Is it normal that my 9 month old still doesn't have any teeth?

It is normal my boys were late my daughter has 2 and she’s 5 months all babies are dif

The later the come in the longer they stay, I was always told. My oldest is almost 16 and has never had a cavity and has super strong healthy teeth and hers didn’t start to come in till she was a year old.

My son didn’t get any until around 9mths, then it was 3 at a time, his baby came out the same way

My second and third both got their first tooth at about 14 months. Many people including their doctor said it was actually better to get them later

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Genetics is what determines when a baby gets teeth and it’s not uncommon for a baby to start teething later. Breastfeeding and formula have nothing to do with it and won’t cause a delay. Your sister and brother in law are idiots, so don’t let them make you feel like your doing something wrong. That’s your child and how and what you choose to feed her is none of their business.

Neither of mine got teeth until 13 months. It’s actually better for them to get teeth late

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Omg!! It has nothing to do with you not breastfeeding anymore and thats terrible of them to make you feel that way. All children develop at their own pace. My guess, all of a sudden she will start popping teeth left and right. Don’t worry momma your doing a great job and they should be commending you for making it 7 months breastfeeding, its not easy

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My daughter didn’t get any teeth until like 11 months

My first got her first tooth around 8-9 months. Formula fed since birth. But then they all came at once. How you feed your baby has no correlation to when their teeth sprout.

My daughter had no teeth until 13 months old. Now at 7 she has the strongest teeth and has never had a cavity. My oldest (9) who started getting teeth at 4 months has very sensitive teeth and has had multiple cavities no matter how strict I am about brushing and flossing.

Thats right babies are different anyway it’s better they start teething when they are older

They actually say the later the better

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I believe the average is 6 months-12 months, however, some have been known to start as early as 3-4 months, some as late as almost 2 years. Every baby is different. Ignore people that compare kids and say stupid stuff like that.

Mine didn’t get hers until she was closer to a year. I was a little worried too but didn’t stress about it. She now has 10 teeth at 15 months.

Every child develops differently!!!

Don’t rush it, they will come in when they are ready. I always worried because both of my kids didn’t lose their first tooth till they were 7

My grand baby just turned one n just got two teeth

Sure is :relaxed: my 2 sons didn’t get any teeth till after their 1st birthday

My kids all got them at different times my grandson will 7 months old still no teeth but that may change don’t listen to them

Both my little girls didn’t get teeth until after their first birthday! And my little boy is 9 months old and he doesn’t have any!

That is a lot of bs, breast milk does not encourage teeth to come in. They sound like a bunch of a holes to start getting you wound up about it. Bubble teeth will come through when they are good and ready and not a minute before. My sons started to come through at 3 months my daughter was 10 months. Babies develop in their own time

My daughter didn’t get her first tooth until she was 11 months old.

The later they arrive the stronger they will be.

Honey every baby is different. My son is seven months old and still has no teeth. My niece didnt have teeth until she’s one! How you choose to feed your child does not effect they’re growth in development unless there’s a medical issue.

Two in November, just now getting all of her teeth.

As a dental hygienist I’ll tell
you that every child is different. Some children get their teeth early and some late. Don’t stress it, they will come :blush:

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My son was formula feed and got his 1st tooth at 4 months, my daughter is breastfeed and still no teeth at 6 months.

Nope! This is completely normal! Babies get teeth at different ages, and every baby is different. My son started teething at 3mo, but didn’t have any teeth actually come through until he was 12mo. Now he’s 2 with 16 teeth, the last 5 all came thru at the same time

Both of my kids got their teeth later but my daughter was over a year old when she finally got any!

My one son had like 6 teeth before his first birthday. My second born got his first tooth a week before his first birthday. They all teeth different and both of them were formula fed.

Mine had none until 11 months now at 15 months she has 6 and the came in random two bottom than a eye tooth then another bottom and finally top two. she’s a late fanger

I’m sure it’s normal. Every child is different. My 1st had 2 teeth at 2 months. And my 2nd is currently teething at 2 months.

Every child is different. My son at 3 months old (he’s now 4 years old) got teeth. My 9 month old daughter doesn’t have teeth yet.

I breastfed for only a month my daughters 4m now and 2bottom teeth are showing already. Breastfeeding or formula fed has nothing to do with teething

Yoooo I think that’s a plus that the whole time you breast fed that you didnt have sharp pinchers hurting you. Baby teeth come when they want

My oldest daughter was early, then my middle daughter started when she was 9 months and my son, well later than 9 months.

2 of my kids didn’t have teeth until after they turned one and 2 didn’t get any until almost one. The longer it takes them to come in the better their teeth will be :blush:

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I’m sure it’s fine. My daughter didn’t have teeth until about 10 months old

Yes! I didn’t get teeth til I was 1.5 my 11 month old just got her 1st 2 bottom ones came in together she’ll be 1 next month still only 2 teeth lol she eats mac n cheese, chicken nuggets, man she can gum some food lol

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It’s fairly normal and they actually say the longer it takes for babies to get teeth the healthier the teeth will be. All of my girls got their first tooth by 7 months but my son was almost 11 months before he got his first tooth now they are coming in like crazy. He just had 6 at one tome come in

Mine didn’t have any till he was 1

My daughter didn’t get her first tooth until a week before turning 1. It has nothing to do with whether you breastfeed or formula feed, it’s just that every kid is different. So don’t stress about it too much mama!

Both my boys popped their first two teeth at 4 months. I have two friends who’s kids didn’t get their first tooth till after they turned a year old. All of our babies were BF :woman_shrugging:t3:

my daughters first tooth came out when she was a year and 3 months. Dont stress x

My oldest didnt get teeth til he was 18mts old super late and he didnt lose his first tooth til he was 6and a half but hes fine

4 children none had teeth before they were a year old🙃

My daughter was 17 months before she cut her first tooth. They come in at their own time. Don’t worry yet.

I never breastfed and my son popped his first 2 teeth at 2.5 months… so no correlation there, I don’t think! His cousin, who’s the same age, didn’t have teeth until after a year. It’s totally normal!

It does not matter if you formula feed are breast feed.I formula fed all 4 of my kids.My 1st 3 did not get teeth until 9 to 10 months old.My last child started getting teeth at 4 months and had a mouth full at a year old.Do not let someone worry you.All babies are different…

My daughter who is exclusively breastfed didn’t get teeth till almost 13 months & then they all seemed to come in all at once.

Mine didn’t get teeth until 10 months old

My son didn’t get his first two teeth till about 7 months and then didn’t get 2 more until 11 months and then got a bunch of teeth in at one shortly after he turned 1

My son was baby toothless until he was over a year. He didn’t lose his first tooth til he was almost 7yrs old.

Both of mt babies didnt get teeth until they were 1. They say the longer it takes to get teeth the healthier they are.

All children are not the same and I hope you aren’t comparing or feeling something is wrong with your child,I have 4 and they all did things different ages

Oh gosh honey, no. And don’t let anyone give you crap. Every baby teethes differently. My friend and I have babies 2 weeks apart. Mine has 9 teeth at a year old and hers is only working on her second.


My daughter was 9 months old before she got her first tooth and I just weaned her at 2 1/2 so breastfeeding has nothing to do with it I believe.

Every child is different, my son is a year old and was formula fed and had a mouthful at 6 months but my cousins baby is a week younger than him and she’s only got two! I’d tell whom ever is taking smack if they don’t stop they’ll too be toothless :woman_shrugging:


Every child is different but most toddlers get their first tooth in by age 1 but can start teething as early as 1 month old. My daughter had 2 bottom teeth in by 1 year. She is now 8. If you feel to concerned just ask a dentist

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My daughter was 14 months before she got her first tooth

Every baby is different my first didnt get any teeth till 10 months my second had 6 at 4 months my third has 2 she is 6 months.

My oldest had a full set of teeth at 18 months, got her first tooth at 4 months old. My second child didn’t have a single tooth until he was 14 months old. Every baby is different. All my kids were breastfed until 12 months, at least, some longer.

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Don’t think it has anything to do with stopping breastfeeding. All babies are different. Some get them early, some get them late… If none come in by like 2 then i would be concerned… maybe talk to the pediatrician.

My son didn’t get his teeth until he 10 months old. He the got 6 in 1 month. Every kids is different and they say the later they come in the healthier they are.

My poor Lilly didn’t get any teeth until after her 1st birthday! She’s my 3rd child so I was starting to think we might have to make her some little baby dentures :laughing:

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One Of my grandsons did not get his first tooth until he was 15 months old!

Omg I had 6 of my own and several grandchildren all are different…and some babies are born with a full set of teeth…

Don’t believe them. They say the longer it takes a baby to get their teeth the better teeth they will have.


My daughter didn’t get teeth until after she turned one. She could and would eat anything we gave her… she is now 21 and never had a cavity in her life and has beautiful teeth.!

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My 2nd daughter didn’t have any teeth till she was almost 12 months. Old wives tale “ the older they are the better their teeth will be. That was true for our daughter, she didn’t have a filling till she was in her 20’s.

Don’t stress Mama! My 4th son didn’t get teeth until after his 1st birthday. We made a joke out of it and said we were getting him baby dentures lol. Tell them to take a flying f ghijklmnop

No need to worry, her teeth will come in when they are suppose to. Every child is different.

My nephew didn’t get teeth until he was 11 or 12 months. And he was breast fed till 12+ months.

My three nephews all cut their first after they were a year old.

Not all babies teethe at the same time. I know my three sure didn’t.

All my babies turned one with no teeth :heart:

Oh no not at all! My son got his first tooth at 11 months and the pediatrician said the latest he’s seen a toothless child is 15 months. No worries mama! You’re doing wonderful

Your baby is fine ! Just enjoy those gummy smiles !!!

Grandson is on the other end of the spectrum, he had two teeth by two weeks old. He’s also had massive teeth issues.

Yes, several of my grandchildren were a year old before they had any teeth

Don’t worry. Don’t let them get to you. I assure you stopping brest feeding has nothing to do with it. I got my teeth late. I had my first filling when I was 57.

I would contact a dentist just to put your mind at ease.

My daughter didn’t get her first tooth until like a week before her first birthday she’s 2 now and is just getting her 11th and 12th teeth in. Pediatrician says it’s completely normal and she’s healthy

Has. Nothing to do with breast feeding

I stopped breastfeeding all four of my kids at different ages, ranging from 4 months to a full year and they all got teeth at the same time. It’s genetic and has nothing to do with breastfeeding. Unless you are starving your baby, which you obviously aren’t because they’re eating formula, they only need to worry about what you’re feeding your baby if you are asking them to help you care for them.

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Tell your sister in law to get a life and shut it. My son chose to stop nursing at 4 months and his teeth still came in…she’s full of :poop:!
At any rate, find a pediatric dentist…

Doc told me with both 9f mine that teeth can come in anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Normal but most start between since 6 and 9 months…I actually know someone who was born with a tooth!!!

My son got teeth very early… he is now almost 9 years old and still has not lost any of his baby teeth! The dentist said that all the permanent teeth are therer they just aren’t ready to come in yet! It is all how their bodies work! Don’t listen to the taunts.

Teeth kind of just do what they want. After a year I would be looking for more answers

Wow tell your SIL & BIL to shove it! That’s seriously so crappy of them to taunt you about that. (Not saying this to brag but to ease your mind about the formula) my sons been formula fed since 1month, he’s 9months now and has 7 teeth. The truth is all babies develop at their own pace and it’s perfectly normal for your daughter to not have teeth yet. Just don’t let them make you feel like it’s your fault for formula feeding!!! Actually, you can tell them this; the later the teeth come in, the healthier and stronger the teeth are! So while their kids are gonna need dental work, yours will have strong teeth❤️

I asked my pediatrician this question, because I was worried for my babe too and she said that the 1st tooth can take up to 14 months.

4 babies and only my first was breast fed. 2 months and I was done. The rest bottle fed from birth and all of them cut teeth within “normal” times. Your baby is fine. Not every child develops at the same rate. Relax and enjoy the time spent not getting bit. :hugs:

My 8 month old daughter was bottle fed from the beginning and still has no teeth. She’s teething and constantly chewing on her teethers and toys but other than that nothing. My almost 3 year old son and 4 year old daughter were also bottle fed from the beginning. Learned after trying with our oldest that I don’t produce anything not even with time, pumping, foods etc we tried everything and nothing. Both my older two kids had at least 4 teeth pop through by 7 months old :woman_shrugging:t2: every kid is different. Granted our 8 month old (rainbow baby) was born 3 weeks early and the other two were born a few days before their due dates but every baby is different. My older two were crawling, standing up/pulling up by this age and walking by 11 months old. At 8 months old our youngest just learned to sit up without support and scoot around. She’ll probably crawl in the next few months but definitely later than her older siblings did. Each kid took a different formula too. She’ll get her teeth eventually. Don’t worry too much about it mama you got this :heart::pray:

They are all different and formula does not slow it down or stop them getting teeth. Plenty of kids are exclusively formula fed and their teeth are just fine.

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My daughter didn’t have any teeth until she was 18 months old

I breastfeed my son for 6 months and he had 6 teeth by this time. It has nothing to do with it. Push ppl like tht out of your life. The longer they wait the longer them baby teeth will be good.

Don’t worry each child develops differently and and different ages my middle child didn’t get his first tooth until he was 13 months old

They. Also. Might. Have better. Teeth when grow up!

My baby is almost 10 months and she’s barely starting to show her little tooth lol. It’s totally normal. All babies are different. I’ve heard of other babies getting like 6 teeth buy the time they are 6-7 months and some get teeth after a year.

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Our oldest child was one week short of her first birthday when she cut her first tooth. I thought it would NEVER happen. Once she cut that one the rest came right on schedule.