Meal ideas for toddlers?

Has anyone meal prepped for their toddler/toddlers? Any meal examples? How far in advance would you prep? Good containers for it? Freeze or just refrigerate? We just had babies a year apart and I’m having trouble keeping up so this will help. Any tips, tricks, knowledge would be so appreciated! Thanks in advance!


There is online cook book so "cook once eat for a week "and they are awesome

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You can batch make waffles and pancakes to freeze also egg bites but I’ve never frozen those. Make your own uncrustables

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You could feed the two year old what you are eating it saves making extra meals.


My daughter eats what I eat all day- but I also buy her snacks and easy stuff. Every week I prep cooked veggies, WW pasta, and then make extra meat through the week for lunches. And she eats our dinner. Breakfast is usually toast, eggos, avocado, fruit.

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Grab yourself a baby/toddler cook book! I’m about to go to the library and do the same thing!

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Following, bc (insert eye roll ) my toddlers DO eat what I eat but a lot of times I’m on the go and don’t cook a full flaming meal for lunch and all though I’m okay with a sandwich every single day or cup noodles my girls are not. And I do not like mc Donald’s or chicken nuggets as a go too lunch.

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Ice cube trays work great when they are a bit bigger.spoonful of raisins cereal chease.goldfish

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