Just needin to vent

You’re not too old to start over. I divorced my husband after being married for 35 years for physical, emotional and verbal abuse. I remarried him and things were great…. For six months then started all over. He will never change!


Break the family or he will break you. Don’t put your kids through that.


Ha he already did that. She will feel it

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you need to leave, you’re going to get old one day and wish you never put you and the kids second to a worthless man that can’t even respect you


Respect yourself momma. I’m almost 35 but know at any point if I no longer love my hubby, that there is a better match out there for me. Your kid will also grow up knowing the same thing if you put your foot down and decide you need a loving relationship and that you deserve one.

How would you feel if she copied you and ended up living a life that mirrors the life you have? If it was her wouldn’t you want her to be brave and take the step to reclaim her place and her happiness in the world? You deserve that too. I know it’s scary but if you’re feeling how you say you’re feeling I think it’s worth the risk. Teach her to be brave and to value her peace of mind and happiness.

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35 is young. I got divorced three years ago at 50. If I had it to do over I’d have left him when I caught him the first time, but I had four little kids and I didn’t think I could do it alone. Looking back, it would have been tough, but I could have done it.


The joy is in “peace”,your daughter is watching, feeling and learning all that you are going through,js!!! You both (daughter) deserve to be happy and at peace!!! Best of luck!!-!

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I’m sorry your going through this it suxxx! But better to leave him now than it b when the kids already know he’s abusive to u. My heart breaks for any woman going through this!!! Idk if I could do it on my own but at 45 I did. Best decision ever. Plz let us know how your doing. Ok?? Prayers 4 you n the babies❤

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35 is young— you are never too old to leave a bad relationship— be prepared, though—social workers and attorneys can help you prepare— the readers on here can give you more info to help you


I think you need to find the courage to love and respect yourself! Move on u r still young and you deserve better


You have your whole life a head of you leave him and find someone who is going g to love and treat you with respect


Sorry to tell you the truth, but it sounds like your family Is already broken. You must find the strength within yourself to put an end to it, move on and heal, just you and your kids. Abuse always, always, always gets worse, and then you become stuck until you decide you are absolutely done with it. Your children deserve you at your best and you cannot be at your best unless you are happy, at peace and are mentally strong. You can do it. You deserve to be in a home and environment where you are not abused in any form. Your kids deserve the same thing, and keeping them in that toxic environment is doing more damage than good.


Hes not worthy leave him

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I wish i could help you,as you need to leave with your child.It will just get worse and you will find it harder to leave. Good luck xx

You leaving isn’t breaking the family. It’s already broken because of him. Look around for what help you can get from your community. Get you and your kids out of there.


35 is not too old to move on and make the break. You will thank yourself later. It is better for your kids to see you truly happy, than to stay in a broken family. Kids are smart and they will see through everything anyway. They will know that you are not happy and that he does not treat you good. Do you want your daughters to settle for less than they deserve in the future? Do you want your son to treat his future wife the way you are being treated? If the answer is no, then do what’s best for you and your children and leave! I wish you the absolute best. You CAN do this! :muscle:


Trust me, get out. They deserve to have two happy parents that love and provide for them. Far more damage to stay

You’re not doing you or your kids any good by staying. 35 is young, don’t waste anymore of your life being miserable


You cannot break up a family that doesn’t exist. That is not a family! That is a young good hearted woman who is being disrespected everyday in front of her children. Go find your happiness. It will be hard but not as hard as living with this idiot.


You deserve happiness and you definitely aren’t too old to move on! I’m 58 and found my prince 3 yrs ago! You can do this Hon! Prayers for you and your children!


You can and will do fine w/o him. Do you want your daughter to grow up thinking it is right for men to act like this, and will she then allow someone to treat her like this too? You are still young, oh my goodness, just leave and you will start to feel much better about yourself, not letting someone treat you so disrespectfully. Really!

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Please don’t stay for the sake of your kids. They can feel unhappiness. Cut your loses and find someone who you deserve xx

There is a thin line between being naïve and being a fool…you have stepped over that line. Why in the world would you want to stay in a loveless relationship? Life is way too short to waste any more of the precious moments you have left on a loser. Your daughter should be your motivation to keep you from letting her think it’s okay. It’s never to late to start over and 35 is definitely not too old. Don’t waste anymore time. Don’t walk away…. Run :running_woman:t2:

Why would u stay in and unhealthy relationship cheating, abusive…
My gosh how sad for ur babies to be going through all this with u…
Pull urself together get some will power within urself sweetheart,
get a friend SOMEONE who u can trust to help u look after ur kids while u get urself a job to put things in place.

Mentally & Emotionally he is destroying u…
U need ur strenght for ur kids, remove urself as soon as possible out of the environment being around him.
U said it u are dying daily instead of being happy…
One day u going to meet a great guy who will treat u an Love u

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I promise you, you will be so much happier if you leave. Yes, not immediately maybe, but you’ll get there and you are still young. You will meet someone who will love you and your children and treat you like you should be treated. :heart:

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I’m 50, you’re not too old to move on. But if you’re going to move on, do it now, don’t wait until your 50.

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You are only 35 still young " get out & enjoy life " it’s too short to live in misery ’

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You are never to old to value yourself. Move on!


Trust me, leaving him would be way better than raising your child in that toxic environment. It’s not good for your child to be around him being that way towards you or seeing you so unhappy.

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35 isn’t old. This isn’t a relationship model that’s healthy for your kids to see. Do you want them to grow up and think it’s okay to be treated this way, or treat anyone this way. Parents that are separated and trying to be happy are better for your kids mental wellbeing

You’re never to old to leave and 35 isn’t old at all it’s never the wrong time to lead a happy life. When you do leave you will begin to meet people that will help you through the hard days and they will be with you to celebrate the good days. You’re children will thank you with a happy childhood and good memories they will thank you by NOT treating others the way he treats you.

Your family is already broken. Being divorced & happy & showing your kids a healthy life isnt broken. Hate when people make comments like that

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It’s not healthy for you to let your kids see you so unhappy. Leave him. Create your own happiness. They need to see their mom in a good emotional place as well. Don’t teach your children to stay in abusive relationships

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you are living a nightmare . you need to get out of this situation , note that i did not say marriage you are wasting yourself . he doesnt love you or value you in any way . get out as soon as you can . there is help out there . dont be afraid , if you leave things will get better .

Throw the whole man away.

You need to run u must be living a hell life😠

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Break the family before you break the family! Your kids are only gonna get smarter and start seeing(they already are) y’all’s misery!! I know from experience

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Roommate him and call it a day.

Consultation of a lawyer is the best advice. See what your options are to protect yourself and children


Momma you need to get yourself together and leave. If he gets physically abusive write it down in a journal and use it for your divorce.


So you would rather break YOU?? Your kids will survive and even thrive as long as YOU are ok. Start with getting out of that home. Get a lawyer, get a job if you aren’t working…35 is not old! Work on you. Make a peaceful home for you and your kids. Get back in touch with your family. Even if they can help you financially they can give you emotional support…you will be ok


Don’t be a Karen! 35 is a perfect age to kick his ass to the curb!

Leave. It’s not your fault. Reconnect with your family. Even if they have their own problems, you can still lean on them. Don’t be miserable and don’t let your children grow up thinking marriage is loveless and toxic. You are never too old to start again (and sweetie, 35 isn’t old period!). Best wishes. :heart:


You have a chance to make your next 35 years the best of life


Staying would do more harm than good to the kids


I am 45 and if my husband dont act right I know he can be replaced tomorrow…what one man wont do, another will…if you dont want to break up your family, stay and live in hell, but I promise you one day your kids will resent you for it. Why not live and be happy, your never to old to start over.


I left my Ex at 42 and started a whole new life. Studying and have my own business. I’ve tried dating but it’s a mess and am quite happy with my life. My kids and I are thriving. It’s never too late to choose you.

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live your lives separate outside your house & open relationship…

Mama, it’s time to split. You and the kids deserve happiness.


Ma’am you’re better off alone the. With someone who disrespects you like that. There are billions of people on this planet… don’t sell yourself short. My best friend has five kids 5-16 and divorced after 10 years. She bought her own home, a new car, and has been dating a man for almost a year now. Put you and the kids first.


You are never to old to be happy. Will it be hard yes. Will it be worth it hell yes. The kids will pick up on it don’t stay when you are miserable it will make you lose your mind.

Do it now. You can definitely start over.


The kids are suffering. They feel what’s going on. Find help for women and move on. By American standards you’re still very young.


Sometimes you have to break the family for the sake of your own mental and emotional health

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You’re never to old to start over

Sometimes It’s better to have 2 happy parents in separate houses then 2 unhappy parents in the same house.

2 houses twice the love

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Momma, you are never too old to do something to better yourself and your family. As long as YOU are ok, your kids will be ok. Remember, you are modeling future relationships for your children. They are watching you and they look up to you. Do you want what you have now for one of your kids? If you don’t, fix it now before the damage is done!

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Girl you are never too old to move on. If your not happy your daughter wont be happy.

I’m praying for you to find the strength within you to leave and start over .call your family.call your church pastor or women’s shelter you aren’t alone .

There is NO AGE limit to putting yourself and your children first.
It’s better to be from a broken home then in one.
And your children will THRIVE on seeing and feeling you happy, they watch you being disrespected and they can feel the tension and resentment.


You’re not to old to move on by any means you don’t deserve this and your daughter doesn’t deserve to see her mother being treated so poorly by her own father it’s not healthy. Set an example for her put yourself and your daughter first ma just get out you deserve to be happy and she deserves to see you happy

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No you’re not too old to move on, there is no such thing!

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I have no family to speak of, and have been free for a year. I’m not happy, but I am no longer miserable.
I wish I had left years ago, but I felt trapped because of young children; talking to them now, I realize I should have left for them


You are not too old to leave him.


There is support for you and your children outside of that house. Seek out a women’s shelter and they will help you navigate a new life. It won’t be easy but it will be better for you and your children in the long run. You are still young, he has made you feel old! Find your inner strength and good luck.


I was 40, my kids were 7&8 when I started over. You can do it with determination and yes tears too. Oh you stay you are not teaching your children about healthy relationships and seeing you being put through what you are and excepting it will teach them that it’s okay for their future relationships. Emotional abuse takes a long time to get your self confidence back and who you were before and to love yourself again. Believe me I know from personal experience. Keep your head held high and move on.

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You are not too old. You are never too old


You deserve happiness too🥺 its best for your daughter too…all she is gonna remember about her childhood is you two fighting anyway. It benefits no one.


I pray for peace in your life especially since you’re 35. You’re young enough to make a great life for you and your children. :raised_hands::pray::raised_hands:

I know how you feel I did the same thing and stayed but is was definitely the biggest mistake ever and caused more damage to my kids. I had no family either so it was even harder. But it’s never too late to start over. If you need a friend you can always send me a request I will never mind being there for someone else when I know the struggle of being alone as well. :purple_heart:

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Get a job and start looking for a place for you and your kids. Try catching him in his cheating action and file for child support. You can make it on your own and doors will open for you. You are not to old to start over. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

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You can do better and your never too old to be happy and move on.

He’s been mentally abusive to you because that makes him be able to say you’re the crazy one and gives him some sort of validation to be the pig he is… leave him!

Why not? There’s nothing to loose. I promise you, you’ll be happier with out him. What is so wrong with being single? 35 is NOT OLD!!! “Breaking” the family is much healthier then staying in a marriage like that.


Kick his ass out! Period you’re just hurting your child and yourself. Don’t stay in that. You’re not too old to move on. My daughter stayed with a POS for 15 years. Left him with her 2 girls and found her forever husband a year later. He has been a great father to my granddaughters and my a great husband. It’s not too late but don’t rush it.

Kick him to the kerb, have the same level of self respect you had when you left Asia. Do not let anyone disrespect you and treat you bad, you deserve better and so does your child. Move on, you can do so much better than this waste of human excrement who throws his infidelities in your face and loves every bit of it.

Start getting yourself together financially, so that you can be independent. Don’t say anything to him yet. If he is continuing to disrespect you, your children will think this is normal and it will effect their relationships. Good luck to you.


You are not to old. You are still young. Don’t settle for less then you deserve

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It’s never too old to get a new start

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Your kids will be the ones to suffer long term from this emotionally abusive toxic situation. They will not have an understanding of what a healthy relationship or life is like, and it will affect them for the rest of their lives unless they are able to see the toxicity in their own lives and break the pattern. By staying, you are not doing your children any favors.

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You most definitely are not too old to find happiness. As hard or embarrassing as it may seem to move on you are teaching your kids not to settle on that behavior in a relationship. Believe me, kids are very smart and know more than what they let on. 35 is young enough to start anything you want in life. Find a circle of friends, or make some if you have to. I’m in Michigan if you need a friend.

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Too old? That’s an excuse. Make moves and handle your business. Create a life you love. Only you can!

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Get your self respect and get the hell out! What kind of example are you to your daughter? Fine someone else that will love you and your daughter and NEVER look back! Start stock piling money, get a lawyer and move on!

You need a happy household between just you and your children. Staying not to “break” the family is far too harmful than leaving. Is it fair to your children that mommy is crying all the time “dying” inside? Is that how they should grow up seeing that pain? You are not too old to move on and find true love — even if all you find is loving yourself. Your current cheater wants you to believe life is over so you stay. Make a plan. Leave. Confide in a friend. Blow up your family phone in Asia with your problems — they need to hear it! Either you stop living in this pain or it will stop you, right? Something is going to bust… just make sure it’s him and not you! :two_hearts:

35 is not too old.
There’s a man out there who would love to be with you and treat you right, your kids included.
Please go to therapy. Learn how to speak up, hold others accountable, and set healthy boundaries. Build up your self confidence.

You can’t expect him to change, especially if he doesn’t know or understand where he went wrong. He’s not likely to change for you either. The only person you have control of is yourself. So work on yourself. Get out.

Be the best version of yourself for you and your babies. Give yourself the life you dream of. Nobody else can do that for you but YOU.
Take care of you and love you. Show your kids an example of a mother who loves them and loves herself, and hopefully after working on yourself, that wonderful person will come into your life.

Good luck, you can do this!

Try it happening at 55!!! You are still young…… 35 is nothing … he knows he can treat you whatever way he wants …

35 & too old to move on?
I left my 25 yr marriage in my mid 40’s…… does that make me ancient :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Don’t ever feel like you’re too old to move on. Think of all the years of happiness you will lose if you stay. Think of the example you’ll set for your child. Don’t let emotional abuse lower your standards.

You are potentially doing more damage trying to hold onto a relationship that just isn’t working …
Our kids pick up on the no love between the two parents and will grow up thinking staying when you aren’t truly happy or AFYER Cheating is okay … your still very young … I say move on and show your children what self love looks like …
best of wishes

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If you don’t do it now you will never do it. It’s hard to start over and it’s hard to keep suffering. CHOOSE YOUR HARD.

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Hunny your worth so much more . Leave his azz and call your family I’m sure they will help you get out .

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Your never to old to move on

Break the family? Hunny your daughter is suffering the most. You’ll be able to love you again and find someone down the road who can love you.

2 happy homes are better than 1 miserable one best advice I was ever given

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Just because you made a mistake doesn’t mean you have to live it for the rest of your life.


Get out, your still a young lady with lotsa life left…don’t spend the rest of it miserable .

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I’d move on with your children they deserve a happy mom not a miserable one and you’re not too old to move on.


You need to leave. You are young and unhappy. Not too old to start over. End this. Move on. You deserve to be treated extremely well.

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You’re not too old you’re way too young to be unhappy. He doesn’t deserve you.

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