Is it normal for baby to stop moving so much?

I would go to the doctor just to get checked I’m sure everything is fine just would give you peace of mind. I was always told to drink orange juice and lay on my left side if I was worried. Sometimes if we are active we just don’t feel it. If your worried definitely get checked so you don’t stress yourself to much. I hope everything is okay prayers for you and little one

So I went through this with both pregnancies, multiple times. I would go to the hospital for them to check, and as soon as they put the band around my stomach and I laid down, BAM baby would start a soccer match.

I joked with the nurse that I should just put a belt around my stomach with a little pressure next time and lay down. She said " actually that’s a really good idea because this happens to so many expectant mothers and as soon as we put the band on with monitors, all the babies start moving around again :sweat_smile:

Better safe than sorry. Don’t feel like your overly anxious and feel silly to just end up having nothing be wrong. It’s completely normal to freak out. But it’s also normal for baby to not move as much the closer you are to your due date. I have 8 healthy beautiful children and it’s absolutely normal

Drink some strong ass coffee. IT WILL NOT HURT THE BABY. This is what my dr had my do with both my pregnancies because I’m a shorty at 4’11” My daughters are 31 and 27. Both born very active, very healthy and now successful working wives and moms themselves.

Most of the time they call it positioning…there is less room for the baby to kick so you wont feel it as much movement and seeing it is your first child your uterus has never been expanded. If you need reassurance call your doctor and get a ultrasound done so you can feel at ease. I’ll be praying that all is going as normal and you have a beautiful healthy baby when the time comes! Best of wishes to you

Drink something bubbly, lay down and count kicks. If you don’t feel something after an hour, go to the ER. Your doctor will tell you the same thing

If you ever feel off just go in. Your 28 weeks which mean kick counts. Babies movements should never decrease EVER!!! I would go in ASAP.

just go now. I was crazy with my pregnancies worrying but both were fine.

This page is too harmful for questions like this. Always call your doctor!


I just gave birth to baby #3. Please go get checked.

Yep but definitely go to Gyno ASAP just in case

There’s just not a lot of room for the baby anymore.

Call your doctor or go to the ER

Go to the walk in clinic or ER.

If you feel at all concerned, go see your doctor.

Please go to L&D immediately.

Peace of mind always !! Call your Docter :heart::two_hearts:

Please do not listen to the people saying they run out of room that is not true and dangerous advice! Any decrease in movement should be checked out.


I work for an OBGYN…please don’t hit the panic button. Babies in uterus need rest as well. I would contact your doctors office as a precaution. Your Dr can have you come in to detect the babies heart beat with the fetal monitor. Your Dr can also do a Non Stress Test to monitor your child’s heart rate and fetal movements .

Praying for you and baby

If in doubt please contact your midwife

Please go in to make sure everything is okay.

Go in and get monitored.

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Never ever question something when it comes to your unborn child. If it’s not behaving like normal… go to the Dr immediately! Not Facebook for frikken medical advice. EVERY pregnancy is different! Period.

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I’d go in and have a nonstress test done

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal for baby to stop moving so much? - Mamas Uncut

If your worried about it . Just go to the doctors so u have a piece of mind!

28 weeks is around the time they settle into their movement pattern, its actually quite normal for the activity to change up until that point and then you will notice a more consistent pattern of moment, however if you’re truly concerned give your doc a call always! Never feel its a dumb worry or whatever always ask if you’re unsure! Also ice cold water and I mean ICE cold always worked to get my son to move! Good luck and congratulations :v:t2::two_hearts:

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Drink a glass of apple juice. My obgyn told me to do that. I thought it was ridiculous but it worked. :woman_shrugging:

Please please contact your doctor

Put music to the belly, drink some cold juice and some chocolate that will make the baby happy! Call your obgyn and tell her how you feel go have it checked just for your pc of mind! Momma try not to stress and remember as the baby gets bigger less room to kick a lot

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I’ve had three babies, last one a little over a month ago. Around 28 weeks they changed their pattern… and started being more active at night. Walking around puts baby to sleep in there. So when I stopped moving at night it became a party in there. Couldnt sleep most of my pregnancies because of it

When I was pregnant I really didn’t feel her move as much only at night time or when I was doing to much. But everything was fine

I was told to drink a glass of orange juice lay on my side and count movement for about an hour. If there was a very low number to call the on call and let them know. If you are concerned at all give them a call they have on call doctors available to help ease your mind or take care of you.

If you aren’t seeing a OBGYN Dr on a regular basis you need to find one ASAP!

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Always always get reduced movements checked out, better to be safe than sorry xx

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Cold water, a bottle or so, then lay on left side. I think it is like 15 kicks in 15 minutes.

My old obgyn said never shake ur belly. Also used to tell me to drink something cold. Do kick count or just call L&D for questions about it and see if u need to go in.

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Try drinking ice cold water. My dr told me to hit a baking pan with a cooking spoon to make some loud noise lol sounds strange but it worked. Baby may just be facing your back rather than the front now. But any decrease in movement at this point should be brought to your dr or midwife’s attention just in case. They may just want you to come in to hear the heartbeat. I was gifted a doppler but I freaked myself out more trying to find the heartbeat and it just made my anxiety worse, but it is different for everyone. Best of luck!


Eat something sugar he/her should ping until you beg them to stop lol

No, it isn’t normal. Baby should be active all the way up and into labor. Ik they do sleep but not for 2 days and movement shouldn’t decrease. Decreased movement should be checked. Go to the L&D or ER.


Go to the hospital now to get checked. Always look up “Count your kicks”

So I’m gonna be the oddball out, and though I was a bit further, I think about 34 weeks when decreased movement began… my Dr didn’t take it seriously. When my son was born 5 weeks later he got stuck coming out after his heart rate kept dropping drastically during the last stage of labor. Come to find out the cord was wrapped around his neck. Obviously this is an extreme case and I don’t want to scare you, but looking back knowing that my son could have lost his life because the doctor didn’t listen to my concerns still really pisses me off. So I would say if you have a concern it is always better to be safe than sorry and if your doctor does not share your concern, visit l&d.


From my experience having two kids and my daughters having twins they start moving a little less as they get bigger cuz there’s a lot less room. But if you need to feel better you can always run into your doctor and hear the heartbeat. My husband actually bought his own stethoscope and listen to the heartbeat through my stomach a lot…

Oh goodness sakes. Get off the group here and call your doctor or nurse. Why have you waited so long?


If ever in doubt, go get checked out!

Baby is tired. Don’t stress. She’s growing. Call doctor for appointment for reassurance.

I would definitely go see the doctor even if just for peace of mind.


No its never normal. Go get it checked out.

I would go be checked to be sure.

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Any decrease in movement should be checked out. Always better to be safe than sorry


Any time you’re concerned, call or go in immediately.

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Go call your doctor first

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hospital can hook u up to monitor to check

Go to doctor please.

Contact your doctor right now

Yes, it is normal. Baby’s run out of space and get tired. Babies are most active between 11pm-2am (every baby varies but this is most common) but lay on your left side for an hour you should feel him move! You can always go into the hospital and they will reassure you. My hospital told me “I’d rather you come in for 100 false calls then not come in the one time and it really be something wrong”

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To be honest, very normal. I had 4 full term pregnancies in 6 years. Babies inside the womb have lazy sleepy days just like us. I remember freaking out with each child because I couldn’t get them to move.Then they would go back to moving like crazy. I know how scary that is. And you are getting to the point where baby is getting bigger and having less room to move… But never hesitate to contact your doctor if you are concerned or feel something is off. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Please go with your gut. Your concern shows you are a good mom.

At 28 weeks, you should be feeling approximately 10 movements or kicks per hour. Start a kick counter, record every movement. If there’s less than 10 the 1st hour, drink something high in sugar (juice preferably,) shake your belly, make a loud noise, and then start the count again. If there’s still not 10 movements in the next hour, go to your OB or to L&D to get checked. Better safe than sorry.

Absolutely do not ignore a decrease in movement. It’s probably fine, but always get seen. The hospital would rather see you 100 times and everything be fine than once where it’s not

Eat or drink something sweet. If they still don’t move call the Dr or go get checked.

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The bigger my daughter got the less she moved because she was running out space. I’m only 4”9. Every person Is different but definitely call your dr

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You can take all the advice you like from on here but baby’s movement shouldn’t slow down
Go get checked and make sure all is ok
Good luck X


See your doctor ASAP


See your dr. Was would u ask us when we cant really help. SEE YOUR DOCTOR


If you’re worried, go to L&D. It will ease your mind. For me personally, my oldest son would disappear for days on end, not moving at all. Then he would be super active for a small period before going still again. I was in L&D so much, and he always checked out fine, so I eventually just stopped going and let him do his thing. He was born at 40 weeks exactly and was perfectly healthy. My youngest son never stopped moving, so I never had that worry with him, but I’m currently expecting again, and she does the same thing her oldest brother did, disappearing for days, then being really active, then disappearing. The doctor thinks she just doesn’t move much while she sleeps, and she sleeps a lot while she’s growing. People will tell you that the baby shouldn’t stop moving, or that no movement means pregnancy loss, but every baby and every pregnancy is different. :heart:

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Nothing like writing on Facebook instead of hitting the emergency room.
Stupid is as stupid does.
And these people are having kids.

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Mine used to go through spurts where she would barely move for a few days and then go back to being crazy. Find a food that makes him or her move. It was pizza or pizza rolls for me. If I had them it would make her more active. But as they run out of room or go through spurts movements can decrease b

A cold can of Coca Cola and then lay down straight on your back, if he doesn’t move around or kick about 30 minutes after I’d get checked if i were you

Drink some cold water then lay on your back for a couple mins, that usually gets ‘em moving!
My first did this too- got really lazy in the last trimester :stuck_out_tongue:
As long as there is movement, that’s a good thing!

When I’m doing, always go to the ER or call your doctor. Better to be safe than sorry.

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I could never feel my daughter move I was constantly going into the hospital where they would put these belts around my belly and give me a ginger ale. She would move but I couldn’t feel it. She was fine though. She’s 25 now.

Go to the hospital doesn’t matter If the baby moves soon as you get there just go make sure bub is safe please go now💞

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You can definitely call your doctor if you are concerned. As the baby gets bigger they have less room to move like they did before. As long as you are feeling some movement I wouldn’t worry. But it never hurts to get checked out just to be sure.

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It definitely couldn’t hurt to ask just to ease your mind. I was always told, the farther along you are the less baby will move because it doesn’t have much space.

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At the end of pregnancies they move less because being larger, they have less space, but if in doubt, it is advisable to visit the doctor.

Always consult your doctor with these concerns. While we can give you tons of possibilities its never certain that’s what the issue is. Please call your doctor and get yourself and baby checked out.

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My oldest didn’t move for almost 2 days it seemed right when I entered the third trimester. I noticed he stopped moving AS much. But I almost went to emergency until he started moving on the car ride there. Drink a sugary drink and do some jumping jacks to see if baby wakes up

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I didn’t even read all of that…
28 weeks is a growth spurt time. So generally baby becomes FAR less active!!
I have 7 kids… Every single one at about 28 weeks they go quiet for a week or 2.
If you are worried, drink some apple juice. Press on baby to wake them up. Get a doppler!! That saved my piece of mind a few times! And never be worried about going to L&D…


Lots of good advice here, I just wanted to say whenever my doctor wanted me to get baby moving (for kick count test) they had me chug a bottle of cold water and lay on my left side. Maybe try that. But they do stop moving quite so much once they get bigger and lose room. So don’t worry too much!

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Movements DO NOT decrease the later you get in the pregnancy, baby does not lose space to move. Please do not listen to those saying it does! If movement has slowed or stopped go get checked. You’ve said you’ve drank stuff, laid on your side etc etc time to go get checked over


As the baby gets bigger and runs out of room sometimes movement starts to decrease


May 24, 2021 I felt less movement. I had polyhydramnios, so it wasn’t unusual…I was 33 weeks 5 days. I was always told by other people I was overreacting because I’d go to the hospital every time, so that day, I tried sugary drinks and still nothing. I finally ignored those telling me I was always overreacting , and went to the hospital.

The baby had passed. I had an emergency c section to deliver my dead child because I didn’t listen to my motherly instinct. LISTEN TO YOUR INSTINCTS. :heart:


It can be but if it’s a significant difference from normal always best to get checked. i had this happen closer to delivery too got checked & all was still fine.

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As they get bigger have less room to move and some days sleepy. I’ve been thru this twice and I’m on my third. Dr advised to lay on my side and drink orange juice gets them going and monitor movement. Call dr back do they can check you in office if you’ve done all of this

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Lay on your left side drink ice water and you should always go see your ob for stuff like that even if it’s nothing

i remember when i was 28 weeks my baby didn’t move for like 3 days.
she would only move SO SLIGHTLY i had to be feeling for her or i wouldn’t notice.
my doctor said it’s normal and that the baby’s grow a lot then, so they are SLEEPING a lot more❤️ but don’t be afraid to ask your doctor!!

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Go to the hospital, they will send you up to L&D, they will check and make sure baby is good. Advice is great, but always listen to your instincts, if you think something isn’t right, you could recieve all the advice in the world, and other people’s experiences, but at the end of the day, your pregnancy is not the same as others, and your instincts is what should be first and foremost.


If baby’s movements decease try ice water and if nothing else happens then u should go to the doctor to make sure everything is okay that’s what I’ve been told when I was pregnant

Any change in movement you need checked doesn’t matter what stage of pregnancy you are at

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If in doubt, always go get checked out.

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Baby gets bigger and settles after awhile, its getting cramped in there lol

If you are used to feeling it and don’t call the doctor. I never felt movement my entire pregnancy but that was my normal.

Listen to your gut, I had to have my early, my first sign was decreases movement. I almost lost him

Boys tend to be more lazy babies. I have 2 girl’s and both were active like trying out for Olympics but my son, he was active but nowhere near like his sister’s.

Definitely call your doctor

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Doesn’t hurt to go to labor and delivery to get checked out. I never felt my baby move much so I went in and that’s how I found out the placenta was in front of her covering all her kicks and punches

Go get checked. Always

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Make an appointment with your doctor to be sure everything is ok.

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He’s got less room to move around…as long as he’s moving and kicking he should be fine.