I'm feeling out of depth with my 7 year old, help?

after my kid talking to me like that the first time I would have takin it away…
this is why I don’t have tec other then our family TV…

You are the parent so you need to act like it. You are in charge and you need to nip this in the bud now or it will only get worse. You did right by not getting it but when she started acting up you should have warned her to get it herself and if she kept on then you get it and put it away and let her know why. I raised my kids on choices and consequences. It’s like you don’t eat dinner that’s your choice but you may go to bed hungry. Good luck and know kids need boundaries set.


If it was up to me she wouldn’t have an iPad


Take away the iPad and insist on respect Rudeness in children not acceptable Also she is feeling her way needs to know she is loved but boundaries I used to be a school teacher


Time out and loss of iPad


Ipad needs a time out,your mum so your in control not her ,it can be hard at times I know I’ve raised 4adhd kids we had rules and chores and when they were done each week we gave pocket money as incentive, please stay strong, when she yells try and stay calm hopefully things get better for you sweetheart


Take away the iPad for starters and then TV and phone and all other luxuries. Consequences for everything. In my younger years there was no time out there was a paddle


Trade her in for a new one


Easy first time she demands punish her you let her get that way by not doing anything about it if your kid treats you like that it’s because they know nothing will happen when they do it


123 Magic is a great book for this


My 8 year old is the same i end up yelling back in the end if she gwts to bad as im not getting spoken to like that. i often take her tablet away and make a point of rude girls dont get things like tablets. Shes slowly getting better tablet confiscation definitely helps the attitude.stick to your guns, follow through.you are the parent.

Take the iPad privileges. Sure change her attitude real quick. I’ve noticed that too much screen time causes this.


She’s testing her boundaries. Keep your voice low, get down to eye level with her and talk in simple phrases. “It’s not acceptable to speak to me that way. If you continue to do so, your iPad will be taken away for 1 entire day”. Always give her a warning first.


After the second time of demanding it, I would have locked it in the trunk of my car. No getting it back until major change in her demanding attitude. You’re the parent not the child. Act like it


She’s spoiled rotten. That’s on you. Ground her ass. Toss the iPad out. You guys do realize kids don’t need tablets and phones right? It’s not child abuse for them to not have them.

Oh hayle no! Take that damn I pad and lock it up! Then let her know who is running the show !

This biggest thing about this is respecting authority (i don’t expect to be the end all and all authority with mine). But the entitlement will get her into trouble. That’s why I see laying down the line HARD. Ground her from IPAD and for the rest of the day until she can apologize. Let her know ordering people around like that AINT THE WAY!!


That’s when you should have taken the iPad away. She sounds like a spoiled brat and only you can change that. Good luck, mama!


No iPad! Your the Mom not your little one. She will put out what you allow don’t fuss w her. She is not your equal! Get her attention now. Matter of fact be stern but fair. She needs parenting.

You are the adult you are not her slave. You are to be a parent first and not a friend. It’s your job to teach respect, compassion kindness. Not disrespect spite and entitlement. My 13 yo doesn’t have a phone or device because she only needs one for study and I now give her set times she can be on my laptop. Take the ipad away, lock it in your car or somewhere she can’t access after telling her that her behaviour is disrespectful and she will lose the device completely if she carries on acting like that. I ban computer time for a day or a few hours, if my daughter wants to earn it back she will apologise and complete lists of chores first. Any extra instances of crappy behaviour she loses it for 2 days and so on. You are the adult. Full stop.

Watch what she’s watching. When my little one started having a terrible attitude I couldn’t figure it out, then I noticed a girl on a show she watched talking to everyone like that. A lot of shows on nick and Disney have disrespectful kids

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You cant be ur childs friend and their parent … u allowed the child so much leeway they feel equal to you im all things now

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My husband took my daughter xbox 1 out back and took a hammer to it. You are in control. I would start with taking the iPad and giving her a time limit on the TV n anything else you have. Good luck momma!


She’s 7 and seeing how far she can push you. Good luck!

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Try taking away the IPad :woman_shrugging:

One be the parent and put your foot down take things away… spoils little brats don’t get there way. This is what’s wrong with the society today :woman_facepalming:t4: not trying to be rude but it is

I would have taken the iPad away then and changed password on it and not allow her to have it until her attitude changed. Discipline her and take away things. Don’t just sit there and let her scream and shout and order you around.


You did the right thing.

7 years old? Whos the parent? Tried spanking? You know what your parents would do if you talked ba k to them? Do the same.


When my kids say type of stuff I just take the thing they wanted me to get away and then tell them why they arnt getting it … after a little while they give you respect … do not give on to angry child’s demands


If any of my boys spoke to me like that!!:astonished:A hiding for sure!

She wouldn’t have had the iPad at all at this point


The behavior alone would have lost my kids their iPad for awhile.
Screaming like that at anyone, especially over something like that, is not ok. Especially at that age.

One of ours, the screen time was the problem. And limiting it helped.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm feeling out of depth with my 7 year old, help? - Mamas Uncut

I think the whole “ At 7 years old they don’t know what authority is” is absolute bullshit. If you run after kids they get used to it and take the mick. (We were the same when we were kids but we soon shaped up when we were told too)

Example is my 5 year old niece gets my grandma to make her a drink and all sorts of things when she can do them herself.

I was there the other day and she wanted crisps, my grandma said “you know where they are so go get some” My niece didn’t like this response as she was “busy” on her tablet but she frowned and got up, she went to get the crisps from the kitchen then immediately shouted for my grandma to come and open this packet of crisps for her as she “couldn’t do it” there was a little back and forth from my grandma and her saying “yes, you can” and her saying she “No I can’t” while stomping her feet and whining, so my grandma goes to get up. (Baring in mind she’s 76)

So I immediately stop her and say “ you dare get up, I’ll go see to her cause she’s just having your life here” My Granda agreed with me and my 8 month pregnant self struggled to get off the couch, stormed in the kitchen to see that the little bugger (who definitely didn’t expect to see me) had all ready opened the crisps. My response was “Are you actually serious Jessica? You were gonna make grandma come in here to open your crisps when you know damn well you can do it yourself, your just being lazy” she’s pretty spoilt and proceeded to cry but that is her response to everything when she doesn’t get her own way. I said “you can cry all you want Jessica you know am right and grandma is too old to be running around after you” she went upstairs and cried. My grandma frowned at me when I sat back down but after she came back down she did everything herself for the rest of the time I was there. So :woman_shrugging:t2:


Most behaviours are communicating a need, maybe sit down and have a heart to heart with her and let her know calmly that it isn’t acceptable behaviour and there’s other ways to go about the situation better


At 7 they’ve stopped taking who’s in charge for a given but haven’t yet learnt why authority exists. I’d suggest speaking to her about why you need her to help around the house / mind her manners / not be rude to you and then stick to the rules you calmly discuss like glue, mentioning the conversation each time she moans about you laying down the law.

(I’m a dance teacher & whilst it’s a lesser degree than your situation, I do a similar thing with anyone messing around & after talking to them / reminding them they tend to go along with it to a reasonable extent - even if they huff about it!)

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Sounds like she could be trying to get a bit of control? Maybe try looking a bit deeper, could there be other issues behind her current behaviour? School, friends etc?


I’d take her iPad off her for talking to me like that. Also don’t give into her. Her hormones are probably playing a huge part of this, some girls do start earlier than others. Have you tried taking to her? I get that that probably isn’t very easy but it may help. She needs to know you’re the one in charge, but that you are there for her to talk to if things are getting to her/worrying her x


I wouldn’t have argued back just ignored her. I may have taken I pad off her


Change the password on the ipad and give it to her and tell her she won’t be given the password until she thinks about how to speak to people properly, you are not. Her slave and if she wants nice things she needs to be nice to other people. Worst case she locks the ipad out for an hour. Even worse case she smashes it and obviously doesn’t get a new one or isn’t allowed to use it.


I’d have thrown the ipad in the bloody bin!


I would of told her either go and get it or do without I’m mother not slave and if she spoke to me like that again I would remove it completely

Take the iPad off her if she can’t get it! Don’t allow to dictate you, you’re the mother not her the iPad is a privilege not an entitlement.

Would have just ignored and taken the ipad away. I do with my son of if ever starts whining over such silly things.

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Don’t listen to the advice to ignore misbehaving children :grimacing:

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Take the ipad off her and dont give it back till she starts to show you some respect


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm feeling out of depth with my 7 year old, help? - Mamas Uncut

You encourage her by going back and forth with her. After that first now she would have been in trouble!!! I definitely wouldn’t ignore it. It’s complete and total disrespect and u r the mother not another child at school. All I have to do is look at my 4 boys when I feel like their tones is about to come out and they correct themselves Bc they know better. It starts from a young age you have to discipline kids. That’s not always whipping them!!! But if you don’t take control she will continue and it will only get worse. Possibly become violent with you!!


She thinks she’s running the show. She may very well be. You have got to realize you’re the parent and take charge. She can run :poop: when she’s grown, and that isn’t right now.


Sometimes kids don’t know how to express themselves or how they feel so things like this happen. I actually put my son into therapy and she helped him a lot!


Tell her if she wants it she should get it. If I get it it’s mine. If you have an attitude it’s mine. Everything she has beyond a roof, clothes and food is a privilege and her behavior is not worth rewarding.

Or you can do what my mom would have and tell her to fix her attitude before you fix it for her then give the IPAD to a less fortunate child.


Sounds like she needs to be humbled. I would remove everything from her room but her bed, pillow and blankets. Every morning she will receive her outfit of the day chosen by you. When she washes her face and brushes her teeth she is monitored by you. Options of fun would be playing outside, colouring or reading. I would even take away snacks such as chips if you give snacks like that and the only options would be l fruit or vegetables for snacks. I would then revisit in a week and if behaviour is improving slowly add things back to her room.


I would have stopped what I was doing immediately after the first shout, went and got the iPad, and locked it in my room for a few days until her attitude changed.


My 10-year-old learned right quick that attitude means loss of devices. If you aren’t responsible enough to speak to me kindly, contribute to the household (chores get done first!) and take care of your own devices (charge them at night, put them where they belong, keep them clean and safe, etc…) then you are not responsible enough to have them at all. Period.


Sounds like she’s is so used to getting her own way and not having boundaries and now you’re trying too set them. Maybe I’m reading too much into it. If they aren’t taught boundaries early then this is usually the result.


No ipad. That’s a privilege, not a right. Don’t encourage the behavior. Correct. Society will be the ones dealing with her behavior in later years. If she disrespects you at this age, then imagine how she will treat a future employer because of her raising and thinking it’s appropriate.


Sounds like it’s time to have a fierce sit down conversation about appropriate language, yelling, what is acceptable and not acceptable and send the president with consequences with follow through when she’s acting inappropriately. Also one thing I found about things my kid says that don’t sound so nice actually come out of my mouth so make sure to check in with yourself about phrases you’re saying to her.


Don’t argue with her. The back and forth shouldn’t happen. By arguing you’re giving her the illusion that what she’s demanding might possibly happen. She can’t argue by herself :woman_shrugging: when she says those terrible things don’t react, you’re showing her that her attempts to rile you up are working. When she’s not being all sassy try to talk to her about anything. If your only engagement is when she’s being a shit it might prompt her to keep being one


iPads make kids nasty if they use it too much, they get addicted to them so u need to bring it out at the same time everyday for an hour or two, don’t let her have it before bedtime, at leat 2 hours before she goes to bed so her mind can relax, try books after that ! I turn the brightness to half way on my kids tablets so it’s no so bright for them.


This sounds exactly like my daughter (suspected adhd) and like others have said she would not have got the ipad if she was being disrespectful I have 4 children
Oldest boy is 15 being tested for Autism 2nd boy 12 diagnosed with adhd 3rd boy diagnosed Autism and my daughter 7yrs suspected adhd
But they know despite there adhd and autism they Don’t get what they want if they are disrespectful or throw a hissy fit for it if they want something they get it themselves or they don’t have it simple and any kicking off means they lose that item for the day I have found my daughter the hardest though the sass and attitude is far worse from her than any of my boys so stay strong and stick to clear boundaries xxx


Sounds to me like you spoiled her her whole life and now you’re expecting her to act differently. She obviously has no respect for her elders. She needs tough love. Discipline. Put her ass in time out for talking to you like that. Tell her if she’s not old enough to get things like that for herself then she is not old enough to have such things. Your child is acting this way because its learned behavior. You are allowing her to talk to you like this. My 4 year old asks me something, I say no. She tries to say she’s still going to do it. I use my firm voice and say that I said no and she needs to listen or have consequences. She listens. Youre literally teaching her that she can talk back to you and disrespect you. If you want things to change, you’re going to have to change first. I suggest watching Supernanny. There’s a ton of videos on YouTube. She deals with a lot of kids like this where the parents have just let them do whatever they want cuz its easier then being the boss. Nobody is a perfect parent and kids will literally never be perfect or do exactly what we want thwm to. But it’s our responsibility to teach them how to act properly, respect others and grow into decent human beings.


Take that iPad away!! Until she can not be disrespectful. And do things on her own


Yo, as a mom of a 7 yo myself, that iPad would have been out the window the second the sass came out. :woman_shrugging: Can’t nobody fetch an iPad if there ain’t one. I’d be like, “Look, now we BOTH mad, huh? :joy::joy::joy: Want me to get you anything else while I’m up…?” :rofl:


Honestly, when I was in my pre teen and teenaged years I was a monster. This is because I became severely depressed and angry at a young age. Maybe she is facing the same feelings and doesn’t know how to handle them properly just like I didn’t.


It’s only going to get worse. Stop doing things for her. She will get the picture. My daughter is going through this as well.


Definitely look into positive discipline books and tools. It will take a lot of patience and practice with consistency to guide her into understanding this new way. Ask for help from a counselor or someone you know who practices these methods. It’s crazy along my parenting children I learned later that we are instilled a lot of things and come with a great deal of tools (good and bad) though discipline isn’t one of them we teach without awareness. Adults struggle with discipline everyday.

When a child yells back and is aggressive like that it is learned behavior. Sounds to me there must be a lot of yelling going on in the household. Respond in a calm manner but firm.


Therapy for starters, time out every time she speaks to you like this or acts that way(our therapist recommended this and it helped a lot) and just talk to her about how she’s acting and how she would feel if you acted that way to her, this helps them understand alittle more on your level


When my child does that i simply go get the item and put it away. Until their attitude adjusts and they apologize. Once they sincerely apologize (because sometimes its obvious they are very forced and fake apologies) I explain to them the reason why they cannot demand things that way, or be lazy. I usually set a timer for 1 or 2 hours and when it goes off they come ask me nicely for it.


Who ever is displaying how SHE is acting, she is taking after. I have a 6 year who is about to be 7 in October, and she does the same thing. We have to rework ourselves first and regulate ourselves so the can model that.


I would take that iPad away immediately. She does not get to speak like that and still get the iPad! Sounds like she’s spoiled and needs to be put in her place or it’s just going to get worse.


She wouldn’t gotten the iPad after acting like that


You are allowing/encouraging this behavior by letting her have her way. YOU are the mom and the ADULT… she is a child. If spanking isn’t your thing, then she definitely shouldn’t have the iPad and she definitely shouldn’t not be allowed to talk to you as if YOU are the child


Change your tone and stare her down. Let her know you are the one who tells her what to do. If she wants something she can ask, if you feel like helping her you will. Be firm and dont take no mess from your child. Stop it now before it gets worse. Use time out, take the ipad, give her a couple chores. Dont give in!


She may not be getting good sleep. If her body doesn’t rest she can get aggressive. Get her checked for sleep disordered breathing at an airway dentist.


Is she on electronics a lot? I did a research project on the negative effects of technology on a child’s ability to develop proper coping skills as well as many other critical developmental, social, and emotional regulation skills. Take the technology away for a few weeks and see if that helps with her behavior, I have had to do that when my son starts to use his tablet too much and it helped not only with his attitude but also made him actually want to spend time with his family again :joy: also, we have rules on time frames- no tablet before school, no tablet after dinner. If he has been on it for an hour I tell him to get off and play and its made a world of difference


A swat on the but is what kids need today. No not abuse just a swat so they get their attitude in check. Have a nephew who didn’t get a swat now and then. He is a 4th grade who hits his teacher and chokes people out. People need to bring back the right discipline to stop these behaviors.


Make sure all medical illnesses are ruled out first.When a child is I’ll their behaviors change.


In a situation like that you she should have lost the iPad for the day. She got to talk to you that way AND still get to play on it…a little discipline can go a long way


My mom would pop me in the mouth… but I knw its considered “abusive”… since this sensitive world we live in now. But… im respectful and so are my own kids. :yawning_face::woman_shrugging:


That’s when you throw the iPad away or lock it away until her behavior improves. She’ll figure it out pretty quick when she doesn’t have anything to play with.

The minute she starts giving you attitude, I would say that disqualifies her from the tablet-- which is a privilege, not her right. It’s tough but consistent enforcement will eventually help her learn that she can only get these privileges by acting appropriately. Good luck mama!

7years old
You best be nippin that attitude out quick smart. Take the iPad off her. You’re seven years old. Don’t you dare speak to me like that

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I’m a new-ish mom, my daughter is 1, so i don’t have much personal advice from the parental standpoint, but as a daughter myself, i was always very sensitive as a child, so if someone looked at me the wrong way, i was in tears and would fix my behavior. My brother on the other hand, was a firecracker. They tried everything, time outs, groundings, good ole butt whoopings, heart to hearts, everything, but the one thing they found that actually had impact with trial and error was write offs, like we used to have to do in school. If he was being nasty, they made him sit in a room by himself and write “i will not be disrespectful to my parents,” “i will do my chores when I’m asked.” “I will use kind words to others and myself.” Those are just a few examples. Got him out of his own head for a bit, made him focus on the fact that he was causing an issue when they’re didn’t have to be one. Hopefully you figure out what works for her! Good luck!

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Ignore the behavior. Without saying a word I’d walk over
nonchalantly take that ipad and tell her when you learn to change your attitude you get it back… I don’t mean after a few minutes. When she starts behaving she can get it back

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My 4 year old is like this too. His attitude and the way he speaks etc changes so quick and hes like this absolutely different child!

My daughter is 12, she learned early on that her attitude doesn’t fly with me. She can do without a lot of things as long as she has her basic necessities!
Lol I’m a juvenile corrections officer, she’s learned not to push me too far ( obviously I don’t treat her like the youth at my facility but she knows)

First of all it’s completely normal and natural. Testing boundaries and testing emotions is completely normal. Come up with clear expectation and stick to them. She will test them and push. Completely normal. Just stay consistent.

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I would have said yes I will get it and then put it somewhere that she didn’t have access to it and told her that she can get it back when her attitude improves. If her attitude continued I would start taking all of her belongings until she only had necessities. She would have to earn them back with improved attitude and chores. I’ve only had to do this twice with each of my 2 kids for them to learn.

The crap these kids are watching on the internet is making them think it’s ok to be smart mouthed, sarcastic, basically “smack talk” Bc they see these silly FAKE tictok or YouTube videos of people being that way. I would absolutely take the tablet away, she WILL get over it.

I would have gotten it and she wouldn’t be getting it back.

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It’s simple. Take the iPad. She doesn’t deserve to have it if she acts that way. In fact she’s probably learning her aggressive behavior from the videos she watches on the iPad.

As an observer I would say that in moments like this, when she begins saying unkind things in unkind ways, I would deescalate the situation and, while having just dealt through it, have a calm and clear discussion about how you would appreciate it if she didn’t behave that way. “I don’t like this, please be kind, this behavior isn’t acceptable, you’re a big girl, you know better, tell me how I can help you stop being unkind, etc”

I don’t know what your household is like, if there’s younger kids around or if you’re busier lately, but sometimes as children get older and they can do more themselves they get frustrated because they miss that constant attention and assistance they used to get when they were little (even if they obviously don’t need it anymore). It can result in outbursts of anger.

Don’t be mean in retaliation, help her learn to communicate that frustration in a better way.

A lot of these comments are negative and damaging to the parent/child dynamic and just create fear instead of trust. Check out triple P parenting. Its helped me a lot. :slight_smile:

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Stand your ground, if you let her push you around then she will. At this age kids really try and test their limits. Me personally if my kid had said that they would have gone without for a day or 2… hang in there mama and don’t back down she will learn

Occupational therapy or psychologist can work wonders… as a mum of special needs, my first thought was Oppositional Defiance Disorder but without knowing you or your daughter it’s too hard to say if that would be the case or not.

I would calmly answer once and give her a warning. After that I would have taken the I pad and she would be in her room. Don’t accept that behavior. Stay firm and calm. Do exactly what you say, every time. She will learn.

Some family counseling never hurts but she needs to understand that you do NOT bend to her will, you do things for her because you want to and you can take away priveleges just as quick as you give them. She has to suffer consequences for that kind of behavior. It’s hard I know, my nephew was like this and it made me lose my mind and shout and I would tell him “I don’t want to be like this but how your treating me is very upsetting to me” and it never really changed. He’s 9. His parents never enforced consistent rules of behavior and he pressed boundaries constantly with me when I had him. So my advice would be to buckle down and let her know that YOU are deserving of respect, and you promise to give her the same respect as long as she meets you halfway. Keep the conversation short but get your point across.

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That iPad would be taking a swim in a full bathtub if my daughter did this to me. Hell no! At this point I wouldn’t care about wasting the money of ruining it. Respect is way more important for me to get from my child. I respect her and she needs to do the same in return. If she doesn’t she doesn’t deserve luxuries that I paid for. I will always provide necessities but other things like phones and iPad are privileges.