I'm really scared

Has anyone ever hemorrhaged during a D and C and then gotten pregnant again? I hemorrhaged in March of 2021 and found out recently I’m pregnant again. I had a c section with my first and I’m really scared of dying during another c section.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm really scared - Mamas Uncut

Your doctor’s would be able to tell you this if you are a high risk


I did after my first. I had an emergency c section. Hemmoraged an hour later causing me to have a d and c. My second pregnancy was after a longer period of time than you, but was perfectly fine. Better pregnancy than the first. I chose to do scheduled c-section after the issues with the first delivery, but had no issues.


Your OB/GYN would be able to give you a proper, more accurate response to your question/concern.


In mar 2019 I had to get a d&c due to my body retaining left over tissue after delivering our 16wk angel. When I came to, they explained I had a small hemorrhage and needed a blood transfusion because of it.
Found out end of June we were expecting again. She is now 21mo


I’ve had 5csections (2006💙, 2008❤️, 2014💙, 2015💛,2016💛, 2017💙, 2020💙)and had 2miscarriages after my 3rd, And my second miscarriage had an emergency D&C with extreme hemorrhage and blood loss but I went on to have another 2csections, got pregnant with my 4th two months after my D&C.
We’re planning one more :stuck_out_tongue:


What does your dr say?

Hemmoraged with pregnancy number 2 didn’t with 3 or even 4 and 4 was a uterus rupture x

How do you hemorrhage from a csection? Genuinely asking because i had a csection with my son no complications, my next pregnancy i will be getting another one so I’m just curious what causes that?

Not during d&c but I hemorrhaged with a vaginal birth in 2017 with my oldest son. Nearly needed blood transfusion. Had a miscarriage July 2020 and then in October 2020 had a ruptured ectopic that was minutes from taking my life with it. And March 2021 got pregnant again and wasn’t considered high risk as there were no abnormalities in any blood tests for throughout the pregnancy. Just had my little guy 11/19 with no complications during birth this time.

I told them I had a history of being a “bleeder” and they ordered pitocin afterwards to stop the bleeding.

I’ve had 3 c sections you will be fine

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Just tell your doctor beforehand. I always do after I hemorrhaged with my first pregnancy, then they’re aware and have the medicine to help slow the bleeding. I needed that when I had my second miscarriage. If they can’t stop then they’ll do an emergency hysterectomy, is what I understood. That happened to my mom with me. They gave her an emergency hysterectomy to stop the bleeding. That’s like the last option though

Not everyone has the same body, that’s a conversation you will need to have with you doctors

I can’t imagine how scary the thought of a C section is, my granddaughter had 3 of them, her and babies are fine, however maybe can talk to your doctor and ask about possibly being able to give birth vaginal, also check with your insurance company, some have restrictions such as what hospital, best wishes for a healthy pregnancy :two_hearts:

Check out a c section group :footprints:C Section Mamas Support Group​:footprints: a lot of people who didn’t have one won’t understand and somehow think it’s easier…

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You need to be very proactive in asking ur doctor questions on how they will prevent or care for u etc. I have had 5 csections and malignant hyperthermia (allergic reaction to anesthesia) and i always make sure EVERY1 involved knows of my history of complications.

I hemorrhaged with both my csections, make sure their watching you close, you should be okay☺️