Is the Barbie movie appropriate for kids under 5?

Not mom related but has anyone seen the Barbie movie? is it appropriate for kids under 5? Is it worth it???


It is rated PG13 so I would say no


My 5 year old loved it! She had so much fun

I took my 5yr old to go see it and she loved it. Even though it had political outlooks, she was still entertained and didn’t get bored. She actually followed along with the movie and loved it and now she can’t wait to see it again. Every child is different


I took my 5 year old. We both loved it. She obviously didn’t get the adult side of it but my goodness it was funny.

I took my 11 year old. She loved it. Didn’t really understand the political side obviously but once it was over she asked me to explain it to her so I did the best I could.

I’ve heard it’s a good movie, but it’s made for adults, so no.


Nope! It’s 13 years old and up

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Parents all have different views on parenting and what’s ok or not…nobody can decide that but you for your kiddo… we’re going to see it tomorrow at the drive in

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I didn’t see any problems with it my kids watched it

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I haven’t watched it but my daughter had to explain what a gynecologist was to her 9 &10 year old daughters…

Eh… not sure a 5 year old will enjoy it. I wanted to walk away a few times :laughing: my teens loved it tho… more nostalgic for people who actually played with barbies imo… and definitely more political than “fun” it had a message… loved the end credits


I mean the only part my 6 year old enjoyed was the beginning then it turns into a political battle of the sexes. It was pretty boring actually.

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My 12 yr old saw it today and was confused and didn’t get a lot of it, so I would guess no

there is some things tjay will go their heads but also heard some kids who are younger were bored .

They’ll be too young to understand anything suggestive in it

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It isn’t inappropriate but the storyline isn’t for little kids. My 4 year old was bored 35 min in. I wish I had gotten a sitter so I could have focused more.


I took my 6yr old definitely not a kids movie there are certain lines that are not meant for kids…thankfully she didn’t pick it up…she also fell asleep towards the end


No my 8 year was so bored

Also if it’s PG13 why are cinemas allowing 5yr olds in???:thinking:

I think it depends on how strict you are. There was one or two innuendoes, a scene with some pick up lines and she says they don’t have a penis or vagina. I took my 4 year old, and I personally don’t think it was anything so inappropriate that I regretted taking her. The less obvious stuff went over her head and I think she was too focused on everything else to notice them talking about body parts, but honestly, there’s nothing wrong with kids knowing basic anatomy so. :woman_shrugging: I think it had a great message and it was also funny.

I think she would be bored at that age

No. It’s PG13, there’s inappropriate content for kids.


It is rated PG13… it’s not meant for young kids…

This is not like the animated princess barbie movies.


I took my 5 yr old to go see the movie. She loved it because of the colors, dancing, singing, all the different barbie outfits and just because it was :sparkles:Barbie​:sparkles:. Adult humor went over her head. There wasnt anything i was concerned about. Under 5 idk i seen like 5 and up in the theaters. All 3 of my girls 5,6, and 9 yrs old play Barbie everyday and have a huge dreamhouse. So they were just happy to see the “Barbie movie.” My oldest understood to msg and loved it. My younger ones were just happy to be there.


I mean they will watch it but it talks about penis and vaginas in it and other stuff but other then that I don’t think
They really understand my 4 yr old and 3 yr old neice watched it

It’s PG13, why are we even questioning taking a 5 year old


I doubt your 5yr old would be interested in it tbh. It is not animated.

From my understanding, no! I heard Barbie gets upset because she gets cellulite and I feel like the last thing needed is to make young girls feel worse about themselves!


Barbie was made for kids so why make a movie not meant for the ones who love and play Barbies???

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I’m curious to know how they made barbie political and what messages were in there? I’m seeing everybody talk about it but the trailers i seen didn’t give anything away


IMO… It’s not really for kids :woman_shrugging:t3:

They wont get it.
My 4 year old came with me but didnt get any of it, I hated it.
Way too political and thoughtful for a barbie movie


Absolutely not!!!
Confirmed by my 17 yo friend when asked if it was kid appropriate.
Then looked into the movie… definitely won’t be supporting that poo poo ever


Not a kids movie, absolutely not


If you don’t care for them to hear men can have vaginas an women can had penis an more WOKE crap then take them.its just another way to try an get their transgender crap into your the movie is not a good movie.

My 8 n 10 year old loved it

I wanted to take my 7 year old, as I dont mind if the “adult” jokes are ones that will just fly over her head… but wasn’t sure.

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What is political about it? What messages is it sending? I’m curious

It’s not inappropriate but I really don’t think they’d hold interest. It’s barbie yeah but it’s not really aimed at kids that young I think it would go right over their heads

Nope… Won’t reccommend any parent to take their kids to go and watch that nonsense…

Its rated PG-13 for a reason!

The biggest question is if she can sit still for the length of the movie. I’ve seen many young children run around at various kids movies. Sitting and watching without doing anything is uncommon for kids these days and they get bored easily.

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It’s definitely more for adults when I saw it kids were there with parents and they didn’t seem to care too much

Take your little one to a actual kids movie. Even then they might not sit still. But taking them to Barbie and expecting them to sit still and pay attention just sounds obnoxious. Its obviously not meant to kids.

It’s a very adult movie in terms of humour. I’ve heard little kids have got really bored. If you’re asking if I’d take a five-year old to see a PG-13 then no. PG itself is only supposed to be suitable for over eights. I saw another PG-13 the other day and was surprised to see full-frontal female nudity in it and an apparent suicide…

They wouldn’t understand it, at all lol. It says the words “vagina” and “penis” and bleeps a cussword. It’s PG-13…why do we ignore movie ratings…??

Saw it, was the worst movie I’ve ever seen!!! Don’t waste your money.

No, it isn’t. It is awash to gay jokes, misandrist insults, and sexist comments.

Its feminist trash, spare your little girl from growing up hating men and wearing plaid shirts and getting bad haircuts…

No it is pg 15 my 12 year old called it out said its not for little kids babeie goes into depression and all kinds of crap from what I have heard she goes ro jail etc…