Is My Little Girl Too Old to Have a Best Friend Who Is a Stuffed Bunny?

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"Hi, my LG is 6 and has a best friend. He is a regular size bunny teddy (bun bun) & she takes him EVERYWHERE apart from school. They play together, sleep together and eat meals together. I’ve never had a problem with it as she’s had him since birth. However my sister thinks it’s extremely inappropriate. General remarks like, she’s too old, it’s embarrassing etc. She’s even went as far to say she would remove Bun Bun when my LG stays with her! I know if I ever took Bun Bun away my LG would be devastated, she cries non stop when I put him in the wash. I couldn’t imagine ripping away her best friend because of the opinion of 1 person. As far as I am aware it’s not physiology harming her. She excels at school, has plenty of ‘living’ friends and interacts with them very well. My question is, do you think my LG is too old for Bun Bun. Am I wrong for not taking him away?"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"As long as she is socially okay with real life friends, I don’t really think it’s a problem. If it makes her happy & comfortable then there’s no harm. & just because your sister doesn’t agree with it doesn’t mean she needs to act like that."

"My youngest daughter will be 27 this year. She is educated, has a very good full time job, a very active and full social life, is engaged to a wonderful man, and has carried a stuffed Pluto everywhere with her since birth. He is about 3ft, or used to be before the multiple “life saving stitches”. He counts as her carry on when flying, he is just a part of her life. Your daughter will be fine. Let her be, and tell her Aunt to stay out of it."

"My 13 year old still has this panda that was her daddy’s too and she is just fine lol she might even take it to college if it makes it that long"

"She is still young my son is 12 and loves his stuffies he even takes them to school"

"I still have my baby blanket and I turn 30 this year. Comfort items are just that, comfort items."

"Let her be a little girl! They don’t stay little for long. Enjoy it and let her do what’s best for her. You SIL can get bent."

"My 8 year old son has favorite stuffys! There is nothing wrong with it at all! I had a stuffed tiger from 8th grade until my mid 20s when my 2 year old ripped him, now i have a stuffed dragon. Let her be little and ignore the haters"

"Look, I’m 30 years old and still sleep with a special blanket. My daughter has a special stuffy, my son has a special blanket, and my youngest has a special blanket. Who the hell cares? Your daughter is happy, healthy, and eff what that person thinks. Seriously."

"My 15 yo still has her baby blanket. She doesn’t carry it everywhere any more but she has to have it at bed time. Even at sleep overs. She also needs it when she’s in sensory overload or emotional… it doesn’t harm any one. She is perfect to still have/need it."

"Pssssh if I still had my teddy I’d be sleeping with him tonight, and I’m 30. Life is short, and childhood is shorter. Let her keep her friend as long as she needs. Everyone needs a comfort tool."

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