Is it possible to live with your childs father while you are not together?

Do any of you think it’s possible to have your baby daddy live with you and have him have other girls over even though you guys just broke up? And you still love him due to the fact he’s still your best friend and your raising your three kids together? I am so confused


I lived with my kids dad briefly about 3.5 years ago. He was married at the time , and it was more of a financial thing for me.

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Only if you want problems. The only way this will work….ONLY WAY….is if you two have absolutely no feelings for each other at all. I’m talking roommate vibes . Which I personally think because there is a child involved is going to be extremely difficult.


No. Not with the guy If he’s just dumped you and he’s already having girls over then he’s been banging other people the whole time. He’s not confused. He wants to disrespect you and take advantage of the fact that you have feelings for him or that you want the kids to have their dad in their lives. Guess what. Any man who is an actual human man and has a soul wouldn’t be flaunting other sexual partners in front of you and wouldn’t put you in a confusing or messed up situation. You need time to recover from being ina relationship with him it was real to you but not so much to him. He can be a great dad when he can focus on his kids. You can be a fantastic mom when you are in a good place and aren’t stressing over mind games. I’m not sure why he’s your best friend. You are too close to things to see things clearly.


That’d be hard to watch all the new women just come around my kids.


I tried that… but it was awful and it made me miserable. He never brought anyone else home… but it was still awful and I couldn’t handle it

Hell no I would kick his ass out and better not bring no girls around my house where my kids are.

No, not only because of your feelings but it will cause issues in any other relationship y’all have with anyone else. I did it briefly because it was easier than working around our work schedules and finding sitters 10/10 don’t recommend, wasn’t worth it.


girl I’m doing that rn and let me tell you it’s not easy

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Tried it with my ex, we also have three kids, it didn’t go well and ended badly…

From my step sons ex girlfriend’s experience heck no! But everyone is different.

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If you still have feeling it will destroy you emotionally. GTFO for your own mental health

My ex husband and I did this for about a year.He had a gf and I had a bf.I moved out.I only stayed bc it helped both of us.

Fu*xk no. And don’t ever subject yourself to do so. get rid of him. you owe yourself that. What you’d be doing is in no favour of your children.

I tried that and nope it don’t work

I tried it, no definitely not a good idea it can be too stressful especially due to your feelings

Nooooooooooo. Bad idea, darling. If your name is on the lease/you own the house, he leaves or vice versa.

Uhhhhhhh no… that’s a no…

I mean until how long are you planning to live like this ? Is this what you want ? How are you both gonna live like friends and not let the other one do as they please it doesn’t make sense. So what are you planning to do .

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That doesn’t sound healthy for you mentally.

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Whose horrible idea was that? I think it will be so hard for you and your clearly not ready to move on

Hard no. I would feel so disrespected if he tried to bring other women over while I sat there raising his children. Absolutely not. He can leave if he wants to do that.


How is he gonna bring other girls around while you and the kids are there? Great (confusing) example to set for the kids :roll_eyes:
Also, what kind of woman is gonna date a man who still lives with his ex and mother of his children and just walk in there and think that’s ok? What kind of woman does this?

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No. Especially, if you still feel like your in love with him. Loving him as a person isn’t the same as being in love. Why would he bring other girls into YOUR home. He doesn’t sound like much of an adult himself.


I see very uncomfortable drama in that future.:thinking:

Not at my house would he bring women into my house and screw around and confuse the kids. That is so dispectful.


Uhmmm my ex husband and his new wife are staying with me lol it’s possible. My family jokes we’re sister wives :rofl::heart: but it’s just temporary but I don’t mind the extra help.


Ummm… I think it would be awkward, but I know someone who lives with his ex wife, because of their 3 kids. He does have a girlfriend but he goes over to her house when they want to spend the night together

No it will create PO problem for the kids in their future such as loyalty and security.if you stay living together do not involve the kids in your dating habits. If something becomes serious that person needs to get their own place.

No. You wont remain his best friend, and if you’re best friends you wouldn’t be broken up

If’s possible if you have NOT feeling for him …. So , In your case is a NO NO

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I myself think it’s not a good idea!

Sounds like a recipe for disaster

NOPE! He knows you still have feelings. He’ll take advantage of that. Probably already is.

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Know your worth, that’s so disrespectful to you if he’s going to try and bring women there while you and your children are there. Your kids don’t need to meet every person his planning to sleep with.

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