My 1-year-old daughter is very mean: Advice?

My son was the same way with biting also. At that age they have a difficult time understanding and expressing emotions.
When I spoke to his pediatrician about this they suggested something for him to take his anger out on. What we did was got him a teething bracelet that he was aloud to bite. We’d make a big thing when he expressed his anger on that instead of that so he knew that, that was okay, but hurting us was not.

My kids went through a similar phase, but did outgrow it! They would hit and pull hair and scream. They are now 2 and 3 and I can’t even remember the last time they did it. Hang in there! I used a strong “No” but really, I think they just outgrew it in the span of a few months

My son was like this . All did was redirect the behavior to a positive one it worked amazing for him . Good luck I know its frustrating been there .:heartpulse:

Sometimes I feel kids misbehave because if they want
Attention they will do anything bad to get some kind of attention! At be try different approach and sit her down with you and watch a movie or cartoon or read a book and conversation on good girls are prettier when they are nice! One is hard she hardly able to sit still that long but she maybe smarter than you think and is testing how much you will take stop it fast and be consistent!!

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Sometimes kids respond better to others when you ask them to do something instead of telling them not to do something. So for hitting your say,“use gentle touches.” Instead of saying ,“no hitting.”
It’s just phrasing it different and sometimes it helps. Also, just keep at it and dont let up. Keep correcting the behavior. But make sure to praise good behavior. My son liked to hit, kick, and slap everyone. He did much better when we made a big deal about him following rules and being kind. Good luck Mama you’re doing a great job. Parenting is not for the faint of heart.

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You know I think thats around the age my daughter started acting like that. I just kept telling her no. Also showed her “gentle touches softly running my hand down her arm”. Now she is almost 2.5 years and she doesnt do that anymore. Ut could just be a phase.

My daughter was like that then when she’d be aggressive I’d pretend to cry or if she did something to hurt someone I’d pretend to cry and say “ouch". She did grow out of it and is very nurturing now.

My daughter is 14 months and is the same exact way. Just be consistent. I have asked multiple people if I’m doing something wrong… or why is she like this :joy: And they just say it’s a phase. I’m just being consistent. I yell a loud NO! And she starts to cry. Or I put her in her crib for a few minutes and let her cry. I’m with ya… I worry too lol

This behavior is usually caused by frustration and is normal at this age. Working on being calm and try to build communication skills. Baby sign language can be a tremendous help.


I’ve had 5 children at one year old they could barely walk much less hit people something wrong with this picture

Get in front of her, with your face directly in front of hers, take both her hands in yours, and sternly and emphatically tell her “NO”. Tell her you love her and you will NOT tolerate her being mean. Tell her that hitting (biting) is mean and hurtful. Then out her in her room or whatever spot designated for time out. They understand more at that age than you might think. Your tone and body language speak volumes. It is important to speak forcefully but not yell/scream.

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It is really common. They are learning big emotions without the ability to communicate. Now would be a great time to learn and teach her sign language. It seriously helped me with my two older ones and I am currently using the same method on my 11 month old. Works well.


I babysit a little boy who was very aggressive. Every time I caught him trying to hit I’d hold his hand and get him to pretty much pet whoever he was trying to hit and repeat the word nice. He’s five now and although there are days he starts his old habits again he’s been doing a lot better

My son did this, his pediatrician said to tell him no, which you do. But one thing he told me not to do is to remove him from where he is, instead to remove myself. Putting my son in his room just meant it was playtime in his room so he found other toys to play with. He said to tell my son he hurt me and walk away from him.

Shes a baby she cant control her emotions yet shes frustrated cause she wants to be in charge and she can’t

I have six kids they all went through the phase i tell them hands are for hugging not hitting. I also get at there level to tell them. I also do the wall for a min or so

I would whoop my kids ass if they acted like that!!! And i dont mean a light tap on the hand or butt. I mean WHOOP THAT ASS!!!

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It might be a call for attention. Any attention is good attention to toddlers. Try spending more one-on-one time with her. Also, give her positive praise and attention when she is not “being mean.” Make her feel good being nice and she will keep trying to be nice.

My daughter did this when she was that age, it got so bad that she has scared my face from scratch me. I did it all, saying no, time out, ect. The thing I found that worked for me is when she slapped me in the face I tapped her back and say see you don’t like getting smacked and neither does mummy, it’s not nice and it hurts. I havent had a problem since.

If it’s that bad you feel she needs intervention it could be because she has Autism Spectrum Disorder. That’s what wound up happening with my 12 yo. His aggressive and “mean” behavior started just after his first birthday. Of course though, before that he did have some sensory issues and non-interactive behavior. But this was another piece of the puzzle…a BIG piece.

I did it right back and it stopped! I know that sounds harsh but until they feel what they are doing they will keep doing it no matter what type of punishment u give. My daughter was 2 when she came home from day care , I was in the kitchen cooking and she came up behind me and bit me on the back of my leg, I turned around picked her up and bit her right back. Not hard just hard enough to hurt her feelings cuz that where it hurts the most…in the their feelings! Goodluck…

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You just described my second child, my second daughter Kirstin. She’s had issues her entire 27 year life. The only punishment that worked on her was making her sit on her hands during a time out. Look into Oppositional Defiance Disorder. It would have saved me a lot of heartache had I known about it when she was little.

You’re doing all you can. Hopefully it’ll click soon and she’ll come around. I’d watch the dog closely. It’s only natural for them to respond to abuse from a baby.

I’ll be praying for you and your family as well my Dear. Hang in there.

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I’m surprised she does that so often honestly. Giving that she isn’t even 2 yet a lot of it wont sink in but repeatedly tapping her hand like you are doing and putting her in a minute time out is a great idea.

I did the same thing to my niece she use to do the same thing I did it back to her and she never forgot that today she was 5 at the time she is 30 now it I taught her it doesn’t feel good when it’s done to you

Some kids are just mean no matter what the parents do or not do. DO NOT let anyone make you think you’re doing it wrong!

I have a 24 & 21 year old young men and a 16 year old daughter. Call me mean or abusive, but yes if they hit me I hit them back, if they bit me I bit them back. I am very proud of the 3 adults we have raised. I used wooden spoons, my husband had made me wooden paddle. And of course LOTS of times out. Abuse is if you do it for no reason.
But again like others said everyone has their own opinion. You do what works for you and your little one.
Good luck momma, hang in there.


What ever happened to smacking their butts that is why kids are the way they are today .

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There’s something going on. I would talk to a pediatrician who will be open to allergy issues. Yes it can affect behavior. Also, does she get any sugar. Just a suggestion