of the patch. I have been on the patch for a year now. I was on was the depo shot before getting pregnant.after this baby I was told I was on lt for to long.
I liked the patch but I had the same issue so I switched to the nurva ring I definitely preferred the ring over the patch.
I love my IUD. I am on my second mirena. I have never had any issues with them. The patch I was allergic to and it would just fall off me after causing irritation to the skin. I also gained weight on the patch. Being snipped would be the easiest choice! Birth control is so expensive if you don’t have good insurance to cover it. My IUD was $1,000.
I had the iud for a year and a half and I loved it because I didn’t have to worry about it. Sometimes it caused me discomfort, especially during sex, and my fiancé did feel it quite a few times. That was really the only downside. But periods were always on time and not very heavy. I had to have it removed due to a ruptured cyst that shifted it. I knew I didn’t want the pill after that so I tried the patch for the first time and I REALLY loved it! It fell off of me only a couple of times but that’s my own fault because I would put it on my butt and accidentally take it off when I would pull down my pants. It never lifted from sweating.
I highly recommend the implant in your arm! I’ve had 0 problems, haven’t had a period in who knows how long, and I don’t think about it until it’s time to change. I had my first one 3 years and got a new one and it’ll need changed next year.