As someone with ADHD who was also rather large growing up, one of the biggest factors is he shouldn’t stop the medication over the summer just because he’s not in school. Not only will it affect his appetite, it also will affect his demeanor. Just because he doesn’t have to pay attention for school work, doesn’t mean that added focus won’t help his everyday demeanor. Good luck
Sounds like you are doing the right thing, I would check with his pediatrician and consult with them, so you can monitor his cholesterol levels and sugar glucose intake…but healthy foods, good amount of exercise and hes a growing boy, his body is going to change alot growing up, just be the best mom you are being and you will have the best outcome.
It is all about accountability and leading by example. If you start working on it and have success your kid will see you and want to do it as well, but if your not willing to change then he will not either
Perhaps you could tackle your own weight problem. He may be inspired by your decisions and journey. As a parent, we simply cannot be hypocrites. We have to lead by example!
Good on you for being concerned before the issue becomes too hard to resolve and the self esteem issues continue! Sure body shaming is wrong and he shouldn’t have to be worried about bullies, but the fact is that being overweight brings a hell of a lot of health issues later on that can be avoided. Gaining that much in such a short time is also bad for his bones, muscles and skin. I have no advice really, it sounds like you’re doing the right things already. I’d encourage lots of outdoor play with friends rather than with devices where he’s stationary for long periods. It’s crappy struggling with weight gain and weight loss and it can be very hard to go out in public with it always on your mind. You’re a great mum.
My son also has a.d.h.d.and takes meds.he needs that medicine Everyday
if he is on the stimulant medications such as Ritalin, Concerts, Dexamphetamine e.t.c he will lose that weight he has gained pretty fast. What you need to watch out for though is his blood pressure and sodium (salt) intake as the stimulant medication being a form of salt itself (alkaline) will make him lose water in the body as they are a diuretic also (remove water from the body) so it is essential that he stay hydrated. Sometimes ADHD kids have a hard time knowing the difference between hunger and thirst when medicated some think they are hungry when their body really wants fluids. Some forget to drink so it’s essential to get a medicated ADHD individual child or adult into a routine where it becomes 2nd nature to hydrate themselves. Such as first thing in the morning, before lunch, before snack, before dinner e.t.c. I have one child with ADHD and she’s also on the autism spectrum as well…I’m also ADHD myself and medicated, it does help bit its only a tool as you get older stimulants can cause blood pressure issues so weigh up the pros and cons.
Eat as a family every dinner, it’s proven to help children learn when they are
Oh my gosh. My daughter and her husband had the same problem with US!!! Her son will eat large amounts of anything and we allowed him to eat carelessly and he gained seven pounds in 5 weeks with us. We did not honor their requests to limit his intake of sweets, fats, hamburgers, French fries etc. He gains weight easily like his parents and grandpa. I don’t eat fat or meat or sweets but I sure made him chocolate crepes every day for breakfast. They told us if we would not honor them we would not be allowed to have him unsupervised. Good for them!!! Next visit my husband called his Mom for any plans when eating out and she made sure portions were appropriate (junior burger instead of double quarter, apples instead of fries, water instead of soda). No bowls of chocolate lying around etc. Fruit and veggies snacks and lots water…. He did great! We did great!!
You could lead by example, kids do emulate you a lot. I would definitely go and see his doctor though just to make sure nothing else is going on.
Water. When you aren’t drinking enough water, you tend to eat more. Sugar is also a contributing factor and gluten. Try each drinking 3 litres of water, flavoured with fruit slices and if you need the fizz. Get those soda fizz maker. Avoid bread and pasta stuff for a while. Small amounts is fine. But limit them to the size of your fist. Easier for him to keep that rule. Orange juice. If you could, throw in a fizzy vitamin C. It makes a drinker wait for the fizz to complete and it’s filling so you will not over indulge and pouring more after one glass. Try it.
My brother became obese eating whatever he wanted and ended up weighing so much both of his legs broke while he was running from one base to another during a baseball game. He’s a senior in high school now and never played baseball again. It’s really messed with his self-esteem and he’s still really over weight. The kid lives in a really rough situation and food is 100% a drug for him. I tried to get him into therapy and with a nutritionist before it was too late but it didn’t work. He is with a therapist and nutritionist now but it’s tough to see him struggle.
Early intervention is key so I’d definitely get your son some professional support to develop new habits and to see if there’s an underlying issue leading to over eating.
Continue giving healthy food options and keep him active in sports and outside
Boys don’t stop growing until they are 22, they chunk up then have a growth spurt
My brother was like that after we stopped his meds and he actually did gain a lot of weight but after he hit puberty he lost a lot
My son grew like that too. Just like my brothers did. Then, just like I told his pediatrician, he stretched, most boys do this.
Hes 11, hasnt started to grow yet, he will lose it
I don’t have an answer but it may be worth contacting an ADHD page Jenn has ADHD is a particularly good resource
Listen…as a former fat kid…heed my warning!! If he doesn’t lose it before full puberty sets in and his adult hormones set his metabolism, he will fight the weight his whole life (my grandfather who was a doctor told my mother this and they didn’t listen). My mother didn’t want to “hurt my feelings” so she didn’t have any weight talks with me or try to teach me about healthy diet and exercise. I would have much rather had my mom “hurt my feelings” in a caring way than all the bullying I got as a fat kid at school and all the weight issues I have struggled with my entire life. Weight problems affect every aspect of your life. Get this under control now for the future health and happiness of your son! Trust me, I wish my mother had!!!
Hi, ADHD kid here. I was 270 at 13-14, and now I’m 205 at 24. I was 180 in high school.
I just kinda grew out of it lol.
Do some workouts together babe
Do not worry. Low carb is good, let him do sports. Move, move, move. You are a compassionate, great mom!
A way for him to drop quick weight is to cut off all sugary foods with one cheat day, eat only fruits/vegetables after 8-10pm depending on his bedtime so find his favorite, start the day with breakfast being your biggest meal lunch just enough to get full, and same with dinner, avoid eating bread or tortillas at dinner or later. In 2 weeks I lost 17 pounds. If you can find out what his favorite fruits is it’ll make it so much easier on you
Lead by example. Both start to exercise and eat healthy. Have no snacking foods in. And talk to his dad. Shouldn’t be without meds for 1, and a healthy regime for eating.
Its funny how everyone mentions food as a problem but there is one other issue when dealing with weight control and that is fluid intake. If you get him to drink more water or healthy smoothies when he feels hungry you’ll notice a dramatic drop in weight without half the other issues. Also get him to drink a big glass of water before dinner, will make him feel fuller and thus eat less. Please remember fluid intake.
He is about to go through puberty, and the extra weight could be because of that. My nephew did the same and now he is at a healthy weight.
I have three sons and something happens at 10 11 years old where they get wider than taller and it’s just before the Big stretch that they do… They positively look Rollie pollie and can’t get enough food but I think it’s hormonal …the body’s way of preparing for the Big stretch and I wouldn’t worry about it as long as is diet is healthier now and you can keep a handle on the TV eating etc… All three of my sons are normal weight to slim strong some taller than others but they do get Chunky hefty even at 11… Even though I’ve been through it with two sons I still worried about my last one cuz it’s shocking I know… Since you teach model and have good nutrition in your home it will all work out in a home filled with healthy food and snacks.
Well yeah… if he doesn’t take his meth he will eat.
Don’t project your stuff onto him first off. Secondly, just keep focusing on the healthy. I wouldn’t worry, personally. He’s young.
Just bring fruits and veggies in ur refrigerator so he dont have any other options except those food that u have
I gained 40 lbs in lockdown. I’m inconsistent with exercise so I decided to go vegetarian to lose weight. I make a batch of quinoa, loaded with frozen veggies, in my pressure cooker. I portion this off so I can have quinoa with each dinner. The protein keeps me from feeling hungry. I’ve switched to faux meat, as well as lots of egg whites. I’m also not eating starches. This is what’s working for me. It may be best to take your son to a nutritionist who can tailor an eating plan that suits him.
One of mine was overweight. I asked every doc what to do. They said don’t worry about it. That as he grows he will do something about it himself. He’s now 27 and down by 245#
There are alternatives to the pills and he will shed the pounds with activity…
Low carb diets have been around for a long time and have gone by many names. If done right, they are extremely effective.
It would have to be a lifestyle change that your whole family got on board with, not just singling out certain people saying “You have to eat differently because you’re FAT!!”
The reasons for it go well beyond struggling with weight issues! I have TWO ADD/ADHD children and a quick Google search will back me up when I tell you that a high-protein/low carb diet lifestyle is EXCELLENT for health and brain function for those who have ADHD.
I also suggest vitamins and making sure you give him plenty of Vitamin D and Omega 3 in his diet!!
Spending the entire summer without his meds isn’t good for him…it puts him in a state of chaos, which is detrimental for people with ADHD. He can’t be expected to manage impulsive indulgent behaviors or make good choices for himself if he doesn’t have the tools he needs to do that.
The only thing that gets through in that state are what’s immediate and tangible…weight gain and such don’t fall into that category. So the only thing that DOES get through is “Chips are yummy! More pizza, please!!”
I really wouldn’t worry about the weight so much as getting him into healthy routines. Being back on his meds, eating low carb, being active and such should solve any weight issues.
Instead of dismissing his concerns and how he feels by arguing with him or trying to “fluff his ego”…acknowledge them and tell him that you love him no matter what he looks like but if it bothers him then you would be more than happy to help him fix the problem. That validates his emotions and makes him more likely to talk to you about things because it’s not like you’re just “blowing smoke up his butt”….AND it makes him aware that you respect HIS choices.
Choices are EXTREMELY important…empowering someone and making them feel like THEY have some power and control over their own lives is crucial for building self esteem and good mental health.
As a parent, we DO have to make choices for them…but you CAN put things in a way that makes them feel like they are making choices.
Instead of “What do you want for dinner?” (Pizza, chips & ice cream) you can ask “Would you rather have chicken or pork chops for dinner?”
You’re controlling the nutritional content…but allowing him to have a sense of control and involvement about what he’ll be eating.
You can print up easy to prepare low carb recipes with pictures and ask him to help you make the meal plan…maybe even establish a night where he cooks dinner (with help, when needed) and that’s a great time to teach him about nutrition and valuable life skills!
I not only employ these, and other tactics, with my own children with great success…I’m a DSP. I care for, teach independent living and life skills and develop/implement behavior programs when working with people with mental/physical conditions (which ADHD is)…so I use those things every day working with people.
I’m sorry this happened to you. It’s really shitty when the other parent won’t parent with you but parents against you. First of all, a child on medication shouldn’t not just be taken off his meds for months. This is harmful to him mentally. A doctor confirmed that this child’s disorder needed medical intervention. Was he just too lazy to give it to him every day or did she SPECIFICALLY do it to go against you? Either way, he’s a shitty parent, and I genuinely hope things turn around for you and the little guy. The best thing you can do is give him his meds (for his mental health), limit his junk food and offer healthy alternatives (which you’re already doing), and offer family workouts. Like going for a hike, or a walk, scavenger hunt, have a nerf war at a park to get him running around, things that will peak his interest. And try to limit screen time. You’re doing a great job as a mom! Don’t let this tear you down.
Some parents seem to forget that kids grow in stages. Before they get a spurt in height, they get a weight spurt first. 11 is just old enough for him to start puberty and he’ll need th extra pounds. Size up on his clothes and shoes. He’s probably going to get a few inches in height over the next few months and the baby fat will melt away. Interesting smells are in your future. You’ll wish for this when your kid smells like a bus seat.
Lead by example, encourage him to grocery shop and food prep with u. Try and get into healthy eating habits. And lots of activity. One of the best all over workouts u can do without trying … ½hr on a trampoline.
Dont let him go to dad’s without medication seems like the only logical option.
DONT obsess over his weight thats ganna do more harm. my dad did this to my older brother and me. and well my older brother eats to deal with emotions now. at his biggest he was 350 now hes down to 275ish has always struggled with body image issues because our dad cared to much about how we looked and not who we were. i ultimately developed an eating disorder that i still struggle with 10 years and 2 kids later. it was obvious my first pregnancy when i only gained 10lbs and my daughter was 7 of that. if you are concerned just start doing family walks or family activity day ie. swimming, kayaking, any outdoors stuff everyone gets involved no one get called out.
He’s still young. Bodies change. I’m more concerned about his father allowing him to be off his medication all summer. As you know, it’s not just so he can focus on school, but also tasks in general and so he can manage his emotions. Very irresponsible on the part of the father. Plus eating whatever, whenever? I would limit his father’s time with him, big time. Clearly he doesn’t have your son’s best interest at heart.
Diet is key but water water water is really key. If he’s full on water, he’s not munching everything in between. Teach him how delicious water is when you fill the cup with ice to the very top and then add cool filtered water to it. It’s like drinking heaven. Then do whatever you can to reduce screen time. Less screen time means more run time with games and other non screen activities. The next two growth spurts will handle the rest. And stay away from salt by cooking at home instead of eating what’s quick and easy to pick up. He will feel lighter and more inclined to be active.
Woman ask his pediatrician, not a bunch of heathens like us.
Doctor told me that kids don’t do well on diets. That they’ll binge first chance they get, defeating the purpose of a diet.
If he has a computer console, find a fun game that is active. Like a sport game. I use Beat Saber on PlayStation and lost weight.
First if the father doesn’t give him his meds he is a POS. Do you have a chd cisu
I always recommend instagram pages on here but honestly they have the best, detailed, evidence based information. Highly recommend
Feeding Littles
Sports, swimming especially and lots of water.
Portion control for one thing. And what you might think is a “healthy snack” often isn’t. Most of the low sugar stuff is high in fats to make up for the lack of sugar. Less processed food. And even check the fruits and veggie for calories. ADHD probably also a little OCD, so if he can see it he thinks he has to finish it. So less on the plate.
I believe as long as they’re happy with themselves. Let them be. My oldest daughter has always been chunky. She happy with her body. I do not believe in skinny. I think it’s a bad image for girls. I believe healthy is happy. As long as they’re healthy… which means no health issues. Then let them be. They get exercise at school. As long as they aren’t sitting on the couch 24/7 they’re getting plenty of exercise.
Do not force skinny or thin on them.
My 9 year old is 120lbs and is wearing size 18/20 pants. He eats like a horse. He’s has big, tall men on both sides of his family so I’m not worried about his size right now. I’m figuring when he hits his next growth spurt he’ll need that extra weight to balance out his height. If he’s unhappy with his weight, tell him he’s absolutely perfect to you but if he wants help with healthy food choices you’ll be happy to assist
Listen…as a former fat kid…heed my warning!! If he doesn’t lose it before full puberty sets in and his adult hormones set his metabolism, he will fight the weight his whole life (my grandfather who was a doctor told my mother this and they didn’t listen). My mother didn’t want to “hurt my feelings” so she didn’t have any weight talks with me or try to teach me about healthy diet and exercise. I would have much rather had my mom “hurt my feelings” in a caring way than all the bullying I got as a fat kid at school and all the weight issues I have struggled with my entire life. Weight problems affect every aspect of your life. Get this under control now for the future health and happiness of your son! Trust me, I wish my mother had!!!
Don’t waste your time worrying about it, I did and I regret it. Some of us were born fat, will live fat and will die fat. That’s just the way it is. There are way worse things you can be than fat. Happiness is more important. I’ve seen plenty of unhappy thin people.
Seriously, limit the sugar and forget about it. It will be a life long issue if you make it so. I know. I didn’t it to myself.
Do a mother and son thing go for walks together
He’ll grow into the weight. Maybe work together to come up with some fun meals you can both eat? Pinch of Nom is great fun to try new things. Their website has free recipes you can try. You would then be both getting healthier and lighter without thinking about diets.
If he’s on medication that could be the cause of his weight gain. My brother is ADHD and his meds (he was on risperdal) caused him to grow female Breast tissue(gynecomastia) . I would look into switching him to something like Vyvanse which helps keep weight off.
My son is 8 adhd and on stimulant meds he is 5’3" amd 190 pounds. He’s a big boy amd tall. He won’t eat all day because of the stimulant but come dinner time hes starving and can eat as much as my husband. We are a very active family and are under the care of our medical team. Also some adhd meds can cause weight gain.
Why was he at his father’s without his medication. ADHD meds are stimulants. They increase your metabolism while decreasing your appetite. Anytime he stops taking them he is going to gain weight because he has learned to eat to keep up with an artificial metabolism. This isn’t his fault, it’s a side effect of the medication. I’m not judging your choice. Just pointing out why he gained weight when he didn’t take the meds all summer.
The best way is to lead by example. make a dietary plan that works for both of you and stick to it. you can’t expect him to be serious about doing something about his weight if your not serious about yours.
They to get him to drink more water. Keeping water bottle in refrigerator at all times keeps me 10 to 20 pounds lighter. Its a damn shame his dad dont care about his health. That’s not okay. I have never let my kids eat junk 24/7, and all my kids are thin. It’s not about weight it’s about health.
11 is definately a Chubb stage before they lengthen out.
When he goes back on meds he’ll thin out again!
He might thin out in his middle school years and early highschool as long as he keeps active and doesn’t go into video game mode.
I don’t mention weight with my kids. I just always emphasize nutrition and healthy activity. I wouldn’t say anything to him about his weight. Just say that it’s not healthy to eat that way and encourage him to make better choices, even when he’s at his dad’s house.
This is REALLY common in kids that take ADD or ADHD meds when they go an extended period without them. Their body is doing what it thinks it should, it’s making up for a “starvation” period by making the child ravenously hungry while off the med. They do gain a LOT and FAST. Keep him on the meds throughout the summers, or just don’t mention it. It’s not his fault AT ALL.
Small portions, & lots of water in addition to lots of strenuous activity several times per week.
- He’s eleven. Those rolls are going to disappear with puberty
- Fat isn’t a dirty word unless you treat it like one. I’m fat, it’s just a fact of my life and I’m cool with it.
- Just because you have weight issues (try therapy) doesn’t mean he will.
- Focusing on eating healthier and being active is good but damage happens when you start dieting and actively pointing out your kid’s weight. That’s why the rate of eating disorders in kids is so damn high and he has ADHD, leaving him more open to the possiblity of an eating disorder.
Trampoline. It’s an amazing workout and they don’t even realize it. Bike riding. Any activities that keeps him in motion.
Go back to doing whatever you were doing before he went to his dad’s for the sunmer. Hopefully his weight will come back down.
Unless my child’s doctor is concerned, I’m not concerned. Don’t start making your child have body issues. If you put emphasis on his weight so will he and it could lead to eating disorders and body dysmorphia.
Some kids boredom eat and it is genetics for the weight, take him on bike rides, try to make sure he’s active. I’ve heard swimming is one of the best exercise. If you can afford it get a membership to the YMCA and try to do it with him so he doesn’t get discouraged. I have the same problem with my 14 yr old, he’s 5’9 and over 200lbs.
He’ll grow and it will even out. All mine gained weight around that age. It’s pretty normal. He’s active and you’re making sure he’s not getting excessive amount of food, so he will lose it
My son gained about that over the summer off meds the dr said it was fine. Now he’s losing again back on the meds.
Take away all junk food. Maybe you and him both can work on ur weigh together. Maybe go to a gym or go on walks in the afternoon. Or go home work out vidoes in the living.
Tell him both of you are going to eat healthy, you are his example if he sees you eating healthy and exercising he will do
It too.
Maybe get a gym membership for both of you to do together water aerobics is also very beneficial…make it a fun game and quality time
Focusing on his weight so much is going to cause a complex if it hasn’t already. Less talking about it, and more just doing it. Both of you learn moderation and portion control. Don’t call it weight management call it health management. You don’t want to focus on his weight too much, because when he feels like he fails he will feel guilt which will fuel an unhealthy cycle that can lead to more weight gain. No more weight talk, only health.
Don’t make it an issue. Just be active with him. Make healthy meals. The important part is self acceptance, not what’s on the scale. Period.
He’s 11 he’ll literally grow out of the extra few pounds
Excersise together every morning, build that healthy lifestyle habit. I have been working out with my kids since they were babies. I wanted them to grow up with the habit, as we have family history of both diabetes and heart disease.
My son was the same. But, he will have a growth spurt soon. That also causes hunger. So cut out sugar and substitutes altogether. Let him see the results. Tell him it’s a life change ,not a diet. Sugar and subs cause Alzheimer’s. I was so bad I couldn’t speak or make sentences. My memory was worse. My son started playing tennis and not only lost weight he lost inches. He went from a 37inch waist to a 32 inch waist. He has remained this for yrs. He even started playing when it warmed up and lost another 2 inches. He started playing in high school but if you can play with him it could benefit you both. But mainly cut out sugar. I do use sugar in my drinks but only 1 tsp. Also do portion control. You can Google how much for an 11 yr old. Encourage running or jogging or just dancing (calisthenics). God bless. Keep in mind he is going thru puberty and that causes hunger.
Why was he without his medication for the whole summer? That is the question. Children on these kinds of medications should not go without them because there are so many side affects from them being on them and then suddenly stop them. Unfortunately weight gain is one of those.
I only allow my kids to eat in the kitchen with no electronics. It cuts out bored eating. They eat when they are actually hungry.
Sounds like you are already on the right track momma. Just keep encouraging and teaching healthy eating and keep him active. All you can really do
Put him in boxing classes, if even good for his ADHD
Age 12 I was the heaviest I’ve ever been (190). Weight had always been in my mind as it was constant reminder from many many family members. My family is very thin people so they’ve always kept healthy. My parents would keep locks on the pantry and limited access to food so when we could eat, I’d eat large portions because I didn’t wanna go a long time again without food and feel hungry. Growing up as a child was detrimental to my mental health but as an adult now, somewhat thankful as I know how to be healthy and happy. Just lead by example. Don’t focus on his weight and you mama, just be healthy and happy. Life is about balance and moderation. To be healthy you must love yourself not punish yourself
My son is turning 12 soon and he gained alot the last few years. I’ve started sending him out on his bike everyday for minimum 1 hour and he goes for longer now and made a friend. He seems to be slimming down.
Lead by example.
Don’t turn “fat” into a dirty word.
No body comments, praise or shame.
Keep your fridge healthy and flavorful and fun
My son was on meds also. He gradually put weight on, as he took his meds. I took him walks,as for exercise. Plus I baked his food he ate. When he was at his dad s house : his diet went south. I told my son , he is not far. God made him the way God wanted to be (weight wise).
Sounds like you are already doing the right things. Just watch serving sizes and have snacks which you may already be doing. Kids pick up on what you do and it becomes their norm.
Physical activities…bike riding, basketball…handball…parks seesaw running around… swimming…you know all the things before video games…my grandkids are not allowed to bring electronics to my house…but I caved in😌 so I went and bought a play station…when there here we usually do alot of out door activities…thru out the day…we play video games between 8 and 1Opm… PS… now I’m getting a little flubby…oh one of grandkids is on meds .
Honestly i ate a lot of junk as a child and teenager but I didn’t carry those tendencies into adulthood. Its a rite of passage to enjoy yourself in your youth and heck his metabolism is the best its going to be. As long as he is happy and still able to do all the activities he wants to it shouldn’t be a concern. It is all about balance and it sounds like you are doing a great job instilling healthy habits for him. Big hugs!
He’ll be fine. Get him back on his meds. My 9 yr old has adhd too and gained weight this summer not being on them. He’s growing. It’ll come off quickly once school starts
As someone who has struggled with weight most of my life, and who has a 17 year old son, my advice is not to obsess too much as he will probably hit a growth spurt soon and grow up more than out, if you know what I mean. And you don’t want to give him a complex about food or his body. However, my advice about what works best for weight loss is to limit snacks as much as possible, especially fruit juices and soda. Get rid of those entirely if you can. Fresh whole fruit is better but even that should not be eaten to excess. Anything made with refined carbs like sugar or flour will promote weight gain. Better to eat three big healthy meals per day with less snacking in between. There’s this idea that eating snacks somehow promotes weight loss but the science does not bear this out. Eating small amounts between meals actually increases appetite when the meal comes - this is why restaurants have appetizers lol. Try for 3 meals a day, lots of veggies and meat and dairy (if he likes dairy), and fewer snacks between meals. Protein and fat fills you up and stays with you, and doesn’t get converted to body fat as easily as sugar and starch does. And if he is not snacking between meals, his body will get a chance to burn off the excess body fat he has now. Good luck!
It seems like you and dad need to get on the same page about things and parenting styles. You can’t have one house be a complete opposite when it comes to rules. And if he takes medication throughout the school year he shouldn’t stop medication just for the summer. That’s not good for your body neither
Going back on his meds will most likely help. It sounds like you are encouraging him to eat healthily and be active. Nothing to do differently. Putting him on a diet or telling him he is fat will only compound the issue. Try not to make too much of the problem. If he expresses concern offer to exercise with him or walk daily to help both of you.
be comfortable in your own skin. self image is on how you perceive yourself. don’t let mainstream dictate what you should look like. as long as you are Healthy and Happy , your body type shouldn’t matter.
Encouraging healthy habits whether it’s exercise, healthy diet, meditation, etc… is so important regardless of weight. Educating and letting him know you love him regardless of anything is good. Weight will fluctuate and people have fat, they aren’t fat. You have muscle, but you aren’t muscle. It sounds like you’re encouraging healthy habits, so keep it up! And those that commented on making sure you and his dad are on the same page is right. Having consistency for kiddos is key. And if you’re really worried, take him to a pediatric provider for education on nutrition and exercise. You want someone who knows what they’re doing so they don’t instill negative associations with living a healthy lifestyle. And as also mentioned, practice what you preach. Kids are always watching and doing what their parents do, even when you don’t think they’re watching!
Encourage physical activities for sure! Maybe every morning have a 30-40 minute playlist of straight dance music you two like! It’s at least start and it’ll be cardio for both of you but it will mainly get your serotonin levels up.
He’s 10, maybe calm down a bit. He could just be bulking up a bit because he’s going to need those calories for a growth spurt or two.
My son is the same when hes on his meds he doesnt really eat but when he’s on school holidays and he doesnt need to take them to be able to concentrate he eats a lot. Maybe reduce the amount of time that he has a break from his meds