Is it possible to be pregnant but have a period?

Yes, normal BUT if I were you I would still consult it with your gynecologist

They said you can use an ovulation test as a pregnancy teat, but not bs. But I know I have had a positive pregnancy when I was ovulating.

Iā€™m just curious as to why is a guy in this group?

With my first I had a period regularly for 7 months

Iā€™ve had people tell me itā€™s not possible but from experience I got mine with both of my kids up until the 3rd or 4th month

I had bleeding in the first few months but It wasnā€™t a period

I had a period every month my 2 pregnancy

It was probably implantation bleeding.

When i was pregnant with my twins I did.

No. You can have vaginal bleeding but it is not your period.

I did for the first 6 weeks

I spotted the whole 9 mo with my first one.

You can bleed, but itā€™s not a period.

My friend had a baby 2 weeks after her wedding. Never knew she was pregnant always had a period. Another friend thought she had the flu, went to the hospital, had a baby. Also had a period the whole time. Could not tell either were pregnant. Yep!!! Crazy!


I had a period until I was 18 weeks

A girl I worked with had her periods her entire pregnancy and didnā€™t know she was pregnant until like two weeks before she gave birth. It was crazy. Also, youā€™re more likely to get a false negative than a false positive.

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I had one period while pregnant. Didnā€™t know for 11 weeks bc I had my period :woman_shrugging:t4::woman_facepalming:t4: ooops! My mom also said she had 3 periods while pregnant with me. Good luck either way :blush::heart:

My mom had a period her entire pregnancy with my brother.

my mom had a period for a few months during one of her pregnancies.

Yes I am a RN and it can happen, it actually happened to me.

My sister had a period her whole pregnancy, she never knew she was pregnant until she delivered

I didnā€™t have bleedingā€¦my prego tests show negative for 9 months. Son is now 46.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

My mom bled for 6 months of her pregnancy with me.

Uh, yeah, you need a blood testā€¦ Good luck!

Had my period first five months of my pregnancy, delivered a healthy baby girl

I had periods for 4 months. Ugh!

My cousin had her period for 6 months of her pregnancy

Yes. I had a normal period the second week I was pregnant

Happened to me every time I was of with boys.

Unfortunately I had my period with all 5 of my pregnancies

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Please do not respond to ā€œDavid Howard.ā€ He has replied to several ladies on here. Be cautious :heart:

I had regular periods throughout my oldest entire pregnancy

My sister had her period all 9 months with all 5 of her kids

Yep. Sheā€™s 5mo now. We were shocked for MONTHS after finding out

My mom had her period the whole pregnancy.

Everytime with my 4 kids. Congrats

Had one for 4 months and heā€™s 40 now

I did! Didnā€™t know til 6 months in

With my first i still had a regular period

Yes my aunt had period for 6 months

Yes and now Iā€™m almost 5 months lol

My best friend had three periods.

Yes had mine through my whole pregnancy

Happens to a lot of womenā€¦

I GOT pregnant ON my periodā€¦so yes

I had my period the whole time I was pregnant

Yes, I had my period 3 months in, while on birth control :sob:

Yes IF itā€™s very early in the pregnancy

One of my cousins is like this. She also doesnt gain weight until her 5th-6th month. I think it was her last baby she didnt show until she was 7 months. I have no idea if she continued to have her period or if it eventually stopped.

Yes. Had my period up until my 6th month

I had a period for two months

Yup. I had my period through most of my second pregnancy. By the time we found out I was like 28wks along lol

Breakthrough bleeding. Common at beginning of pregnancy.

Yes it is thru the whole time

Yup. My son. I had a legit period the day after I got pregnant.

Yes. I had my Period for the first two month of my pregnancy.

Yes my aunt did a lot with one child

:raising_hand_woman:t2::raising_hand_woman:t2::raising_hand_woman:t2: had a period the first month. Second month it didnā€™t come. Took a test, negative, then a week later it was positive and I was 8 weeks pregnant.

With my son I didnt know I was pregnant. I found out in my 2nd trimester and I got my period like normal for the first 3 months.

Yesā€¦I had a normal period up till I was 5 monthsā€¦didnā€™t know I was pregnant till then! Ended up having twins

Yesā€¦ For the 1st month

Yup nine months later had twins

I had mine the entire time

Can be your Plantation.

Yes u can still have ur period and be pregnant

I never missed my period had my son 10 weeks early and hes 38 years old now. Was even bed ridden last 2 months still had the. SIGH. I was lucky, hes just fine!!

I just reported David for stalking mums

Hon I had a period for 5 months while I was pregnant. Doctor kept telling me I had a tumor; well that TUMOR is now almost 46, has 2 kids and 2 grand kids! lol

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Yes. It will be less days and lighter.

My mom had her til her 7th month with me

I had breakthrough bleeding

You can have bleeding but itā€™s not a menstrual cycle, which is the shedding of your uterus.

Women can bleed during pregnancy but its not a period. Typically itā€™s a sign of other problems. See a doctor or take another test

Yes! I had mine for 3 months, before I found out I was pregnant, it was lighter and shorter than usual but I didnā€™t think anything of it but then it stopped, I took a test pregnancy test and it was positive.

I did with my first daughterā€¦ said she was due end of August, had her sept 25thā€¦ I was miserableā€¦ she had a vowel movement inside of me. Could of gone horribly wrongā€¦:disappointed: but thank goodness she was super healthy!!

I had a miscarriage then after my first normal period got on the depo shot, had some bleeding on and off then started drastically gaining weight and feeling like something was inside me. Yup I was preggo with my rainbow baby. I was in shock for prob a week or so lol. No morning sickness or any symptoms that werenā€™t related to the birth control.

Girlā€¦ I had mine for months. Thought I had the flu. Went to the hospital and I as 27 weeks pregnant! I was a size 2 at the time. Gained no weight at all, actually lost 10 lbs. And had my period up until the day she was born.

Yup, i had a 3 day period then it stopped with my 2nd child. I went to the ob cause i thought there was something wrong only to find out i was 6 weeks pregnant :blush:

My mom had her period for the first month with all six of her pregnancies.

My 2nd I had 1 the 1st month but it wasnā€™t normal. Had 1 the first 3 months of my 3rd pregnancy. 1st they said implantation bleeding, then possible misscarige, then they just didnt know/hormones? Lol!

I had my period until 8 months pregnant, essentially my whole pregnancy. They called is vaginal bleeding instead of menstrual.

I had a period every month for the first 4 months of my first pregnancy. And every home pregnancy test i took came up negative, even after blood test confirmed i was pregnant.

I had bleeding the first 3 months with majority of my pregnancies. My last I bled the first 6 months but was on bed rest from 3 months till 37 weeks when I had him :pensive::woozy_face:

My aunt had 9 kids every pregnancy she had a period for 4to 5 days every month like clockwork.

Embrace your miracle baby

Ok all fb doctors go!

I did the first 3 months of my second pregnancy, I didnā€™t realize I was pregnant but I knew something was off but the tests were saying negative but I had a healthy baby boy at 33 weeks due to some stupid shit from my marriage

Could be a false positive

Yesā€¦ happened to me

My husband and I got separated when i found out he was having an affair with another woman, when i confronted him, we had argument and he broke up with me, i tried all i could to get him back but all to no avail. I cried all day and helpless looking up to God to help me with the problem in my marriage. All I need is my marriage to be restored back, weā€™ve been together for years and he has done nothing but cheated and lied to me. but I know itā€™s something that can be fixed I still love him the same way when I first met him. However I decided to seek help from Priest Andrew, he reunited my marriage back together as it was in the beginning. now my marriage is perfectly fine and I know there are lot of people out there who have different kind of problem in home, marriages and relationships. Here is Priest Andrew email: priestandrewcureservice123@gmail. Com
and whats app him +2349064356977

It definitely can happen

I had a period for 5 months didnā€™t know I was pregnant dr told me I had the flu vomiting 24/7 2 weeks later didnā€™t feel right back to dr he did test came back told me Iā€™m not getting over this flu for 4 months because Iā€™m pregnant

This has happened before but check with the DR.

I have 3 children and that happened with all three.

You can still have a cycle while pregnant. Just go to a doctor and get a blood test done to be sure.

Normal till the egg is nested

I miss my periods from two months and test were negative ā€¦ Is it something serious

It usually takes about two weeks for you to get a positive result on a pregnancy test anyways.

I had my tubes tied after my third child and went to the Dr for something unrelated and they told me I was pregnant. The nurse argued with me about how I could have not known I was pregnant. I had been having periods the entire time and they sent me for an ultrasound because they said it must have been an ectopic pregnancy. I was four months pregnant and now I have a happy healthy 5 year old! I had periods until I was 6 months with her so yes it happens

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Yep I did. With My first born Thought I was only 6 weeks Along because I only missed one period, but at my first appointment the ultrasound showed an actually baby :joy: not a peanut looking thing you usually see at 6 weeks so it turned out I was 11.5 weeks along which means I had a regular period after conceiving.

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