My 14-Year-Old Is Pregnant: Help!

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“My 14 year old is pregnant to her 19 year old boyfriend (in Australia). As soon as I found out about the boyfriend I took her to the doctors and had her put on the contraceptive implant, however it turns out it was too late and she is now around 6 weeks pregnant. Today we went back to the GP who informed us that she is obligated to contact child protection due to her age (she is almost 15) and his age. We have discussed termination but she doesn’t want it and I won’t force her. She has a lot of family help and support but I’m wondering if anyone who has been in this situation can give me advice on what will happen with authorities.”

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I fell pregnant at 14 had my child at 15, shes now 12! yes it was hard but i done it and so can she with the right support.”

“I was in this situation. I am now 27 & my kiddo almost 12. Message me if needed.”

“They will look into if he has a past and if things are ok at home and if the parents (you and husband) allowed the dating. It can play out many ways. But if you say you knew nothing and want nothing of this 19 year old they can press charges. Even if you don’t, the state might.”

“I guess you could say kids will be kids but not in this case… this is a 19-year-old grown man taking advantage of a 14-year-old child… I would go to the authorities and ask them what do I do to have this person charged.”

“I’m sorry momma. That’s a hard situation for everyone involved. Her bf is wrong for grooming a child yes and I’m sorry you only just found out before you could step in and do more. Yes involve authorities as it’s so wrong and support your daughter in any way you can. Support her decision it’s important. Discuss the risks, the costs the responsibility, discuss with a dr the risks involved with pregnancy so young. Be prepared for a nasty cps case as well as you did get her birth control vs report him when you did find out.”

“I ended up pregnant at 14, delivered at 15 and I can tell you my parents were my glue. To have them by my side through all the emotions, questions, confusion, was exactly what made me the best mother I could be when I was just a child myself. He’s now 13 with an 8 year old little sister and life is great. Just remember mama, she’s just as scared and worried as you. Thoughts and hugs to ya!”

“My mom was 14 and pregnant and my dad was 19 she had my sister at 15. That was in the 70s though. Maybe adoption? If she insists she wants the baby all you can do is be there for her along the way. As far as legal terms the state might pick it up and file charges on the boyfriend. I’m not sure how the laws are where you’re at, hopefully things work out!”

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