I’m was a young mom at 17 … now my son is 13 and he would NEVER see me naked … why because of puberty … what makes you think it’s ok for your teenage child to see you naked just because you gave birth to them … I guess I may think I’m a pervert because I think it’s wrong … or I just think it inappropriate as a mom to allow this … would u feel the same if your your daughter saw her dads dick… Nope nope u would loose your mind and have every EXCUSE why it is wrong but now your trying to make the same EXCUSE why you are right .
Naked yes it’s inappropriate, but if your in a towel and your covered then no there’s nothing wrond with that
The wag you described it ain’t a huge deal. If you were walking around your house naked being gross that’d be diff but nah. Not serious. Buuuuut… stop doing that now… your boys shouldn’t be use to n think it’s OK they are young men that need direction on what boundaries are!!! I hope you teach them !!!
That’s one of those things that we get to decide as human beings what’s right for US.
They are your kids no matter their age I say meh no big deal those that think it’s inappropriate are the ones that have issues!!
I had a step son and my husband told me I couldn’t walk around nude but I could wear a bra and panties. So i told him then he needed to wear his brief/shorts so the girls can see his ding dong.
I think its no big deal
you are sitting in your room on your own no big deal, they know thats what you do , they dont have a problem with it and you are covered to me no big deal
Even walking around naked shouldn’t be an issue. It’s our house and we can dress how we want.
It’s not weird unless they think it’s weird. I lived in a nudist resort for a while, it’s not sexual at all.
You’re in a towel, in YOUR house getting ready for work… who is to say what goes on or what’s appropriate in your house but you?… they’re 17 & 18 I’m sure they’re wrap a towel around their waist and walk to their bedroom to get dressed as well. You’re their mother… and you’re not nude you’re in a towel.
Nope!!! My mil is naked in front of me and my husband once in a while I’m naked in front of my kids they will come talk to me while I’m taking showers it’s only weird if you make it weird
My family is open like that … and it shouldn’t be a problem or an issue and no one should judge you how you parent
My boys are 16, 9, and 3. We live together lol things are gonna be seen. It’s nobody’s business. My kids forget to take towels to the bathroom when they shower! They scream MOM TOWEL! lol or I’m yelling for one of them for toilet paper because they don’t remember to replace it it’s not that serious.
I think your thier mum and thats that. Are you.comfortable and are they? If so fuck anyone else
Every time I get in the bathroom my 5 yr old son always comes in to go poop
I think this has more to do with the male female dynamic. My mother myself and my daughter all see each other in the shower almost daily because we have only one bathroom…
You are in a towel and if the kids don’t have an issue with it and it’s not weird and no one is uncomfortable then that’s how YOU do things in your home. Don’t worry about what others say.
My kids have seen my naked tush when I skittered to my room after a shower(im FATTTTTT and the towel doesn’t cover everything ).
Normal , not normal is people who over sexualize things that aren’t!
Id do the same lol . My girl is only 2.5 now but hell , I’m still gonna be in my room naked 15 years from now too lol
You’re wearing a towel. Big deal? They are your kids. My God the things people decide are unacceptable. Why don’t they mind their own bees wax?
If you were walking around the whole house often naked yeah probably but in the bathroom and in your room na i think that okay… even if doors open lol they old enough not to look haha
They are teenage boys not toddlers. You should of been setting boundaries between male and female a very long time ago.
I think it’s completely normal… people over sexualize things for no reason… if your sons told you they uncomfortable it’s a different case but so far they are quite happy the way you are. My one friends brother used to go sit in the bathroom with his mom while she was bathing to talk to her about anything bugging him and she never made him feel weird about it… that was their special time and was from young age… I always wanted the same type of relationship with my sons if I had any… now I’m a mom of a 5yr old son and a second boy on the way and I’ll be exactly the same with them…
Growing up in a single parent household with three siblings and one bathroom… we’ve all been seen in a towel or have walked in on each other by accident. We did have a shower curtain tho and not doors at the old house. So one can be on the shitter, the other in the shower. If there were two people in the bathroom we would brush our teeth downstairs if it was a hurry. Not a big deal. It’s how you were raised is all. I understand both views tho.
Your in a towel? That’s fine
Yeah ok put some clothes on lady.
It’s a normal thing in families… My kids see my naked fat body all the time it’s not a concern, it’s not abnormal, my 20 yr old son still comes and talks to me/asks questions as I’m dressing or getting in or out of shower… Don’t make it a thing mamma and it won’t be a problem everyone has a body, it’s nothing to be ashamed of
I don’t see anything wrong with it. I’m sure there are those that do but if you have raised them like I did and did with my grands, there is nothing dirty about that. Some of our best talks and funnies are bathing with my grands. None of us were studying the nakedness
You are covered. You don’t say who had a fit, but maybe they should do it their way while you do it yours.
I personally see no issue with any of it. You are in your room, in a towel there is nothing sexual about it nor is it inappropriate. Do I agree with teaching kids boundries in some areas yes but I personally would never want my kids to grow up to be those idiots who even find breast feeding disgusting. Society has overly sexualized female bodies to the point people will harass and bully women in public when they are trying to feed their hungry infant. I once interrupted a man harassing a obviously flustered, stressed and brand new mother. I looked him straight in the face, and said I bet anything you got fed from your mother’s breasts bet you anything you wouldn’t say any of what you just said to this poor mother to your own. It’s honestly a disgrace how far this crap has gone. Women and men(because it happens to men as well) are not sexual objects, and people need to get over it. Things are only weird and inappropriate if we make them that way ourselves. My 5 year old has seen me naked many times(we share a room at my mothers). My nephew has seen me in a towel you know what he did absolutely nothing and he is almost 6 he went about his business like nothing happened(had to walk from the bathroom to my room).
I sit in the garden after a shower in a towel on a hot day, really some people are pathetic x
It’s natural and showing how unbothered you are over your body, shows them to be comfortable in theirs and encourage any partners to be too. Yes at that age some are uncomfortable with it but your children have grown up with the body being normal! It’s clearly not been sexualised and your boys not being bothered or embarrassed and taking no notice of you proves that.
It’s a towel. You are covered up. Would adding straps on the towel help the complainer lol? It’d be a dress then.
There’s literally nothing wrong with this. Don’t be pervs
Don’t see a problem if ur in a towel then ur not really naked but if u are naked and started to feel bad after what some 1 has said maybe see what ur boys really think but any way no matter what some 1 will always have something to say because that’s what people are like
They are your kids! This is normal!!
They are to old to see you naked!
I mean… my mom (I’m 28 mind you) has always walked around in a towel and she has gotten dressed in front of me as well. I will walk from the bathroom to my room in a towel in front of my 8, 10 and 12 year old boys and i shower with my six year old ( girl) once in a while. It’s never been an issue. I’ve Always seen it as normal and if you, the dad and the boys don’t see it as an issue no one else has no say so in it. People always sexualize what they want due to their mental capacity. Allot of people project their own trauma onto others. As a mother you know what’s good, right or wrong for your kids…. and what’s normal. who cares what others think. Not everyone chooses to Breast feed, use disposable or clothe diapers, vaccinate or non vaccinate. As long as nothing inappropriate is going on people need to mind their own.
How hard is it to not Sexualize children?
They’re your kids, perfectly normal as long as you and they are fine with it, it’s fine
They are your kids who cares what others think its not like your in the kitchen or watching TV in living stark naked
How is it inappropriate to be in a towel in your own room? People are so weird I swear
It’s fine. My mother did that too until I was 18 and then she died of cancer at 37. She had one bre@st cut off and still was comfortable walking around naked.
Don’t worry it didn’t scar me or my siblings
- You’re in a towel
- You’re in your own room.
There’s nothing wrong with it.
My parents always walked around in towels till I was 18 and I didn’t care one bit.
My brother and I talk to my mom while she gets dresses or pees. What kind of freaky ass person sexualizes parents? Like, wtf??
It’s not like… That you present them your coochie on a silver platter… So what’s the big deal? You are covered by a towel
Ok naked VS in a towel are different things…. In a towel is fine. Naked around your teen/adult kids is inappropriate and I’m sure it would be incredibly uncomfortable for them as well.
Nah, it all depends on what’s ok in your family.
My teenagers see me naked and it’s no big deal.
I don’t walk around naked but occasionally a boob or bum will fall out from under towel. When kids were little I would sometimes be naked. My mum did the same to me. I stopped that when kids started covering up.
I’m 27, I stand and talk to my mum sometimes when she showers… and we’re always getting dressed if we’re going out and talking to each other.
She saw me give birth so I don’t care if she sees me naked
You need to sort your head.
My son is 9 and sees me naked. He might need to use the toilet or tell/ask me something when I’m in shower. Although I don’t ever close bathroom door properly when I shower or go toilet. I don’t think it’s wrong. If your comfortable and your son’s are comfortable then f what anyone else thinks.
I do not think boys of that age should see their Mom nude.modesty is an important thing to teach.
Your kids dont care you dont care.screw anyone elses oponion.
Ur kids u ain’t doing nothing wrong
Lol my mum use to do a nudy run to the bathroom and shed tell the boys not to come out and every now and then she got caught. No harm in it.
do what ever suits you and your sons, dont let this other person bother you, its not their right, its yours
Since ppl are more comfy in their skin in their own homes…I think it’s a personal preference… like if you were a nudist. I would think, Oh cool. Thank you, next. I see nothing wrong here.
It’s a normal part of many family’s life. Follow your kids lead. When they get to an age where they want to cover up and it will happen just do the same. Wearing a towel is covering up
My boys never ever saw me naked they were not allowed in my private space now hubby walked around naked all the time ! Just a personal choice !
I hope it’s not a double standard. Is it ok for a father to be naked around his teenage daughter.
Thats outragious behavior in front of any children. Modesty is a good thing for all.
Mommy atleast there eyes will not pop out the first time they dee a boop. Each to their iwn if neither you or your sons are uncomfortable with it tell the reat to but out off your home
As long as they ain’t in the room I don’t see a problem but if they are in the room there’s a big problem they should never see u naked
I walk around in a towel in front of my 4 boys (2, 6, 11, 14) my 2 youngest shower with me if we are in a time crunch my older two dont see me actually naked but in a towel yes
You might want to point out at top of post a o being on a towel people don’t always read full post
In a towel I see no issue
I have to ask the same, is it okay for a Father to be naked around his teenage daughter??
I think most people’s here opinion is that it promotes “incest” or rape culture.
I think you’re fine and I am the last human to judge anyone.
My worry would be them taking photos and sending it to their friends but shit, these kids better be making money off these photos.
I have always walked around the house from bath to bedroom even sat on loo if my two wanted me they would ignore I’ve no clothes on and grandkids the same and come up stairs open doors and chat
I think it normal and my lot have no problems with it even now my two are grown ups still the same
Don’t change just because of what others think. Within a family it’s perfectly fine. I’m sure your boys won’t be harmed in any way.
Its not weird… Its not sexual youre their mom and youre in a towel? I change in front of my boys still theyre 6 and 5… When theyre maybe preteens or if they say something about it ill stop but their dad does it too they dont see anything wrong with it. They shower with me sometimes as well. Not all nudity is sexual thats a thing thats been sexualized especially in the US for some reason
Everybody is different! Its good that you and your children are comfortable in your own home
You do you!
As long as they are comfortable then it’s perfectly fine
My mum used to go to and from the toilet all the time in the nude in the mornings I didn’t really care
I always came from a home that the boys ran around in their underwear boxer breifs and the females ran around in a t-shirt and underwear (no thongs lol) and we are all normal… respect boundaries all that … if they feel uncomfortable then its different but walking around in a towel in my opinion is fine … now if u are butt naked letting them see all that’s different lol
In your towel is different to being naked, I would never walk naked in front of my 12 year old son but In a towel is fine your covered up
I’m so done with the internet…this woman is disgusting. It’s one thing if it was an accident, it’s another to do it on purpose. Go get some mental help lady! Ur sick! Too bad we don’t know who she is, otherwise i’d be glad to turn u in!!!
I do it all day e every day always have in our home its how my son was raised. Basicly if I leave the house I have to wear cloths . But other wise since my son was born my son now 28 has always lived in a choose for yourself nude household. He for the most part 75% is nude.
Makes no difference your sons have seen you since small in a towel they won’t even look twice and if they was bothered they would tell you omg mum cover up or leave the room x
I’ve raised my kid not to be ashamed or embarrassed. There is nudity and there is sex. They aren’t the same. He knows modesty, but doesn’t freak out if he sees me get out of the shower and grab my robe. And he shouldn’t.
I wouldn’t give two thoughts about what ppl think. It’s family, they’re your kids. Who tf cares like.
Having a towel on is not naked. And shoot if walking around in a towel is bad then y’all shouldn’t walk around in a Bathing suit or bikini
I walk around naked! Having girls it’s never bothered them by oldest being 21 however my 11 year old son Said to me the other day but some clothes on mum so! On that I need to start watching what I’m doing! My mum always walked around naked but after my son Saying that it’s Obs making him feel a bit u easy so I will watch it x
Lmao she blocked me right after all this for saying “read to bottom” maybe someone should report Darcy Swanson to the authorities
This has to be a fishing post…
When I was 18 I was staying with my boyfriend and his mom. We would be in our bedroom. His mom would say nudity and walk from the bathroom to her room naked and then get dressed. Your wrapped in a towel going to your room it’s not like ur laying in the living room butt naked
You totally contradicted yourself.
Is it wrong that I am sometimes naked in front of my two teenaged sons?
So my two boys, who I carried inside me for nine long months, each still live at home with me. They are 17 and 18 now. They have always seen me naked.
it’s not like I’m walking around nude.
Every family is different. If that is normal for you guys then so be it. I walk around naked all the time.
Naked id say not ok but in towel yes, and everyone is different if it isn’t sexualized then it doesn’t matter…but they are too old in my opinion to see u naked
My room is my space… If my boys come in my bedroom without knocking they run the risk of seeing me in my birthday suit! If they don’t wanna risk it… then they best knock! privacy and respect goes both ways!
Pretty sure my son would not want to see me naked now or when he was 12. Probably wouldn’t want to see me in just a towel either
Uhm no I don’t think so, I walk from the shower to my room to get ready, I have a shower and my daughter walks in, sometimes I sleep with just undies on cause it’s more comfortable. It’s because of the already always why you would be feeling like this. Just do you mama.
I hate to break it to you people but let underneath your clothes… you are naked.
Youre not naked, you’re in a towel. Whats the difference between a towel and a bikini or a bathing suit. A towel probably covers more.
People who make big deals out of not such big deals… And ring cps phones off the hooks for all wrong reasons… Is why children ans often jerked from the wrong oarent because people jump and often criminalize the wrong parent or Guardian… But would miss the physio nezr door thsts got 10 little girls locked in the basement scopping out how to take your little girl next ans pin it on your son … Husband or father… Focus on the right things people… My mama walked through in a towel until she couldnt walk and not once was it a sexual thought… Soke pol need to move
their head outta theirnass
Ur just opening urself up to alotta opinions that shouldn’t matter to you. Follow ur intuition. It’s usually right.
It’s not appropriate.
You’re not naked your covered in a towel. Exposed is like wearing those thong bikinis and your whole ass if showing or your boobs hanging out of your bikini top. But a towel nah girl you good
Having a towel wrapped around u is not naked!
It’s not a big deal and anyone who has a fit over such a thing needs to get a life.
Disgrace. Your boys are at the age of hormones.