Is my babies cry normal?

Is it normal for a one month old to snort like a pig when they cry?


My son does all the time lol

My daughter did. I completely forgot about that stage :joy: it didn’t last long. About 4-6 weeks.

Lol that sounds so cute! Maybe congested or their cute widdle nose is so small yet aur gets stuck or something

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My 3 week old does. Just started within the last week. It is adorable. Especially since she only really does it when we have to take her bottle away to burp her. Lol sounds like a little pig :heart_eyes:

Mine would squeak like a mouse, then snort two or three times, then cry. It made me laugh every time.

Maybe they have a booger? Lol

Yes lol. My daughter did the same thing.

My almost one month old is currently doing it. Lol

Babies often have deviated septums when they are born. It isn’t anything that needs correcting but it just means their nostrils are very small so it may be harder to breath.

I have a 1 month old and she snorts a lot! When shes waking up and squirming in her swaddle she snorts and it almost sounds like she has a ton of snot, but her nose is totally clear

Yes! Mine does when hes crying cuz of hunger… its too cute!

Yes, my daughter used to do that :heart_eyes:

Haha !!! Yes ! Mine is 4 months and still does it!

Yes. My boy did it. Still does sometimes. Those time nostrils. We call him Mr pug when he gets super congested or cries.

Yes! Lol my daughter does that and her “cooing” or yells often sound like a cat lol