My 15-month-old won't stop rocking: Advice?

My brother does this and he is 46 it is a comfort and soothing thing nothing to worry about as long as he is not smashing his head off the floor you will be alright you got this momma

My mother did that, I did that, my daughter too. We grew out of it. :woman_shrugging:

If this is constant ask your pediatrician about it and watch to see if it changes over time.

My sisters son does this but his autistic it’s a soothing thing though could just be a stage just ignore it for now and see if it stops

I would consult his dr asap, don’t listen to these idiots that say don’t worry, could be autism or something else.

He’s fine. It just a relaxing thing he likes.

It could be a early sign of autism. Self soothing is something that they may or may not grow out of .

There are 6 of us and 5 of us did that when we were small…years later while attending therapy sessions the Dr told the youngest that it was our way of coping with all the stress of a bipolar mother and alcoholic father and other things we had no control over…at times we were lined up on the couch doing it with our eyes shut… so be aware that kids may be quiet and do not know how to verbalize it…

Take him to the doctor. Some disabilities this can be a symptom of. Autism being one. Regardless its a soothing mechanism


Is he on schedule with his vaccinations?Which vaccinations has he had recently? May have been a bad batch. It happens and no I’m not an anti vaxer.

On a brighter note… “rocking” can also mean that the child is musically inclined… My brother and I, were both rockers… ( bouncers) on the back of the couch… We BOTH ended up musicians. <3


My oldest has always rocked and he is perfectly fine. Sometimes it’s just something kids do. I wouldn’t worry about it unless there are other signs of a disability.

It’s natural. Both my daughters did it and all of my grandchildren have done it. They grew out of it

Talk to your child’s doctor!!! Theres a few things it could be besides just anno to you. It may be a comfort thing or in my sons case he is autistic…

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My Dad did it in his sleep his entire life. Apparently he was never rocked to sleep as a baby and that’s how he fell asleep


It’s likely soothing for him/her. And it’s also not something he probably is even aware of. He just knows it makes him feel good. I don’t think there’s any reason to worry at this point there’s a good chance he will stop at some point when he’s had enough.


My ex husband does it and he is neurotypical but I know more than a handful of kids at my school that do it and all are on the spectrum

My 10 year old son did it and he is on the autism spectrum. Nothing wrong with it just a coping skill

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I am 43 and do this sometimes. It’s a soothing thing.

My brother always would rock his head back and forth. He grew out of it.

I do the rocking motion and I’m 26, with no disabilities. It’s a soothing tool for me. You can mention it to your pediatrician but it’s likely not a problem.


Talk to your Dr. Speculating doesn’t help and usually just instills fear.

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Why does everyone want to stop their kids from being kids? Heavenly days, if you don’t like to see him do it, get over it and let him enjoy himself. He will one day find something else he enjoys. I hope you don’t find that disturbing as well.

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It could also be a sign of ADHD.


My son rocked for 4 years … he is fine today 24 and normal…some kids just rock

If you dont figure out a way to stop it now itll never stop our 13 year old still rocks / bounces and at that age and size it’s seriously annoying and frustrating.

My niece is in her 20s still rocks its soothing for her.

My son did it and turned out perfectly fine!

Was he tested for autism?

Stop playing the music

I do it when anxious.

Autism comes with many different signs and symptoms. Be sure to take things with a grain of salt and educate yourself. If your child is hitting his milestones in other areas autism is extremely unlikely.

Put him outside to sit on the grass he needs to ground. Dont label him any sicknesses ever.

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